Ruto jitters: Is Raila really back? | Kenya news

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Kumekucha Movie Review: The Exorcism of Emily Rose

Do demons exist? Can they be cast out of a person? Your answers to those two questions will have an impact on what you will feel at the end of this movie because if you are not sure you are going to be pretty frightened and apprehensive and maybe you won’t sleep too well again. Especially when it strikes 3 am (it is believed that this is the hour of maximum demonic activity in the spiritual realm).
I have some pretty extensive experience in this area (that is a story for another day) and I can tell you without fear or shame that the answer to both questions is the affirmative. I need to add that the depiction I saw here is very convincing. To be totally honest I am yet to see something as convincing as this and believe me, I have watched many movies since my days as a movie critic in the local press.

This is a true story based on the extra-ordinary experiences of one Anneliese Michel, a religiously nurtured young girl whose life suddenly changes on a day in 1968 when she begins shaking and finds that she is unable to control her own body. A neurologist diagnoses her with "Grand Mal" epilepsy. But clearly this is not a medical problem because soon after the attacks begin, Anneliese starts seeing devilish grimaces during her daily praying.

The film is based on the story of Anneliese and follows a self-proclaimed agnostic defense lawyer representing a parish priest who is accused by the state of negligent homicide after he attempted an exorcism on Anneliese.

Sleek directing and compelling performances carry this movie very well and I will have no hesitation in recommending it.

However the problem I have is that it leaves one very important question unanswered. Demonic attack is never without reason and the first thing in any successful exorcism is finding the reason which will quickly lead you to the point of entry which needs to be sealed to avoid the subject sliding back. This is what seems to have never been resolved or even investigated in the real life story of Emily Rose.

Watch the trailer HERE

Box Office performance and other bits of info about the movie:

- Towards the end of 2008, The Exorcism of Emily Rose had grossed $140,238,064 worldwide.

- In 2006, the Chicago Film Critics Association listed the film in their Top 100 Scariest Films Ever Made at number 86.

- Lead actress Jennifer Carpenter, whose "demonic" bodily contortions were mostly achieved without the aid of visual effects, won "Best Frightened Performance" at the MTV Movie Awards in 2006.Safaricom’s hidden source of HUGE profits that business journalists missed

7 unexpected things that attract Kenyan men to their women

What is the secret that Moi can kill for?

Breaking News: Anticorruption activists kick out Prof. Ongeri and take over Minister's office for an overnight vigil till a new Minister is announced. If you can join them please make your way to Jogoo House 2nd floor room 204. Please take with you some bread and water.


  1. You mean Kumekucha even watches movies as Kenya burns?

  2. Chris, leave the naija like movies alone. Watch movies za nguvu like paycheck, just married, etc

  3. My answer is yes to borth of your question. The parallel worlds exist besides one another and they are not to be messed with.

    Bones, a 2001 horror film is one of my favoutites. Snoop Dogg is real as the walking dead can be.

  4. Chris,
    you mean you are only watching foreign movies and filling your mind with ideas from overseas? Its unfortunate that you are not a fan of our talented and budding local film and television industry.

    Please consider the works of films such as the very scary and African horror Otto the bloodbath which was too scary to be aired on local channels but is available on DVD, Me My Wife and Her Guru which is loosely based on the Esther Arunga/Joseph Hellon/Quincy Timberlake saga, not to mention the local works of our excellent comedians like Mzee Ojwang and Mama Kayai on Vitimbi, Ondiek Nyuka Quater on Vioja Mahakamani and Plot10 with the very talented and lovely young kenyan ladies and handsome kenyan men.

    Let us not forget the critically acclaimed First Grader film about Kimani Maruge the oldest student in FPE, which was released internationally this past week, and From a Whisper the film by renown kenyan director Wanuri Kahiu one of the leading young female directors and film makers

    Let us be proud of our heritage as Africans bro. I doubt if the Filmmakers in Hollywood USA would be doing film reviews of our local film industry as keenly as we critique and watch their movies and yet we don't support our own. Instead we look down on our talents and acting skills as if only the westerners can act

    I am a big fan of the nigerian cinema segment "Afrocinema" which is popular on CitizenTV station and i appreciate the efforts of the Kenya Film Commission to help us appreciate our own local productions.

  5. Let us be proud of our heritage as Africans bro. I doubt if the Filmmakers in Hollywood USA would be doing film reviews of our local film industry as keenly as we critique and watch their movies and yet we don't support our own. Instead we look down on our talents and acting skills as if only the westerners can act


    In 1997, a paper from the US Army WAR College, PREDICTED this:

    "The foreign twin is the ISLAMIC, or SUB-SSHARAN AFRICAN, or Mexican university graduate who faces a teetering government, JOBLESSNESS, exclusion from the profits of the corruption distorting his society, marriage in poverty or the impossibility of marriage, and a deluge of information telling him (exaggeratedly and dishonestly) how well the West lives.

