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Sunday, January 06, 2008

Will Kikwete Support Kibaki At This Trying Hour?

Kumekucha’s stand on violence and muzzling of the press in Kenya

Quote of the week from comments made in this blog;
Anonymous said...

This website is not anti-PNU or pro-ODM.


The fact is simple and any pinhead can understand it.

Update: President of Ghana and current AU chair John Kufuor is expected in Nairobi this week to lead Intenational mediation efforts. Strangely, foreign affairs assitant minister Moses Wetangula was hurriedly flown to Ghana to brief him of the situation in Kenya before he arrives.

At the same time the latest strategy of the govenmnt is to seek support from other African countries other than Uganda (which so far is the only country on the planet that has congratulated Kibaki on his "re-election." Tanzania's President Jakaya Kikwete who has his own massive domestic problems and has lost a lot of popularity in recent times with accusations of grand corruption, is being courted.

ODM presidential candidate Raila Odinga has called for meetings countrywide including 5 in Nairobi set for Tuesday.

Am I my brother’s keeper?

A few days ago, I had a discussion with a friend who works for a well known media house. Since I would not whole heartedly agree with his view that the current situation pertaining in the country was attributable specifically to one side of the political divide, I was left in no doubt that I should be considered a traitor to my own. That’s ethnic, not, political persuasion.

And that’s the rub. How do we even begin to bridge the ethnic divide, because it does exist, when to reach out to the other side may well lead to alienation from your own ethnic community?

Is this situation unique to myself? I think not.

Kenya is walking wounded. The 2007 general election has exposed the deep ethnic hatred that has simmered for many years in this country. Kenyans, in their own unique way, have perfected the art of doublespeak. That we are a united nation, and proud of our patriotism yet we remain deeply divided along ethnic lines as the outcome of this election has clearly shown.

Isn’t it time that as Kenyans we come out once and for all and admit that all is not well in ‘our house’? What are we so afraid of, that we would rather find a quick solution to the current crisis and return to our ‘fake’ lives only to wait for the next implosion of ethnic killing.

In todays nation, Gitau Warigi said, ‘Yet the mere resolution of the presidential election dispute is not going to erase the ugly ethnic hatred that has finally been exposed. Dialogue is the first step but, inevitably, some lasting constitutional or other pact must be worked out to ensure everybody will forever feel safe. And, ‘the facade of a peaceful Kenya has always been intended to obscure from view the deep fissures in the country’.

It’s clear that many of us recognize the deception we are living. More so, another opinion article in the same paper today notes, ‘It gets even more tragic for Kenya that in this day and age, corruption and ethnic chauvinism remain the biggest challenges’.

So its clear to all who want to see. Tribalism or ethnic chauvinism to a large extent is the driving force behind our politics and hence the flawed elections and its aftermath.

It is clear to me that corruption and tribalism go hand in hand. There is a viscous circle containing in it, tribalism, corruption and politics. The three combining in various lethal doses to fuel the next.

In my own sphere of influence I have often argued that the first in line in this sad mix is tribalism which then fuels political interests to convert Kenyans to support and vote one of their own ethnic community or a friendly ‘one’ to get as close to executive power as possible. Hence if ones ethnic group have a candidate for the presidency then the obligation is to support him or her regardless of their capacity, reputation, or leadership qualities. In addition, the community should then support as many next tier candidates as possible so as to attain the largest spread of ethnic command of Government.

So the prize then is Government and the Executive power that goes with it.

Why? This is where the corruption element rears its ugly head. So that the community may firstly protect itself (read those who have already been implicated in past corruption related offences) and then go on to acquire more wealth through manipulation of selected Government processes. Those not directly in the ethnic political elite then strive to acquire ‘Godfathers’ who will facilitate the same. The rationale being, ‘it’s our turn now’, and ‘if we don’t do it someone else will’.

This unfortunately unravels back to the Kikuyu elite of the 1960’s when the first post independence government was formed. Kenyans have thus adopted the misguided notion that the best way to negate the corrupt gains made by this community is to get one of their own into power and reverse the trend to their own favour.

Despite our claim to being a mostly Christian and for that matter Muslim nation, the concept of forgiveness is surprisingly absent.

Yet as we become more sophisticated as a nation we must cloak our raw unbridled greed, tribalism, in ever more sophisticated camouflage. Hence, NARC and now ODM and PNU. At the heart of each you will find the same principle at work.

Its either direct, as in, we need power to sort out our issues and redistribute income or the previous Government neglected (or threatened) us so we will join with another power seeking group to remedy the situation and punish them in the same vein. This would explain the coming together of Luo, Kalenjin and other tribal groups against the Kikuyu under the guise of democracy. The majority of Kikuyu for one do not believe this.

Please do not (deliberately) or otherwise misinterpret this as an attempt to justify tribal/ethnic groupings or any one communities desire for political power including my own.

I have always seen myself as a Kenyan first and a Luo second and in that sense I believe it is easier for me to temper my own tribal inclinations (which exist).

Indeed I see that we have far more to gain by seeing ourselves as one, as Kenyans than letting our ethnic order get the better of us.

Further, there is absolutely NO WAY that a division of Kenya along those lines into separate states will make life any better for even the most economically endowed ethnic group. So what’s the point of thinking in that way in the first place?

Our strength as Kenya and our future is in us setting aside those tribal passions and working together to make Kenya what is should be. This will require forgiveness, understanding, compromise and humility. There is no other way and what we have witnessed in the last 10 days is not an option.

A ‘Truth and Justice Commission’ is a priority. Those old wounds have not healed no matter how much we pretend they have. We have to deal with our past to ensure our future and the sooner the better. Otherwise Kenya will continue to exist as the dysfunctional house it is where, gains today can be reduced to nothing in hours, each time ethnicity takes centre stage.

If combined with genuine patriotism, wealth and power will improve the lot of the common man as those who have attained them will understand that fate plays just as much a role in their lives as their own strivings.

There is something that I have thought of often but have never been able to find the correct words to express. I found the words almost exactly as I had envisioned my thoughts in today’s nation editorial.

‘Kenya practices a brutal, inhuman brand of capitalism which encourages fierce competition for survival, wealth and power. Those who can’t compete successfully are allowed to live like animals in slums. The country is choking with millions of young, able-bodied people who haven’t a hope of amounting to anything and who are susceptible to the seduction of false promises’.

To this group the Political class plays master puppeteer with the consequences we have already seen.

I put it to you that the solution to Kenya’s problems lie in a quiet and distinct revolution in the minds of the middle class who may not control the wealth but are most certainly the only real buffer this country has to true and bloody revolution.

So where does this leave us?

Am I my brother’s keeper? Yes. Yes I am. I must be.

Guest post by Lucas Mboya.

Stop Press: Eton-educated PR Consultant May Have Been Behind Hate-Pamphlets

Kumekucha’s stand on violence and muzzling of the press in Kenya

The influential Times Online has just reported that a PR Consultant Marcus Courage masterminded the re-election campaign of Mwai Kibaki. Courage previously promoted Bob Geldof’s Live 8 campaign to tackle poverty in Kenya.

The Times says that Kibaki now faces possible EU sanctions for alleged vote rigging.

As head of Kibaki’s communication team it is believed that Courage may have been directly responsible of hate pamphlets against Raila Odinga that were widely distributed in the Rift Valley but seem to have had no effect.

Courage has also been accused of accepting corrupt funds as payment for his work in Kenya. A recent United Nations sponsored report has said that at least 25 % of Kibaki’s estimated 4.8 million sterling pounds campaign kitty was funded from monies siphoned from the State.

Read full Times article

Kumekucha's Stand On Violence And Other Urgent TRUTHS

1. Here is Kumekucha's stand on the violence and killings.

2. I urge all Kumekucha readers and Kenyans of goodwill to take note of the comment made in this blog by a foreign journalist recently to the effect that "HE KNOWS" Kenyan security personnel usually keep very close tabs on blogs like this one. I have plenty of evidence to support that allegation.

3. I appeal to all persons leaving comments here, in the spirit of truth and justice which most of us agree is the only way Kenya will get out of it's current mess to desist from trying to use this forum to spin their crazy ideas to the International community.

I am aware that some people's jobs are on the line because Kibaki has badly lost the propaganda war with the International press and that's why Kimunya and company have been desperately feeding news outlets like Sky with bizzarre "angles" of the situation in Kenya. I am also aware that these government "PR people" blame Kumekucha for playing a part in their loss. While I am flattered (I didn't know I was that powerful) the truth is that the Kibaki team lost it when they shot themselves in the foot by gagging the media. Of course it all started with the rigging done right infront of the eyes of International observers. You can't spin the unspinable.

So I ask you to kindly leave Kumekucha alone and practice your spin ideas in other more popular and "like minded" sites, some of which have announced here that they have taken a lead in peace and seeking solutions to the Kenyan problem in contrast to the "negativity-sells-approach of kumekucha."

Be informed that I will now be actively deleting comments that I feel fall under this category. If this does not work, I will start moderating all comments again.

4. I have also noted that most of these "spin doctors" usually "attack" this blog at the same time at around the time when Kenyan commentators have called it a day and just before those in the US wake up (does this give a hint to the market they are targetting for the spin ideas)? This is the time I will be most alert from now on.

