Ruto jitters: Is Raila really back? | Kenya news

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

More Heads Roll: is Charity Ngilu's Neck Next?

Ruto has exhausted all his ammunition and running really scared groping in the dark holding onto any straw to keep politically afloat. His latest object of tirade Hassan Omar will remain long after Ruto is shipped to The Hague.

Now we've heard it come straight from the horses mouth itself.Suspended Higher Education Minister William Samoei Ruto did not meet with ICC chief prosecutor Louis Moreno Ocampo in his recent trip to the Hague in Netherlands.

It turns out that the Eldoret North MP really did go to Hague to drink tea with his agemate and friend unfortunately his companion was not in his office as he had other more important matters to attend to in England. But why all the smoke screens?more on that in a minute

But first of all it seems more heads are set to roll in whats turning out to be an ugly mud slinging contest between water minister Charit Ngilu and her former assistant minister Mwangi Kiunjuri.

The Kitui Central MP is well known for speaking the truth even to the extent of putting to shame the devil himself and in the court of public opinion the jury have already reached their verdict. It is more likely that her word is believed over the assistant minister for public works

Its interesting to note that the current circus going on speaks volumes about what type of power struggles have secretly been taking place behind closed doors of various 40 odd ministries. The idea behind the coalition government was to have the 2 main parties shadow each other in the various dockets of government apportioned as stipulated in the power sharing agreement. Its no secret that ODM a favourite of voters at the time of the signing of the peace accord set out to establish a reputation for performing well in whatever line ministries it was handed. The party's philosophy was to in theory improve service delivery of ministries under its umbrella despite what they expected would be frustration from the ministries that fell under PNU's skirts. In this way they would build momentum for endearing themselves to the public throughout what then was looking to be a most difficult 5 years for the nation

This "government within a governmet" sounded good in theory but practically...well all you have to do is look at whats being exposed in Ngilu's docket.As the minister in charge she was in bed with the opposition who was meant to be her assistant! Meantime of course both continued to enjoy their time in government as ministry was divided in itself and delivering less than half of the services to its people

Will Ngilu's head roll in joining the long list of ministers and public officials who have stepped aside since the new constitution was promulgated?The Prime Minister has thrown his hat into the ring in throwing his political weight behind the Water minister and this could be seen as a sign that she has the right political backing not to lose her Water services portfolio. Honourable Ngilu does have alot of immense political capital and it remains to be seen whether she will graciously bow out of the ring or stay put for another round.

Back to William Ruto. It seems this man flew out of JKIA on a political mission to re-invent himself upon return and as he has said he is soon launching his political party. In all likelihood its possible he already knew he would not be meeting Moreno Ocampo as ICC prosecutor is not a man to waste anybody's time. It is therefore not surprising that since his return he has chosen to hit out at the government at every opportunity as he gets as a way of trying to endear himself to the public so as to be perceived as a man of justice who took shots at his employers and party boss in a bid to shake up the building from the foundations up hoping when the dust settles he will be more than just a governor in some county somewhere in the Rift valley

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Drowning Ruto Opts for the Samson Option

Update: Empty political showboating
Ruto's spin doctors have defrauded him big time and he must demand a full refund. The political showboating that was cleverly crafted to deflect public attention has succeeded in doing the exact opposite. First Ruto did not meet ICC chief prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo who was in London when Ruto visited The Hague and his evasive and contemptuous answer to the press (Taxi operator reference) was proof enough.

The Eldoret North MP would have saved his money by meeting the ICC team already in Kenya. The propaganda coup has backfired and Ruto has lent more credence to his impeding indictment after unwittingly showing his hand out of naivety and self-guilt.He derided ICC to be toothless until 2090 and his outburst on Waki Commission's report and KNHRC is the sturdy rope his neck desperately needed.
There is nothing more powerful than the voices of the dead crying to the almighty from the ground. Remember the Cane and Abel saga in the good book? The truth of the matter in Kenya is that there are tons of Kenyans crying for justice. The post election troubles of 2008 claimed close to 5000 souls (Kumekucha figures) although official figures claim slightly above 600. The vast majority of these souls were innocent. And that is not counting all the innocent Kenyans before that who were sent to an early grave courtesy of one Jomo Kenyatta and Daniel arap Moi. Or the ones who were denied being brought up by a father.

God also says in his good book that vengeance is his. Not that the down-trodden of Kenya would have any means of exacting their own revenge.
This is the only way I can begin to understand what seems to be unfolding before our very eyes on the Kenyan political scene. It is all too shocking to fanthom. And yet it is happening.

Firstly the political class in broad daylight enthusiastically passed a constitution that would put them in serious trouble (as is already beginning to happen). It is important to note that those in our political class are many things BUT they are NOT fools. Indeed some of the most intelligent, smart and best educated Kenyans are in politics today. It still beats me how nobody in this bunch of smarts saw that passing the new constitution would come back to haunt them big time. I honestly couldn’t believe my eyes when the likes of George Saitoti so enthusiastically drummed up support for the new katiba. Just watch what happens next to the good old professor. HINT:- plenty of skeletons will emerge from the man’s closet.

Political showboating
Now even before we can analyze all the drama unfolding in Kenya at the moment with big shots falling like dominoes as their colleagues shake uncontrollably in their boots wondering where the axe is going to fall next, a totally unexpected twist has been thrown into the mix. Eldoret North legislator who was right inside the engine room of trouble when the post election violence of early 2008 broke, has chosen to bare all to the ICC. Effectively Ruto (with the help of his lawyers) spent the marathon sessions recently with the chief prosecutor Luiz Moreno Ocampo delivering damning evidence against the two principals. In effect Ruto’s defense is that he was only reluctantly following instructions from his superiors who are guiltier than he is.

If you are sitting there thinking that the two principals will sit and let events take their own course then you have another think coming. One of the very valuable pieces of evidence in the possession of one of the principals are recordings of cell phone conversations Ruto made with others on the ground during the violence. These kind of recordings are not admissible in a court of law in Kenya, however the ICC is something else and these are the kind of recordings that Ocampo would love to get his hands on.

Then there are the court cases now rapidly catching up with Ruto. Indeed the way things are going Ruto could be behind bars long before we hear from the ICC. Which would imply that Ruto knowing that he was going down opted not to go down alone but bring down everybody else with him, especially the high and mighty (namely the two principals who seem to have given instructions that his court cases now proceed with speed).

Fascinating stuff guys. Terribly fascinating stuff.

Ruto lawyer details planned defence at the Hague that is based on prosecuting the two principals first

When Ruto started running out of options

Leading car dealers Mombasa

Friday, November 05, 2010

Kwaheri Bwana Ruto

Why is it that cases against suspended higher education minister William Ruto have been held at bay for such a long time and yet suddenly all of them have emerged out of the woodwork and have come back to haunt him big time? Was somebody holding the dogs off all this time and has now gotten out of the way? As it is Ruto is going to be very busy in court cases over the next couple of months (he has at least two major ones locally).
These are just some of the many questions Kenyans are now asking themselves as the Hague finally begins to catch up with some pretty big fish in Kenya (as has been predicted in this blog amid jeering, for a very long time now).

But for my post today I will focus on the lessons those who come after Ruto must take from from the story of this man. Ili iwe funzo kwa wengine. Ruto’s big mistake is that he got way too cocky after killing one giant too many. The first giant who fell to his knees in front of Ruto was one retired President Daniel arap Moi. The Kalenjins take their leaders very seriously and for many years the word of Moi was law in the community. Ruto dared to challenge that and won. His stunning victory for Raila and ODM in the 2007 general elections in Rift Valley will be analyzed for many years to come.

Next he challenged his own ally the mighty leader of ODM Raila Odinga and not only became a thorn in the flesh to Odinga for a long time, but to the surprise of some who worship Raila and believe he is nor ordinary mortal, Ruto did not suddenly fall dead and die (although he has lost a lot of weight since he went against Raila. In the end it was all too much, for the man whose quick road to glory started at the jobless corner near Hilton hotel, and it went into his head. Ruto decided to challenge for the ultimate price, the presidency of the republic of Kenya. According to his calculations he had a good chance to fell the constitution during the recent referendum and that would have uplifted his image tremendously. There was one big problem with the decision. It went against his biggest most powerful and yet secret allies, those close to President Kibaki. That is where the man’s real protection from prosecution had been coming from all along. And shortly thereafter the deal was off. And so it was just a matter of time before things started catching up with the Eldoret North legislator. It was as simple as that.