    In this age of television-series franchising, videos, and satellite dishes, this young, embittered MALE gets his skewed view of us from reruns of Dynasty and Dallas, or from satellite links beaming down Baywatch, sources we dismiss too quickly as laughable and unworthy of serious consideration as factors influencing world affairs.

    But their effect is destructive beyond the power of words to describe.

    Hear this now!

    Hollywood goes where Harvard never penetrated, [Hollywood and Havard are playing the same role]and the foreigner, unable to touch the reality of America, is touched by America's irresponsible fantasies of itself; he sees a devilishly enchanting, bluntly sexual, terrifying world from which he is excluded, a world of wealth he can judge only in terms of his own poverty."

    Need we add a single word?

    ANyway, as Wailers would sing:

    African herbsman, seize your time
    I'm takin' ILLUSION on the edge of my mind
    I'm takin' losers down thru my life

  6. Please read something by someone from any of the discilines (esp. neuroscience) dealing with the brain. A very powerful organ but lies a lot, especially when damaged. It's all about the brain.

  7. @Mwarang'ethe,

    Did Emily Rose attend the US Army WAR College?

    Bwa ha ha ha haaaaaaaa!!!!!

    STOP Polluting the air with out of context theories bwana.

    By the way Mwara, have you watched Spartacus Gods of the Arena?

    Anyway you are the KK gladiator as you know best.

  8. Chris My all time favourite movie is MANDINGO, part 1 - 3. Top that with Any movie by Wesley Pipes, Lexington Steel, will crown it for me

  9. My favourite movie of all time is called The Shawshank Redemption (1994), lead actors being Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins. I believe I must have seen it about a dozen times!

    The movie is adapted from a Stephen King novel and Shawshank happens to be the name of a huge prison where both characters meet after being locked up for different offences.

    After it's initial release, it made only 2M USD in it's 1st weekend only to gain a cult following several years later.

    ***It's listed among the top 100 movies of all time by the American Film Institute.

    ***The film has a rating of 80 out of 100 on film-review collating website Metacritic and an approval rating of 88% on Rotten Tomatoes by film critics.

    ***In March 2011, the film was voted by BBC Radio 1 and BBC Radio 1Xtra listeners as their favorite film of all time, beating others including Fight Club, Pulp Fiction and Back to the Future.

    ***The movie was nominated for seven Academy Awards in 1994

    ***As of June 2011, the film is rate #1 on the IMDb's user-voted Top 250 movies list.

  10. Chris:

    I will def look for a pirated copy of "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" since I can't afford a genuine one. I'm sure it will help me escape from the realities of hard life, if only for a few hours!

  11. I felt I should share with you all what N T Wright economic views. N T Wright is a renowned Biblical scholar. He has had a great influence in my christianity and has been an archbishop of Anglican church.

    Q :

    Below I have copy and paste his views that I feel we need to read and think about them. The link to the full interview is also included.
    I suspect one response would be that abortion is the defining moral issue of our times. If we can't protect unborn life, this argument runs, we can't protect anyone or anything.

    N.T Wright :

    This is where I really would get quite angry with that point of view. Though I happen to agree with the stance on abortion, it seems blindingly obvious that it is not the big moral issue of our time. Global debt and the economic systems that were set up in 1944 with the Breton Woods Agreement, to slope the table so the money slides into the pockets of the Western banking system, at the cost of keeping most of the world in unpayable debt, seems to me as big a moral issue as slavery was 200 years ago. I and others intend to bang on about it until we achieve something. I just don't think we can say, "abortion is the issue." Apart from anything else, there are millions of children being born all the time in Africa, in Latin America, on the Indian subcontinent, whose economic circumstances are such that it would almost be better if they hadn't been born. The reason they're in those economic situations are precisely because of decisions taken in the World Bank and the IMF, and they are structural decisions, not just particular decisions. This has been so intensively and extensively studied, people have shown it so often, that I just wonder what kind of blindness it is that prevents people from seeing it. Of course part of the answer is, our churches have endowments. We've got investments in these things, and you can't tell us to go back on that. That's a serious problem, but it's a problem that's got to be addressed. Yes, abortion matters, but all this matters much, much more. Just in terms of sheer quantity, there are millions more people whose lives are totally blighted by it. That's where I would go for starters. To play around with your Democratic presidential candidate, for example, seems to me to play with one particular pawn without noticing what's happening on the chessboard as a whole. When you see the whole, I think you have to say, let's try to address the big issues. If you haven't got the courage to do that, addressing the little issues of one particular person and his views on this or that looks like a displacement activity. It looks like something you do rather frantically in order to avoid having to talk about the elephant in the living room.