There are of course many genuine PNU supporters who are regular commentators here. Please note I AM NOT referring to you, so please do not make any comments here proclaiming your innocence, I know exactly who I am referring to and they also know themselves. I urge you my genuine PNU brothers and sisters to resist the usual Kenyan "disease" of wanting to comment on issues they do not quite understand too well.

5. Let me also take this opportunity to state clearly that in my view the idea of censoring news and keeping information from the people under the pretext of avoiding provocation/incitement is quite ridiculous for many reasons, the most obvious being that the vast majority of the main combatants on the ground do not read newspapers, let alone blogs like this one. In Rwanda a radio station broadcasting in vernacular was used to incite people. The situation in Rwanda for those who will bother to study it, was VERY different from what is happening in Kenya.

In my view too many people are barking up the wrong tree even as real danger lingers on the ground. Nobody for instance is doing anything about bracing for the second wave of violence (mainly for revenge reasons) that is bound to sweep across the country if the people responsible are not alert. If it happens, it will make what has already happen look like kindergarten stuff.

God have mercy on Kenya. God save Kenya.

P.S. I was in church today. The feeling amongst many praying Kenyans is that what is happening in Kenya now is judgement against the people of Kenya for past sins including political assassinations, arrogance and injustice against the common man e.g. land grabbing, stealing life-saving medicine from public hospitals causing the deaths of thousands of poor people etc. The feeling is that unless Kenyans repent their sins, the worst is yet to come. Every stiff neck (arrogant unrepentant Kenyans) will be cut down by the judgement of the LORD before peace returns to Kenya. So my advice is that as you pray you focus on repentance and also ask the LORD to remember mercy for Kenya.

P.S. 2 Some people believe that this is the "earthquake of judgement" that Dr Awuor was talking about only that it has come in a differet and more devastating form.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Ethnic Cleansing?

Update: We are nowhere near a solution to the Kenyan crisis. Raila Odinga has rejected the idea of a government of national unity which Kibaki has embraced. Kenyans continue to suffer and die. The biggst threat now is hunger and disease.

One man in Kisumu was found dead, hanging from a rope after losing everything but making it to safety. It is suspected that he committed suicide. We now have censored news even as reports of what appear to be revenge attacks are being reported.

Meanwhile I've just received the amazing email below. Read and make your own conclusions;


The following is a comment I posted on your blog.Once again, thanks for keeping us updated - this is the only other site I have been able to turn to for what I hope is open coverage when it comes to politics.

Allow me to add that when we talk about the chaos that has broken out as a PNU/ODM or LUO/KIKUYU affair, depsite the regretable loss of lives, we trivialise the situation beyond belief.

The fight out there is one for democracy. The fact that actors this time are clothed in tribal outfits, and the scene could be titled "elections" doesn't change the fact that we must all rise above our weaknesses and comfort zones to liberate our country from the imposter who now sits in Statehouse.

Hi Chris,

First let me say thanks for filling the blanks where the mainstream media are too afraid to speak. Granted, everything we read must be taken with a pinch of salt, even what would be posted on this blog.

Allow me to share a theory, feel free to delete if you feel it is over the top; and let me know if it is worth thinking about.

First, I agree, this is not a Kikuyu versus Luo war. Far from it. It is a protest against the death of Democracy. No matter how hard we try to sugar coat it, and say we must move on, our grievances must be addressed. This dust is not about to settle soon.

Second, pre election, who's car was it that was found with pangas, machete's and battons? I need no correction, it was a government car. I will assume, this is one of the vehicles that got caught. Would it be preposterous to assume that there was a group of people, who had access to government vehicles who were arming themselves before the election???

Thirdly, which side was it that was screaming bloodshed in the event ODM won the election? What made them so sure that Kenyans out there would break out in violence?

Could it be that all the above are be connected?

Ukweli haifichiki.

Victoria Marale.

Will A Government Of National Unity Work?

Breaking News: There is a virtual news blackout in Kenya on what is really happening on the ground outside Nairobi and major towns. Yesterday at about 5 pm a bus coming from Kisumu and headed for Nairobi was ambushed at Naivasha and the passengers were attacked with Machetes and Pangas. It is not clear how many people were injured or if there were any deaths.

As you read this Mwai Kibaki is in the process of forming a government of national unity. The big question is whether this is going to work in resolving the Kenyan crisis. I will be answering that question in a minute.

The option of power sharing has greatly been favored by Britain and the United States and indeed it is believed that Kibaki made this announcement shortly after a meeting with Jendayi Frazer a diplomat who flew into Nairobi yesterday with very specific instructions from the State department to find a solution to the crisis as quickly as possible. Therein lies one of the mistakes in trying to resolve the Kenyan crisis. It has been assumed that this is a simple tribal tensions problem that can be resolved quickly.

Actually the ideal solution should have involved dividing everything into two priorities. The first priority should have been to stop the killings and the second should be to deal with the root problem of the tensions that brought about the whole problem in the first place so that it does not happen again. But the world rarely seeks ideal solutions. So what is happening is that there is plenty of diplomatic pressure to bring a quick end to the crisis.

Why exactly are Britain and the US so interested in what is happening in Kenya. Darfur went on for weeks before anybody paid any attention. Kenya got attention immediately. Why?

As you read this the entire region surrounding Kenya is in a mess. Raw materials not being able to reach factories in Tanzania has slowed down production. The price of petrol has shot up dramatically in Uganda and there are serious shortages of the same in Rwanda. Aid which all goes through Kenya has been delayed to Somalia, Congo, Sudan etc. causing great suffering. In other words the economies in the entire region and beyond would be greatly affected if Kenya shuts down. Kenya slipping into total chaos would actually be a major catastrophe because many Western powers have major interests scattered all over the region which are heavily dependent in some way to Kenya and will not operate when Kenya is shut down.

With that information you can begin to imagine the kind of pressure that Raila Odinga and especially Mwai Kibaki are having to soak in even as you read this. Interestingly Kibaki seems to have misread the whole situation at the beginning because the BBC says that he refused to invite the Ghanaian president into the country even after being told that he would lead an International mediation team. Kibaki is of the view that this is a “small internal issue” that does NOT need any outside mediation. Well, these guys are serious and they seem to have gotten him to change his mind, even if it is just a little bit, because today the president had a lengthy meeting with diplomat Jendayi Frazer.

But credit for the big breakthrough to State House has to go to locals, Bethuel Kiplagat, Lazarus Sumbeiywo and two other concerned Kenyans who took the initiative to invite Bishop Desmond Tutu to Kenya to mediate for peace. He ended up being the first international mediator to actually get an audience with Kibaki.

Let me take this opportunity to pay tribute to the following gallant Kenyans meeting right now at the Cellar (Kilimani)

J. H. R MURIGU - murigu(at)
CLIFF MUKULU - cliff.mukulu(at)
KEN MBWAYA - ken.mbwaya(at)
PATRICK NGENGA - patrick_ngenga(at)
MOSES MWAURA - mkmwaura(at)
JAGI GAKUNJU - jgakunju(at)
MOSES NDERITU - mnderitu(at)
MUCAI KUNYIHA - mkunyiha(at)
JOHN KASHANGAKI - jkashangaki(at)
MAINA KARANJA - adijai(at)

The fact is that they have taken the initiative like the Bethuel Kiplagat group to try and find a solution. In my view the fact that they dared is the important thing and not how successful they end up being. Kudos, guys.

But having said that, my view is that a government of national unity will increase tensions rather than reduce them. How does anybody expect Mwai Kibaki and Raila Kibaki to run a government when they can’t be in the same room without the room temperature cimbing considerably? And besides the hungry common man will not understand it. They are the vast majority and they are the key to solving this crisis. All they want to see to put their pangas down is Raila in State house as president.

Already Raila Odinga has ruled out the idea and called for negotiations instead.

The saddest thing in all this is the fact that everybody seems to have missed the point that the current violence is about the hungry common man losing hope. That is why the violence will be so difficult to halt in any other way other than Kibaki leaving office.

What makes matters even worse is that we are beginning to see evidence of revenge attacks like the Naivasha bus attack. It may already be too late…

P.S. Kivuiti is constitutionally mandated to fix the problem. He can annul the results. Read this eye-opener of an article.

...Another Idea: Why Kenyans should not fight each other

BREAKING NEWS: Citizen TV says US have commended Kibaki for extending olive branch to Raila as he (Kibaki) prepares to form a government of national unity. Chris is preparing a post about this which will appear shortly.

From the onset, I wish to state that I’m a Kikuyu and I voted for President Kibaki on Dec 27, 2007. I voted for him thinking he was the right man to lead Kenya. But times have changed. I have seen another character in Kibaki, which, like most Kenyans, did not know of.

If the laws of the land allowed voters to recall their votes, I would have been the first to do so. The man I voted for has ashamed me and I regret why I wasted my fuel driving back to the city from my rural home to the city centre to vote for him. I voted for him to win a clean election but not to steal an election he had lost fairly.
Kenya has been bleeding for the past five days and the blood of innocent Kenyans – butchered by state agents and angry voters protesting the election theft – will haunt all of us for many years to come.

Why are Kenyans fighting each other? The blame squarely lies under the feet of Emilio Mwai Kibaki and the small clique that surround him for stealing an election in broad-day light! Newspaper commentators have argued that Kibaki and his clique should have used a little intelligence. I wholly agree with them.

