Ruto jitters: Is Raila really back? | Kenya news

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Wikileaks and desperate Kenyans

If there is something major that I have learnt this year thus far then it is the fact that one is never old enough to lose a parent. I can hardly think of anything that have been as devastating to me in this life as the loss of my Dad. Even if he was from a different generation. The generation of President Mwai Kibaki. Conservative as they come with certain views, rules and principals cast in stone. This had to be the main reason why in his last days he had clearly lost touch with a new world where rules and principals are super-fluid and where change is happening too fast for anybody to fully grasp it, let alone its’ implications.

A friend once quipped that I seem to know Mwai Kibaki so well. If this has come out in my writing then it has a lot to do with the fact that I understood that my dad was from the same time and thus tended to think along very similar lines.

It took me many years but finally I learnt to accept him for what he was. Especially because of the positive side of being unshakeable. The man just couldn’t take a bribe or even look the other way. He just couldn’t. Many times his life was threatened simply because he was unable to do the safe thing of walking away and pretending he had seen nothing. He often told me that his conscience just couldn’t take it. Rare breed indeed and clearly the kind of people we need to shape and create our new Kenya. And if he were still alive today and was in a position of power he would not have been worried about that terror word amongst the high and mighty these days; wikileaks.

Wikileaks is that magic terror word that causes the rich and powerful to wake up in cold sweat at night (that is when they do manage to get some sleep). I spent a little time yesterday reading the Sunday Nation and could not help agreeing wholeheartedly with a number of opinion pieces denouncing Kenyans for the habit of falling over themselves to show mzungus just how much they knew.

I have been privileged to have gone to school with and even found myself in quite a number of situations where I have interacted with Mzungus and I can authoritatively tell you that irrespective of the smiles and kind words, they have a very low opinion of us in general. And I am not being racial. This is made worse when we always seem to want to bend over backwards to please them and show them how clever we are.

Indeed this is one of the reasons why I respect Tanzanians, even with all their poverty and issues. Walk into any office in Kenya today ahead of a mzungu and you will be told to wait while the mzungu who is behind you in the queue is served first. One day in 2004 I walked into a Dar office several paces behind a mzungu and was shocked beyond words when he was asked to wait while the man asked me; nitakusaidia aje kaka? (How can I help you my brother?). Later I heard many Tanzanians point out how most mzungus love to come to Africa to exploit Africans and take away from them while pretending to help. I thought to myself how true this was and how naïve we Kenyans are while being so desperate to look intelligent in front of white folks while actually making an utter fool of ourselves.

That is how diplomats readily get so much information from clueless government officials and even politicians. I can imagine a new arrival being briefed by a fellow diplomat thus;

“Simply wine and dine them old fellow. They are obsessed with unhealthy red meat. Just roast plenty of the disgusting flesh over some charcoal fire and keep their glasses filled mostly with that trashy beer they call Tusker and they will sing better than any bird you know…”

I recently almost threw up as I listened to a popular Radio personality host a mzungu on their show. I have interviewed many people and attended many press conferences in my time and it is so easy for me to tell when the person asking the questions is making an effort to look intelligent. Actually the best interview is where you ask the kind of questions your audience would ask, even the stupid ones. The reason why the Wikileaks revelations are so detailed and accurate is because somebody asked plenty of stupid questions over some nyama choma and Tusker, now guess who looks intelligent?

Don't miss: Wikileaks and the Pavlov Dogs Saga

P.S. Did you catch the Wikileaks where VP Kalonzo Musyoka wanted the mzungus to put pressure on Kibaki to step aside on account of his health (discussed here in Kumekucha many times before 2007) so that he would ascend to the presidency and be in pole position when fresh elections are called? Amazing stuff!!
SEE: Kalonzo's long history of wanting people to step down for him

Kenyan Tribal Violence at Foreign Ivy League University

Saturday, March 05, 2011

What is the executive diverting attention away from?

5I have been away burying my dad. Predictably it has been a very sad time for me. Yeah, yeah I know how fashionable it is these days to celebrate somebody’s life at their funeral rather than just feel sad and only focus on what may have been but never was, but hey I am human after all and the guy was my dad.

Enough of that for now but for those still interested I will talk about the man who was the true inspiration behind your beloved Kumekucha and our stormy relationship in the weeks and months to come as I continue to come to terms with the sudden events of January 19th this year and the aftermath.
Time for me may have stood still in the past few weeks but oh my, nothing has stood still on the local political scene. So much has happened and there is so much to discuss and reveal. Indeed I debated with myself for hours to decide what this first post would be about.

Let’s talk about diversion tactics, shall we. Because there has been so much of that in recent times so much so that I am very scared for Kenya. By the end of this post you too will be.

Diversion tactics work best when you want to attack a fortress of sorts. You start a small fire (that looks big) on the side so that everybody’s attention is focused on your dangerous looking fire, including those who are supposed to be guarding the fortress with their lives. And so it becomes very easy for you to go in and steal the crown jewels. With proper execution some people will never get an inkling of what you did.

There was a time that many people used to believe that Mwai Kibaki drunk too much, but would president Kibaki with his array of top notch advisors make unconstitutional appointments without realizing what he had done? And then keep insisting that they were constitutional while clinging to legal straws that are at best laughable?

I don’t think so. The idea there was to divert attention.

Many of you will have heard of the Prime Minister using the same effective technique (according to Wikileaks revelations) to divert attention from substantiated allegations that he had appointed close relatives to key diplomatic posts.

All past Kenyan presidents starting from Kenyatta and Moi have been known to frequently use diversion tactics on the hapless public.

The question on your mind now should be; what is our attention being diverted away from? Serious political analysts will have no problem with the first guess. The ICC stu***.

But methinks that there is also something else almost as serious brewing which I hope to discuss here in the days to come. Meanwhile it is great to be back. I missed Kumekucha much more than I thought I would.

Some people don't think Kibaki is the main target on Ocampo's list

Smart Kibaki Now Upgrades Shuttle Diplomacy

President Kibaki has once again shown his genius side by appointing VP Kalonzo to lead the group of envoys who will push for ICC deferrals. And that what it takes to lead from the front and by example. The truth is some of these issues are too complex to be solved using pedestrian antics packaged as cheap populism. Granted, it is one thing to respect the views of Kenyans but quite another to do the right thing for the long term benefit of those who MOVE (and own) this country. And Kibaki should know better.

As a servant leader, VP Kalonzo's rallying call to give us back our country is no empty slogan. Forget about the diplomatic rumours labelling the handsome and born-again Veep as an opportunist and an intellectual lightweight. Nothing can be so condescending from an arrogant guest with an obtuse appetite to scandalize his hosts. It is the height of diplomatic hypocrisy to turn the truism of real (kati kati) politics as devoid of gist, gravitas and agenda.