  13. @M.pesa

    I will definitely luk for The Shawshank Redemption and revert.

    This sharing about movies is great.

    Chris Kumekucha

  14. I also felt I should share his speech. I find its very important and a good reading for us to understand some of the issues that Mwarangethe tries to explain.

    N T Wright:

    My Lords, I wish to highlight two areas in particular, first the global and second the very local. At the global level, we now have the opportunity and, I suggest, the urgent necessity, to rethink the whole way our global financial institutions work. Ever since the Bretton Woods agreement in 1944, the global economy has been tilted so as to benefit the rich nations in the north and west at the expense of the rest of the world. I don’t need to go into details; the case has been made again and again, and the results are all around us. In particular (and again this is widely known and acknowledged) several of the poorest countries in the world are still faced with massive and unpayable debts, run up in generations past and still earning multiple compound interest. Since a country cannot do what an individual can, namely declare itself bankrupt and begin again, these debts continue to shackle some of the world’s poorest countries and compel them to prioritise debt servicing ahead of such basic needs as healthcare, clean water and education. One of the delights of the Lambeth Conference four months ago was to meet bishops from Tanzania who spoke from first-hand experience of the dramatic effect in their dioceses of the debt remission granted to that country in 2001. At a stroke, all kinds of much-needed programmes could be launched as money became available for things we in this country take for granted. Even though the remission was only partial, it was enough for the Joint Review team, including representatives from foreign governments and donors, to say that ‘pupils, teachers and parents are pleased that new and improved facilities are arising before, their eyes, and especially that their children are beginning to have books, more motivated teachers and improved teaching and learning environments’. In healthcare the previous shortage of basic drugs became a thing of the past, and the rate of immunisation shot up to 83%. That was in 2004; since then, in July 2006, a further 18 countries had their debts to the World Bank written off, with similar results.

    But an enormous amount still remains to be done. The current estimate is that around $500 billion needs to be cancelled, most of which would be taken up by 100% relief for the very poorest countries (i.e. the 65 ‘Low Income Countries’, according to the World Bank’s classification). This debt is, quite strictly speaking, ‘unpayable’, that is, even servicing the interest on the debt would be at the expense of the most basic needs of the people. Some work on this has been undertaken, but it only amounts to a beginning [$88 billion out of the 500, for 23 of the key ‘target countries’] and a further amount has been promised if the countries manage to jump through all the hoops put before them by the IMF.

  15. Perhaps the most useful statistic is that the very poorest countries (the ‘Low Income Countries’) are paying about $40 billion each year, even after the partial write-offs that have already taken place. This is about the same as the total level of official aid to them, some of which (though not, I think, that from this country) is simply designed to benefit the donors rather than the recipients, for instance the ‘aid’ given to enable the poorest countries to buy armaments from first-world manufacturers, enabling them merely to compound their economic problems with the long-term devastation caused by violence, terrorism and other unrest.

    All this is a long way away from the noble vision articulated by Gordon Brown when he spoke nearly ten years ago in St Paul’s Cathedral (7th March 1999). This is what he said, and I hope the promises in the gracious speech will revive this determination: ‘Poor country debt is the great moral issue of our day, the greatest single cause of poverty and injustice across the earth. . . We must drop the debt and drop it now.’ The same agenda was strongly endorsed shortly after that by the then Leader of the Opposition, the Rt Hon. William Hague.

    What has happened to this vision? Take the example of Bangladesh, one of the Low Income countries. Its current debt stands at $19 billion, and repayments are higher than the annual health budget. Yet this is one of the countries most at risk from climate change, and the number of people living on less than $1 a day is about 40% of the population. Or take the Philippines. Most of its $28 billion debt was incurred under the Marcos dictatorship. The Philippines has already paid five times as much in debt service as was originally lent, but even so the compound interest has made the debt balloon to over $60 billion. The result? One in ten children suffers from malnutrition, and one person in five has no access to clean water. These two examples stand for several more around the world.

    Now, my Lords, it won’t surprise you that whenever I, and other bishops, have spoken about these things in the last ten years, as we frequently have done, we have been met with a chorus of protest telling us that we don’t understand how the world works, that people who borrow money must learn that they have to pay it back, that the borrowers were wicked or irresponsible or incompetent, and that any debt relief will only be siphoned off to fund yet more extravagance on the part of the few. But the events of the last four months have demonstrated beyond any cavil that this excuse always was threadbare and can never be used again. The sight of governments, including our own, bailing out banks, and the sight of at least one bank being refloated in such a way as to allow large bonuses and payouts to shareholders to proceed unchecked; the sight of the American government bailing out the car manufacturing industries with loans taken from the funds supposedly earmarked for ecologically important design improvements; all this looks to the ordinary person in the street, and to the ordinary bishop on the bench, like the very rich doing for the very rich what they have refused to do for the very poor. If the promises in the gracious speech are to be fulfilled, these global issues must be addressed as a matter of first priority. In fact, as many have pointed out, relieving these debts, so far from damaging the economies of the lending countries and institutions, would set the developing countries free to become creative and serious partners in a new global economy.