One would have expected Kibaki to be somehow remorseful after stealing the election from Mr Raila Odinga. But the Kibaki we saw on TV on Thursday evening did not show any signs of being remorseful. He was maintaining his usual arrogance and daring those who do not agree with him for a fight.

Kibaki has been happily following the slaughter of innocent Kenyans from the confines and comfort of his State House bedroom. To him, the blood that is being spilt is just like the water you can fetch from a stream. This is the same contempt he has ruled Kenya with for the past five years.

I’m not shocked by Kibaki’s actions. Kenyans should be wiser. What does Kibaki stand to lose even if the violence escalates? Nothing. He has all the wealth and his children and grandchildren are well taken care off. The only thing they would do if the worst happened is to jump into a plane and take off and leave the rest of us swimming in our own blood.

Those who are expecting Kibaki to resolve the current political crisis, which he is squarely to blame for the election robbery, are badly mistaken. How is expected to resolve a national crisis if can’t solve his own domestic problems with his wife? Kenyans know the public dramas – leave alone the private ones! - staged by his wife. And the man maintains the same gloomy face through out as his wife had done nothing!

Kibaki has no business being the President if he can’t for once present himself as a leader. Those who have been in Kenya for the past five years know Kenya only had a figure-head President and not a leader.

For instance, Kibaki watched in the past five years as NARC, the party that swept him to power in 2002, disintegrated and finally died without making efforts to save the situation. Perhaps, he’ll wait in the same manner until Kenya disintegrates from the current violence right under his eyes!

I appeal to my fellow Kenyans to become wiser and know that Kibaki cares less about their plight. All he cares about is to be called the President of the Replic of Kenya! Is this a man worth dying for? The answer is NO. The people who voted were not enemies. The people who voted for Raila or Kibaki were not enemies. Their common enemy is Kibaki – he refused to form a party and refused to go out to campaign early knowing he would steal the votes even if Kenyans rejected him.

Kibaki has the guns, the police, the military and other state agents at his disposal to kill and maim anyone who does not tow the line. Mr Odinga has the Kenyan people right behind him.

I appeal to my fellow Kenyans that instead of killings each – which is what Kibaki wants – we should allow the illegitimate Kibaki administration to cling to power. We are now more wiser. Five years is not a long time. The entire Opposition can opt to back Mr Odinga in 2012 and we collectively ensure the Kibaki clique does not pull another surprise on us.

We’ll then deal with Kibaki as an individual and not punish the entire Kikuyu community for mistakes done by a single man who has no control of his wife.

History will judge Kibaki harshly. Kibaki’s actions and conduct are unacceptable to any right-thinking Kenyans – except for his few fanatical Kikuyus who reason like him.

Friday, January 04, 2008

A Compelling Case For A Government of National Unity (GNU)

There are a lot of initiatives that are currently underway to resolve the current political stalemate in Kenya that has resulted to Kenya being compared with Rwanda genocide by the international press. You can do something. Published below are the efforts of few individual Kenyans, some of whom may be known to you, who are taking the initiative because they believe they can influence change. These Kenyans are meeting today Saturday 5th January 2008 at 4pm - Kenya time - at The Cellar (Kilimani). Any Kenyan of goodwill who may be interested or have any positive idea(s) to propose are welcome to join. These are some of the thoughts they have put together and managed to communicate to ODM and PNU.

(The ideas proposed herein are not necessarily those of Kumekucha nor the publisher)

We the undersigned are very concerned that destruction of life and property continues whilst politicians continue to posture. The country faces a meltdown. One of the undersigned has worked in many conflict countries and shared with us his experiences. We should all be determined that our country must not go that route. We should do everything possible within our means to ensure this does not happen.

The emerging evidence is that the electoral process was seriously flawed. Therefore no credible winner can emerge from this process. We are appealing to the two main protagonists to shift from their hard line positions and consider dialogue. There can be no winner in this contest and there may never be one for sometime to come.

The fears of all Kenyans need to be addressed and mechanism put in place to protect all Kenyans regardless. We feel this can only be achieved through an Interim Government of National Unity.

Whilst the issues that put us in our current situation are being addressed, we would like to put up a strong case for the creation of a Government of National Unity (GNU), as the most effective method of quickly resolving the ensuing stalemate as well as solving a number of other outstanding issues in the country.

Here are some of the options available to address these issues:
  1. PNU can take the hard option of going on with business as usual, form a cabinet and prepare to live with the opposition for the next five years. This is not a viable option.
  2. The two parties can jointly file a consent agreement in an election petition court declaring the election to have been irregular and request for their nullification, after which new elections can be held.
  3. ODM can go to court and challenge the election of President Kibaki, and if successful then this can lead to a repeat election.
  4. PNU, ODM and other parties can agree that the election was irregular. PNU and ODM have been seriously implicated in the malpractices. However, other than seeking for a repeat election, they can agree to form a all inclusive Government of National Unity.
The GNU would be tasked to undertake and complete the following tasks:
  • Finalise the constitution including the creation of the position of a Prime Minister position. Mr Kibaki would become the President while Raila would take up the position of Prime Minister
  • Remove the current stalemate and enable the country to engage in more productive activities.
  • Unify the country and recreate the national image. The country needs it if it is to be saved from disintegrating into tribal enclaves under the authority of warlords.
If no action is taken urgently, the following would become the consequences:
  1. The country will degenerate into unprecedented chaos. The consultant mentioned above who has worked with many third world countries that went through similar experiences, is of the view that Kenya is ripe for this type of disintegration.
  2. Many of us, including the very leaders who are refusing to take up action, if not dead or if they will not have run away, will be lining up with other refugees for daily allowances.
  3. We shall lose all the gains we have achieved to date and go down in history as another fallen African republic.
J. H. R MURIGU - murigu(at)
CLIFF MUKULU - cliff.mukulu(at)
KEN MBWAYA - ken.mbwaya(at)
PATRICK NGENGA - patrick_ngenga(at)
MOSES MWAURA - mkmwaura(at)
JAGI GAKUNJU - jgakunju(at)
MOSES NDERITU - mnderitu(at)
MUCAI KUNYIHA - mkunyiha(at)
JOHN KASHANGAKI - jkashangaki(at)
MAINA KARANJA - adijai(at)

Kenya: The Loss of Innocence.

It is slowly becoming clear that the violence in the slums of major Kenyan cities and the bushes of Rift Valley have as much to do with the outcome of the elections as with the resentment of perceived Kikuyu domination. Any lasting solution towards peace must involve avenues to address and possibly dismantle the perception that Kikuyus are out to systematically reap where they did not sow. It is time to be real my friends.

Before we can move on, we must all agree that the manner by which Kibaki was installed president does not help the situation. In fact, the arrogance portrayed by his key players, from KICC to State House and beyond, has only cemented the ill anti-Kikuyu sentiments spreading like wildfire across the nation. Even the Kikuyu elite and some poor Kiambu village folks are patting themselves on their backs in congratulatory acknowledgment of having stolen this one 'legally' . The rest of the country is in awe and amazement at how this heist of voting rights was completed in very short order. FACT: The presidency was stolen. Yes my friends, it is time to face the truth.

Back to the violence. Every chap of average intelligence is well aware that the burning of churches in Eldoret will have to be avenged. The killing of Kikuyu folk countrywide will have to be avenged. Let us keep it real folks. Mungiki folk have been sharpening their pangas since the eve of Dec 27th, 2007. Yes my friends, these jamaas are fast regrouping and this time with the support of every Kikuyu who saw pictures of heavily protected Kikuyu-folk-laden convoys enroute from RV to Central. We will never be too sure but we have an idea of what the humanitarian govt. forces deployed in opposition areas are all about. Looking for answers in the bullet riddled bodies in Kisumu morgues is of no consequence. Yes my friends, ukweli ni mbaya. We are all victims.

So what next? Mungiki will soon strike and more tears will flow. The govt. will then follow-up and use all its military might to purge any signs of anti-govt. rebellion. After a couple of weeks of running battles, the Kenyan people will get tired and slowly revert to their normal day to day activities. They will give up to the powers that be at which point, Kazi Itaendelea. Yes folks, let us not imagine that Kibaki will step down or budge from the seat of power. The reality is that Kenyans must pay rent and put food on the table. We actually will have no choice but to retreat to our obscure shelters as we watch Kimunya, TransCentury and other assorted Kibaki lieutenants share out Safaricom among other delicacies. Yes folks, with one policeman on every street for months, an uneasy peace will return to Kenya. What about the anti-Kikuyu sentiments? What of those who say that Kibaki's action has legitimized every fallacy they've heard of Kikuyu's before? Yes we will walk the streets again, but what will happen when lets say a Luo man driving in the deep of Nyeri accidentally knocks down and kills an old Kikuyu woman crossing the street? Do you now see the type of scars a stolen election has etched onto the Kenyan psyche? Will we ever be brothers and sisters again under a tattered flag that does not recognize the value of our votes? These wounds will remain with us for years after these jamaas have retired to their Muthaiga homes. These wounds will follow us to every ballot box going forward. These wounds will determine the city we choose to work in, the schools we send our children to and the areas we choose to open up businesses. These wounds will make us turn a blind eye to the evils committed against our brothers from other communities. With these wounds, the jokes of Bwana Ojwang and Mama Kayai will loose meaning. With these wounds, some sheng words such as Musakhulu, Musapere and Mujaka will no longer be politically correct. The reality is that some of us are very happy with the turn of events. Some of us are mad as hell. All of us will remain insecure for years. Ask yourself why, the next time you board matatu number 16A to Kayole.