Make no mistake, Kibaki has seen it all. HE often draws from his alloyed wisdom to serve all Kenyans equally including the so-called Ocampo 3 (not 6). A look at the list of envoys tasked with ICC deferral reveals the TRUE FACE of Kenya and intellect both dolled in a unit. What is more, Kibaki even respects both the spirit and letter of the new constitution on gender parity by appointing two ladies. Both Dr. Sally Kosgei and Prof. Hellen Sambili are women with superlative brains, the former having hinted at being underutilized prompting her deride our national flag.

What is more, while Minister Njeru Githae is an accomplished legal mind, Chirau Ali Mwakwere is Kenya's ex-chief diplomat. Add Saitoti's experience to the mix and you get a team teeming with all it takes to competently and selfishly serve our national interest.

Kalonzo is a reputed peace maker. That his sojourn as Minister for Foreign Affairs saw peace in Southern Sudan and Somalia cannot be gainsaid. Only him could have Libya's Muammar Gadaffi listen and endorse our cause. Forget about the NON-EXISTENT unrest in the Middle East, we owe the pride of our own LAICO (sorry Grand Regency) it to dear Leader through Libya Investment Authority.

The naysayers must spare HE Kibaki spats and wait to see the fruits of his vision. He is no lame duck President and serving the interests of movers and shakers of Kenya has always been his forte. No need for juvenile consultations. Kalonzo will deliver ICC deferral under stringent budget and squalor among the IDPs will disappear.

And the ultimate reward awaits brother Steve next year when he brings the trophy home parading his fighting spirit. Who said the VP needs KKK? Both Imanyara and Orengo only have single votes. Washindwe!

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Kenyans Must Unite Against Diplomatic Rumours And Wild Allegations

Once again our filthy national fabric is being aired for all and sundry to see. US Ambassadors to Kenya must be our politicial classes' ego-therapist massuers. During their tenure in our swamp of corruption their ears act as international megaphones loud mouthing WILD ALLEGATIONS that would shame our local journalists best reports even on their greatest day

Former POTUS Bush and his successor Obama could not have asked for better international conduits of exported juicy RUMOURS than their men posted in Kenya.The smart diplomats do not play in the same league as former anti-corruption czar John Githongo who was forced to resort to secretly taping his unsuspecting informers. On the contrary in the presence of Rannenberger and his successive predecessors the collective overinflated egos of our political scoundrels simply exhale their utter contempt toward each other and their naked emotive tribal stereotypes masked as warped championing of good governance and democracy for Wanjiku.

Wikileaks cables reveal nothing new about Kenya's tribal based politics-the "muchene" (rumours) uttered in the consul massage parlors of Rannenberger&co. is nothing more than a reflection of our own rotten values as a society.Visit any Kenyan homestead after 8pm and witness for yourself wanaNICHI national past time of cheering fellow tribesmate thieves,murderers and drug barons MPigs while interpreting the main 9pm news bulletin through narrow tribal jingoism

Well,nothing exemplifies our fledgling democracy more than a fractitious coalition.Let embattled wikileaks founder Julian Assange not fool himself into thinking he did us a favour by exposing our skeleton closet to the world.We are a sovereign nation and will remain united against the meddling westerners.True they played their part in saving us from a one way ticket to hell but that was then.Now thanks to a new constitution plus ongoing judicial reforms we are once again standing tall in the international community of nations and nothing can ever put us to shame again.NA BADO

Monday, February 28, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Would Snap Elections Resolve the Abortive Judicial Appointments & Impending Hague Trials?

Desperate PNU ready to sacrifice......if only to avoid the Hague!

Following political uncertainty arising out of disagreement by the principals on key judicial appointments, speculation is rising over the possibility of one partner unexpectedly pulling out of the coalition and demanding a snap general election. Political temperatures are escalating and it is noticeable through the same vitriolic utterances of some of the amateur players (read-Hague suspects) who so nearly led this country to civil war in 2008.

But even as the two principals retreat and appear to close ranks, both are still talking of following difference routes towards resolving the stalemate and it now seems unlikely they will reach an amicable agreement given the contents of statements released by each of them. To add insult to injury, PNU and its allies continue to plot all manner of attacks against their coalition partners aimed at weakening them politically. Despite their presumed greater numbers, they came out of parliament with black eye and without any victory against mainstream ODM.

Matters are not made easier by the immense pressure on key political figures named as ICC suspects in Kenya's post elections violence. The Ocampo6, actually Ocampo3, are believed to be the real power behind the push for the ill conceived and moribund ICC deferrals. ICC Prosecutor has vowed to make Kenya an example to the rest of the world and had promised to start the Kenyan cases at pre-trial chamber of the ICC at the beginning of March 2011. This date which is hardly one week away is giving the powerful Ocampo3 sleepless nights. The rejection of judicial nominees by speaker Marende almost drove Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto to tears. The reality is dawning key men of the president's camp, including defecting ODM allies, who have made a huge about-turn from favouring Hague, to favouring a local tribunal. They are hopeful that the UN-Security Council may just grant their wish.

The unspoken secret is that the recent controversial and hurried judicial appointments were geared towards showcasing to the international community that Kenya's judiciary is now reformed and peddle the lie that the country can successful put to trial all the post election violence suspects using local mechanisms. The AU Heads of State fell for the campaign and it is only the UNSC that now stands between Kenya and the ICC. All signs are that some members of the UNSC will veto Kenya's application for a deferral and that the ICC pre-trial chamber judges will soon be issuing summons, or on a worst case scenario, arrest warrants, against the Kenyan suspects, since Ocampo had predicted the cases would begin by March 2011. Arrest warrants are more likely because on all intents and purposes, the Kibaki government will not co-operate with ICC since the suspects still serve in the same government.

With the dreaded month of March fast approaching, PNU (and defecting ODM allies) are extremely desperate and are now exploring unthinkable options to ward off the possibility of Uhuru Kenyatta, William Ruto, Francis Muthaura, Maj-Gen. Ali, Henry Kosgey and KASS FM presenter Joshua Arap Sang being shipped to face justice at the Hague. Not only are the individuals influential in their own right, there are deep fears that they may cut deals with Ocampo to implicate one or both of the principals, and even agree to testify against one of them. One can only imagine the bombshells if, say, Muthaura or Ali decides to testify against their boss Kibaki!

Although a snap election appears to many as a far fetched eventuality, keen observers of the Kenya's political arena, will not have failed to notice the recent semi official political rallies by ODM Leader in all parts of the country. Raila has already been to NEP, Coast and is this coming weekend expect to be in Western, where ODM bigwigs are expected to troop to town and address a huge political rally at Kakamega's historic Muliro Gardens.