I am not sure if Ruto also saw the fact that the new constitution if passed was going to dramatically change the politics in Rift valley. The sum effect is that Ruto as self-proclaimed king of the Kalenjin would suddenly lose a lot of his clout. Let me explain. Before the current constitution Kenyan politics was based on constituencies. Boundaries for these were greatly fiddled with by former President Moi. Just to give a single example. Eldoret is divided in such a way as to make sure that all the three constituencies hive off a part of Eldoret town. The motive was to ensure that Eldoret Town was never allowed to be a constituency on its’ own because there has always been enough influence and numbers there to ensure a Kikuyu legislator elected. Now with the counties, although the boundaries are yet to be finalized, you can be sure that there will be plenty of counties within the Rift valley that will be headed by Kikuyu governors. Counties will influence constituency politics and not the other way round. In any event counties will take the focus away from tribes to where it should be, to development efforts and plans within specific counties. In other words the need for a tribal chief like Ruto to “fight for the rights of the community” have been dramatically diminished. Hopefully forever.

Much has been said about the new constitution and many skeptics told us here that it would hardly change anything. I was ridiculed for my child-like enthusiasm during the promulgation of the new constitution. A few weeks later the writing is on the wall. Big fish are facing trial in our courts, as you read this a man is in trouble for holding a woman’s backside without her permission and faces some serious charges (na mambo bado). Let me just say one thing. The written law of the land is a very powerful thing. You can fight for your rights until the cows come home but when there is no written law to back you, chances are you will not have much success. Now everything has changed. The new constitution by itself is a juggernaut trudging forward at increasing speed and it cannot be stopped. Be careful folks even as you enjoy the discomfort of the big fish because even small fish with bad manners like treating women like trash are on very thin ice now.

But then this post is about Ruto so I don’t want to go too far off from the man.

To his credit Ruto has seen trouble coming when it is still very far in the horizon. The main aim of his current expensive trip to the Hague was to give his lawyers an opportunity to feel around and see what kind of evidence Ocampo has against him. He wants to prepare his defense early. And contrary to what some Kenyans are speculating, the International courts at the Hague do not have plea bargain options where you plead guilty to a lesser offence or give the prosecution valuable evidence in return for a lighter sentence.

How close is Ruto to the famous song bird Emily Kosgey? If they are as close as the rumours have it, then he will need plenty of music (like King Saul) to sooth his troubled soul over the next few months or so.

Kwaheri bwana Ruto.

P.S. I predicted in this blog some time back that Ruto would finish Raila politically before his own demise. Well, it seems I was wrong about that one. But then who would have predicted the amazingly unexpected turn of events over the last few months. Who would have predicted that kenyans would have a new constitution long before Christmas 2010? Still my apologies. I was wrong. Umesikia Bwana Phil?

What you and other Kenyans never knew about the Kalenjins

Ruto winds up talks with Ocampo

Kumekucha extra:

1. Sticker being prepared for the exit of Mwai Kibaki reads; End of the 2nd error

2. Only in we use the word 'politics' to describe the process so well: Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'.

Brave Ruto Panics, Calls The Hague Bluff

Naive or brave? Well call is courage, panic or whatever you fancy but Hon William Samoei arap Ruto has rattled both Kenya and the The Hague. After deriding ICC as irrelevant and snail-paced to act (remember 100 years?), Ruto has taken the battle right to Ocampo's doorstep and in its wake left all the PEV's suspects shaking in their boots like leaves at the mercy of ferocious desert gales.

That Ruto caught all and sundry by surprise is not debatable. And he could not have struck at a better time in his political life when he has no CABINET BAGGAGE which would have demanded clearance before booking a date with Moreno and his sleuths in The Netherlands.

Either Ruto is trailblazing in tilting/setting Kenya's political agenda or being plainly naive by attempting to preempt the inevitable. True to the adage either the guilty are very afraid or the brave chat their won paths. Take you pick. Either way Bill has left the other suspects with little room to wiggle. They must come out of the closet and publicly declare their stand, no two ways about it.

You can only imagine the impending political inferno if Ruto chooses to go SUICIDAL (security in numbers) with some PENTAGON minutes, either real or not. Spice that up with the unsettling fact that senior security officers have written to Ocampo vowing never to take responsibility for orders that came from the GOVERNMENT.

The recipe you get is a mix that leaves every politician sneezing and the stomach rubbling. Meanwhile they are left groping in the dark with Ocampo's sledgehammer lurking in the shadows. The Hague Express has gathered full steam and there is no disembarking. Nobody is safe. And what was that gimmick about AU resolution not to submit to the ICC again? NA BADO!!

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Tanzania: Most popular presidential candidate did not do enough

Is Kikwete the most useless president Tanzania ever had? Was Nyerere justified in denying him the presidency?

All indications are that President Jakaya Kiwkete will be announced the winner of the just concluded presidential elections in Tanzania. This is one result that will dishearten many Tanzanians.
The most popular presidential candidate in Tanzania, but hey, this is Africa.

But for the rest of East Africans there are interesting lessons to be learnt here from one Jakaya Kikwete. There are similarities between Jakaya Kikwete and Mwai Kibaki apart from the fact that both held the Finance ministry portfolio when they made history as the youngest Finance ministers in their respective countries. Kibaki was finance Minister in Kenya in his 30s whilst Kikwete got the coveted docket in Tanzania at 44.

Kibaki and Kikwete are the kind of leaders that are way too eager to lead. Folks in a big hurry to be president before clearly crystallizing their policies and what they want to do with the presidential powers their lust after. You will see these kind of leaders pretty often. The kind that are just too eager to take over office, cocky and very sure that they can do a better job even before they take the time to carefully analyze the job and what the current office bearers are doing and have done. Many times they will frequently rubbish the work of their predecessors in words and actions (Kibaki did it openly, Kikwete less so).

It is said that in 1995 the late Julius Kabarage Nyerere prevailed on CCM to opt for William Mkapa as their presidential candidate rather than Kikwete to take over the presidency from then president Ali Hassan Mwinyi (who is the man who came after Nyerere.) The founding father of Tanzania was always a keen judge of human character and hardly missed anything. Dramatically during the presidential nomination process Kikwete was clearly carrying the day over Mkapa when the wise Nyerere suddenly and unexpectedly called for a break. Obviously it was not for him to enjoy a cup of tea or cold Pepsi (found only in Tanzania in the entire East African region) but clearly it was for him to do some subtle lobbying. He urged his CCM comrades to opt for Mkapa rather than Kikwete and “to give the young man some more years to mature” (Nyerere’s exact words). No doubt these were very hurting words to Kikwete then but in retrospect Tanzanians have one more critical thing to thank Mwalimu for. He saw many years ago what Tanzanians are only realizing now. Indeed although Kikwete has worked hard to position himself to the public as a keen student of Nyerere the truth is that he finally got elected over Nyerere’s long-dead body and chances are that the old wise man of Tanzania would have denied Kikwete the presidency yet again was he still alive to lobby within the CCM high command. And with good reason. Mkapa’s steadier wiser hand apparently had much more attention to detail and gave Tanzania the best 10 years that economy has ever seen. In those 10 years Tanzania changed so dramatically that they suddenly had a problem of too many Kenyans flooding the job market there where opportunities were numerous fueled by the suddenly rapidly growing economy. In retrospect it is obvious that Mkapa understood a lot of things that the arrogant JK did not take time to grasp.