  16. That raises, of course, the question of free trade and fair trade. Again, you would expect that when a bishop bangs on about this sort of thing he will meet a chorus of disapproval, perhaps even the sneer that we are being crypto-communist. Far from it, my Lords. That chorus needs to be matched by the chorus of responsible, senior observers from around the world who have put their finger on the problems faced by developing countries when so-called ‘free trade’ – in other words, the enforcement of premature, indiscriminate liberalisation on poor countries, leaving their struggling producers at the mercy of competition from the well-resourced and often well-subsidized multinationals – when so-called ‘free trade’ becomes simply a code for exploitation. The World Bank’s director in Ghana, Mats Karlsson, stated three years ago that ‘the biggest problem facing farmers in the developing world are the subsidies the West provides for its own farmers.’ Mary Robinson, the former President of Ireland and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, spoke of seeing children in Mali who couldn’t go to school because of subsidised dumping of US cotton.’ Professor Joseph Stiglitz, the former Chief Economist of the World Bank, and a Nobel Laureate in Economics, spoke a couple of years ago of the poorest countries having ‘had their arms twisted and got nothing in return.’ My Lords, these are not wild statements by wild and woolly left-wingers. They are sober assessments of a reality which is still crippling huge numbers of our fellow human beings, a reality which, if the gracious speech means what it says, the Government must address.

    We are, in short, at a moment in history when sudden circumstances have forced us to ask, nationally and internationally, questions that should have been addressed decades ago. We cannot expect, and we should not seek, to return as soon as possible to ‘business as usual’. It is business as usual – not least the mounting spirals of debt at every level, and the extraordinary gambling culture of many financial institutions – which has got us into our present mess. In the terms made famous by Thomas Kuhn in his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, we are in need of a paradigm shift. And that paradigm shift cannot simply be that we return to the old mixed economy, balancing out the rampant follies of the so-called free market with appropriate government ownership and intervention. The danger there is that we would fail to address the underlying issues which have been with us since the late 1940s, and which have been hidden behind the smokescreen of rhetoric and the claiming of apparent high moral, or at least economic, grounds by those with most to gain from the system as it has been operated. My Lords, it is time to rethink the global economy, and the financial markets and institutions, not just from the top down but from the bottom up, and to grasp this opportunity to bring genuine justice and genuine hope to those people who have long suffered grievously from the woes which have so recently overtaken our own banks and industries. There is much more that could be said by way of positive proposals on this score, and I and my colleagues on these benches will hope to work with those involved to campaign for, and develop wisely, appropriate future shaping of an economic order in which all may genuinely benefit.

    The link is below:

  17. @M-Pesa,
    I don't know what rehabilitation is all about, but should I ever be freed from Shimo-la-Tewa, I will certainly follow your advice and visit the specified location in a twenty acre korosho plantation near Shimoni to retrieve the package you talked about.

    Then I hope to be unfreed and spend the rest of my golden days walking along the Fisherman's Path near my own hacienda on the south coast of Kenya, and not as indicated on the six year old postcard addressed to me from Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo.

    Believe it or not, I have watched that movie over and over and over to the point where I have even memorized the prison numbers assigned to "Andy" Dufresne, Redding and the other ten prisoners. Why? You ask me!

    That Samuel Norton is the real devil incarnate of all times, a cold calculating T.I.B.S., and many prototypes of his still roam amongs in 2011.

    Stories have made their rounds about our own versions of Samuel Norton who have really exploited the GK-Prison industries Ltd during the 60s, 70s 80s and 90s.

    There are GK-Prison wardens, DCs and PCs who enriched themselves by using prison labour. It was a cottage industry that fetched millions and millions of KSh for the top brass.

    There was a time when very high quality custom made and other finished timber products from the GK-Prisons were exported to the Middle East, South Africa (yes in the 60s and 70s), Europe and Asia.

    However, I doubt whether there were ever any versions of "Andy" Dufresne who managed to unfree themselves.

  18. @Chris,
    Don't forget to view and review the body of work by Nkem Owoh, known to millions as "Osuofia". That's if you have yet done so.

  19. Come on Phillip, you are becoming a spammer. A link will suffice.


  20. Hear ye hear ye hear ye! Some movies may be "nutritious" but not always tasty culturally, historically, and aesthetically significant.