Before this, an unexpected sms is already doing the rounds in Nairobi today that Raila Odinga will tomorrow morning at 10am, Friday the 25th February, address an unscheduled political rally at Nairobi's Country Bus station, otherwise known as Machakos airport. Not only is the rally an unusual occurrence, but it is an obvious choice to any smart politician. It happens to fall in Kamkunji constituency which is due for a by-election soon, and it is a location through which hundreds of thousands of common Kenyans pass through each day. It is also adjacent to the populous Eastlands area of Nairobi and also close to the ever busy and quite expansive Gikomba open air market. In other words, rather than hold a rally in Uhuru Park, there are hordes of common inflation-hit wananchi readily available at Machakos airport everyday and the ever scheming Raila, it seems, wants to take full advantage of this to address them directly. ODM insiders have already confirmed the rallies are on. So what does Raila know that the rest of the country does not know? Will Kamkunji OCS ban this rally on grounds of insecurity as he did for Eugene Wamalwa and Maina Njenga, or is the PM on a 'working tour'?

These highly charged political rallies can only mean, either the country may be in for a snap election, or subtle campaigns for the 2012 have began.

With the recently promulgated constitution hardly implemented, it remains to be seen if the coalition may collapse, or if snap elections may be called. Many middle class and upper class Kenyans are expressing their usual scepticism over the possibility of going for premature polls but if you talk to any poor Kenyan on the street, you will be shocked at how much wananchi are fed-up with the MPs of the 10th parliament and the dysfunctional coalition government. Wananchi are ready to vote out these pretenders to the thrown.

Watch this space!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kibaki Backs Down,Next Constitutional Deadlock Please

President Kibaki finally put his house in order.Well,Kenyans are far ahead of their leaders and were not fooled by Tuesday's cleverly crafted press conference and stage managed photo op disguised as smart give and take politics.Make no mistake,H.E.had painted himself into a corner that left no option but to beat a hasty retreat in order to save his face from an inevitable egg plastering.Just imagine the combined embarrassment of swallowing pie in public with the inevitable rulings from the constitutional court favouring the same verdict as Parliament, AG Wako, CJ and High Court.What would he have done then?We may find out come the next inevitable constitutional deadlock thanks to his cabal of advisors, PNU allies and ODM rebel MPs

Phony Advisors
What a shame to his close croonie advisors? This cartel of stubborn elderly elitist never miss an opportunity to try and introduce primitive style old leadership schemes and gimmicks through the back door. Once again their bad decision has cost PORK humiliation in the just concluded nominations row.Throw PNU allies and ODM rebel MPs into the mix and the picture slowly starts to emerges of a posse out to advance their selfish causes with the singular result of constantly undressing the emperor leaving him naked. Well, after December 2007 and August 2010 Kenya will never be the same again and it is no longer business as usual.Kenya is now anchored on a NEW CONSTITUTION and no amount of political TANTRUMS will derail our determined march towards realizing a truly united and prosperous country.

Let TRUE leadership lead from the front and by example;the 2 principals the Prime Minister and the duly elected must be alone so that BOTH may take charge of not just the nominations process but the entire remainder of implementing the new constitution.The national expectation now is that our leaders will stop politiking and listen to the nation's pulse by allowing only the Prime Minister and President to read from the same script so that the current scenario of constitutional deadlocks will not keep repeating itself.Parliament and the house speaker should not be required to keep on adjudicating political stalemates between the 2 principals while Kenyans continue to be robbed of their peace and subjected to permanent tensions.God bless Kenya

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fear of O+O+O

Kumekucha Regular Readers Reactions to President Kibaki's Fear of O+O+O

Anon: What a shame! Pumbavu. Must the West urge first in order for common-sense things to happen. Did these lots go to school. Cant they read the laws first and do chest pumping later?

Anon: At last the President of Impunity has understood what the EU, OBAMA and ANNAN have told him.
When Tinga hinted to him and his PNU criminals that he acted unconstitutionally, he refused to understand.
Marende, even the smily AG, the Women, civil society told him. Now he has understood.
But his criminal tactics are not yet over. He might try to corrupt or threaten the PSC to recruit only people from one community as he has always done (CBK,Airport,Police, Army, GSU,AP----They are ALL from ONE community).
Let's remind this old man that there is a new Katiba, which he must follow.
Agwambo, please help Kenya to become a democracy. The country is for all Kenyans and not for Kanu thieves, Youth92, Mt Kenya. Remain tough. We are following your steps

Anon: The Phone calls from White House and 10 Downing street always seem to work wonders

Anon: When a statement like that made by Kifaki comes while surrounded by masters of impunity there is always a hidden card under the table, the Butcher of Kiambu was all smiles and Kalooze who seems not to know the meaning of KKK (Kuondoa Kalonzo Kabisa or Kalonzo Kwenda Kwenyu)was strategically placed for the cameras to see that he is VP ha ha

Anon: Thanks! Rao PORK! For making that old toad toe the mwananchi line. The frogs on KK can continue to croak as loud as they want but that will not stop the nation from moving forward, and yes Uhuru the nation cannot move forward until RAO as PORK says so.

Anon: I think kibaki has done the right thing. Country must be put first. Kenyans have won round one against the click that were holding the president hostage. Reading in between the line I think Kibaki may have been advised that the court WAS going to rule against him and as a clever politician he choose the option that gave him some leverage. God bless kenya

Anon: Ha ha haaaaa! Rt. Hon. Raila PORK has gotten the last laugh. Yeah Rao haters bring it on, yeah you read that right bring it on. Mezeni wembe

Anon:Kibaki has withdrawn the list...finally he has read the mood on the ground. Or is it uncle Koffi..!!

Anon:I hope Chemilio is closely watching and following events in Libya. He better be real SCARED!!!

Anon:Kibaki and his PNU thugs want to protect the murderers, rapists, thieves and mungiki friends. Why nominate CJ, AG, State Prosecutor who are already working closely with the Hague SIX?

Kenyans have no interest in protecting them. These people dont need Kenyans. They have already stolen enough Kenyan money. They are free to spend it in the Hague. But Kenyans dont want to finance their AG, CJ,Prosecutor, etc. Kibaki dont interfere with getting new candidates through competative means. Let LSK or other bodies advertise as per NEW constitution.

Anon:UK can't believe that TIME is running out for him, Ocampos noose is tightening by the day and that is why he is hyper ventilating. Snap elections, selecting your own judiciary still won't get you to state house silly. He just needs to stick to his amarula drink and wait for indictments.

