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Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Kalonzo Musyoka You Don't Know Part IV: Witchcraft And Dark Forces

When Musikari Kombo was found guilty of committing an election offence in 1992 by consulting a witch doctor and engaging in superstitious activities prior to the elections that year, many Kenyans were taken aback but little did they realize that almost all members of parliament do this ahead of polls.

Kombo who was later elected as Ford Kenya leader after the death of Michael Kijana Wamalwa is known to come from the Bukusu sub tribe of the Luhyia community who are notorious for believing in witchcraft and in spite of going to church during the day, many of them usually engage in cult activities when the sun sets.

The Webuye MP is not the only presidential aspirant who regularly consults supernatural beings in the dead of the night as most of them are not leaving anything to chance including the so-called God-fearing Mwingi North MP and a hot favorite for the presidency, Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka.

Musyoka hails from the Kamba community who are also well known for their belief in witchcraft not to mention that Musyoka's father is a powerful witchdoctor who lives alone in a tiny island along some river where it is said that all visitors have to strip naked when they visit him as one is prohibited to set foot on the island with their clothes on.

According to popular belief in the area, one is capable of hiding evil spirits or witchcraft paraphernalia under their clothes hence the rule of stripping naked when visiting a top witchdoctor.

Musyoka claims to be a strong adherent of the African Inland Church and will never miss a church service on Sunday but those who know him well say they have never met a public figure as superstitious as the soft-speaking Musyoka.

According to close allies of Musyoka , the presidential aspirant almost always travels in the company of another strong witchdoctor known as Wa Maiyo who passes as a nominated councilor from the Mwingi town council and an entertainer of sorts who has the gift of composing and singing political tunes in Musyoka's functions.

Wa Maiyo is respected and feared so much by Kalonzo's allies that some of Musyoka's close friends will not dare interrupt a conversation between Musyoka and the towering middle aged man who carries a walking stick with him all the time though he enjoys good health and has no problems with mobility.

According to those who have been closely following Musyoka's movements, the diminutive presidential aspirant takes his orders from the witchdoctor and will always consult him about his diary and has on some occasions warned Musyoka not to visit some places as his life would be endangered.

Musyoka, a lawyer by profession is said to have been introduced to the world of witchcraft at an early age (because of his father) but in politics this was solidified by the late powerful Machakos Kanu branch chairman Mulu Mutisya who was also his political godfather.

It all started in the 1980s when Musyoka made it to parliament in a by-election resulting from the death of the local MP Peter Manandu who was shot dead in a bar by a rogue administration policeman under some very strange and yet to be explained circumstances.

The now deceased, Mulu Mutisya is said to have traveled all the way to Mwingi and met Musyoka, a young lawyer who was trying into make inroads to politics. Mutisya was impressed by the young man's demeanor and his patience even for someone illiterate as Mutisya who never saw the inside of a classroom.

Prior to the by elections, Mutisya informed Musyoka that one had to seek supernatural protection from witchdoctors so as to avoid being bewitched by rivals during political campaigns. Musyoka understood this only too well. After all his father is in that trade although Musyoka was known to be much closer to his mother who died last year and barely spent anytime with his father who is still alive.

Musyoka is said to regularly consult these men of the night including a prominent witchdoctor who resides along the Nairobi-Mombasa highway known as Dr Willy who also doubled up as the late Mulu Mutisya's witchdoctor and seer. Those who consult him say that he is able to read one's future using his supernatural powers.

Just to show how politicians, especially those from Ukambani, are so deeply entrenched in witchcraft, when the late Yatta MP John Mutiso died after his car was swept by floods on his way home, among those in the ill-fated vehicle was a female witchdoctor and her paraphernalia who also died in the deluge.

It was later established that the woman was going to the MPs home to cleanse it from evil spirits ahead of a party that the legislator was hosting the following day to celebrate his victory to parliament.

When the local press broke the story a few days later, it is instructive that it was Kalonzo Musyoka himself (Mr President-to-be) who marshaled all the MPs from Ukambani to deny the story and dismissed any witchcraft link to the legislator's death. Musyoka also hit back hard at the media for portraying the Akamba as a superstitious people.

