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Monday, May 28, 2007

Nation Sex Dossier Authors Are Back: What Is The Real Motive?


The Nation sex dossier authors have emerged again after a long quiet period when readers wondered (here and elsewhere on the net) where they had disappeared to or why they were lying low.

Interestingly they went quite immediately after the dramatic arrest of former Nation crime editor Stephen Muiruri and many suspected that the arrest and harassment of Muiruri has scared them into hiding.

Meanwhile the management at Nation media house bent over backwards to please the journalists and take “the fire” off the strange but effective muck campaign.

Now earlier today, the “dossier authors” posted another of their typical long posts in the Kumekucha comments area. Nor surprisingly the writers wonder what business the largest media house in East an d Central Africa has writing a strong wordede editorial on the resignation of World Bank President, Paul Wolfowitz over a scandal involving his girl friend.

The latest dossier then goes on to detail what has been happening at the nation during this “quiet period”. The big news is that the document claims that there are several senior journalists on their way out of the media house. It is revealed that experienced News Editor Catherine Gacheru has already left for the upcoming daily newspaper being launched by popular FM station, KissFM

Read the dossier for yourself HERE where it was posted today. Please scroll down to the second comment.

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  1. Quite a voluminoous thesis the 'dossier' was replete with subtitles and clipped words. But some inconsistencies: before C. Gicheru was the other big form six graduate besides Shimoli and now she is the most experiences and 'qualified'. Are reading from the same script or I need lenses? If that be the case then the authors are unwittingly shooting themsleves iin the foot - small details (the devil) matters.

  2. All companies have issues. Some have gender issues, others have money issues (open fraud), HR issues (whites and Asians get paid more than blacks for same or less work), etc, etc.

    I agree that unlike other companies, NMG has installed itself as some kind of moral crusader. That puts it in a challenging situation. They fail to appreciate this.

    The allegations are obviously overstated. But I guess there's a kernel of truth in the mess. This is what the smear campaign targets: since you don't know where the truth begins or ends, they'll throw any mud anywhere and hope that in the minds of various people, it sticks. Many people believe anything salacious, and NMG will suffer unless it does something other than try to suppress the scandal.


  3. Taabu, I agree with you. Catherine Gicheru is actually not a graduate. I happen to know her personally and I was also wondering.

    And then this thing about people with Masters reporting to "Form Six graduates" is a non-issue in my book. In the newsroom experience matters a lot and proably a wee bit more than a PhD in some irrelevant field. I would advice the dossier guys to stick to the facts and avoid the venom otherwise people will soon get tired of this.


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