Thursday, January 03, 2008

Raila Odinga Sets The Record Straight


  1. This just in via SMS from Nairobi!

    "Rally has been allowed! If u not at uhuru park or on ur way, women of kenya meetin at st marks church at 3 to go. We want peace n justice. Pls share."

    The light of democracy still flickers.

  2. LIE LIE LIE....ODM has CALLED OFF the MARCH. Please report the truth pple.
    Here is my legitimate source

  3. Kenya's opposition party has called off Thursday's banned public rally and urged its supporters to go home, according to The Associated Press.

    We are a peaceful people who do not want violence," William Ruto, a top official with presidential candidate Raila Odinga's party told AP.

    "That is why we are peacefully dispersing now."

    How do you read from that,that the rally has been allowed? GET IT RIGHT!

  4. Breaking News on Fox TV... The AG Wako has called for an Independent Probe of the vote counting...

  5. Calm down. I just read the CNN and AP reports just as you did and am trying to verify them from Kenya. I am not "reading" from that the rally was allowed. Information comes in a sequence to people, and we are all limited by the chaos and press restrictions.

    CNN's source is AP, so I am waiting personally to verify this with at least another reporter or a person in Kenya.

  6. This is how The Economist has referred to Kibaki's 'win'! Kibaki and his tribal cabal of old men should me ashamed of themselves!

    Twilight robbery
    Jan 2nd 2008 | NAIROBI

    Ethnic violence comes to Kenya

  7. The Amos wako statement and the Uhuru park rally cancellation true.

    Saw it on KTN

  8. Two Kisumu town MPs arrested

  9. Police kill two in

    Mombasa and on Thika Road

  10. Rally :

    New date

    The 8th January

  11. I hope you kenyans sitting pretty over yonder while we burn will post sensible messages of resolving the impasse instead of sensationalising the already bad situation

  12. I thought Briner said she would stop hiding(anon). all the above posts are Briner

  13. MOVE ON! Kibaki is the president and Odinga is a Bitter looser and he will NEVER be president

  14. PNUs burnt the AIC Kibera church to revenge the burning of the Eldoret church. Everyone knows.

  15. Anon@7:04.

    Raila is the legitimate president. I wonder whether your coward Kibaki is proud of causing so much death and destruction. Look at what is happening to former leaders in south America? Kibakis day is coming. We shall string him up.

  16. Raila should take advantage of the vacuum in the country's leadership and talk to the nation more.

    He should inspire people not to give up in democracy and to continue speaking up but avoid violence. Raila should tell people that the problem is not our neighbours but Kibaki and his elitists. Kibaki is mum, so Kenyans are expecting direction from Raila.

    Phil, if you can communicate this to ODM it would be good. I want to hear presidential speeches from Raila to address the nation who hav lost faith in Kibaki!

    john oilepo!

  17. This Blog is a disgrace to Kenyans. You waste your time arguing with people you don't know and who can't make a difference. The facts are:
    1. Kibaki is president
    2. Odinga needs to move on
    3. Kenyans are dying for views expressed similarly to the ones here on Kumekucha. (Ones that fuel and incite violence and intolerance.)
    4. Finally-- Kenya needs a strong leader not a figure head that plays tribal politics. Very DANGEROUS GAMES. Gambling innocent peoples lives while placing pre-conditions to meet with KIBAKI. It shows that he is thirsty for power and not interested in the stability of the "SAME" country he longs to lead.

    ODINGA my messgage to you is MOVE ON. You are wealthy-- share your wealth with the people in Kibera and the affected areas if you are sooooo concerned about the KENYAN PEOPLE!

  18. Mr Mutua!!!
    Let Kibaki resign for the interest of our country. Kenyans will held you responsible. We know the truth and kenyans are now learnered. We dont live any more in stone-age. We know what is going on in the gorventment. Men! We are living in a computer age. The more the GEMA people, who are in the position in the gorverment speaks,it is like they are making an insult to all kenyans. The world is round as some says. Today you are in power tomorrow will be me. Think well on how you conduct yourself. You are causing hatred to your fellow GEMA community. Every kenyan looks upon you!!!! Pliz think and act .