Anon:We are all very tribal lets just accept that and learn to live with it.What sheer coincidence makes all Luo Nyanza mps side with Raila on any confict he has with Kibaki and what sheer coincidence makes all Kikuyu mps support Kibaki on any conflict he has with Raila.Look at the staffing in their respective offices,Kibaki hires mostly kikuyus/merus.Raila hires luos.And we the ordinary Kenyans stand on the sidelines cheering them,reserving our loudest cheers to the protagonists depending on where we were born....ata masomo haisaiidii,we will still view things from the tribal perspective....!!

Anon:True, if politics was to be based on the size of members then your brethren would carry the day. But come back to reality, since time immemorial Kikuyus have outsmarted luos in politics. Whereas Luos are the real Cassanovas. Call it truce guys.

Anon:Instead of HYPERuentilating about tribal affiliations and we all Belong to One Lets Consider A Change of BOTH mindset and leadership Maybe We Try Ole K And Peter K for starters My take.

Anon:his is a personal observation. Kenya needs leaders. We need true leaders like yesterday. The current crop of leaders are useless. They think of nothing other than themselves!Kibaki and his advisors have goofed bad. They are out of place. But that is for another day.
I want to comment on what I saw on youtube clip of PNU operatives. Guys, if Uhuru Kenyatta were to be a president of Kenya, then we would be in a serious situation!!! That man should never be elected anything.
Why am I so hush to UK? Because he can't hand pressure! I observed him buckle under pressure at a press conference! Instead calmly telling us what Marende had done wrong, he choose to be annoyed and angry. He spit his dummy out for no apparent reason. Whatever error Marende had made, UK as a potential president, he should have been methodological and calm in explaining the errors. Not in anger! An angry Commanderin Chief is a murderer of the nation! What happens if he is annoyed and gives orders to his subjects? What orders is he capable of giving in anger?
How about his supporters? Uhuru Kenyatta's behaviour can easily incite his supporters to violence or destruction of property.
I had thought of him as a leader. From that clip alone. Me think his temperament is not good of a leader at State House. He belongs home in Gatundu. His anger can't run even a kiosk.

Anon:The Uncertainties That Are Being Brought Into Play Now Are The Same Ones That Were Used In 2006 And 2007 And Were Used To Fuel The Pev. It Is Time Our Mpigs On Both Sides Toned Down And Handled The Constitution Implementation With A Somber Mind. Btw, Every Kenyan Voter You And Me Included Can Only Vote In One Booth. Lets Quit The Tribal This And That And Study The Candidates Very Carefully. Good Ones Are Those Who Accept To Lose Honorably Keep Peace And Contest. Next Time. Long Live Kenya.

Anon:I think we're heading for another 'nusu mkate' deal in 2012/13. It's the *only* way RAO will have chance. Between now and then we will see a lot of ethnically targeted moves and statements (pretty much like the 41vs 1 or now 41v3, or KKK bull shit) i.e. what RAO does best. We will also see him dispatching his kibera thugs to uproot railways, terrorise people, generally cause disruptions in Nairobi. RAO is incapable of civilized politics, even more so now that he's lost the RV, coast including the central that he never had. He's a cornered beast that wants to be president. Still. Expect the worst.You can take this to the bank.

Anon:Where does RAO think he'll get the numbers come 2012? By having his rivals face the Hague and attempting to paralyse the Judiciary by Insisting on Justice Omolo, he's burning bridges with everyone and come 2012 he'll be left with the likes of Marendes and Weakleaf who can't even give him votes. Just as Moi said, "Anajikaranga na mafuta yake mwenyewe". I predict a second round between Kalonzo and RAO and Kalonzo will sweep Eastern, Central, Rift Valley and Coast.

Anon:We prefer home made mano -a- mano Kenyan political fist fight that is going on with Marendes declaration.
This Raila man is very very powerful, he controls ICC, UN security council, civil society, media, Kenyan Judiciary,wako and Gicheru if we are to believe the PaNUa guys. What happened to national reconciliation and healing? Or that is the preserve of the KKK. Marendes ruling has left RAO haters smarting, because they view it as victory for RAO

Anon:Marende will have to act cj, ag, dpp and cob like he did with lgb. If the two leaders dont agree the posts will never be filled since marende will only accept a letter signed by both. We copied the US system but has anyone ever heard of a US president advertising posts before nominating people and forwarding the names to the senate. The Ag under the new constitution is just someone working for the president and can be sacked anytime. How can you say you want to tell the president who he should choose as legal advisor of his administration. Makes no sense. I know there is the consultation bit but no one really knows what it means. At the end of the day the prsident has to nominate some one.

Anon:This man Raila seems to be very powerful, if there is a traffic snurl up balme it on him, drought Rairaaaa. Remember as Kwendo Opanga had said, the brigade seems hell bent on soiling Raila through propaganda. I belong to eastern part of the country and for once I can honestly say that Rao has my support. Is all this noise meant to scuttle the implementation of the constitution?, shield the Ocampo 6?, return the country back to anarchy and blame it on Rairaaaaaa

Anon:I wonder how powerful this man Raila is. If he can influence Ocampo's list (forgetting that it is Waki who came up with the original list), influenced parliament to reject the local tribunal and recommend the Hague (the same people now denouncing the Hague), influence Kenyans to vote for the new constitution that ended impunity and now influence the speaker's ruling, (it is even said that when you differ with your wife you blame it on him) then yes, Mr Uhuru Kenyatta, the country cannot move without him saying so.
Just asking, what is so wrong with a citizen (if a foreigner did, you'd cry sovereignty) standing up and saying something is wrong?
How can Kalonzo who claims to be a lawyer (does anyone know of any person Kalonzo or his law firm has ever represented in court?) stand and tell us that we can't question directions from the president?
For all of you out there, you may have your reasons for not like him - believe me I also have my reasons - but let us follow the law and constitution, not blanketly blaming him even when he is 'doing the right thing'.