As it is Kikwete will go down in history as the least popular Tanzanian president ever. A close friend based in Tanzania for many years sent me an interesting email this week that perfectly illustrates the feelings of most Tanzanians towards this president;

“Chris, people here are disenchanted with Kikwete. He's a populist and yet doesn't seem to be delivering 'Maisha bora kwa kila Mtanzania'. He talks of fighting corruption but there are many corrupt guys in his party (and government). Some, whose cases are in court, were running to be re-elected this year. Kikwete literally went to their constituencies during the campaigns and told the wananchi that those court cases and accusations were fabrications. Imagine the cheek!”

Amazingly like Kibaki, on taking over office Kikwete wanted to do too many things. In many ways the insinuation here is that your predecessor did nothing and has therefore left you with too much work to do. Basic management demands that you must prioritize and focus on a few key areas. Kikwete and Kibaki ignored this cardinal rule and woke up one morning to realize that their initial 5 year term was already over and they hardly had anything to show for it.

What Mr Kikwete must do now is use his remaining 5 years to repair some of the damage he has done to Mkapa’s good work and then focus on one critical area that he will want to be remembered for. As it is now most Tanzanians only remember him for pain. He might want to borrow a leaf from Kibaki and initiate the process for a new constitution or at the very least major changes to the laws that govern this huge sleeping giant of a nation.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

KACC Effect: Can Sheriff Lumumba Make Heads Roll?

UPDATE: Kenyans have yet another reason to show their post molars in jubilation this week as embattled Truth Justice and Reconciliation chair Ambassador Bethwel Kiplagat resigned(read stepped aside) today ostensibly to avoid embarrassing his appointing authority as investigations of accusations levelled at him begin

Tanzania Election Update:read Kumekucha's latest update on the Tanzanian elections in the comments section of this post or click here

Once laughed off as a bunch of buffons on this very blog, the KACC advisory board must be rubbing their hands in glee at mother nature’s gift to them: a second chance to redeem their reputation through the appointment of a new graft boss in the shape of PLO Lumumba. This comes after the disastrous tenure of the office’s previous holder. Kenyans already know there is a new sheriff in town recently appointed head of the Kenyan dragon slaying unit(Kenya Anti Corruption Commission)

new graft watchdog fighter Professor PLO Lumumba

The similarities between Sherriff Lumumba and his predecesor rtd. Justice Aaron Ringera are numerous: both were well known Nairobi law practitioners, and both were well known public speakers notably quoting the works of famous dead men such as Shakespeare and other well known works of historical literature. However it seems that is where Sherriff Lumumba wants the similarities to end because he is determined to make it clear from the onset that his tenure will clearly be a different ball game from that of his predecessor(see video below)

The face of emerging Kenya under the new constitution
Ever since reporting for duty PLO and his newly appointed graft watchdog team have slowly been attempting to match the strength of their punches with their constitutionally mandated institutional weight as a public institution. So far it is commendable that the sherrif and his army of dragon slayers have been reeling in catch after latest catch. However majority of Kenyans remain unimpressed and have so far refused to be taken in by the Oxford dictionary English speaking Nairobi lawyer. Kenyans argue that the sheriff is simply re-inventing the wheel in giving the impression of catching government of national unity grand fraudsters. We are weary as we have seen it all before and will settle for nothing less than Heads rolling

WanaNICHI want him to do more than just raise the temperature under the collars of know crooks and wanted criminals. They want Sheriff Lumumba to make major inroads in the war against the vice. The graft boss and his team must have been the most headhunted private sector professionals. Now that they have crossed over and been appointed to public positions Kenyans need to believe that at the end of the day the new leadership o f KACC will not turn out to be a very big disappointment.

Good preaching
Corruption is deep rooted in our system but this new constitution carries all the political will to root it out. This cancer can cease to be a way of life in this country and Sherriff Lumumba may just be the non-ceremonial figurehead outside the executive arm of the Government to fight it without fear or favour

Without a shadow of a doubt the newly appointed KACC director may find that his life will be threatened several times in the months and years ahead in the course of patriotic duty but he must take heart because Kenyans are beginning to note his efforts with appreciation. Not many Kenyans can handle the heat of the seat upon which the mention of your name immediately invokes both admiration from a grateful public while striking fear among the looters and the corrupt. The Sherriff and his team must adequately be described as both loud barkers and biter in equal proportions

Kenyans are ready to give the benefit of the doubt this time if the Sheriff can prove equal to the task of fighting corruption with the full weight of the country behind him. God bless KACC and God bless Kenya

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Of a dead body in the bus and hypocritical Kenyans

Humans are by nature pretty hypocritical but what really pisses me off is how Kenyans prefer to go to great lengths to help and please a dead person they ignored when they were alive.

When they are alive you cannot spare the 20 bob they so desperately beg for, claiming that you don’t have it. But if they fall dead that very day, you will spend Kshs 200 on flowers for his grave without thinking about it and make time to go to his funeral. Why? Where would your money and time have been more useful? I would rather do everything I can for somebody when they are still alive and even skip their funeral altogether. That will be much more appreciated.
Now that I have gotten that off my chest let me get on with my story today which is about a dead Kenyan body.

There are some communities in our beloved country (which shall remain nameless) that would never hear of burying a tribes mate in the city. No matter how poor his friends are they will do everything in their power to transport the body “back home”. Does it really matter where a body is buried once somebody is dead? You might as well throw it in the forest or dispose of it in the most environment-friendly manner. But alas, just one more of those hypocritical things we do as humans, deep respect for dead bodies and all. Huge expense for the gold casket, big budget for a funeral and for what?

And so this chap from that nameless tribe stayed in the mortuary for many weeks as those responsible ran all over the place looking for funds to transport the body. They tried everything to get their hands on enough cash. They failed and so they racked their brains trying to get a solution to ensure that marehemu reached home all the way from Nairobi where they had passed on.

The measly funds collected were barely enough to cover the mortuary expenses and what remained was used to hire the services of an expert on dead bodies who used the right kind of chemicals, perfumes on the body so that it could be transported in a bus amongst the living without anybody realizing what was going on. The dead man was helped into the late bus bound for the Western parts of the country by three friends who told the driver that he was very sick. Only one friend traveled with the “sick man” and the other two alighted. Of course the dead man wore a hat and virtually had every part of their body well covered.

It looked like an ingenious yet bizarre method of transporting a dead body and indeed everything went according to plan until the bus reached somewhere close to Naivasha. The man “escorting” the body must have been very exhausted (or maybe the fumes from the chemicals used on the body made him pass out) and had fallen asleep and so as the bus applied emergency brakes the dead body jumped up all over the place and ended up on the floor of the bus. The ice cold dead body must have touched somebody because the scream which followed caused the lights in the bus to be switched on and behold, everybody saw that it was a dead body. A dead body traveling with the living.

The bus was driven to the nearest police station where the body and its’ escort disembarked and the bus with the source of this story continued on their journey. And so they never found out what happened after that. Those were the days when daily newspapers were run by conservative editors who had little time or interest to follow up on such a story when there was allegedly more juicy stuff on the political front like some illiterate politician who was fond of handing over envelopes with cash to the press saying that one did not need to go to school to rule Kenyans. There was only one TV station then, KBC and you would be sure that such a story would never be “approved” for airing. This thing happened sometime in the 90s.

Kenya police forget what happens to dead body that clearly shows evidence of what they did

Many, many dead bodies: The still untold story of the Mathare killing fields

Prime Beach plots for sale at the Kenyan Coast

Friday, October 29, 2010

Election Results: Will there be trouble in Tanzania after Sunday?

As opinion polls (including the Kumekucha one) show that opposition candidate will win presidency from Kikwete

On Sunday Kenya’s next door neighbours, Tanzania go to the polls. The reality on the ground is that the Tanzanians have been watching with great interest and then envy as Kenya has gone through a very eventful two years or so. Tanzanians are now asking why ordinary folks in their country cannot be like Kenyans who to them appear to be very much aware of their rights and willing to fight for them.

I was shocked beyond words recently when I overheard ordinary Tanzanians in a Dar-es-salaam surburb discussing Sunday’s polls and saying that it would be a good idea to stock up in food and stay indoors, expecting the worst. The reason for my surprise is that despite the reports of election violence that always emerge from Zanzibar during almost every general election, election violence is hardly the style of Tanzanians, more so on the mainland.
Is this man capable of doing a Kibaki this Sunday?