    So, hear is a small quiz for aficionados of African films and other foreign films.

    Name one African film (movie) that is regarded as a classic, and one which is oftened cited as a paradigmatic film noir.

  21. I am a big fan of Nigerian segment "Afocinema" ...

    Don't mean to rain on the Nollywood bandwagon fan club by being the the bearer of not so good news from the Nigerian film industry.

    Unfortunately, the past 10 years have seen the influx of charlatans invading the film industry, creating low quality films that have impacted negatively on the consumer market.

    Although most of the well established Nigerian veteran artists have continued to maintain as well as raise their production standards, there are charlatans who continue to suffer from the destructive "jack of all trades" syndrome by "vomiting out" very low budget movies that are not worth the DVD packaging they came in.

    BTW, let's not ignore the Ghanaian film industry.

  22. Chris, just in case you have not noticed or have not been paying attention, the exorcism of the Kenyan Judiciary is in progress.

    The ugly white colonial powdered wigs (bleached sheep skin) and the mother of all ugly looking red robes must go.

    And go they will once C.J. Mutunga and his deputy Nancy Baraza begin their odious task of cleaning up the rot in the judiciary, and leaving no stone unturned.

    The offensive colonial wigs must go, as in DISMISSED from the judiciary, forty-five years later.

  23. If you want to get scared? Take a close look at the world today !
    Thats all it takes...


  24. Mwarangethe--Copy you loud and clear! "Winning" hearts and minds (i.e. enslavement)takes various forms and shapes.

    As for demons and all--I think Kenya as a country needs exorcism--the pepo mbaya. Entry point is from the lake, I think.

  25. ROFLMAO! @ Ati should I ever be released from Shimo La Tewa, Bwa ha ha haaaaaaa!

    Apocalypto!, Brave Heart and who would forget about Commando!

    @Chris Kumekucha, any prediction on political realigments? Seeing that Najib Balala has de-camped to TINGA!!!

    If you have no idea, then just limit yourself to Emily Rose, The Rite, Exorcimus et al.

    Lights, camera, Action!!!!

  26. Anon 7:41PM
    Thanks for the reminder about the Ghanaian film industry. I am also a fan of South African film,TV and theatre productions as well

    Piracy and low/poor quality are the bane of Africa's tv and film industries. The death of cinema in Kenya is one example of what piracy and poor quality can do to affect the film industry

  27. After raila screwing the 'others' not from the lake who voted for ODM for over 2 years, he has now realized the elections are round the corner. As a Moi student, he has started wooing those regions back and promising them the same things he failed to deliver. Heck, he even was in RV helping a sick former leader as well captured in standard.

    Raila, sorry but Kenyans are not that stupid. Your goose is cooked.

  28. @12:45AM
    Nothing personal because most of us are still busy living alongside the same caravan of existence.

    However, if you want to be scared out of your wits, all you need to do is take a second look, a double take from the corner of your left eye at the sight of your bathroom walls, floor, tab, shower curtain, laundry basket and worst of all, the expired contents in the medicine cabinet.

    Let's not even bother ourselves with venturing into the kitchen and other areas of our so called castles, lest we exhume the unthinkable ghosts (petrified leftovers and unwashed dishes) from a decade ago.

    That's where the genesis of the real scary maze of the exorcist can be found.

    Keep in mind that we were who we were before we became what we are.

  29. I may not always agree with some of the usual political calculations that are made by one Raila Odinga, who happens to be the current prime minister of Kenya, but there is one thing I will say about his maneuvering himself into the Rift Valley under the pretext or in order to try and assist a former firebrand politician and a one time national heroine from three decades ago.

    Kudos to him and thousands of barbs to all those who have been fighting for gender parity, political equity, as well as trying so hard to bust the glass ceiling Kenyan women hit in many professions.

    More barbs to those who had all forgotten about the existence of their one time mighty and braveheart predecessors like Chelagat Mutai.

    What a shame, what a shame for all of us who had forgotten all about her and were only waiting to show up in the last minute competition show of who is who, with the usual superficial gestures wrapped up in very expensive wreaths and bouquets at a time when she's no longer in our midst.

    Wasn't it just the other day, when one colmunist wrote about the mighty and powerful African women who once danced with the ancient political lions, elephants, mountain monsters, and fought so galantly against the invading dark forces of imperialism and the sadvent of slithering colonialism.

    But conveniently omitted to mention some contemporaries of his from the 1970s and 80s when many of his peers were still students at the one and only village university that used serve the whole country.

    What about the so called mothers and daughters of FIDA and other women's interest groups whose members have perfected the art of travelling to far away places, staying at some of the exotic and most expensive resorts around the world while attending women conventions and so forth, but can never afford to help or bother less with some of their own former members who have fallen into political, social and intellectual oblivion?