We will return to our work stations throughout the country and use the next five years trying to relocate to work areas close to our native homes. Only an insane Luo man will take up that promotion in Muranga town. This is serious trouble my friends. You see, the thing is that as a country, we have lost innocence. We can never talk of Rwanda with a chip on our shoulders. In all, the theft at KICC has made us grown men. Never again will we be able to propagate the notion that Kenya is a peace loving country. We are as fallible and as volatile as all other African countries. Kenya, as a bastion of democratic ideals, has been buried by the actions of Mwai Kibaki. This is the only man who could have ordered the PNU machinery to stop and desist from topping up the vote results from his strongholds. This is the man who may have chosen to resign after seeing the questions raised by the ECK chairman and some commissioners, observers etc. Any prudent man of singular leadership qualities and intelligence would have averted the crisis at KICC by doing the right thing......i.e. let the people decide.

But more importantly, when the election news is old news, what will Kenyans do to ensure peace in future? This is what I suggest. First and foremost, the fallacy that Kikuyus are bent on dominating other Kenyans must be dismantled. Let us choose to really get to know our neighbors. More often than not, you will find out that the struggles faced by most Kikuyus are similar to those faced by all Kenyans. They are just as poor and led by a coterie of the same bunch of inept leaders that the rest of the country displays. Whereas it is unlikely that you will find other communities doing business or settling in Central Kenya, the prevalence of Kikuyus in other areas may well be a simple result of population growth. If we have ever needed each other, this is the time. This is the time for national healing and reconciliation. Do not expect solutions from political leadership. Let us join multicultural churches. Let us demand that our workplaces reflect the face of the country. Let us choose peace.

If we continue fighting and shedding blood on behalf of our political leaders, nobody will be left behind for them to lead.

A Minute of Honour

Away from the sickeningly boring and seemingly unending mediocrity bedeviling Kenya, it is only fair for us to take a minute to congratulate Barrack Obama for his loud victory in the first primary in Iowa. We can only hope that he continues to put up the same show starting with New Hampshire on Tuesday, onto the other states and even the election proper in November.

As much as Barrack is not Kenyan, we should be proud of the association we have with his family roots.

We are proud of you Barrack, congratulations!

What Will Happen In Kenya Next

If you are on roof of your house...

Find out at the bottom of this post why frequent updates are no longer possible in this blog

The most dangerous thing you can have in a situation like Kenya’s is somebody who thinks they understand the situation but actually DO NOT.

It starts with cocky know-it-alls leaving comments in this blog about “incitement” characters like John Michuki who are sure that this is Luo problem.

In my view Raila Odinga does not have the power to stop the chaos, even if he went on his knees on live TV.

The statement by the President yesterday tells you pretty much what is going to happen next. I don’t want to say it because it would be incitement.

The solution?

I have already appealed to Kenyans to reach out to our Kikuyu brothers and isolate the small clique of mad men and women who have caused all these problems. From the tone of comments in this blog, that has mostly been ignored.

So I am afraid the next agenda is to worry about your personal safety if you are in Kenya and to get to some safe place and pray very hard.

God have mercy on Kenya.

I came across another article by another inciter who is not even a Kenyan. He’s based in Trinidad. He says;

But don't blame it on mere "tribalism". Kenyans are not fools, and they know they have been betrayed.

Read the full article here

P.S. To date Uganda is the only country in the world that has congratulated Mwai Kibaki on his “re-election.” The US quickly withdrew their congratulations hours after they had announced it.

P.S. 2 The news from Kenya is all very bad and if we were to report the true situation and give you updates, it would be incitement according to Michuki and most Kenyans. If for example I told you that most of the killings in Nairobi are being done by Mungiki wouldn't you classify that as incitement? We all have to tone down the news and report very carefully while still giving Kenyans a ray of hope while there is really none.

Who Can Save Kenya?

The Mirage of Politics, Policies, Interests, Investments, Returns in Government. How can the common mwanainchi also get a piece of the cake?

In view of the recent bloodshed, hate speeches and polarized elections outcome. We ought to evaluate what is more important in relation to the sacrifice and constitutional rights in our beloved country Kenya.

Who will be at least generous to share in their fortune after the aftermath of the nations outcry, if we in turn, we must slaughter one another?

We have the “Safari Park, one million per plate campaign benefactors” popularly referred to as Kibaki’s cronies. Awori, Kombo, Tuju, Nyachae, Uhuru etc. They have all placed their bets and stakes at the big office. It’s all about business and capitalism where the little man has to be contained and put in check…Enriching themselves, while the rest dwell in economic stagnation as they benefit from the so-called improved economy just for the upper class.

Mutula Kilonzo, Moi’s lawyer and Kalonzo’s chief negotiator not to forget Maanzo ODM-K chairman. Who got a little boost from Moi. “Hata bwana Gideon Moi yukona ODM-K” said Kalonzo at Uhuru Park. The meeting with Nyayo at his retirement home should have raised eyebrows. Everyone has to have funding for his or her campaign vehicle. What did he offer in exchange if that was the case? He denied meeting Moi but said Mutula was there with other “parties”.

Raila is claimed to have funded part of Kibaki’s 2002 campaign we can tell where he might have gotten his campaign money…other Governments business moguls with foreign interests and investments that benefit from Infrastructure projects, redistribution of equitable resources and human labor.

In awe to this, each and every political aspirant has to answer to someone after they get elected. It’s like when Nyayo did Harambees he always used the phrase “yangu na marafiki”.

If Raila, Kibaki or Kalonzo could tell us who the benefactors are right now, what would they say?

Who has more at stake? Is it the guy who got the least number of votes at the polls who might form a coalition with Kibaki and get the VP post? The man who has unelectable cronies and fewer seats in parliament and Moi’s family protection program? Could it be someone who has majority seats 112 MPs, constituents to answer to, believing he can offer an alternative measure and a share of the piece of cake with amounted pressure to keep that promise and glimmer of hope for the less fortunate few?

Before we point fingers at our leaders we must realize what kind of pressure they are under to deliver results. How can the nation also benefit? Who has at least the best deal for the common mwanainchi in mind?

They have a sacrifice to make and some have even sold half their souls. ”Ewe Mungu Nisaidie”

Guest post by Kombo George

Thursday, January 03, 2008

War Against Self

I am fresh from a long and tedious flight during which I got to think through the Kenyan situation. We have just had elections which were closely contested. It is unfortunate that hundreds of innocent people are dying as a result of either politicians wanting to cling to power or ascending to power for the first time by all means.

I said here before the poll many times over that both Mwai Kibaki and Raila Odinga are not fit to lead Kenya. If anybody still has doubts about this one fact, then they can do with some prayers. Look here, this violence is not about Kenya or its democracy. This violence is about two people who clearly have no agenda for the country but who want to rope it in for their own very shallow and selfish reasons. The most worrying thing however is that none of these guys has out rightly called for an end to the violence. All we have heard are half hearted statements that are quickly followed by “buts”. Raila Odinga, who is central in the crisis, has not said a word about the need for humanitarian aid to the displaced and the injured. He is giving interviews left right and centre where he goes on and on about how he is “the rightly elected president” with no mention at all on the plight of innocent Kenyans (even when asked about it, he somehow gets away with it with little excuses of how democracy is being muzzled). The same thing goes for President Kibaki. Kibaki, just like Raila, is responsible for the genocide in Kenya. He is a fabulously rich person and he has not offered a cent towards resolving the mess, a mess he is directly responsible for. He has similarly continued to issue half hearted statements that are capped with the words “after the free and fair elections”. Granted, the government has offered some humanitarian aid but then this is not about the government. This is a war started by Mwai Kibaki and Raila Odinga as individuals. It has nothing to do with the interest of the country. I have seen Kalonzo Musyoka donate Kshs 500,000 through Red Cross. Now Kalonzo is not the richest of the three. He is not at the centre of the dispute like these other two guys either but he has repeatedly spoken for the innocently suffering Kenyans. I believe I am different from most other people because that is what I call leadership. Raila’s and Kibaki’s are leaderships to death and destruction.

Now, what exactly is the bone of contention? The elections are over and there is no formal dispute, but people keep fighting. I blame Raila Odinga’s supporters (if not Raila himself) for starting a war for no reason. I blame Mwai Kibaki for failing to clump down on perpetrators of runaway hooliganism as the head of state.

Here is why I blame Mwai Kibaki; you cannot claim to defend the rule of law and democracy if you have no respect for the same. Why do we have the Presidential and Parliamentary Elections regulations providing for petitions? We have these provisions to take care of any emerging disputes. Since the ODM which claims to have been rigged out does not have the guts or the civility to file a petition with the high court, Kibaki should have instructed his Attorney General to file one. The Presidential and parliamentary elections regulation states that any registered voter can file the petition. Out of the aggrieved hooligans, none has filed the petition. It also says the AG can do it. This is where Hon Kibaki should have stepped in and demonstrated leadership. It is only through petitioning that the poll can be treated as disputed. Right now, what we are seeing is an uprising that has no basis.

