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Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Raila: I Say 'YES' - A Photo Essay

Shame the Devil, Let's All Vote Yes for Kenya

Russian Roulette: praying for holy shot.

The daggers are out of their sheaths. The church are out in full swing planning POLITICAL NO rallies. This time round the MEN of clothe have vowed to lead by example unlike 2005.

And to politicians the year 2010 will be to 2012 what 2005 was to that dark year 2007. Make no mistake, 2005 the referendum changed Kenya's political landscape forever and was clearly the political rehearsal for 2007 bloodbath.

Kenyans must not make that mistake again with the 2010 referendum. Before voting YES or NO, we must all agree to vote only one way, YES, for Kenya. The referendum will come and go but Kenya remains generations. It is within our powers to stop the present polarization which will only succeed as the best spark for Kenya's sure self-destruction.

There is no worse dictatorship that uniformity of thought. Granted, the church and any other Kenyan has all the constitutional right to vote NO just as the GCG have resolved to support the draft constitution. Trying to convince the other party to give up would defeat the very rubric of democracy. The referendum question can only be answered in one of two ways.

Conducing civilized campaigns by either party is key to holding Kenya together. We must learn to agree without being disagreeable. Come on, it is 2010 and we can and must only fight armed with facts and not misinformation laced in propaganda whose only selfish objective is to achieve short-term goals.

There is no need foul-mouthed campaigns. No need for politicians to call others names. Equally the church must stand up to its byline as the bastion truth. Men of collar must not engage in propaganda and misinformation. True, religion is founded on dogma but the flock have brains of their own and must be allowed free conscience.

After all those voting NO in the referendum will still have to be governed by the very Constitution if the YES team wins. We must be ready to lead the orchestra by turning our backs to the crowd (read politicians). So vote yes or no in the forth-coming referendum but before that please vote only YES for Kenya for she is bigger than all of us singularly or collectively.

Kenya remains after the vote. So seize the opportunity, do your bit and shame the perennial scoundrels.