    Resign now and save yourself, intellect and future contacts.
    you can not stand by depspotism

  19. I am the same person who called you out on your lies about the RALLY, you guys are so busted on your"inaccuracies" and "irregularities". I find it interesting how you didn't wait to verify the SMS before you posted, yet a LEGITIMATE media source is suspect. This is the same way you are in DENIAL that KIBAKI is the president and we NEED to move on. We are hurting our country, our people and all this re-count, re-vote BS is NOT helping our economy. Now that you guys burnt down your own city of Kisumu, where are you going to get food or money?
    Those same westerners you are calling out for are looking at you thinking " we should have kept these uncivilized people that don't understand democracy as our slaves".
    The worth of a good man is determined NOT by his tribe, how many hooligans are trying to fight and loot on his behalf, not associations with the 'WEST", not by funding and inciting ethnic clashes, but by his PAST RECORD..I.E our President his Hon. Mwai Kibaki. We may not like it but we have to think of the good of our people, we also have to think of our neighbours UGANDA, TZ, ETHIOPIA etc.
    p/s stop the LIES.
    ALSO in that latest article "America and Int, Community...etc"
    PLEASE state the truth about the MARCH. It was CALLED OFF by Odinga's Camp, so stop saying it is because of the presence of Askari's.

  20. Wow, "Kibaki is the President and we have to move on and get over it"?????. That is what Kibaki, Michuki et al expected when they pulled off this 3rd grade opera performance. It is a different day in Kenya, the days when we rolled over and waited for divine intervention are over.

    None of the people asserting that Kibaki won have addressed this issue. You still insist that he won even after Kivuitu admitted that he does not know if Kibaki won the election. How is that possible when he saw all the results, real and cooked? The AG has called for an immediate independent probe. Why haven't we heard from Kibaki saying, anything besides "the election was free and fair" to break the impasse??? He is the statesman while Raila is a rogue for demanding that the rightful winner be sworn in as president? We can't have it both ways people! Since Kibaki is confident that he won the election, he should allow for a recount or a fresh presidential election. No matter which way you spin it, people are dying because they feel they were robbed of their choice. It is irrelevant whether they are poor or not. They are not less entitled to political oppression simply because they fall in a lower tax bracket! For the record, Kibaki was elected in 2002 and on his watch, he allowed Kibera, Mathare, etc to continue to exist as a slum. He with all his power he did not come up with a resettlement plan so don't give us those first grade arguments about why Raila is incompetent. When he campaigned tirelessly for Raila, no one had a problem with him. He was a "jamba". Now when he is challenging, the stolen election he is incompetent?? Come on!failure.

  21. Sorry, was typing too fast. Meant to say when he was campaigning for "Kibaki he was a jamba, and now he is incompetent, a failure!"

  22. Most arrogant PNU people are telling Raila to move on and get over it, he lost.

    saying how selfish he is,do you know that at least from the votes, he represents 4 million people's wishes, who are really MAD at the PNU government.

    So lets say he moves on and then this happens again in 2012,what then ?

    Or lets say he moves to parliament as the opposition leader,what makes you sure that Kibaki won't pull another trick to still ODM MPs as he has done before ?

  23. Let's for once think through this together as Kenyans. Is this fight about me and you? Luo vs Kikuyu? Okelo vs Kamau? Atieno vs Wanjiku?

    Chances are we are neighbours we enjoyed nyamo choma na mbili mbili together on x-mas so i again ask, is this fight really about me and you?

    History leads me to KADU and KANU? This is a war that goes back to before independence, most of us were not born and i dont know why we should be fighting the war.

    We will always blame the Kikuyu but if you google you will find a Kikuyu in Greenland. Matter of fact, they are all over the world its unbelieveable. This Kikuyu is like a Jew they seems to just be able to survive and make it in any environment.

    Destroy the coffee and tea factories they kept cattle you destroy KCC they sold everything to send one of their family member abroad.

    They clean white ass for a week and thats all needed to keep the family a float for a month back in Kenya. Go check out the up coming estates in any big town and chances are 1 in every 2 houses is bought either with dollars or pounds.

    The truth today as we keep on fighting going back and forth and swearing to kill every Kikuyu, its sad to say the only person benefiting the most is still the Kikuyu.

    You ask me how!!!!! On the 24th the dollar exchanged at 61.1 today its exchanging at 65.5. Lets keep on fighting for a another week the dollar might exchange at 70.

    Give me another investment vehicle that will have better returns than the dollar in a weeks time and i will take it.

    If at least every Kikuyu family has a relative making a dollar or a pound at the end of the day who stands to gain or lose?

    One thing really stands out they just don't self destory. With that in mind please lets stop burning our own towns.


  24. all american and European corporations that do business with the kenyan regime should be boycotted


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