Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Monday, December 30, 2013

Nyaribari Chache by-elections results: Ford People in shock win

In shock results just in from the by-election in Nyaribari Chache, Ford People’s candidate Richard Tongi has won the seat (beating favourite and incumbent Chris Bichage of ODM by less than 400 votes) garnering 10,100 votes.

The result is a clear indication of the influence and power of the Nyachae family who surprised everybody by suddenly getting very involved in this by-election. A section of the press speculated that some family members may have been using the election to test the waters for future political moves in the area. Retired Simeon Nyachae is the founder of the Ford People party.

However analysts on the ground say that this is a move by Simeon Nyachae to strengthen Ford People with the intention of using the party's strength amongst the Kisii community as a bargaining chip with the JUBILEE government. This is the direction Kenyan politics has persistently stuck to which promotes tribalism but secures political power for leaders who can Marshall their tribes to vote as a block.

Nationally the results are a blow to the CORD coalition which has now lost one precious seat in a parliament where they are already the minority.

Read more details about the by-election results

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Wamalwa tells Ruto to go for 2017 presidency

Deputy president William Ruto has been urged not to wait for 10 years to contest the presidency and to instead stand in 2017 because it was his democratic right to do so.

The remarks were made on Saturday by Kiminini MP Dr Chris Wamalwa (NOT to be confused with former Justice Minister Eugene Wamalwa.)
Kiminini legislator Chris Wamalwa

Wamalwa is an opposition legislator but the remarks come at a time when political temperatures in the country have risen to fever pitch with the URP faction of the ruling JUBILEE coalition complaining bitterly about the president leaving them out of appointments even as they demand for the resignation/removal from office of those still in government who during the Kibaki administration went out of their way to gather evidence against DP William Ruto in an effort to ensure that he was successfully charged and convicted at the Hague.

Even more interesting is the suggestion doing the rounds in URP and gaining popularity that President Uhuru steps down for Ruto in 2017 and then completes his last 5 years after Ruto has had a stint in power. Could this have been the rumour that inspired Wamalwa's remarks?

Read the brief news article

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Read the crazy crazy list of articles that even Kumekucha was terrified to publish. Mind boggling information on Kenyan politicians and politics. Get it in your email inbox in seconds.