To most Kenyans (like the guys who never miss an opportunity to spew tribal hatred in this blog) it would be mighty difficult to understand Tanzanian politics. Tribalism hardly exists in this country that is almost the size of both Kenya and Uganda put together and boasts of over 140 tribes (to Kenya’s 40 something). Neither is there a history of certain tribes reigning supreme over others. The one man who must take the most credit for this unity that is rare to find in any African country is the founding father the late Mwalimu Julius Kabarage Nyerere. While Kenya’s Tom Mboya and Jomo Kenyatta prided themselves in national symbols based on strong animals like the lion, Nyerere quietly chose the unassuming Giraffe. And there is plenty of proof in the man’s life that he was able to see extremely far into the horizon so much so that he still holds great sway even from the grave. Nyerere unified the country by aggressively adopting the Swahili language into the fabric and way of life of Tanzanians. Whilst it is true that Tanzanians are now busy going to extreme lengths to undo this by ensuring that their children grow up learning English from an early age and ignoring Kiswahili altogether, they have Nyerere to thank for the fact that despite the unprecedented high tensions that are being witnessed in the country’s politics, what happened in Kenya in early 2008 can never happen in Tanzania. Whatever Kikwete or CCM decide to do on Sunday.

Incidentally what I admire most about Nyerere is that fact that while Jomo Kenyatta was busy grabbing every available fertile piece of land he could lay his hands on and enriching himself, Nyerere was focused on serving his people. So much so that by the time his retirement came round, his people were so embarrassed about his rural shack that they opted to hurriedly build him a house. Even today the Nyerere family are ordinary folks feeling the current strain of the economy in the country. Wow!! Can you imagine Uhuru Kenyatta broke? Or Mama Ngina Kenyatta applying for a bank loan to pay school fees for some of her grand children? Or Kenyans being ashamed of any politician’s rural home so much so that they opt to build them a house?

Nyerere is long dead but he still looms large in many aspects of Tanzanian life and to understand the country’s politics one cannot avoid studying the man in great detail. For instance crime levels are still spectacularly low in Tanzania, more so violent crime. One of the reasons is the system of Majumba kumi (ten households) established by Nyerere. Covering the vast country of 40 million people it ensures that hardly anything happens without the knowledge of authorities. There is a leader appointed over every ten households who reports to authorities any developments in their area of jurisdiction including the arrival of strangers and would-be criminals. This makes it extremely difficult to plan for any serious violent crime without attracting attention. Buying arms and amassing arrows like happened in the Rift Valley prior to the ill-fated 2007 elections would be impossible.

But now despite this kind of past, the general elections on Sunday looms large for the Giraffe nation. The ruling CCM (Chama cha mapinduzi) is faced with the fight of its’ life. More so its’ presidential candidate Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete. Traditionally the main opposition party in Tanzania has been CUF, a party that has huge following in Zanzibar and amongst Muslims in Tanzania. However seemingly out of nowhere a man called Dr Willibrod Slaa a charismatic orator who bases answers to almost all questions asked on the ordinary Tanzanian reeling under considerable financial strain currently. Political analysts predict a close race. I have been on a tour of Tanzania recently and I can authoritatively report that Chadema’s Slaa has enough legs to win the presidential race by a respectable margin. As to who will be announced winner (which is what matters here) all I can say is that this is Africa.

But despite whatever credentials Slaa my have, the truth is that he is just a man who found himself at the right place at the right time. Tanzanians are aching for the change that they have seen coming to their next door neighbours Kenya and it is only natural that not many see that change coming from the ruling party CCM’s presidential candidate Jakaya Kikwete. More so after the devastating effect on their daily lives that his rule has had. Not to mention the broken promises to a much more aware and restless electorate.

I am taking steps to caution all my Kenyan friends residing in Tanzania to be careful and alert on Sunday because anything can happen. Mercifully whatever it is that may happen can never come close to the bloodbath we saw in Kenya in 2008.

New opinion poll shows that opposition candidate will win Tanzanian presidency

Main opposition party claims that rigging is being planned through ghost voters

Where some of Kiwkete’s popularity problems started
Kikwete love triangle that earned sexy Congolese musician life sentence (read the second comment on the page that opens from the link)

Views of the Tanzanian business community on the impact of the looming general elections

How the first few months of Kikwete caused jitters amongst foreigners living in Tanzania

Election results in Tanzania since independence

Three Down, Now KACC Steps on Live Wire

UPDATE: Mayor Majiwa finally throws in the towel and steps aside. But the real test now begins when KACC steps on the live wire that is Anglo Leasing and Goldenberg. PLO, say your last prayers and never say you were never warned. You will know the true owners of Kenya now that you have dared fly so close to the sun oblivious of the fact that your wings are waxed. OLE WAKO.

This is turning out to be an historic week for the reborn nation under the new constitution. The week began with Ruto's date with court to answer charges of fraudulent land deals. This was promptly followed by Nairobi Mayor Majiwa having breakfast at KACC offices before being charged in court for his involvement in the cemetery scam. And even before the rowdy councillors would shout PNU/ODM, today the net widened for bigger catch, PS Mwangi and his minister who both stepped aside after seeing the writing on the wall in capital letters.

As if they are taking a cue from last week's post on this blog, Foreign Affairs Minister Moses Wetangula and his permanent secretary Thuita Mwangi have today voluntarily stepped aside to pave way for investigations into the Tokyo scum. In deciding not to wait for where the axe was most likely going to fall next on the chopping block the two birds of a feather have astutely chosen to dodge rather than bite the bullet and live to fight another day

Make no mistake about it, it was only a matter of time before President Kibaki would have suspended Hon Wetangula from the cabinet; after all the almost retired 3rd president of the republic is on a roll, and whether condemned or not for his actions he is in the process of leaving behind his legacy which he wants to be remembered by. Minister Wetangula and his lackey have made the decision easier for the President by opting to gracefully exit stage left and thus help maintain proof that the political illusion of the new promulgated constitution at work.

Simply stated, its time for the spirit of our new laws to be put to work even before the ink dries on the letters that spelt them out. By Wetangula not waiting to be suspended he is sending albeit reluctantly the message that Kenyans of all ages who have lived through 3 administrations contemptuous of the law have yearned to hear all their lives: no one is above the law and the rules must be obeyed by both great and small. And let us give credit where it is due the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission are finally matching their bark with their bite in being seen to and doing justice in the fight against corruption with measured punches that are only just beginning to aim past their institutional weight. They still have a long way to go but they most deservedly can receive a pat on the back Kumekucha style

Meanwhile the baton is slowly but surely being passed onto you and I, the true owners of the county. Kenyans are slowly crawling out of self imposed IDP exile in their own country to discover their voice is beginning to be heard and they can have a say in how they want the affairs of their country to be run. Whereas its too early to shout "free at last" the signs of what the future portends for us are hopeful if we keep up the momentum. But brace yourselves because the ICC has not made its move yet in what will be the ultimate test of the nation's melded fabric under a new constitution

We must not delude ourselves to rush in popping the champaigne just yet. The cancer of TRIBALISM is not in any hurry to depart from our shores. But all the same the vice couldn't save Wetangula's neck even when surrounded by Wekesa, Shitanda and Eselli at his darkest political hour. Next head please!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Leader's Curse: Damned for Action and Inaction

There is no honour among hyenas, and who cares? The PM Raila had no power to suspend a minister because he is not the appointing authority and now he is taking all the flack for same. Well, masters of impunity must be feeling like fish tossed out of water. Their political epitaphs were scripted with golden letters of constitutional promulgation on August 27.

President Kibaki suspended Hon William Ruto from the cabinet and Raila is paying the heavy backlash bill. And the whole saga gets even more paradoxical for Kibaki who would have been vilified if he did not act and just he is being criticized for his action.

Next neck on the chopping block is Foreign Affairs Minister Moses Wetangula following the damning parliamentary report on Tokyo scam. The committee's indictment is so damning on Wetangula so much so that his hitherto securely locked closet has left his Kanu-era worms crawling from the shelves.

