Ruto jitters: Is Raila really back? | Kenya news

Monday, May 28, 2007

Raila’s Other Hammer


It is quickly emerging that these elections are going to be remembered as the “spin doctor” elections.

After Raila’s Hummer vehicle caused so much excitement amongst his supporters, Raila quipped that it was the same “Nyundo” (swahili for hammer—the tool you use to drive in nails) that he was going to use to deal with the Kibaki administration.

The Sunday nation newspaper reported yesterday that Raila has been seen on the campaign trail carrying a hammer. Quite rightly the writer wonders why, since the ODM symbol is an orange. Phil, my man, do you have any idea what is going on?

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  1. I tell you what, he can even use his father fly whisk and he will not be elected. In actual fact, his father fronted for Kenyatta and 40 years later, he fronted for Kibaki. that is what the family, the Luo and others are good at.
    Give him another hammer. Let him carry two. Ugandan Besigye ahs always been carrying one (esinyondo) and Museveni has been having a 'Splash Style' slide to victory.
    Perhaps, it is time he fronts for another leader. Possibly Kalonzo, clean and without Molasses like scandal.
    By the way, the Hummer was not a donation, it was bought at a price equal to building a few classrooms and toilets in Kibera.

  2. @Anonymous
    Yeah it's true the Odingas were the Kingmakers in the two instances you described. But yet all that goodwill has been abused on both occassions by both presidents who entrenched tribalism and corruption like never before in the Kenyan society. This time the Odingas will undone what they did hence the hammer. While he carries one all the other leaders in ODM will carry others as a symbol for destroying all tribalism and corruption networks in Kenya. Your Kalonzo "Kurubandika" Musyoka and Uhuru Kenyatta can go to hell Kenya is bigger than them.

  3. It is unfortunate that some people that have to mention tribe in everthing.

    Kenya was a couple of weeks a country were pple were starting to criticise politicians for who they really are without retreating into tribal shells.

    the spirit of tribal hatred in these country is quietly mounting and those perpetuating it should not think it cannnot be used against them.

  4. The beauty of being faceless under ananymous gives one the plastic immunity to get unmasked. Well just re-read what you write and trust me you will be ashamed of it even if latently and out of cheap pride you won't acknowledge. Discuss politicians and politics in Kenya and please leave the tribal accidents they were born into out of it. I rest my case.

  5. Not at all Chris. I think its purely the popularity and/or controversy of the real humvee that has made Raila grab the opportunity. Both nyundos are popular with the masses and they are both very useful as a symbols for the wars ahead. It could also mean a plan B for Raila. I wonder which politician, especially in ODM, does not have a plan B (like Kalonzo is struggling to make us believe). We can already see Kibaki's plan A (NARC -K) and plan B (DP original NAK) unravelling right before our eyes and PPS still denies it - thus I dont expect Raila to accept that this nyundo is his plan B either.

  6. If the insinuation is that Raila will extricate himself from the orange grove and go it alone under some type of “Nyundo symbol party” by reinventing his persona to embody the utility of this very dangerous carpentry tool; then he’s a victim of ill advice.
    With the real or imagined fear of this chap, accentuating the multiple manner of ways in which such a crude and blunt war-like tool can be employed to cause grievous bodily damage is akin to shooting himself in the foot (actually standing on a live grenade). Though Kenyans yearn for real change, I doubt they are willing to hammer heads (esp. bald ones) over it.
    Whereas cruising around in an assertive Hummer SUV is symbolic of the opulence, grandeur and power that is bound to trickle down to the poor idiots who keep chasing the vehicle around (ha! ha!), clutching and waving a steel ball-point hammer at political rallies may instill intense blood cuddling panic among the undecided voters (whom Raila needs in plenty).

    How about using a judge’s gavel (mallet), which is also hammer-like but also symbolizes Justice (which Kenya lacks in abundance)?

  7. Yaani can Kenyans even add 1+1 without bringing ethnicity(Tribalism) into it? I've just visited a Kenyan blog 4 the 1st time in 5 years, and as u can see the world moves ahead while we mark time b'coz we are static in our thinking. To think that the advent of internet brougt the world more closer, well in planet Kenya, it gave a new dimension to medieval beliefs of primitive tribal superiority, God bless u guys


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