Anon: Eh! Na BADO! This is one Furu Furu Conditiiiiiion!!! The "political echoes" of Marendes ruling continue to reverberate.
The trappings and rituals of the good old days continue, the DPM has challenged the PM to a duel on the floor of the house, mind you no ancient "machu-picchu" vitendawili kind of politics but good old dirty money no-holds-barred "siasa ya kumalizana" brazen duel.
How dare Marende over-rule PORK! Heck! His Oath of allegiance kitu gani, didn't he hear Mr. Kati-Kati equate PORK! To a village paramount chief who should not be questioned.
Bw. Marende will now know why the coat of arms bears those two lions, and he better be told that those are not rained on cats.
Now what does Marende expect the Mtarajiwa CJ to do, go back and arbitrate on those boring cattle rustling court cases and what of Prof.Githu,to go back to the classroom and chock on chalk-dust?, for heavens sake he has been at it for the last twenty years!!
Martin Luther once said that morality cannot be legislated. As the VP goes MIA we watch on the sidelines as Marende continues to "Emu-haya".
The Oracle has Spoken

Anon:“Despite Mwai Kibaki’s stated commitment to operate a meritocracy with regard to the diversity of Kenya, his appointments to the most sensitive and crucial offices have been biased towards members of a kikuyu oligarchy” These are words by Maina Kiai & Paul Muite, in an article titled “ Challenging the Kikuyu Oligarchy” in April 2009.
Almost two years later, does that statement sound true? While I don’t intend to castigate anyone (actually in the above quote you can substitute the words ‘Mwai Kibaki & Kikuyu’ with Raila Odinga & Luo, to get the same result) I think Kibaki might leave behind a more divided Kenya that Moi did. Sadly his main partner in coalition is no different. When I look at many other 'self declared presidential contenders' I can't help but agree with one Mwarangethe that 2012 is just another 'opiun taking' year.

Anon:Kenyans are very bright individuals come 2012 they will vote for what is justice anyone thinking that they can buy votes let them try, Kenyans won't refuse the stolen money handed out, after-all it is stolen money belonging to the Kenyan tax payers,they will enjoy it but vote differently, Kenyans are aware many of the politicians in office now do not belong there, a clean sweep of is in order come 2012

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Reactions From Bold Speaker's Marende's Intelligent Ruling

Anonymous Anonymous said...

KIBAKI is a MUGUMO TREE, A FENCE SITTER, AN OPPOTUNIST who has never fought for the good of Kenya.

Today Marende to told him point blank that he is corrupt and unconstitutional. He is the chief of impunity and Grand corruption in Kenya. The folk will go out soon and show him the door.

The north wind will soon reach Kenya.

Anonymous The Oracle has spoken said...

Haya basi, better leave the "interpretation" of what is or not constitutional to our duly "elected" political "choir masters", we only sing the "interpretation hymns" that they recite to us.... Shauri yako you have been warned!! Didn't Kiraitu say "we have the numbers, who can stop us......

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If outgoing CJ Gicheru and AG Wako told their soon to be former boss that your actions were unconstitutional the old Toad in his usual hear no evil kept mum. Well Speaker Marende has spoken and it was indeed loud enough for the whole nation to hear. What next for the PNU brigade, vote of no confidence on Marende, talk of wishful thinking.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch Out.
This man called MARENDE is a patriot.
This man is the best for Kenya. God bless him, God bless Kenya, God bring democracy into this DARK tribal nation guided by leaders of impunity.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Constitution is not for Raila, Kibaki or Ruto.
Let's force these people to follow the right and sincer process. No interest attached to any name.
Advertise the jobs, shorlist the names by respective professional bodies, forward names to Raila and Kibaki, forward chosen names to Marende, take it to Parliament, END. If not take process back to the origin.
Dont nominate friends of Raila, dont take lawyers of Ruto, dont settle on advisors of Uhuru, dont be afraid to choose political enemies of Ruto.
We want transparency and not tribalism, impunity, side-road nominations. Kibaki, Raila, Ruto, Uhuru are not Kenya.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Raila went around preaching the gospel of 41 versus 1, he introduced the hyper version of tribalism we are witnessing today. He continues to feed this monster by insisting that only if Riaga Omollo, a fellow Luo, is made Chief Justice is there going to be peace. Remember the refrain, "No Raila, No Peace" and the atrocities committed by its singers?
Kenyans, beware of Thug Raila! He has been associated with violence since August 1982 and he doesn't seem willing to quit on his own. Only you, the Magestic People of Kenya, can retire his bloodthirstiness once and for all in 2012 elections.

Anonymous DM-Nairobi said...

Forgive me for being pessimistic but....thanks in a big way to Kibaki, Kenyans have become too tribalistic to unite and overthrow their corrupt ruling elites. The first thing we shall be looking out for and openly asking come the 28th February is:
"From what tribe are the fellows who are making this call to a nationwide strike?" So that we can compartmentalise them neatly into our petty political/tribal outfits.
Tragic because a Tunisia/Egypt like revolution is not likely to happen in Kenya say for another generation.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not Luo,Kalenjin,Kamba,nor am I a Kikuyu. The new constitution makes it impossible for any future president to twist it to his favour. Thats why Kibaki wants to have 'his' people now for the future is very certain. NO IMPUNITY. Since both sides of the coalition are not agreeing, then let Kibaki withdraw the names, allow a competitive process, then get the best from right constitutional process. Otherwise blindly voting for 'PNU' nominees is very risky

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Raila is sabotaging our national institutions and undermining the growth of local manpower. He has been insisting that we outsource Chief Justice to a white person from the Commonwealth. Also, his insistence that PEV perpetrators be tried in Hague is deliberately aimed at weakening our judicial system even as we try to revamp it under the new katiba.

This man has no faith in Kenyans and yet he (as a Kenyan) thinks he is qualified to be president. If a Kenyan can qualify to be a president, how come no Kenyan is qualified to be Chief Justice. A man who has no faith in the people he seeks to lead is just a charlatan.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New Constitution Rejects One Kirwa,AG/CJ/DPP To Go

This month parliament has earned half its paycheck in using the new constitution correctly to reject the process of nominating William Kirwa as new controller of budget. With great power comes great responsibility, and the supreme law maker must now bravely finish the job at hand and boldly drive the message home that the political landscape has changed forever stupid!

Inferior politics characterised by party infighting above national interest will never be capable of washing away Kenyans enormous expectations after the promulgation of August 2010. WanaNICHI know what they want and are determined to get it finally, so there are no 2 ways about it: either we lead the way as custodians of our collective aspirations in guarding the newly passed law or we fail beautifully to rise up to the occassion and instead implement the same document at a slanted and flawed tangent

A new constitution may have entrenched institutionalized governance, but only with great blood sweat and tears will tribal SCOUNDRELS be disabused from playing time tested political games that do not reflect the heart of true reforms in the right direction.Down must go the nominations of Chief Justice, DPP and AG. Kenya boasts an enviable and resourced manpower and inviting the public to submit their candidature for nomination of appointment to the judicial and budget positions will serve to ensure only the best in all aspects get the job

The wind of change blowing across Norther Africa has left behind in its wake a cool breeze floating towards sub-saharan Africa, with Kenyans on social media ( see #Feb28th@twitter) planning a peaceful nationwide strike by singing the national anthem at exactly 1pm on February 28th. Yet another reminder to our MPigs not to delude themselves in thinking the country is as asleep and divided as televised. Remaining hostage to low standard of leadership is no longer an option NA BADO

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Muthaura:Primitive Behaviour Fails to Trap Our Role Model

Loyalty to the President comes with high costs,and the veteran Ambassador once again finds himself in the spotlight with a brilliant scheme engineered by his opponents envious of his close proximity to the ear of his boss PORK

Former Anti corruption Czar John Githongo taught Kenyans well to exhibit PRIMITIVE BEHAVIOUR of taping conversations and editing them in a manner that puts the recorded in bad light. In the Ambassador's case a very poor low quality recording can be heard with his voice stating its ridiculous for him to ask the commissioner of police to stop from stopping Mungiki. This is ridiculous indeed. The recording further captures the career civil servant saying that if the luo tribe were part of the demonstrators at the time police were quelling violence, they would have been the victims as the protest would have turned violent.