After unsuccessfully attempting the typical Kenyan political gimmick of drumming tribal support to cover your stinking back, Wetangula has his head squarely placed on the block. But don't count on any consistency in suspension yet. This is Kenya and political premium reigns supreme. Wetangula will either go Ruto way or Ongeri way depending on his weight on the succession and political balance.

With no regard to morals, Kenyans have the leaders they deserve. Look no further than the bigoted comments in support or condemnation of the fraudulent politicians. Even the Diaspora are playing ball with pedestrian analysis of which political alliance will win 2012 elections.

A nation living in denial is one immaculately paving her path to self destruction. Ruto and Wetangula do not have to wait to be suspended if they respect the laws they are paid to make. But this is Kenya where politicians shamelessly on camera secure in the knowledge that they have their tribe in the pocket.

The new constitution may be better compared to the previously tattered on but both never condoned fraud. Until we reboot out national mindset and accept the simple truth that morals cannot be legislated, Wetangula and company will continue ripping us off collectively as a country as we cheer and re-elect them as our top most diplomats.

It is no coincidence that both Ruto and Wetangula were our chief negotiators at Serena following the 2007/8 near Armageddon. We only condemn impunity from others and not when two junior embassy officials (Mburu and Muchiri) masterminds such a gigantic national fraud and get promoted for the same.

Woe unto a people living a beautiful national lie of pretense.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Kibaki Suspends Ruto in Debut Mashujaa Jab

After king size bravado and chest thumbing, Ruto has fallen on his own sword. And something had to give way after Ruto categorically stated he was not resigning as if he was his own boss. Well, he will soon discover how devastatingly cold it is out there. Let the blame game start in earnest.

A short time ago President Moi Kibaki moved yet another step closer to officially going into the history books as the president who re-engineered his legacy by suspending from Cabinet higher education minister William Ruto. The higher education minister is facing criminal prosecution charges over an ongoing court case where he has been accused of fraudulently receiving 96 million Kenyan shillings concerning the irregular sale of a piece of land

This is the first time during his two 5-year tenure where the President has been seen to take early decisive action to tackle corruption in his administration head on by requiring individuals named in ongoing graft proceedings to step aside from active duty. Kenyans who know the president are well aware of the fact that he is slow to make decisions, which has proven to be a liability in his defence by his allies against his critics who blame his indecisiveness for many of the countries current and past woes

On the other hand it is known that the higher education cabinet minister Ruto has more than 9 lives and even as the drama continues to unfold Kenyans are watching to see whether his temporary suspension from his ministry is the precursor to more ominous tidings for the ODM Eldoret North member of parliament.

Granted, Ruto is no political novice but now he has to swallow the huge chunk he bit with the hope meat won't fatally choke him. Who knows, maybe this is the reality check he needed to measure his punches and never aim past his weight. Once deserted by the press he will soon find his own political equilibrium.

A consistent Kibaki would follow this up by hanging out Foreign Affairs Minister Moses Wetangula to dry following the Tokyo land fiasco. But that would be asking too much from the President. At least he shown his claws and he won't go all the way to use his fangs.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

ICC's Claws, Fangs Rattles Lords of Impunity

Whatever the outcome of the impending probe into PEV, ICC has already succeeded big time where no Kenyan institution dared tread before. The hitherto lords of impunity have been comprehensively scared stiff of their survival wits and left with no room to wiggle.

Who would have imagined a Kenyan politician voluntarily submitting himself to ignominy of The Hague probe even before being served with any summon. The guilty are surely very afraid chasing their shadows and tails.

Even the loudest of tribal drums won't scare one Luis Moreno-Ocampo and his team. So far ICC has only bared her fangs and the guilty are running scared like headless chicken. They have been properly rattled like never before. And before their apologists rush throwing in hollow sovereignty polemics, they better appreciate the fact that ICC has exposed the underlying powerlessness of our dead institutions which are easily manipulated by the ruling elite.

Loudmouth for hire

Listening to Simon Mbugua is real proof of the folly of believing in change from the recently promulgated constitution without an overhaul in our national and individual mindset. Mbugua let the cat out of the bag with his stupid bravado that even if Uhuru and Ruto are shipped to The Hague, they will still be voted in come 2012. His is an apt case of a loudmouth with loose lips for hire which unfortunately end up selling the landlord for cheap.

The clever albeit PRIMITIVE ploy to raise a suspect's political profile does not blunt ICC's sharp claws. Michuki’s latest anointment of Uhuru would have been a smart Kenyan move but it has no chance in hell to frustrate ICC's investigations. The wider scheme of trying to stir tribal emotions is past its sell by date.

The three Cabinet Ministers are better advised to honour their appointment with Ocampo instead of dragging their gullible kinsmen with them to the guillotine. Crimes are committed by individuals and not tribes.

They suspects are better advised to start shopping around and making contacts with Charles Taylor lawyers. They can afford all the good lawyers money can buy. While that may lessen the burden, their crosses they must surely carry on their own.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Early Bird PORK Bid

In the past few months there has been alot of unwarranted and thinly veiled ill intentioned dismissing of vice president Kalonzo Musyoka in several blog posts on this forum. The VP has been written off from featuring anywhere in the line up to the 2012 general elections, much less as a serious contender for the presidential vote (the first of many to be held under a new constitution). Questions have been asked such as what does the MP for Mwingi North have to offer, and what would he bring to the table if he couldn't even influence and sway voting patterns in his constituency as was seen during the recent referendum

In an apparent answer to both his online and long time critics the Vice president has this week launched his early bird no holds barred special campaign bid for the presidency. And why not? The Vice President's attempt to become the 4th president of the republic of Kenya will not be treated with the seriousness they deserve only by unperceptive cynics. The facts speak for themselves because here is a politician who just recently celebrated his silver jubilee in politics with exemplary record service representing his constituency from 1993 till date. This is not a man stuck in old ways of doing things

The vice president clearly is a man who is cut from presidential material cloth. Until now his diplomatic political skills have been temperately used in warding off childish political opponents friendly fire from their followers who are manipulated to harrass and intimidate public figures speaking at official functions. Kalonzo may have cut his teeth as a KANU politician but its clear for all to see he was only in the mama na baba party and not of it.
It makes alot of sense now for the VP to run for the presidency when at the dawn of a brand new beginning for the nation because as the 2nd in command he has been limited time and again by external circumstances that have prevented him from showing his true colours as a servant leader who would bring the much needed positive changes while remaining focussed on what he was elected to do. Here at Kumekucha we welcome the Vice President's early bird presidential bid

Saturday, October 09, 2010

The March of Folly of a Vanquished and a Deluded Nation

By Mwarang'ethe

In the recent past, we have seen news by the DN focusing on the potential of so called new counties under our new wonderful constitution. For instance, see Turkana wonder tree here , Jua Kali in Kiambu here. Not to be left out, the elders and professionals have been gathering to strategise how develop their counties as we see in Mbeere, Narok and in Kiambu. All this noise stems from the failure to distinguish between availability of resources and the ability to create wealth from the same. In any case, we can dismiss all these meetings by asking, what is the material difference between these counties and existing municipalities? However, this is not the main issue.

To add flavour to all these, we are now training youthful leadership as we see here. Furthermore, in line with our “welfare state,” the poor Kenyans are demanding “free health care” led by professor Anyang Ny’ongo as we see here. Not to be left out, are our old men and women are asking the state to use violence so as to give effect to their right to pensions as we see here.

Meanwhile, few seem to realise that we are already raising taxes for the poor people so as to fund their “welfare” as we are reading: “Oil sector to break Sh100 mark over refinery's new fees”. In an earlier article on energy question, we wrote this: “The best way to understand how a society functions and therefore, malfunctions is to understand the energy question.” Please refresh your memory here.

As we read all of the above, we are also reading this: “KPLC pretax profit hit Sh5.6 bn" Inter alia, we are told that this “... was due to revenue growth and relatively lower increase in overall expenditure.” To the initiated, this simple statement tells the whole story. But, we shall return to this later. At the same time, we hear our Minister Mwakere lament that, the cost of energy is the major hindrance to our economic growth as we hear here. In this last video, we also we hear the C.E.O of EPZA saying how these zones create jobs, bring in foreign exchange and facilitate technology skills transfers. This is all monkey language, but, that’s a story for another day.