    Where have the local as well as regional political leaders been since one of their comrade in arms fell upon hard times?

    Last but not least, what became of the ancient phrase, "Who is my neighbour" in a region many have resorted to fighting for "who should or shouldn't be my neighbour?" since 1992?

    Talking of the simple, basic acts of kindness we perform in genuine welcome of one another and looking around us to see (find out) who or what neighbour is in need and then do something about it.

    What else can I say besides, other than, I am guilty as charged due to the fact that I am one of those million of people who always standby watching others suffer, and never bother to extend a compassionate welcome or timely assistance to the Chelgat Mutahi's of Eastern Africa during their most critical hour of need.

  30. Does Raila know how many of his Kibera faithful constituents are suffering painfully because they lack the 1 dollar needed to visit the local dispensary??

    Instead what does their MP elect do, he does politics with Orengo by going to rift valley to help former MP who is still getting 10's of thousands of pension.

    I urge the Riftvalley MP's to camp in Kibera with a mobile clinic to help these abandoned poor peole who are not as valued as Mutai since she is being used as a carrot to win some votes.

    Some politicians have no shame and the PM leads in that list.

  31. Yes indeed, it will be a good counter move but let them beware of the boys bearing projectiles.

    The boys in question are the grandchildren of vetrans and transpalnts from the old days of "KBF" or Kongo-By-Force.

  32. Before Nollywood gave rise to several film producers like "Osuofia", there was the late Ousmane Sembene, who was considered by many to be one of the greatest authors of Africa and has often been called the "Father of African film".

    The African film industry has come a long way from the dark colonial days when the continent was portrayed as an exotic land without history or culture.

    Why do they (Hollywood) always look at Africans as if we are insects?

  33. Obama should start giving Americans some respect. He surged the troops by 30,000 Americans from 70,000 to 100,000 in Afganistan.
    Now he is about to announce his grand master plan of withdrawing 10,000 now and the next 20,000 a month before next years general elections.

    Before he became POTUS, he had promised to bring the American soldier home from the wars abroad.
    Now, surely if you add 30,000 to 70,000 then substract 30,000. Whats the net effect?
    Now substract the American soldiers who have died while in the line of duty in the same period.
    The president handlers and his dollar oiled propagandists are trying to twist it into some fulfilled promise but I think Obama ought to respect his voters and tell them on their face that he has failed on that one.

    But heck, I aint even American, why should I care when the politicians back here at home are even worse. Did you hear Marende telling all and sundry that MP's already pay tax according to the law so they owe KRA nothing?
    Marende thinks that he is law by himself and he just forgotten that he is a mere MP elevated to the position of a speaker and next year he just might be jobless. Strangely, Isaac Ruto said he is ready to pay the tax arrears while the rest of ODM led by Raila are non committal. I guess we can implement the new draft up to the point where the renumeration of MPigs is concerned and the moment we cross that red line, hell breaks loose. I will not be suprised if very soon the MP's will gang up to have the commissioner general of KRA removed as they did with Kimunya when he tried to touch that sacred purse. Of course, the MP's will just need to look for a scandal, have the Maize thiem Ababu Namwamba table it and they will then quickly draft a motion of no confidence against Waweru which will get unanimous support in the house. Thats Kenya for you.

    Sorry guys, I am venting in KK very early in the morning. You can gues my night was not very good.


  34. Watch local actors. Mwalimu mati surgery and exposure of dubious budget estimates.gichuru and okemo skydiving to jersy,ocampo six stunt jump to icc,mps being auctioned by taxman,ongeri violently breaking door to his office. Na kadhalika!

  35. Black market hurting kenya shilling.with heightened crackdown on drug barons,they are hoarding foreign currency.these are the real speculators

  36. The son of Obama is the CIC, but it's his wife who should have given South Africans some rspect by trying to do better for them and beyond what "Mama South Africa" - Oprah Winfrey has already done for some of the young South African girls.

    Touring some of the most expensive and exclusive national parks as well as roaming around the country seeking unnecessary attention, acclaim and ululations from the poor masses of a dying and poverty stricken population does not augur well.

    Why waste tax payers money on trying to reinvent a wheel that had already been carted around by Ms. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Chelsea Clinton during their tour of South Africa?

    She could have adopted another (e)nglish speaking African country such as Ghana (where her great ancestors came from) or Namibia or Zambia or even tiny Lesotho as an avenue for her to teach them "how to not only grow and eat fresh organic produce" but also show them how "to keep their bodies active by dancing the hula hoop exercise rountines".

    As if the Lesothians didn't any better.

    We are a very gullible people otherwise the prickly ambivalence reserved for fly-by-night tourists would have awaited her at a time when she decides to attempt retracing the way to the homestead of her later father in law and people.