Raila Odinga is the biggest protagonist in this entire circus. He lost the elections (either fairly or unfairly) and decided that the election was not free and fair. He wants us to believe that Juja Constituency registered a voter turn-out of 30%. He also feels that Tigania west, Nithi, Central Imenti and South Imenti all registered their lowest ever turn-outs since the introduction of multipartysm and that Karachuonyo, Ndhiwa and Kisumu Rural registered their highest. Fine, may be he is right, but is going on a slashing and looting spree the best way out of the predicament? I believe that if anybody has any respect, let alone love, for their country, they have to adhere to the rule of law, the force of the constitution and the power of tradition. The best way would have been to file a petition. We are not a jungle nation whose problems are solved using pangas. I also believe that Raila will be the sure loser if he continues with the route he has taken and if Kibaki continues with his exaggerated degree of rigidity. You cannot lay unreasonable conditions for negotiations with the president who not only has executive power, but who also feels he was democratically elected. That is like shooting yourself in the foot because nobody is going to bulge.

I once said here that Raila Odinga is a leader unto darkness, anarchy and death and people accused me of hating him. I have watched him on TV totally unwilling to take even a modicum of responsibility. He passes the buck all the time even when his most ardent supporters are dying. But for how long are you going to duck responsibility Mr. Raila? What is remarkable about Mr. Raila’s passion for anarchy, beyond its intensity, is the ease with which he wins over converts. He has always tenaciously clung to his unverified beliefs which he confuses with fact and often inflicts this confusion to his supporters in his struggle to resolve any situation to his favour. When many people are persuaded to subscribe to the same pretense, of course it can gain the aura of objectivity. The trick is simple; depict yourself as persecuted and you will surely win sympathizers. If this is not delusion, tell me what it is.

My humble submission is that the ODM need to petition the outcome of the election in court. Nobody can reverse the ECK chairman’s announcement, not even the president or the AG. Amos Wako is just being afraid of taking an unpopular decision. The best way to resolve this quagmire is telling people the truth which is that the ECK which had a pre poll approval rating of 75% announced the results and anybody dissatisfied with the verdict should either go to court or to hell. We cannot continue being a country at war with itself. When the losses are counted believe you me, ODM supporters will be the most affected. It is a pity that our so called educated, exposed and enlightened brothers continue to urge the idle and jobless youth to go on the rampage. I want to see Anyang Nyong’o, William Ruto and Raila Odinga themselves throwing stones and looting in Nakumatt. I want to see Sam Okello in hospital nursing a bullet wound sustained during “a fight to save his country”. Only when that happens, shall I acknowledge that Kenya means anything to any of these people.

Meanwhile, the government should continue being ruthless when dealing with perpetrators of violence. It is indefensible when someone breaks into an innocent person’s property or when people torch a poor man’s house all in the name of fighting for democracy. That is stupid fundamentalism.

Why America And The International Community Are Responsible For The Rising Body Count In Kenya

Plus: Tear gas and heavy police presence stop ODM rally from taking place

One of the saddest scenes in the Kisumu morgue that brought tears to my eyes yesterday was the site of a woman’s very stiff and dead body neatly placed on the floor next to that of a little girl who everybody presumed must have been her daughter. Both had bullet wounds.

And then the utter horror of having women and children trapped in a church where they thought they were safe being burnt alive. Can you imagine the terrible screams of distress and unimaginable pain as they burnt to death? The human body is mostly made up of water and therefore there can be no pain worse than that of being burnt alive.

The victims in the morgue were Luo while those who died the most terrible death were Kikuyu.

The ODM rally as expected has so far not taken place as the heavy police presence at Uhuru Park and in the slum areas surrounding the city has held tight. Nairobi appears to be calm at the moment but violence in the rest of the country is spreading. In fact it may have been a better idea to have let the rally happen so as to ease tensions somewhat. Now that it did not happen, the violence and outrage in ordinary Kenyans is bound to cause much more trouble than we have so far seen.

Thus far we have talked much about Kibaki’s hand in the current crisis but we have left out other major culprits in all this mess. Namely the international community and especially the United States.

For starters, there is evidence that the American intelligence services may have had a hand in the intricate plan to rig the elections. You will remember the Gallup poll just before the elections that took everybody by surprise by showing Kibki slightly ahead of Raila. All other polls gave Raila the lead. The Kumekucha poll (which I believe with all my heart was the most accurate as the voting patterns clearly showed, before the rigging kicked in) gave Raila a lead of well over 60%. But even more interesting was the exit poll also done by an American outfit that showed a Kibaki win. It is clear that somebody was very determined to prove that Mwai Kibaki had a chance of winning against all the evidence on the ground that contradicted this.

Then it was the Americans who were first to congratulate Kibaki on his win. So what changed their mind to such an unprecedented extent that they withdrew their congratulations and instead questioned the poll? There is a possibility that the American’s intelligence service which works most of the time, showed them the real situation on the ground which cannot sustain a Kibaki presidency. Too late!!! The blood of all those dead Kenyans is already on their hands.

But the international community too is guilty for ignoring numerous warnings that all was not well with the Kibaki regime. The most obvious example of this was the Anglo Leasing scam that forced one John Githongo (former ethics PS) into exile because his conscience would not allow him to take easy money from his fellow Kikuyus and shut up.

How did the international community react to that? It reacted by pouring in even more aid into Kenya. In fact the international community is guilty of giving the corrupt Kibaki administration much more breathing space for corruption than was ever given to the Moi government which incidentally was much more of mindful of ordinary folks. The golf playing elitist Kibaki administration has clearly demonstrated that they are completely out of touch.

Well, Kibaki cronies have tasted the contents of the corruption in high places cookie jar and now they will not let go. With support from the Moi family plans were already under way in the run up to the election to ensure continuity even in 2012 through the hands of a trusted new lieutenant Uhuru Kenyatta.

Now as the International community scrambles to find a solution to the escalating crisis in Nairobi, they too must take responsibility for the deaths including that of the mother and her small innocent daughter lying at the Kisumu morgue.

And as they do so, in the next few days they will discover the true character of a man called Emilio Stanley Mwai Kibaki. I can assure them that they will not like what they find. Already the statement by the government that Kenya does not need a mediator is only a taste of things to come.

Fellow Kenyans let me take this opportunity to admit that I was wrong when I predicted this government would last 3 days. I thought that smart people in State House would quickly read the situation on the ground and do what is sensible. I was wrong. I fear that we now need to dig in for a long long time as one old man called Emilio ensures that now that his legacy and image in the world has been destroyed forever, that there will be no Kenya left for anybody else to have a chance to do a better job than he did. Watch this space as we highlight the true developments in a country where the media has already been gagged and a least one site, is reported to have been shut down.

P.S. Kalonzo Musyoka’s ODM-K did not attend the State House meeting between newly elected MPs and the president. The press were shut out of the meeting. ODM-K say that the reason is that they were not invited properly. No ODM MPs attended either.

P.S. 2 The Uhuru Park Rally has been called off as the AG has called for the formation of an independent body to scrutinize the presidential votes of the recent rigged presidential elections.

Raila Odinga Sets The Record Straight

Kibaki Must Step Down

Published by Coalition of Kenyans and Allies for Democracy on Dec 31, 2007
Category: Human Rights
Region: GLOBAL
Target: International Community
Description/History: The international community is very much aware that Mwai Kibaki and his Party of National Unity (PNU) rigged the December 2007 Kenyan presidential election.

In recognition of this fact, the European Union, Britain, and the United States have refused to recognize the Kibaki government as legitimate.

As members of the international community, we do not intend to allow this blatant act of disregard for the rule of law and for the will of the people of Kenya to go unchallenged.

The list of evidence of election irregularities compiled in this petition contains widely known facts and has been corroborated by various news sources.

  1. All polls taken before the election favored Raila Odinga and his party, the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), with Odinga leading Kibaki by a margin of 4%. A mid-December report by the government's own intelligence service gave Raila Odinga an even larger lead of 8% to 15% over Mwai Kibaki. As the election drew near, the Steadman poll, which is conducted under the leadership of George Waititu, a close friend of Kibaki's, showed Kibaki catching up to Odinga although the total for the three leading candidates added up to 101%.
  2. The Kenyan National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) reported that Muslim voters, most of whom were expected to favor Raila Odinga, were denied voter cards in the leadup to the election.
  3. Prior to the election, Raila Odinga warned that Mwai Kibaki and his party planned to illegally deploy Administrative Police (AP) as poll agents for the purpose of intimidating voters. While Mwai Kibaki originally denied these allegations, subsequent events showed that Odinga was correct--the East African Standard reported that 65,000 APs were in fact illegally deployed to various parts of the country.
  4. Prior to the election, the impartiality and credibility of the Electoral Commission of Kenya (ECK) was jeopardized by Mwai Kibaki's control over the appointment of foreign observers. The East African Standard reported that ECK Chairman Samuel Kivuitu had himself accused the Kibaki "government of selectively inviting international observers for the December polls." Member of Parliament William Ruto of ODM also voiced concern, stating that "Kibaki has gone against a precedence that even brought him to power. The President alone has appointed ECK commissioners. He alone has picked foreign observers. When you put these two issues in the wider picture of the run-up to elections, you see we have a reason to doubt the fairness of the coming polls."
  5. Early in the election, when Raila Odinga went to cast his vote at a polling station in his constituency of Langata, he found that his name was missing from the poll register. Furthermore, names beginning in 'A,' 'E' and 'O'--traditionally Luo and Luhya names--were missing.
  6. Raila Odinga's ODM party firmly secured the Parliament, winning more than 45% percent of parliamentary seats--that is, at least 95 out of 210 electable seats--compared to Mwai Kibaki's PNU party which secured only 37 seats in total and lost 22 of its original 32 seats. The ouster of the majority of Kibaki's cabinet was regarded by many as a bold statement to the degree to which the majority of the electorate had lost confidence in the Kibaki administration.
  7. In Garsen, a mob destroyed 35 ballot boxes on suspicion of rigging.
  8. One constituency, Maragwa, reported 115% voter turnout.
  9. Although voting ended on Thursday, December 27, the announcement of results from some polling stations was delayed for more than two days because:
a) The aforementioned irregularities compelled numerous complaints from candidates of both parties.
b) ECK returning officers from disputed polling stations could not be located by Kivuitu and had turned off their cell phones.