What these videos illustrate is nothing, but, a vanquished, but, also, a very deluded nation whose elite are unable to grasp that, we are a RENTIER ECONOMY or DEBT PEONAGE ECONOMY. And, the bitter truth is this. A rentier economy can only increase poverty for the majority, while enriching a few beyond imagination no matter what we do. But, what is a rentier economy? A rentier economy refers to an economic arrangement whereby, certain persons earn profit without production. Such profits like the KPLC’s, if they can be so called, are rents, which constitute a parasitic extraction of wealth from the REAL ECONOMY, i.e. labour and industrial economy. This economy is tilted to favour property owners (land owners), monopolists and creditors at the expense of those who produce goods and services. A widening share of national income must go to the landlords, creditors and other rentiers at the top of the income and wealth pyramid increasingly free of taxes. The wealth that produces these rentier incomes is not real capital investment, nor is it technological. It is created by law and politics, often by stealth and insider dealing.

When the West was industrializing (they have now foolishly de –industrialised), the guiding principle was public regulation of areas where competition cannot bring costs down such as transport, mineral bearing land, electric power, communications, radio spectrum etc. It is for this reason these nations kept natural monopolies like power in the public domain. In the USA, they organised them as regulated public utilities. All this was meant to limit the economic rent by bringing market prices into line with actual costs of production.

According to the economists who industrialised America (forget about useful idiots and deluded economists like Jeffrey Sachs who favour colonial welfare to be provided by bankrupt Western nations to Africa in the name of MDG’s), the success of public infrastructure investment in natural monopolies like the KPLC is its ability to lower the economy’s cost structure. For instance, the Erie Canal brought grain from the Western States to upstate New York minimising the cost of doing business. Thus, to seek the highest profit as the market would bear is to make rent – burdened economy uncompetitive which reduces industrial profits for the economy at large. This is the exact role the KPLC and other privatized monopolies are playing in our economy.

It was for this reason in the USA; the Interstate Commerce Commission put an end to the watered financial charges imposed by the RAILROAD BARONS (remember Kenya Railways saga?). Also, for the same reason, the Sherman Anti Trist Act of 1890 was used to break up the Standard Oil of the Rockefeller. These measures enabled the USA out compete others who did not enact progressive fiscal and financial policy.

In simple words, we have an economy full of toll booths installed at the most critical access points. To remove these toll booths, we must appreciate the financial debt dynamic which undercuts the INDUSTRIAL CAPITALISM in Kenya as well as in the USA and all over the world today. But, how does this come about?

Firstly, a nation is ordered by the IMF and WB to make sure its central bank (this is the FOURTH BRANCH of government, and an oligarchy) does not do what central banks were created to do. In our case, this happened in 1996 as we “struggled” with Moi with the assistance of our “friends.” Once this has happened (make the central bank “independent” and therefore, a lobbyist for commercial banks), our ability to create credit for public investments is cut. Once that is accomplished, we are instructed to privatise the natural monopolies which we cannot fund anymore.

This is where it gets interesting. The new owners of these monopolies do not spend any money they have earned. No, since they are connected to the money printing central banks of the West, Japan etc, they print dollars, pounds, yen etc which are WORTHILESS PAPERS and use them to “buy” our hard assets. At the same time, they ensure in our tax laws we treat debt interest payments as tax deductible expenses. In other words, the interest payments to the bankers are guaranteed by our tax laws. This is actual fiscal subsidy as compared to tangible industrial investment and operating profit. In other words, bank credit has been decoupled from CAPITAL FORMATION taking the form of mortgage credit and loans secured by corporate stocks.

Once these arrangements are in place, a number of things happen. For instance, in the case of the KPLC, they increase the cost of electricity connection and the electricity itself. This increment is not done to reflect the cost of connection, but, as a method of wealth extraction method from the labour and industrial capitalists, i.e. tribute. Secondly, once a monopoly such as the KPLC is in the hands of the rentier class, they issue bonds with its income stream and old assets as the collateral. This is in addition to the original debt used to acquire the assets. As a result, when income streams come in, instead of putting the same into expansion of KPLC, in research and development and improvement of services to the labour and industrial sector, the entire surplus is used to pay the creditors who created their money out of thin air. This leaves only the labour and industrial sector to bear the taxation burden.

So, what should be done? We have been told that to increase the efficiency of the KPLC and other monopolies we must privatise them. This is pure fiction. The best way of ensuring competition in natural monopolies would have been to leave KPLC in the public domain and then take bids on its operations. This would preserve it as a common; while through the bid process retain the benefits of competition. Instead of this common sense approach, Africans have been brainwashed to fully give up their rights for local control of land, resources, water and other basic services. The problem is that, once you do this, you must pay monopoly price which makes your economy uncompetitive in the global economy. The question is, with such an economy, how do you create jobs for the unemployed army in your wonderful counties?

Dear reader, you may find this startling, but, it is true. We are in the midst of the greatest commons enclosure which is worse and widespread than those of the land enclosure 18th – 19th Century in England and Scotland. In other words, we are now witnessing the most savage class war fare in the long bloody human history. It is not warfare between industrial capitalism and labour as Atwoli of COTU imagines. No, it is a war against labour and industrial capitalism by financial capitalism and land monopoly. In other words, we are witnessing the reconstruction of FEUDAL SOCIETY like that of the old Europe. However, instead of old military conquest, this time, the super elite are using financial system as the weapon. This makes this weapon even more dangerous because it is so hidden from the masses.

The original liberals, who championed the idea of democracy in the 18th and 19th century or even in the classical Greece, wanted to have popular governments that could stand up to the rentier class, i.e. the land lords and financiers (aristocrats). In the same manner, the classical thinkers like Adam Smith called for free trade to mean an economy bereft of free lunch, i.e. economic rent and financial interest. However, in an ironic twist of fate, the rentier class has captured governments all over the world and turned the meaning of free trade upside down. By so doing, they have effectively nullified democracy. As a result, no matter who you elect, he or she, must implement the on – going neo – feudal policies. It is for this reason we have asserted that, voting is the modern opium of the masses here.

Now, instead of reforming our rentier economy so as to allow labour and industrial capitalism to prosper, and therefore, end the depression, it seems all nations (the oligarchy) including the USA, China, France, and Brazil Kenya (128 KES is equal to £ 1 on 8th Oct. 2010) etc have decided to devalue their currencies. In other words, you devalue your currency, I devalue mine and on and on. This is meant to help the exporters. However, the consequence for the masses will be dire for they are destroying the masses buying power. Dear reader, keep this in mind. “Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value – zero,” so taught us Voltaire. You can calculate the loss of purchasing power of these useless papers here.

And, when this shit hits the pan, money being the glue that holds civilised society together, prepare for chaos. This chaos will give an excuse for fascism like that of Hitler and Mussolini. When all fails, there will be a major and we may add catastrophic war. By the way, we add that, today’s fiat currency laws (legal tender laws meant to force you to accept money which is losing value) were enacted in 1909 so as to help fight the 1 World War. So, we are celebrating 100 years of fiat money regime and the bloodshed it has funded.

Finally, we have been accused of writing complex things that many may find difficult to understand. We reply this way. Industrializing a nation requires very complex thinking and not peasant simplistic thinking as we witness in the above videos. But, let us clarify that, we have a lot of respect for peasants. We just note that, they are simple minded people, but, this kind of thinking is awfully inadequate in strategising how to develop a nation.

By this we mean that, we are a nation that seems comfortable in arriving at convictions without any inquiry and, or study. The result of this is that, we are a vanquished nation that is unable to understand the rules of ECONOMIC and FINANCIAL WARFARE. Those who develop economic warfare strategies are first class thinkers. To counter them, we must also deploy first class thinkers. Since we seem unable understand this and therefore, formulate appropriate defence strategies, we say that, in our convictions we are a very deluded nation which is on the march of folly.