    Anyway, who really cares whether she comes or doesn't, unless the two of them (Obamas) are planing on building a women's hospital in Kisumu and a children's medical center in Kongelo (sp)?

  37. Anon 10:22 PM,
    Just exorcise the demons incharge of the foreign exchange rates and everything will be alright for the rest of the struggling population.

  38. Huyo mama wa watu ana utoto mwingi sana. Yeye bure kabisa. Kwani yuadhania ataiweza Afrika ya Kusini akiwa amekumbwa na papara zake za kawaida na shughuli nyengine ambazo hazina misingi, mbele wala nyuma.

  39. Marende thinks that he is law by himself and he just forgotten that he is a mere MP elevated to the position of a speaker and next year he just might be jobless.


    Marende and other MPs, please, kaa ngumu. We think well argued, you can win your case. Income tax is ROBBERY and a crime against humanity.

    Let the idiots who think paying income tax is such a good thing continue paying.

    In other words, let them starve their own kids to feed the sons and daughters of the OLIGARCHY.

    In any case, even if you pay it, it must come from Wanjiku for your PRODUCE NOTHING and EAT EVERYTHING.

    In other words, this is just another DELUSIONAL and useless noise from idiots who do not understand who ULTIMATELY, pays all the taxes.

    Also, from a historical point of view, we are very amused. When Rome was collapsing economically, it started taxing its OLIGARCHIC SENATORS who had never paid tax before. Did that tax from the Senators of Rome save the Titanic? Hell NO. So, the same fate shall befall our Titanic.

    It is either you jump and swim, or, you keep on running from one deck to another as water sinks in.

  40. anybody knows what happened to klist?

  41. Kenya Police arrest child for bearing small arms

  42. In other words let them starve their own kids to feed the sons and daughters of the OLIGACHY.

    Oh yes! Oh ye! There are those among us, the very gullible of course, who still believe that the taxes they pay, or rather the money that is siphoned from their monthly paychecks and business incomes always ends up being untilized in the right way and places according to the law of the land.

    But what they have bothered to figure out is that there are so many projects in various parts of the country that have either been stalled, discontinued, abandoned all together, carried out haphazardly, or never been implemented by the OLIGACHY tribal nation.

    Yet they still continue to scream from the top of their emanicipated voices that "taxes should be paid by all, especially the by the MPigs", while at the same time the have failed to find out how the tax revenue, in the tune of billions and billions of KSh, ends up enriching the political elite and their cronies, and in what type of personal accounts the rest of the tax revenue gets dumped into.

    There is a case of two brothers who graduated from University of Nairobi, one with a law dgeree and the other with a medical degree.

    The lawyer worked for a firm that represented a group of individuals who are still very well connected, and the other brother worked for a well established private hospital in Nairobi.

    As years went by, one brother, the physician, couldn't figure out how his sibling, the lawyer, could afford to send all of his four children to Rosslyn School, build a house on three acres of land in Karen, own three latest model of SUVs for the family, rental properties in and around Nairobi, Mombasa and Nakuru, an 89 acre farm for dairy and beef production, and even manage to be flying to Mombasa twice or three times week, where he has a second law office.

    Lo and behold, it took one brother, the lawyer, twenty-five wasted years to find out where his brother's main source came from and who the well connected political cash cows (clients) were and they types of businesses they were involved in.

    There came a day when one of the brother, the lawyer, confronted the other brother with righteous accusations and condemination, but the other brother simply replied, "we could have built for you a 50 to 80 bed capcity general hospital had you not continued to bury your empty hippocratic oathed head into the sands of denial and absolute ignorance for the last twenty-five years."

    "Who do you think you are? Why do you people, you physicians in particualr play God with other people's lives, when God has given you the means and ways to do good?

    For the record, I have served my clients and the public very well to the point where I have never lost a case nor had anyone of my clients convicted and sent to prison.

    But I wonder how many times and how patients you have lost since the day the powers that be risked entrusting the lives of unsuspecting patinets under your rightesous care?

    Are you not the one of those ... who have continued to bemoan the fact that a Kenyan doctor loses a minimum of thirty patients a year due to what could have been prevented if only the country had good regional hospitals with modern emregency medicines, equipment, staff, raods, and well trained EMS specialists around the country?

    That's what your nation's ... taxe revenue should have been doing for the last four decades".

  43. RE: Filician Kabuga's Days are Numbered.

    Another crime boss, Whitey Bulger ("White Bulgur") bites the dust after the FBI managed to exocise one of the most feared demons from the list of the most wanted criminals and underworld bosses.

    The year 2011 is not yet half-way over but it seems to have become notorious for the capture of the most wanted fugitives around the world.