10. Samuel Kivuitu, chairman of the Electoral Commission of Kenya (ECK), himself acknowledged that the delay would have allowed time for these missing officials or others to rig votes. "This is where cooking could be taking place," said Kivuitu.

11) The ECK failed to address the majority of these concerns raised by Raila Odinga, his ODM party, and the general public and proceeded to announce the obviously illegitimate results, thereby failing in its responsibility to the people of Kenya and lending validity to the debacle.

12) After the ECK announced the results, declaring Mwai Kibaki the winner, the East African Standard reported that an ECK officer alleged that there had been "blatant and shameless alteration of documents" primarily by "information technology officials." This officer said that the Coast and upper Eastern provinces were most affected by rigging, but also named the constituencies of Moyale, Laisamis, Saku and Matuga.

13) A Reuters article also quoted an "election observer who asked not to be named" as having "very little doubt" that the election was rigged.

14) Furthermore, before Kivuitu declared Mwai Kibaki the winner, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, chief European Union election monitor, stated that there was ``a big question mark over the tallying of results.''

15) After Kivuitu declared Mwai Kibaki the winner, Lambsdorff repeated his misgivings. "We regret that it has not been possible to address irregularities about which both the EU and the ECK have evidence ... some doubt remains as to the accuracy of the result of the presidential election as announced today," said Lambsdorff.

16) Lambsdorff has again gone on record as saying that the tallying process lacked credibility.

17) Prior to Mwai Kibaki's secretive swearing in ceremony, the Kenyan government suspended all live television broadcasts. Coverage of post-election violence, including the government's use of armed police in suppressing demonstrators, has therefore been difficult to verify. In view of the above irregularities, this has had the effect of further eroding any semblance of democracy.

18) Finally, tallies reported by the ECK differed from those announced at polling stations and on television news broadcasts. The New York Times reports that, "The European Union said its observers in one constituency last week witnessed election officials announce that President Kibaki had won 50,145 votes, but on Sunday the election commission increased those same results to 75,261 votes."

Taken as a whole, this evidence is more than enough to declare the presidency of Mwai Kibaki illegitimate and to install the legitimate winner, Raila Odinga, into that office.

The international community is very much aware that Mwai Kibaki and his Party of National Unity (PNU) rigged the December 2007 Kenyan presidential election. In recognition of this fact, the European Union, Britain, and the United States have refused to recognize the Kibaki government as legitimate.

As members of the international community, we do not intend to allow this blatant act of disregard for the rule of law and for the will of the people of Kenya to go unchallenged. The list of evidence of election irregularities compiled in this petition contains widely known facts and has been corroborated by various news sources.

Taken as a whole, this evidence is more than enough to declare the presidency of Mwai Kibaki illegitimate and to install the legitimate winner, Raila Odinga, into that office.

In light of the aforementioned evidence, we, the undersigned, condemn Mwai Kibaki's theft of the Kenyan presidency. We recognize Mwai Kibaki's actions as a declaration of war on the opposition and hold him responsible for the ethnic bloodshed that has proceeded from this heist of the presidency.

We do not condone violence and urge all parties to avoid violence. Instead we urge for peaceful protests and negotiations and non-violent protests.

Nonetheless, we demand that Mwai Kibaki abdicate the office of the President of Kenya and that the legitimate winner, Raila Odinga, be instated into that office immediately. In the interest of peace, we respectfully request your assistance in ensuring that this affront to democracy is repudiated and nullified.

Sign petitition here.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Destroying Evidence Of Defeat?

Are you a Kenyan? What you can do to help end the violence.

This is from an article appearing in today's Standard;

Forms 16A missing

Matters were further complicated for ODM when the controversy that has dogged the outcome of the presidential poll took a new twist amid reports that the crucial Form 16As kept in a safe at the KICC by some returning officers had disappeared.

There was tension at the ECK operation centre on Wednesday morning after some returning officers openly protested that the Form 16As, which they had kept in a Cabinet at KICC, had gone missing.

"We came here this morning and they told us that the forms had been stolen," an official told The Standard as tempers flared.

Read full article


The mission of the Coalition of Kenyans and Allies for Democracy (CKAD) is to protect Kenya's fragile democracy and to restore peace to the country. In order to accomplish, this agenda, we demand:

1) the removal of Mwai Kibaki from the seat of President of Kenya;

2) the instatement of Raila Odinga as President of Kenya;

3) humanitarian aid from the United Nations, Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders, and other reputable agencies;

4) the assistance of the United Nations, European Union, Britain, and the United States in creating a democratic and peaceful Kenya via:

a) the prosecution of those involved in ethnic cleansing, including foreign and Kenyan military personnel and foreign and Kenyan civilians;

b) protection of and asylum for political refugees;

c) the creation of a system of checks and balances to ensure that the President of Kenya is accountable to the entire Kenyan electorate and that power is not concentrated in the executive branch;

d) respect for freedom of the press at all levels of government;

e) respect for freedom of speech at all levels of government;

f) respect for free and transparent elections at all levels of government;

g) the prosecution of elected officials engaging in corruption or other forms of illegal activity.

Remember Moi's Comment About Not Knowing Defeat?

Welcome to Kenya's Unofficial Monarchy

KANU will never die a pact was made with the Wazees with blood and water and in their death beds...whether or not there's a coalition with other parties "Kibakis", " Musyokas", "Kombos" and Nyachaes, they will always answer to the main body, The Queen Mother "mama KANU" just like the ants colony. Everyone has its duty to fulfill to exist. It is beyond the common Mwanainchis grasp "they are merely nonentities, voices in the wilderness". Some ants are just there to mate then die others are workers that fuel the main body of the colony to nourish and flourish it. Kazi Eendelee! Hapa Hapa!

The Odingas therefore are also a great asset to The Queen Mother; they rally up the "common mwanainchi" and secure the main seat, then relinquish it "Due to their Good Nature", to the mightier governors "names withheld". It has been so since the "Kapenguria 6" days. In every colony there has to be casualties, sacrifice and duty…again, no need to name names.

Whatever it takes "PNU" oh sorry! "KANU" will always stay in power! The common mwanainchi needs to wake up from their dim slumber…Kumekucha! "Let us dwell in peace and liberty, plenty be found within our borders"

Rumored Vice President Honorable elect Kalonzo Musyoka's miracle will indeed take place "somewhat short lived if all goes as planned"; there's no need to reiterate what some would consider common sense…history repeats itself once it began in 1963…Whether EU likes it or not, as Cesar Augustus Kivuitu "the fugitive with a home somewhere else" mentioned, hopefully China will be more than willing to ignore the flaws in light of the expected EU sanctions and still be in business with those who really matter most…as he was dangling the results at the nonentities.

Fuata Nyayo! Kazi Eendelee! To UHURU 2012!

"Hi KANU, inakaa inawenyewe basi tumewawachia" Disillusioned, Lieutenant William Ruto in a state of reverie during the conception period of ODM…

The Anyang' Yong'os accolades have once again, been trampled and outwitted by Nyayo's "Professor in Politics", mastery of Machiavellian Politics…a mere care taker to the Queen Mother's throne while she is in labor.

"Pahali niko nime wai shindwa?" He asked wanainchi as he campaigned for UHURU sorry "Coup D'état Gentleman and Economic Whiz, President Kibaki"…both candidates…the common mwanainchi laughed and even drew cartoon about it…HA HA who's laughing now? Ask yourselves!

Let's pray for at least a peaceful colony, sad or not we need not kill each other as we are brothers and sisters with no stake at the big Queen Mother's cocoon…

Guest post by Kombo George

Breaking News: Violence Reported In Emali and Isinya

Just when it appeared that calm was being restored, new reports indicate that violence has broken out in Emali (on the Nairobi Mombasa highway, not far from Voi) details are still scanty from my sources but there is definitely a serious problem there. It seems that members of the Kamba community in the area have been attacked by Masais allegedly because of Kivuitu's actions on Dec 30th.

Isinya is normally a quiet sleep Masai town and latest reports are that the usual peace has been shattered and there are skirmishes there also.

Political leaders need to move fast because most ordinary folk are now getting hungry after days of unrest and the hungrier they get, the more dangerous and daring they will become.