ICC: Of Judge Rawal and The Hague Express

You cannot fault the Chief Justice Evan Gicheru for being alive to Kenya's morbid and rabid tribal realities. Granted, Lady Justice Rawal is more than qualified to help with ICC investigations on PCs and PPOs. But you don't have to be a neurologist or a NASA scientist to see why she was a safe bet among the LOCAL legal brood. No wonder the tribal Diaspora are already crying wolf that the good Judge is not Kenyan enough.

The adage the guilty are afraid and get exhausted chasing their own shadows could not have been more true. On one hand ICC wants official State minutes detailing (mis)handling of PEV and on the other Rift Valley MPs are asking the Hague-based court to investigate mass action planned at the ODM headquarters that produced the resulting chaos and destruction.

Well, as Chinua Achebe aptly summed it, a frog never leaps across the road if something is not after its life. ICC's singular determination to prove her case of crimes against humanity has foamed into a life of its own. Forget the tribal posturing, no amount of gerrymandering will cloud ICC's vision to met justice.

Fact, the genocide suspects are individuals and not tribes. They better get used to the truth that the dragon of of impunity has individual souls and no trace of collective ethnic loyalty. What is more, crime against humanity is often traceable to government turning its monopoly of violence against her own people. And lest we forget Kenya has never had a parallel government at any given point in time.

That our sickening tribal loyalty has acutely infected even the so-called exported bigots answering to the tag of Diaspora is shameful to say the least. And the politicians know it that is why they are drumming tribal emotions with the aim of sucking ICC into that primitive dark tunnel. Well, with all its warts notwithstanding, ICC has her sight singularly trained on the key suspects.

Outside the facade of sovereignty (if only that would stop us from self-destruction), the government has nothing to fear in providing those minutes. Similarly, the RV MPs are giving themselves away by shadowboxing and pointing fingers about mass action. They are fooling nobody but themselves with the hollow and cheap security in numbers mindset.

We failed ourselves and we have no moral grounds to shout otherwise under the cover of new constitution. The truth be said, ICC is rattling all suspects. And you know what, they are VERY AFRAID because they have no recourse to buy or delay justice. Let the suspects carry their own crosses no matter the wait. The tribal security in numbers is a cheap shot that won't wash.

ICC is only stepping in to fill the void left by our failed judicial system. Protesting that using the new constitution is typical deceptive Kenyan ways of living a national/tribal lies. Questioning PCs, PPOs and those who bankrolled the violence and murder must not be tribalized. Justice can only be frustrated but never defeated.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

ICC: Ocampo Sucked in Kenya's Tribal Murk

Refrain 1: The ICC does not care whether you are a Kikuyu, Kalenjin, Luo or Mijikenda.

Refrain 2: ICC is not a tool to settle political (tribal) scores.

First, ICC's chief prosecutor is operating on an ILLEGALITY and Kenya has no blank sheet/vacuum to offer him for his destructive experiment. Our own Justice Minister Mutula Kilonzo told him the very basic that the new constitution has overtaken all his theatrics. What is more, Ocampo's desire to question PCs and PPOs is an obsession with offices that no longer exist in our laws.

Lius Moreno-Ocampo may have been hitherto a top notch law don in an Ivy League University prior to taking the ICC job, but as he will soon realise to his eternal embarrassment nobody can intellectually tackle Kenya's ETHNIC-based problems. ICC lost her case immediately the suspects successfully sold the dummy of OUR TRIBE is targeted. Game over and thinking otherwise is to entertain a mirage as an oasis. Period.

Lest Moreno forgets, there is no honour among hyenas. The adage of security in numbers works best when suspects with everything to loose gang up together to protect their interests. And you cannot blame them for celebrating on the graves of PEV victims because the living have a life to live and protect. Add that to the willing tribesmen and Diaspora who have seen the dark forces aiming to nub their tribal lord and Ocampo's goose if surely roasted and digested.

Forget all that scare about ex-Mungiki leaders secured abroad with dossier on Naivasha massacres. PEV targeted only one community and all others are pretenders to murder. Ocampo will meet his Waterloo in our own superlative legal minds led by ex-LSK boss Ahmednasir. Moreno may have succeeded in convincing some two out of three judges in the Hague but he is better advised to save his face from legal eggs by going slow and avoiding Kenya's TRIBAL minefield.

Ocampo has been warned. Woe unto him and his reputation (if he has any) should he dare venture into our EXPLOSIVE ethno-government.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

ICC Curse: Trapped Between Devil, Deep Sea

The elephant that is ICC is refusing to burg. The Kenyan government is refusing to play ball too. In between Kenyan voter and IDP find themselves sandwiched between the devil and the dark blue sea.

We have been reliably informed by bloggers here at Kumekucha that behind ICC's enthusiasm to met justice to PEV victims and perpetrators lurks the evil schemes by some politicians to eliminate their potential rivals prior to 2012 elections. The wisdom from that logic implies that it is alright to leave the IDPs and those who were prematurely and mercilessly sent six feet under during the 2007/8 near-meltdown to their own devices.

When Justice Minister Mutula Kilonzo talks from both ends of his mouth on matters ICC, some support him for his bravery and patriotism. Well, if the new constitution is the panacea to all our problems then one is left wondering what the IDPs are still trapped in squalor. But that a concern for the politically naive because big things come at a prize and it seems none is too big to pay even with more than 1300 lives lost.

It is true the US and China are not signatories to the Rome statute but do we have to employ cheap security in numbers and reverse logic (hata wewe pia) after failing to protect the same voters? Kenyans are superlative spinners capable of shamelessly reading malice from an angel's lips. Behind all the plastic patriotism lies ethnic bravado and loyalty. But dare tell a Kenyan blogger that and you become an e-meal cooked in tribal vitriol.

ICC just like the international community came to save us from ourselves. Were it not for them, there would be no Kenya to speak of in the first place. Waxing patriotic to hide our primitive ethnic loyalties is to live a coloured lie. Well, the five-course tribal meal never constipates. We often wash it down with champagne made from ground conspiracy theories and served as intellectual discourse.

ICC must have seen it coming and Prof. Luis Moreno-Ocampo is better advised to brace himself for more roadblocks. He has not seen the last of Kenya's superlative schemers yet. Meanwhile the living Diaspora and Kenyan leaders continue to urinate on the graves of PEV victim, both burnt and sliced.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

City By-election Results Rattles Political Parties

The recent by-election results is sending shock waves among hitherto united political parties. Having lost two seats, PNU as we knew it is tottering in the brink of disintegration. With Kanu, Ford People, Ford Kenya, New Ford Kenya and ODM-K deserting the coalition, we may as well be staring a new political dispensation all together.

But wait a minute, are these mere political tantrums founded on nothing but hot air or signs of a sober reality check? Well, you guess is as good as mine given the original shaky grounds on which the coalition was founded in the first place. Just like Nark before it, PNU appear far past its sell-by date. But don't tell that to its supplicants lest you become a ready e-meal.

While political spin doctors will shamelessly peddle the lie that the new constitution has no place for pre-poll pacts, the reality lies elsewhere and they know it. No party formed singularly for convenience can stand the occasional political heat like the one brought about by the Kabogo-Sonko axis.

May be we have to witness all the present phase of amorphous grouping as a process of political maturing. But again, it is only in Kenya where the so-called leaders lie through their teeth and the voter including the Diaspora and bloggers buy the deceit line, hook and sinker. The journey to political maturity will surely be both torturous and painful.

Or may be the stillborn political baby christened Progressive Democratic Movement (PDM) will save the day and orphaned political faces. But you only bet on any Kenyan political sloganeering at you eternal peril. Talk is cheap. What is more, Kenyans never disappoint when it comes to waxing patriotic and intellectual albeit of the plastic genre.

Here comes the theatrics premiere of 2012 Kenya style now showing at a microphone and a camera near you. Enjoy, NA BADO.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Iron Lady Martha Karua Floors Giants in Polls

Her Nark-Kenya party has bagged two more parliamentary seats and in the process floored PM in Makadara, VP in Juja and DPM in both Makadara and Juja. She may not be ruling but Martha Karua reigns supreme, at least for these by-elections.