Muthaura can also be heard on the recording stating that as an advisor he cannot take the highest responsibility as this belongs to the advised.Shame on UNIVERSITY STUDENTS they have too much time on their hands plotting to set up Muthaura and disrupt the PMs peaceful visit to Meru. The clever students are studying the WRONG SCRIPT instead of imitating their colleagues in Yemen and Algeria in organizing demonstrations to topple incumbent regimes they instead want to take advantage of Muthaura's position as one of the Ocampo 6. This is manifest nonsense.

But wait a minute why are ODM MPs rubbing their hands in glee?This is not the time to score political points at our collective expense as Kenyans.No wonder they are now accused of orchestrating the entire smear campaign against the civil service boss. Gem MP Jakoyo Midiwo must be aware that releasing the manufactured recording to the public begs the question of how he obtained it in the first place, and whether or not it was indeed all a set up orchestrated by the party itself as accused by PNU

ODM must know that not everything the chief public servant does sanctions the blessings from the duly elected above. Muthaura stands as his own man and, testing the water to see if they can harass him will not upset his boss. The voice specialists must be called in at once to determine if the voice on the manufactured recording belongs to PORKs most loyal ally

Thursday, February 10, 2011

New Appointments And ICC: Grand Coalition In Delicate Balancing Act

Parliament continues to reign supreme as the fate of nominees to the Chief Justice, Attorney General, director of public prosecutions and controller of budget offices is postponed until next week.Suspicious Kenyans will be foolish to read mischief of any kind in the delay by citing the February 27th deadline for filling position of the CJ draws near

Nowhere in the world are appointments made based solely on education and experience.There are 42 tribes in Kenya and give it to PORK, H.E. nominated a CJ from a minority group "not Kenyan enough" to avoid rocking the delicate balance of our tribal governance. Truly it is no longer business as usual.

PhDs are a dime a dozen in Kenya, not to mention the ratio of highly qualified manpower is more than the number of public posts available in government, and that is without so called affirmative action. Tribal balance must be struck so that ethnically inclined Kenyans won't accuse the coalition of sensitive government appointments being skewed in favour of one particular tribe.Ethnic and regional balance must come first in any Kenyan head hunting list before qualification, experience and expertise.

But the timing could not be any better as the speed picks up for accelerating judicial reforms to stop anyone from going to the Hague.After forcing PNU and ODM into a politcal marriage the international community is once again witness to our theatrics to to pull out of the same ICC we demanded. If only the IDPs and deceased PEV victims could resurrect out of their graves to remind us what went wrong where. NA BADO

Monday, February 07, 2011

Prime Minister,President tell Parliament:Agree For Us

Interesting times are here for Kenya's parliament courtesy of the new constitution.

The MPs are tasting the benefit of true parliamentary democracy, and the fate of nominees to justice and budget office jobs lies in their hands With their increased parliamentary influence surely MPs now have all the freedom in the world and the biggest winner is the people of Kenya courtesy of H.Es "hands off approach" and a PM known to favour a parliamentary system of government.

Kudos to VPORK Musyoka whose one man continent wide ICC deferral crusade pushed to the top of the agenda discussions between the 2 principals on the impending prosecution of the Ocampo 6. But then again PORK apologists will be quickl to give President Kibaki credit pointing out how during his tenure the incumbent has consistently sought to make his a truly unofficial devolved style of government by handing over more responsibility for running the country to his lieutenants. In this yet again H.E. was a man ahead of his time

The Prime Minister in his supervisory and co-ordinating role has also equally been known to favour a more consultative approach involving cracking the whip where necessary. Over now to the JLA and FPT departmental house committees. But wait a minute doesn't a fractured ODM (thanks to William Ruto pitting himself against the Prime Minister in his quest to be the next executive PM) control the legislative arm of government by virtue of more MPs?

Given that there is no credible official opposition in parliament discounting the few disgruntled NARC Kenya back benchers, Kenyans can only hope that House Speaker Marende's newly acquired referee role as the biblically wise 'political Solomon' will not relegate to parliament any future disagreements between the two principals as this might be tantamount to rubber stamping government business by prejudiced and set minds from the party with the majority in parliament just so that state affairs may be conducted smoothly

Nevertheless Kenya is still moving forward and Kenyans need to be vigilant as their MPigs are still falsely secure in the knowledge that despite the recall clause included the new constitution is not yet fully implemented and therefore MPs are off the hook as far as redeeming their image of being a hindrance to national development is concerned. This political stalemate must be broken and the law must be applied equally to all in both spirit and letter. God bless Kenya

Thursday, February 03, 2011

New Constitution Tested, Judiciary Rejects Kibaki Nominees, Marende Ducks Ruling

Less than a week after being consultatively appointed by the executive authority, Kenyans witnessed bold masterstrokes from the Judiciary in correcting the theatre of politically absurd as President Kibaki's newly nominated coterie of Chief Justice, Attorney General, Director of Public Prosecutions and Controller of budget were today dealt a severe blow in the ongoing constitutional battle against the approval of PORK's nominee's

The new constitution lived up to its much hyped billing by taking back the executive's jurisdiction over the court's and providing High court judge Daniel Musinga the much needed teeth with which to emphasise the commensurate bite that Kenya is for all Kenyans of all tribes, colour and creed and affirmative action excluding no professional career and qualified citizen from being fit to be appointed to any senior leadership position in the country.