Quotable quote from the many conversations I have had today:

"It is clear that at some point Kibaki will vacate State house but the sad thing is that by the time this man with a history of indecisiveness does that, we will not have a country left."

Kenya Killings: What You Can Do To Help End The Crisis

...As Kenya Military is deployed and Kibaki meets all newly elected MPs in State House

Most of the world press is reporting that the war in Kenya is between President Kibaki’s Kikuyu tribe and Raila Odinga’s Luo tribe. That is what the world believes.

This is exactly what the man men currently sitting comfortably inside State house would like the world to believe.

This is just NOT TRUE. Some of he most violent protests in the country have come from Rift Valley and the tribe here are not Luos. They are Kalenjins. Most of the violence in Nairobi has been in slums where there is a mixture of different tribes from different parts of the country. The same can be said about Mombasa, Kenya\s coastal town. In other words what we have in Kenya is a popular uprising against a rigged election where some people have taken advantage to settle scores related to ethnicity. Like the Kalenjins who have been opposed to Kikuyu settlement in their land that happened in the 60s supervised by Kenya’s first president Mzee Jomo Kenyatta.

It gets more complex because most Kenyans seem to be venting out their anger on Kikuyus.

This blog has right from the beginning championed the cause of the voiceless masses in Kenya and this is why foreigners reading it are saying that it is pro-ODM. The truth is that we are pro-the masses of Kenya. Although we have ODM insiders writing here, we also have PNU and writers who support different causes writing. Therefore it will be difficult to get a more balanced blog on Kenya, if you understand that posts here are made by other writers as well as the main blogger qho has written this piece you are reading.

The time has now come for patriotic Kenyans to do something very important. We must all reach out to our Kikuyu brothers and isolate the Kibaki regime. It is NOT the Kikuyu who stole the election. In fact the election was stolen by Kibaki with the help of many individuals representing a lot of different tribes including Luos and Kalenjins.

It is important that we all unite against the dictatorship of a man called Mwai Kibaki. This what this whole Kenyan crisis is about.

I kindly appeal to all of you out there to come up with ideas to help us reach out to each other to end the violence and address the real problem. The name of the real problem is Mwai Kibaki. It is Mwai Kibaki (whom most Kenyans did not know very well before the events of December 30th 2007) who is the real Anglo Leasing and Ken Ren. Two scams where the Kenyan treasury lost billions of shillings. Most of that money ended up in accounts belonging to Mwai Kibaki and his cronies. It is Mwai Kibaki who ordered the raid on Standard newspapers (something that even dictator Moi did not do) and throughout his term he was consistent in pushing forward bills to muzzle the press, including the one that is now being used to stop live broadcasts.

While it is true that most of our Kikuyu brothers voted for him, that is their democratic right and besides many of them regret voting the way they did now.

Let us reach out to all our Kenyan brothers because once we are united, we will make short work of the mad men inside State house. Very tribe has mad men and it jut happens that the ones we are dealing with currently are Kikuyu. But the important thing here is unity against them.

P.S. My ung the term Mad men may sound a little overboard. But just consider the actions of Mwai Kibaki leading upto the elections like;

- Appointing his cronies to replace most of the ECK commissioners, obviously in readiness for his evil rigging plan.
- Appointment of court of appeal judges and high court judges the day before the elections. The assumption was that after he rigged ODM and Raila would have rushed to court, where his cronies would be waiting.
- Organizing a swearing in ceremony before the election results were in.
- As people continue to die like chickens countrywide Kibaki ha no sense of urgency in him and rules out mediation by outsiders and calls for dialogue instead, which he will not take part in personally. That’s leadership for you. etc.
There is nothing Kikuyu about these points. In fact the last decision will cause a lot of continued suffering for our Kikuyu brothers and sisters.

STOP PRESS: President Kibaki has invited all newly elected MPs to a meeting in State House this afternoon (the meeting should be going on now) 3:30 pm Kenyan time. Kumekucha will brief you of the outcome later.

Military deployed to areas where there is trouble. Government claims to help in humanitarian efforts but many analysts have doubts. For example will they be sed to stop tomorrow’s planned meeting from taking place?

Bodies strewn all over the streets.

Kenyans’ Blood is Crying Out

Mungiki-related murders; beheadings,
Violence, chaos, lawlessness,
Rivers of tears wept,
Hundreds of hearts wounded, punctured, frayed.

Parentless children,
Widowers, widows on the increase,
Dreams, aspirations, shattered;
The stark aftermath.

Extra-judicial executions,
The Force hauled over the coals,
Lambasted, cornered, quizzed
Denial came just naturally.

Mt Elgon, Kuresoi,
Pre-election violence, machetes at the ready,
Blood spilled, hundreds dead,
Homes fled, despair looms.

Post-election, Pandora’s Box’s yanked open,
Mayhem, anarchy, chaos, conflict,
Tribalistic chauvinism at its best,
Senseless killings reign supreme.

Innocent children, men and women,
At the mercy of unruly youths,
Nay, the Police with a tall order,
An order to shoot and kill.

Churches, not a safe haven,
Refuge seekers’ lives ‘strangulated’,
Burnt to ashes, they are,
Men, women, children.

Bullet-ridden bodies lie in morgues,
Hungry citizens await respite,
To start living again;
A murderous resolve solidifies.

Charred stumps,
Dot the hollowness in our hearts;
Smoldering embers,
Keep our latent emotions alive.

Sirs, Messrs Kibaki and Raila, save us from a possible full scale tribal conflict. Kenya is much larger than the political differences of its people.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Dr. Alfred Mutua Betrays Kenyan Public

As Kenya continues to burn, Government Spokesman, Dr. Alfred Mutua continues to issue partisan, ill-informed and outrageous statements. Luckily for him, State broadcasters KBC and Citizen media are all ears. I am not!

Yesterday, Dr. Mutua accused ODM's Raila Odinga of 'ethnic cleansing'. Many Kenyans may not have voted for Raila but they consider him one of the leading patriots from this part of the world. Before that, Dr. Mutua was quoted as saying President Kibaki's supporters have not been 'reported anywhere' engaging in acts of violence or looting. Clearly, the government spokesman has already taken sides as has the Police Commissioner.

It would be useful for Dr. Mutua to remember he is not spokesman for PNU but a senior public servant employed to serve all Kenyans without any favour.

This blogger is close to some of Dr. Mutua's juniors whom he reportedly told to pack and look for alternative employment two weeks before the elections. This means he knew in advance that (a) President Kibaki would not be re-elected, and (b) he would be sacked by the new government that would take over.

Instead of explaining how the government is consoling and sheltering victims of violence spread all over the country, Dr. Mutua has already passed judgement on the opposition in total disregard to the civil servants code of conduct. The entire humanitarian crisis was first triggered by stolen elections, then accelerated by police violence on unarmed civilians and has now been turned into a national disaster of untold proportions by a 'government' that wants to force itself on the electorate!

Dr. Mutua's other utterances, in an attempt to justify unconstitutional actions by 'government', are completely uncalled for and only add fuel to an already volatile situation. For example, when asked why the opposition's rallies are being banned, he retorted that until the situation in the country 'normalises', all political assemblies are outlawed. What nonsense! Kenya is an independent, multi-party democracy, if I choose to assemble Kumekucha Party members at Uhuru Park, so long as I notify police as required by law, the meeting cannot be outlawed from some dingy red-carpet office in KICC! In trying to justify another massive cock-up, Dr. Mutua says that live media coverage ban was meant to prevent spreading public animosity. In reality, the media ban is meant to deny ODM a means of communicating with their supporters and is the reason why rumours and propaganda have persisted and ultimately resulted in needless violence and loss of life.

Right from the start of the elections to this day, Dr. Mutua's official website has been posting electoral results that totally contradict those purportedly released by the ECK, which we all know are fraudulent. My humble submission is that Dr. Mutua has got no business commenting on political matters and he should instead channel his energies towards helping those displaced unfortunate Kenyans whose choice of Government has been brutally taken away from them.

The Red Cross and some of the private sector like Nakumatt and Kiss100 FM have already started mobilising humanitarian help to be ferried to displaced Kenyans in the countryside and slum areas. Meanwhile, the government needs to be seen to be sheltering its disenfranchised citizens apart from sending trigger-happy security forces to tear-gas and batter hapless villagers.

Kibaki’s Swearing-In Ceremony Was Organized Long Before Election Results Were Announced

One of the things the first blundering Kibaki administration will always be remembered for is incompetence. This clearly came out in the just concluded general election because the administration failed to even rig the general election competently without getting caught and left behind too much evidence forensic and otherwise.

It is now emerging that the swearing in ceremony was conducted minutes after the election “results” were read. Meaning that it had been organized well in advance and guests invited and seated, even before the general election results were known. There are even disturbing suggestions that it may have been done before the results were announced! Those suggesting this point to the swearing in footage which was done outdoors in relatively broad daylight and yet the results were read late in the day as it was getting dark. In 2002 the swearing in ceremony was done a day after the results were officially announced but this time there was a big hurry.

Sources close to PNU had even suggested to their close friends that the swearing in would be at 2:30 pm, hours before Kenyans even knew who had won the general elections.