You have to give it to the iron lady from Gichugu and her bare knuckles political fights. Thanks to her resilience, William Kabogo and Gideon/Mike Mbuvi Kioko have acquired the honourable titles before their names.

With an average turnout of 40%, the three by-elections epitomizes the curse and cost of democracy. Well, people get the leaders they deserve but having such a low turnout flips the argument on its head. While the electorates may be blamed for failing in their collective and individual civic duty, it is difficult for the emerging MPs to claim to be comprehensive representative of the people.

The latest by-elections also exposed the folly of Kenyans expecting different politics from the same old brood. The campaigns took the predictable and partisan path that read like any script from the years of yore. And the voters have themselves to blame because they cannot turn around and demand any better after going to bed with the same scoundrels.

Just like exams being the worst form of evaluation but for lack of a functional alternative, democracy is surely a curse and damn expensive. It may be tempting to wax intellectual with a think-outside-the-box prescription but viability and practicality will dissuade such pretense.

We have laid our bed and must sleep on it with all the moulds underneath. In the meantime congratulations to William Kabogo, Sonko Mbuvi and Bishop Dr Margaret Wanjiru. All the three winners owe their success to no king-pin with Mbuvi drawing the thickest of political blood while Kabogo has whipped the UK-Wiper alliance.

What is more, Bishop single-handedly upset the bookmakers even with ODM's lukewarm support. Well, I guess the cast will be complete when Maina Njenga becomes the Governor of Nairobi in 2012.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Shocking inside stories and the Bashir puzzle

What were the political objectives behind the Bashir visit to Kenya during the recent promulgation of the new constitution?

What analysts and insiders have to say is so fascinating that it almost borders on the bizarre.
President Al Bashir of Sudan in Nairobi for the promulgation of the new constitution

But first some shocking inside information. President Al Bashir left Kenya very hurriedly after the ceremony at Uhuru Park and although he came in through Wilson Airport, he left via the Moi Air base using the presidential jet. His own jet was left idling on the runaway at Wilson airport where unconfirmed reports indicate that a trap to attempt to arrest him had been set. It is not clear who may have been behind this gallant move to arrest Bashir but there are claims that the Americans were heavily involved (unofficially because they never signed the Rome statute). But this raises more questions than answers including the big one. Would it be possible to “unofficially” arrest a visiting head of state who has been invited by the host nation?

Anyway nagging questions aside, all this happened after the military were instructed to cut down dramatically on their rehearsed parade so that the function would be speeded up and completed much earlier. It is believed the main reason was to ensure Al Bashir’s safe exit out of Kenya. Some insiders go as far as saying that Kibaki was advised by NSIS chief Michael Gichangi that there were plans under way to attempt to arrest Al Bashir. The panic from this news is what is said to have caused the military parade and the ceremony to be cut short. Bashir was then smuggled out of Uhuru Park to State House and on to Moi Air Base Eastleigh for a quick flight back to Khartoum. He skipping the state luncheon and abandoned his own plane at Wilson Airport.

Not forgetting that Wilson airport was shut down for the first time in the history of the country solely for the use of President Al Bashir.

Skeptics who dispel the whole story about the behind the scenes drama over the basher story are hard pressed to explain why he entered and exited the country at different points.

Now the big question here is why would somebody take all this trouble caused by the invitation of a single guest to Nairobi? What would make all this trouble worth it? What was the main political objective?

There is mounting evidence that the Bashir visit was aimed at discrediting the ICC and its’ efforts to get to the bottom of the 2007 post-election violence that left so many Kenyans maimed raped and dead. Some of the chief perpetuators of the crimes against humanity committed mainly in January 2008 after the stolen election of late December are senior people in government who are very close to the president and he is keen that they are let off the hook. Hence all the Bashir acrobatics to score pints against the ICC and create an impression of how toothless they are. It is interesting to note that ICC special prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo revealed during one of his visits into the country that the ICC’s intervention had blocked Bashir from a planned visit to Uganda at the request of President Yoweri Museveni. Bashir’s toothy constant grin to the cameras in Nairobi was no doubt mainly for the benefit of the ICC. Bashir was telling them, “catch me if you can.”

More interestingly most political analysts agree that the plan worked and that indeed a lot of thunder has been stolen from the tempo created by ICC more so recently when they fully set up shop in the country to prepare for the impending prosecutions. These analysts insist that this master political stroke by Kibaki will be difficult to reverse and will have an impact on the planned prosecutions in Kenya. For instance the whole issue has attracted attention and given more credence to the cowardly ruling by the African Union to ask the ICC to withdraw the arrest warrant against Al Bashir.

See also:

Open letter to Ocampo from concerned Kenyans

Kumekucha's controversial Kalamari talks about the AU's decision on Bashir

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Beware!!! Do you hate young Kenyans because they play their music too loudly?

There was this restaurant in Nairobi being run by a man in his fifties. He had been operating it for over 20 years and KNEW all the right things to do. Only that business gradually went downhill over the years. Finally, with the debts mounting he decided to call in a business consultant with the intention of selling off the restaurant for the best price possible.

It did not take long for the “young” executive from a well know accounting firm in Nairobi to figure out what the problem was.

Then Senator Barack Obama addressing a crowd of mostly young Kenyans

What had happened over the years is that the owner grew older and lost touch with his target clientele. He was busy doing things that would attract people his own age into his restaurant, sadly most of those guys are in semi-retirement and few of those still in Nairobi would go into a fast food joint in a prime location in the CBD.

The restaurant owner hated young folks. He did not like the way they dressed, they played their music too loudly and talked too loudly. He really hated their morals and their guts. And it showed in his restaurant. But sadly those were the guys he was supposed to be targeting.

This is the reason why many corporate companies these days change their marketing department teams pretty frequently never allowing them to grow too old. The result is that they easily stay in touch with their target market.

The way Kenyan politicians are behaving at the moment reminds me of that short-sighted restaurant owner, running a fast food joint for pensioners. It is business as usual for many of our politicians and they are busy playing the usual game of tribal arithmetic.

Today the Sunday Nation published a fascinating article based on the recently released Census figures that reveals that there will be an additional almost 6 million young people who will be eligible to vote for the first time in 2012. That is in addition to the high number of youngsters who unanimously gave a nod to the proposed constitution in the August referendum. According to my contacts on the ground older people voted against the draft constitution for various reasons and what made the difference is the huge percentage of young voters. Now picture the impact considering that another 6 million youngsters will be eligible to register as voters by 2012. And judging by the increased awareness amongst the young about how critical politics is to their daily lives, chances are that a sizeable percentage of these youngsters will register as voters.

Many politicians and even readers of this blog KNOW that Kenyans ALWAYS vote along tribal lines. They KNOW that the way to win a presidential election is to organize some powerful tribal alliances. They KNOW that elections in Kenya have never been issue-based. Well, they will know a little different in 2012.

Incidentally targeting the young is NOT giving exciting speeches and telling jokes that young folks can identify with.

Issues are very important for the brand new young voters of Kenya who will decide the next occupant of State house. Corruption is something else that has been brought to the forefront in recent times. Good looks too are important. And then these guys easily get bored and so very few presidential candidates if any will be able to successfully make long speeches and still hold the attention of their audiences. And as the Matuga constituency by-election a few months ago clearly illustrated the young people of Kenya are pretty unpredictable and can easily change their minds at the very last minute.

Revisiting long boring speeches, if you are Kalonzo Musyoka you will bore your audience who are already upset with your water melon ways and then blame your political rival for taking the trouble to organize a jeering crowd just for you from Kibera. The point is that such politicians stuck in their old ways of doing things will find it extremely tough going in 2012.

By the way the restaurant I started this post with was saved and retains the same owner to this day, only that he has employed some young mangers and listens to their suggestions. He hates young people less these days. Or shall we say that he is a lot more tolerant?

See also:
Breakthrough For Young Kenyan Presidential Candidate: Winds Of Change Blowing From Congo

Kenya youth are not idiots