However, no one understands peculiar Kenyans better than their duly elected equally peculiar leaders voted in by unanimous ethnically segrated universal sufferage. Having successfully divided us against each other they are now forever assured of a split cheering squad bitterly plotting still-birth Egypt/Tunisia style revolutions on social media (Twitter) while simultaneously praying for no further interruptions to the schedule of full implementation for the new constitution by the very same MPs! Normal human beings only have to be bitten once to become shy but peculiar Kenyans continue to enjoy the beauty of the view of every floor on their way down oblivious of the had pavement waiting to kiss their skulls open at the base

Parliament meanwhile continues to chase its tail with House speaker Kenneth Marende judiciously delegating the decision to bite the bullet to a divided relevant House committees. Disillusioned Kenyans expected the former MP to A I M H I G H E R than his previous LGB (Leader of Government Business) House ruling where he infamously sacrificed his own neck selflessly on the chopping block to break the stalemate between divorce prepared coalition marriage partners ODM and PNU

Thank God we have an effective consititution to fight injustice on our behalf, and baby-step taking Kenyans are slowly gaining confidence in learning how to turn the heat up from the kitchen as the political elite increasingly come face to face with their frail humanity as they find themselves within easy reach of litigation and other forms of checks for accountability. The law must be interpreted in both spirit and letter, and not according to usual me myself and I Kenyan politics. God Bless Kenya

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Embodiment of Virtues

People should not be scared of their governments, governments should be scared of their people

Kenya Joins Sudan in Quest for ICC Deferral

After burning millions of taxpayers money to have AU support deferral of ICC case, Kenya has lost big by failing to be picked as a member of the imminent five regional nations to resolve the Cote d'Ivore crisis. The smart one must have seen it coming after our display of juvenile politics in Addis Ababa.

Change from OAU to AU was typical African cosmetic penchant to create and impression of change without commensurate movement. AU supported ICC's deferral on Sudan in 2008and nothing has changed. And Kenya has toiled to join Sudan thanks to the club of master of impunity that is AU. The French must have been very right with their cliche that the more things change the more they remain the same.

AU may have offered Raila a poisoned chalice after he derided the toothless continental body. But even before the son of Jaramogi the noose tighten around his political neck, juvenile PNU-ODM theatrics were exported north of the border with Saitoti as Kenya's chief envoy. Wow! No wonder even the moribund Igad had the presence of mind and tact to settle for Tanzania instead of the chest thumbing, deceptive and fraudulent neighbour.

Well, it doesn't stop there. While Kibaki was convincing (nay cheating) the AU of our capacity to form a competent judicial system to take over ICC cases, his local action betrayed all the pretence. Even the Kenyan Diaspora are not spared the embarrassment judging from their penchant to ethnic loyalty and expediency.

Nobody is begrudging the qualifications of the proposed CJ, AG or DPP. But respect for the law demands both its facets of SPIRIT and LETTER must not be adulterated. It is base and pedestrian to posit that the end justifies the means. A flawed process can never win credibility anywhere, PERIOD. The apt precedent was set by ECK appointments prior to the bungled 2007 polls.

Being above reproach demands more than just shouting and quoting legal statutes. We are a country best known for deceit packaged as sophistication only that the vice if never sustainable and often leaves us with a collective bloodied nose. If you doubt it just wait till you see our stillbirth Tunisia-Egypt-Sudan revolt derailed by enterprising tribalists who will castigate the masses for not cashing in on their won plight. NA bado.

Sudan: How Youngsters removed a ruthless dictator

Sunday, January 30, 2011

New CJ, AG: A Replay of Defunct ECK for 2012

The law is an ass so they say and nobody knows how to breathe life into that timeless cliche that President Kibaki. If you thought the unilateral re-appointment of Kivuitu's ECK team just before the disputed 2007 polls amounted to a cause-effect relationship then wait till you see through the SMART thinking behind appointing the new CJ and AG. Legal pretenders will discredit the new constitution oblivious of the naked fact that accountable governance is all about upholding the SPIRIT and not the letter of the law.

Predictably the nay Sayers will read all the RETROGRESSIVE conspiracy theories in President Kibaki's latest bold judicial appointments.To set the record straight, the nominated Chief Justice Visram and Attorney General Githu Migai are more than qualified. These are accomplished lawyers with 6 degrees to spare between just the two of them. What is more, their advanced degrees are homegrown (UoN) giving them the capacity to competently domesticate complicated legal issues.

The REAL radical surgery here we come. With Muthaura's lawyer guarding the legal gates, ICC is dead in the water. Ambassador Francis Muthaura would be a fool not to position a trusted, tried and tested lawyer at the helm given the impending ICC 'manifest nonsense'. What is more, Githu is an accredited lawyer to the ICC. That is a superlative move which is poised to leave the boisterous Luis Moreo-Ocampo wiping his bloodied nose. After all the both referral and deferral sound the same except for the first letter ONLY.

Next, the in-coming powerful director of prosecution is one NO-NONSENSE Kioko Kilukumi. The abrasive lawyer has seen it all handling high profile cases that other legal neophytes would dare not tough with a 10-feet pole. Just the other day he stood firm for the beleaguered Hon William Ruto and boy, don't you love the 10 voluble and brave pounder (Kilukumi)? Those with less impaired memory must remember Kioko's educated pitch while trashing Kibaki bashers from Netherlands some years back. He stuck his neck for the boss and what a sweet payback/check for the learned mind?

And finally with a masterstroke that will leave his detractors sprawled kissing dust, Kibaki has proposed the sharp mind of William Kirwa (MBA, MA) as the controller of budget. Those who have been criticizing the President for being aloof must be frying in their own fat of shame. Here iss the deal, while both Kioko and Kirwa constitute the double, the missing K need no physical lettering, MTADO?

Those who have been burdened with the phantom mindset of co-principals need to have their heads examined lest they continue with their unhelpful hallucination. The buck must stop with somebody and President Kibaki has called the pretenders bluff.

ODM's goose is chased, defeathered, cooked and digested. Rift Valley MPs have been given the sacred card to checkmate ODM and the PM. With their bread generously buttered, they must be rubbing their hands in glee to emphatically register their political score.

President Kibaki is never known to promise what he cannot deliver. And after his latest forays in Eldoret, the warriors have been smothered and the owls rattled. NA BADO. Hague Express kitu gani?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Now Kenya Exports Shuttle Diplomacy to Africa

That Kenya always scores a first in the Africa continent is given. Barely a week after VP Kalonzo's shuttle diplomacy to secure Africa support in pulling out of ICC, troubled Cote d'Ivore has launched charm offensive to legitimize the DULY ELECTED President Laurent Gbagbo.

Forget about all that cheap game of semantic on referral and deferral. We are sovereign and if not conquering the world with toxic tribalism, we are expanding the sphere of intellectual fraud. Even Gbagbo knows the wide rift between our leaders and what a better way to exploit the same to advance his brand of democracy.

Toothless AU can scream till her voice turns hoarse but Gbagbo knows where to seek similar and useful support. Kenya and Zimbabwe are automatic stops. Here we had a mediator who was set by AU to fix him after deriding the same AU as ineffective. That was an apt case study of helping make a sturdy noose for your own round neck.