This was the last big blunder made in a long list of blunders that have driven Kenya to the brink with unprecedented turmoil and damage to property that does not come anywhere near what happened during the 1982 coup attempt that lasted just day but took years to fix and affected the economy for years on end. It is anybody’s guess how long the current turmoil will affect the economy for because it is in fact far from being over. Not to mention the number of deaths which will probably never be known because stretched security agents still find it necessary and vital to heavily guard the City Mortuary.

One reported incident still hangs heavily on the conscience of many Kenyans who voted for Kibaki. And that is his disturbing words spoken to a BBC reporter when asked if he would concede defeat and have over power if he lost.

His reply in swahili: Usiniulize maswali ya upumbavu (Do not ask me idiotic questions).

As the death toll in Kenya rapidly rises, legal experts are now suggesting that President Kibaki may qualify to face an International court for war crimes in the future, even if he completes his fraudulent 5 year term.

What the world is being told about the Kenyan elections by an executive who got out of the country just days ago.

“Britain looks forward to working with a legitimately elected government of Kenya…” A hint from the British government of things to come? Read the story for yourself and decide.


Guest post

This is not the time to mourn. And it's not the time to celebrate the new year. That will come after the Hon. Raila Odinga is sworn in as the nation's democratically elected president. We've indeed heard wrenching stories about the brutality of the GSU and police officers who've turned their guns on the people. We've seen pictures of dead children and women. And we've heard accounts of morgues filling up with bodies of innocent Kenyans. All that is enough to make us buckle to tyranny and accept hopelessness as a better alternative, but I call on Kenyans to never give up. Victory is at hand, and it will be sweet. We have only this one chance to wrestle the nation from the jaws of a future too horrifying to contemplate here.

I thank the Kenyans of the diaspora for taking up the cause of keeping the flames alive and forcing the evil going on in Kenya on the consciousness of the world community. As we struggle here, I want our brothers and sisters in Kenya to know that we stand with you shoulder to shoulder. We will not give an inch and we will never accept anything less than an outcome that reflects the will of the people.

So let's all sign that petition Ms. Anna Sidigu has going around. It will find it's way to world bodies and western capitals with any capacity to bear down on the authorities in Nairobi.

For now, I continue to call on all Kenyans to do everything you can, wherever you are, to hasten the demise of this ill-fated government. We will all mourn when freedom is restored and our tears can make sense to our compatriots who've lost their lives.

Sam Okello
President & CEO
Sahel Books Inc.
P.o. Box 6451
South Bend IN, 46660-6451
Phone: Toll Free: 1.877.297.2435

Are Ugandan Forces Being Used In Kenyan Violence?

Reports indicate that the GSU presence in Kisumu, Eldoret and Nairobi are not Kenyan GSU but UGANDANS GSU sent in by Museveni (as requested by Kibaki and Michuki). As you will see on satellite television, the men are not talking whilst beating up and shooting people, this will give them away as not being Kenyans.

Unconfimed reports indicate that both the Kenyan military and the Police declined to the 'Order of shoot to kill' as commanded Kibaki and Michuki'.

Sources say that this will be highlighted at the planned Thursday Rally in Nairobi.

Kumekucha is stillseeking further confirmation of this report.

ECK Chairman Kivuitu Now Admits That He Was Under Pressure To Announce Suspect Results

Breaking News
It seems that the truth about what happened in Kenya on 30th December 2007 is now unfolding at break-neck speed.

Barely a day after 4 ECK commissioners boldly told the world that the 2007 presidential elections were rigged, the ECK chairman Samuel Kivuitu himself has come out to admit that he was under intense pressure form PNU and ODM-K to announce suspect results.

Phil said in an earlier comment:

Yes, I confirm Sam and others, Kivuitu appeared on prime time news this evening saying he read the results under extreme duress. Pressure was from PNU/ODM-K, and heavily armed government agents were slave-driving around.. Others like Maina Kiai pleaded with him to defer announcing presidential poll. He offers very little comfort when he suggests ODM seeks legal redress. But then, everyone knows he had no choice. He was a HOSTAGE and even now, I doubt whether he is free because he spoke at a room that resembles a hospital bed and he was dressed in some sort of pyjama uniform without any vests....

Read the full story here


PNU's Dirty Games

As the ODM prepares a comprehensive report on election malpractices and presidential vote count escalation in favour of Kibaki, media got hold of this hand written ballot paper summary for the Langa Langa polling station in Nakuru Town constituency.

It is obvious even to most illiterate eye, that "0" was added by Kibaki supporters to inflate his vote from 79 to 790 and thus earn him an extra seven hundred dishonest votes. Obviously, with these sort of mischievious games, PNU's Kinyanjui Lee Maiyani emerged the winner.

This reminds me the Kisauni by-elections petition case which has been proven several times over was stolen by Anania Mwaboza from LDP's Ali Hassan Joho. Another example is the Magarini by-elections a few months ago which were a BIG FRAUD. Where is Hon Kombe today?

Because of this open fraud the country continues to burn and innocent Kenyans continue to die.

Is Kenya Becoming Another Rwanda?

Women and children set ablaze and burnt to death inside Eldoret church

A few moments ago in Eldoret, 40 women and children who had fled into a Kenya Assemblies of God church to seek refuge from protesters were burnt to death. Other figures put the number of those who perished in this heinous crime at 100.

Rwanda is unfolding in Kenya before our very eyes as the City Mortuary is heavily guarded by the GSU to prevent the truth of the deaths happening in the country from ever coming out.

Officially, barely 200 people have died countrywide since this mess started. What a joke, only that it is not funny.

Kumekucha Special Appeal: In my view the priority now should be peace and an immediate stop to the killings. Please appeal to your relatives at home, especially in Rift Valley, Coast and Nyanza that we have not exhausted peaceful means. Emphasize to them that peaceful protest always achieve much, much more. Violence only begets more violence and it can be difficult to end. Please let's act NOW to stop violence.

Safaricom Now Joins Partisan Politics

After reaping billions of shillings in dishonest profits from politically oppressed Kenyans, cellphone services provider, Safaricom Limited, has the nerve to send unsolicited text messages to its subscribers on behalf of John Njoroge Michuki. The contents of the SMS are as follows:

"The Ministry of Internal Security urges you to please desist from sending or forwarding any sms that may cause public unrest. This may lead to your prosecution. (sic) From: SAFARICOM."

In multi-party politics, private and public business corporations are not supposed to engage in partisan politics. It is inconceivable that Safaricom have opted to support the evil needs of a cabinet minister who has little respect to freedom of speech and freedom of movement - all of which, Safaricom conveniently forgets, are basic human rights.

One fails to understand how Safaricom, owned partly by Vodafone PLC and the Kenyan public through the Government of Kenya, can allow its network to be misused for political gain at this critical time while it failed to do absolutely nothing when fake propaganda was circulating within its network prior to the general elections. Perhaps the profits were too sweet to turn down, huh? The latest short text message is in fact tantamount to Safaricom turning into a state broadcaster and I dare add, a direct infringement on the privacy of its subscribers.

As we debate here, it baffles me that after 45 years of self-rule, Kenyans do not presently have free access to information after the overzealous minister banned live media transmission. Worse still, for the last two days, millions of residents have had state-sponsored violence unleashed on them and their fundamental freedom of movement curtailed by paramilitary forces because the corrupt and illegitimate regime knows it has a lot to hide from the electorate.

Q: What better option does this leave Kenyans?

A: Continue the fight to Making Life Better for all Kenyans!

Noose Tightens Around Fraudulent Kibaki Regime As EU Bluntly Says Polls Were Rigged

...As security tightens around City Mortuary

In an well attended press conference in Nairobi that ended a few minutes ago, the EU has bluntly said that the just concluded general elections were rigged.

Led by EU Chief observer, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff the EU team told journalists at the Intercontinental Hotel that the exercise fell short of the UN Charter on Civil and Political Rights which Kenya is a signatory to. They recommnded that an independent audit be done of the presidential election results.

Clearly the preassure on the frausulent Mwizi Kibaki government has rapidly been increasing over the last few hours. With Britain and the United States not on their side now, it is only a matter of time now. Kibaki and his hawks could of course prolong the painful process for as long as they want, but the conclusion will be the same. This government will not survive.

Read Daily Nation report of the EU press conference.

Meanwhile there is something really evil going on in Kenya as heavy GSU presence is maintained at the City Mortuary. Dead bodies being guarded from looters?

Or does this have something to do with reports that hundreds of people have been killed countrywide but somebody somewhere is very determined to keep the real figures secret?


Kumekucha rarely quotes other newspapers but this one from the Telegraph in Britain is a gem;

What is shocking about the rigged poll is not the fact of electoral manipulation, but its blatancy. President Kibaki's partisans barely troubled to cover their tracks.

In one instance, observers saw one total being recorded at a local polling station, and a different one reported to the national electoral commission.

Government supporters would have us believe that Kenyans voted decisively against the ruling party's parliamentary candidates, that they turfed out the vice-president, but that they then split their tickets to return Mr Kibaki.

...Commonwealth leaders should suspend Kenya from their ranks and retain the option of further sanctions unless the election is re-run. If the Commonwealth fails, all Africa will fail with it.

Read the complete article.

This election prophecy given early last year predicted bloodshed. Look at the other amazing things said. Who is the leader plotting to shed blood for example?