    Let's hope that Filician Kabuga will be captured alive or summarily extinguished in the next six months, if he is found to be still alive in his temporary foxholes and urban hideouts.

  44. Kenya Mps must pay taxes

    sign petition at

  45. Kenya Mps must pay taxes

    sign petition at

    6/23/11 10:28 AM


    ehehehe, ahahha, delusions and illusions! It seems the next 5 years will be absolutely amusing.

    Talk of people who oppose cyclones and tsunami's with discussions. A nation full of leaders, i.e. men of actions (driven by emotions), but, destitute of thinkers.

    Sample this. You want to build a house. You employ a contractor to do the job for you. Instead of building the house, he starts playing games. In such a case, what do you do? Do you start making noise like a mad person, signing petitions, or, you sack him?

    To the extent you are unable to control your own agent/employee, i.e. mps, says a lot on how ignorant, we are in matters of civil govt. construction.

    Sometimes, one is tempted to agree with a keen thinker who made some very interesting observations towards the end of the 19th Century. He observed that:

    (a) civilisations are created and directed by a small intellectual aristocracy.

    (b) Crowds (democracy), are only powerful for destruction.

    In other words, the rule of the crowds is equal to the rule of barbarians.

    Accordingly, to him, due to the destructive power of crowds, they act like the microbes which hasten the dissolution of dead bodies.

    Just sample how the whole world has been bankrupted under DEMOCRACY.

    It is rather amusing that, we distribute OPIUM CARDS, but, we forget to distribute INTELLIGENCE required in civil govt. construction. How these combinations are supposed to work, hell, God knows.


    Anyway, we would appreciate a page where we would sign, MPS/Kenyans should NOT PAY INCOME TAX, but, LAND DEVILS should surrender the FREE LUNCH.

    Anything else, is a diversion from the real issues.

    With that, we say, like Cliff:

    Many rivers to cross
    But I can't seem to find my way over Wandering I am lost
    As I travel along the white cliffs of dover.

  46. We must first find ways and means to exorcise the demonic evil ways through which billions of shillings in tax money are stollen every year?


    Why pay taxes when $45 million meant for education and reconstruction of schools can be made to disappear in a puff of Ongeri's smoke?

    Why pay taxes when the country's finance minister can not even account for the KSh 450 billion that is gone missing from the treasury aka national coffers?

    Why pay taxes when $30 million that were allegedly used (wasted) in the procurement of third grade rusty junk millitary jet fighters from a country called Jordan, have not been acounted for nor the culprits at the Department of Defense and Ministry of Defense have yet to be brought justice?

    Why pay taxes when 75% of the Kenya's population have never had access to clean drinking water and affordable housing?

    Why pay taxes that will only end up enriching the corrupt senior civil servants, ministers, assistant ministers, MPigs, bussiness men and women, their cronies, henchmen, immediate families, legions of mistresses and sychophantic political allies?

    Why pay taxes only to have all the revenue wasted on shuttle diplomacy, prayer breakfast, personal allowances, traversing the country to appear at one politicized funeral after another, one homecoming party after another and the back and forth trips that will start being made to the ICC?

    Why pay taxes when there is very little to show for inform of infrastructure, forty some years after independence?

    Why pay taxes? Why bother with paying taxes? Why pay any taxes after all?

  47. It seems Harun Mwau is now resorting to staging armed gunfire attacks on his own vehicles to trick us into believing that Obama truly wants to kill him over his ksh50billion dollar(or is it shillings) drug empire-mmmmh!

    Interesting times we live indeed. Kingpin fakes his own attacks to elicit sympathy from the ignorant public

  48. Talk of history repeating itself. Remember that guy, Akasha or whoever he was, who was handed his exit ticket from earth while strolling through the streets of Amsterdam or some city in the Netherlands?

    Just before he fled Mombasa, it had been reported that some people tried to kill him on several occasions but the attempts on his life were thwarted.

    I guess it maybe a classic case of the hens coming home to roost sooner than expected by the victim in question.

    Otherwise, trying to elicit sympathy from the public or ordinary crowds is tantamount to appealing sympathy from "faceless groupies" with very little attention span on the cyber streets of facebook.

    The faceless crowds and onlookers will stare but for a moment and then get easily distracted by the next eventful noises or wreck.

    The guilty are always afraid and if Harun Mwai is guilty in way, shape or form, then he should not only be afraid but very fearful of his life.

    And why would anyone in that type of business be fearful of their lives? Sudden death, succession wars, turf wars and long sentences for drug barons come and go with the treacherous territory.

    In the meantime, the man is innocent until proven guilty by the international law, because he seems to be above the Kenyan laws and untouchable by the authorities and Matthew Iteere's force of Utumishi Kwa Wote.


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