Our very own Samuel Kivuitu's electoral manual has proved such a continental bestseller. All that heat about AU position had no trace of light. AU must must have been mad to imagine that any CREDIBLE leader would negotiate himself out of power. And lest they forget, Gbagbo is in very good company. The noise makers can willfully buy a one-way ticket to refurbished hell.

It is a pity nobody is listening to Gbagbo's explanation about electoral irregularities during the disputed presidential elections in his country. Here is a leader, just like our own Kibaki, who crying to be heard after refusing to play dirty. Only such unrivaled democrats can allow massive electoral fraud by the opposition without unleashing state power on them.

We have been there. Sending special advisers to African capitals is an old trick. You only need to remind yourself of Kenya's own charm offensive after the 2007 polls to secure continental acceptance. Gbagbo is right, the Independent Electoral Commission only gives provisional results. We must learn to respect institutions and accept that Ivory Coast's constitutional court has the sole mandate of declaring the poll winner.

Only Ivorians voted and the so-called international community must shut up and leave them alone. The President-Pretend Allassane Ouattara must accept the verdict of the electorate and stop causing more suffering. True, Kenya may have been saved from stewing in her own blood but the international resources are limited.

Gbagbo has rejected mediator Raila and is in order to send and emissary to the ultimate boss/CEO. The truth is Raila had no mandate of his own but to deliver the poisoned chalice of negotiating Gbagbo's safe exit. Now that the noose has snapped and with the AU summit looming, Gbagbo's masterstroke has pitted PNU against ODM which will buy him the much-needed political space. NA BADO.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Esther Arunga Latest News: Now She Calls Church A Cult...

Esther Arunga Timberlake is back with a bang! And she is not just with her good-looking American accent husband but also has a two week bouncing baby boy called Sinclair Timberlake. A marriage certificate she showed to the press recently proves that she was married to Timberlake on 9th February 2010 and the two were joined together by the controversial Pastor Hellon of the Finger of God church.

But what is really amazing is that this time she is apologetic. She apologizes to Kenyans for belonging to the Finger of God church and being in all the drama that ensued as a result. She even calls the church she was a member of and defended so vigorously on National TV, a cult and she and her husband warn Kenyans to stay away from it because “it is a brothel” and “the things that go on in that church are shocking..”

And Esther even has an excuse for her behaviour. She says that she was under a spell from the dominating pastor Hellon who even wanted to be given the authority to name her child. It is not clear how Esther broke out of the alleged spell she was under.

Phew!!! What a turn around!! And once again Esther’s statement to the press leaves more questions than answered. For instance when did the Timberlake’s realize that the Finger of God church was in fact a brothel? Was it while they were there and allegedly under a spell? Or was it after they left? Also unclear is the fate of the woman who Mr Timberlake lived with for 11 years before he met and married Esther.

The Esther Arunga story held the nation spell bound for months on end last year. Many Kenyans asked themselves how such a bright talent destined for higher things in broadcast journalism would suddenly abandon her career and join a controversial church. More so because the multi-talented Esther was also a qualified lawyer.

Kenyans will already have forgotten the interesting way in which this whole soap-opera high drama first broke. The powerful Radio Africa outfit just wrote and talked about it and never quit until it became a national issue. Radio Africa is that outfit owned by a Ghanian that runs the notorious FM stations called Kiss and Classic. They also publish a daily newspaper called The Star which is where a nice lady reporter called Grace Kerongo first broke the story.

The approach taken by the chaps at Radio Africa was that they were concerned for “a friend and colleague” who had ended up in some cult. Now this is preposterous because if somebody who is your true friend goes AWOL, you don’t make her the subject of discussion on a popular breakfast show. You look for your cell phone call them and set up a lunch date or whatever. As it is none of Esther’s so-called friends and colleagues did that. Poor Esther, with friends like that she would be much better off in a pit and surrounded by the most dangerous snakes in Kenya. Methinks the chaps at Radio Africa were just doing their job in the current vicious war by the Kenyan media to grab the attention of the increasingly bored, distracted and better informed Kenyan audience who are a tad harder to con into some profitable media promotion.

But why did Ms Kerongo think that the Esther Arunga story was important and why did her editors agree? Let me start with the editors. From circulation figures most media managers already know that stories about Kenyan celebrities sell newspapers like crazy. Especially if it is a scandal of sorts and that is why Kerongo dug out all the gory details she could find (more on that in a second). Kerongo thought that this was a big story because Esther was a celeb who had resigned from her high-profile job at KTN as a news anchor to “go live with some pastor.” And this happened shortly after she had broken off her engagement to her finacee, Wilson Malaba in favour of (now the juicy gossip really begins) Quincy Timberlake Wambita Zuma who the press told us was already her lover. Timberlake is a Kenyan with an American accent and that is why hilariously it was at first reported that he was in the illegally according to the CID. But even at the time the cops were trying to get him deported, there were then unconfirmed reports that Timberlake's dad was infact a Kenyan of Luo origin.

And the soap got even juicer. The reason why Arunga broke off with her fiancée is because he reportedly made passes at 2 female members of the Finger of God church. Keep in mind the latest accusations from the Timberlake’s that this place is “a brothel.” And to make matters worse Mr Malaba had earlier used a log book of “one of Esthers’ cars” to get a loan from some loan shark. Meanwhile there were strong rumours that Esther was already pregnant from her new finacee.

At the time, she strongly denied those rumours which have now turned out to be true after all. Timberlake who is said to have changed his name several times over the years was already “married” (actually had lived with a woman for 11 years) and the union had produced two children.

Believe it or not, this “amazing” soap then swiftly moved from petty romance and office politics to national politics because Esther’s pastor Joseph Hellon suddenly declared that he would run for the presidency of the republic of Kenya in 2012 and Esther Arunga would be his running mate. Wow!!! Hellon now seems to have lost his running mate, if he still intends to stand.

Everything was going just fine for Joseph Hellon’s presidential campaign (can you imagine instant national attention and recognition for a man who had only previously been known to a very small clique of Kenyans as an amazing saxophone player inclined to Jazz) until the CID came calling and arrested Hellon, Esther and Timberlake. But fascinatingly Esther never made it to court and only Hellon and Timberlake were charged and then released on bail because the charge sheet was defective. It turns out that the fellows at CID did not do their due diligence and the Finger of God is in fact registered and yet the main charge against Hellon and Timberlake was belonging to an unregistered and dangerous organization. An interesting aside here is that I will never understand the law. Doesn’t freedom of worship allow you to worship who you want?

And so the amazing soap made in Kenya called Esther Arunga is still on. What will happen next? Who knows? Besides isn’t that what keeps otherwise intelligent and sane women glued to their TV sets like nothing else matters in this life?

PNU's top secret secret weapon: They don't want you to know about this just yet

What does Esther Arunga have to do with White Masais?

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