An interesting aside here is the fact that Kamba MPs do not like being linked to witchcraft any journalist who tries to do so will usually be treading on very dangerous ground indeed.

Musyoka's name came up in yet another witchcraft incident when former PS in the President's office Prof Philip Mbithi claimed that he was attacked by invisible beings while at his office in Harambee House. He blamed Kalonzo Musyoka and the late Mulu Mutisya for the attack (Read the full story for yourself).

It is evident that presidential aspirants, Musikari Kombo and Kalonzo Musyoka will not only pray to God as they go for the highest office in the land but are bound to also rely heavily on the so-called dark forces in their bid to convince Kenyans that they are the most suitable candidates to take over from president Kibaki.

The Final Part of The Kalonzo Musyoka You Do Not Know series will be published on Monday. Don't miss it.


  1. I'm not a Kalonzo supporter as such but

    he does not go to the Africa Inland Church - I know exactly where he goes to church as I happen to go to the same church.

    I've met people who have known him personally, some have lived with him before politics and have interacted with him - witchcraft nah.

    Check your sources - assuming you have any.

  2. Five things;

    1) Although you say that you are not a Kalonzo suporter, the tone of your comment betrays you and suggests otherwise. What is wrong with you admitting that you are a Kalonzo diehard and then defending your preferred candidate?

    2) I am offended by this statement, specifically the second half of it;

    You said: "Check your sources - assuming you have any."

    I have recently spent a small fortune to get a full time investigative reporter onboard who is now writing full time and exclusively for this blog. He has spent three years covering Kalonzo Musyoka at close quarters. Your careless statement comes at a time when I am scrambling to recover from that expense, so you can understand why I am offended.

    In fact there are a lot of terrible things I have left out of my post mainly because I could not verify the facts. Whatever I use I am so sure of that I can defend in a court of law. For your information Kalonzo has been linked to witchcraft too many times. There is loads of evidence and witnesses too.

    3) You will forgive me for saying that YOU are the person who needs to check with your sources. If you ask the right questions, you will for example find out that people who practice witchraft do not announce it or call a press conference to tell the press about it. Neither do they leave evidence all over the place in their house for you to see. More so when they are politicians with an image to cultivate. You will also discover that close to 100% of the Kamba MPS are involved in withcraft in one way or another and yet they will swear on their mothers grave and any other grave that they DON'T touch witchcraft.

    4) Kalonzo is involved with many churches. He has even assisted a number to register by extending his services as a lawyer. Like Chrisco Church for example, which is a solid church with an impecable reputation in Kenya. The church he attends currently does not mean he is not a member of African Inland Church.

    5) I don't mind being challenged on what I write here. I am well aware of how high the stakes are this year, but please come with concerete facts which I can use to make corrections where they are necessary. This is not the blog to push interests of certain politicians or to spread the propaganda that is now rife in cyberspace in favor of certain candidates.

    Thank you and please keep reading us, if your interest is for a better Kenya. If it is not and your agenda is only to promote certain narrow interests, please read other blogs and political sites that are more in line with your thinking and principals because that is your democratic right which I respect.


  3. By the way, another point for you to ponder. If Kalonzo does not touch witchcraft and therefore hates it and wants nothing to do with it...

    ...Why then did he call a press conference to defend ALL Kamba MPs and to announce that they are clean from witchcraft (see the post above for details), a statement which only a naive kid straight out of some school in the moon can believe? And Kalonzo called his press conference after witnesses had collected witchcraft parafanelia, including a skull believed to be a human skull from the scene.

    Think about it. Please also consult others and ask them their opinion.

    I want to make it clear to all readers of this blog, that I am not playing games here. The future of Kenya, that of my children and my grand children is at stake here. And yours too, if you care. Please, fellow Kenyans, let us wake up and see things the way the really are. Let us always remember that we are in the year 2007 and the vultures are circling for the kill and these days they come dressed as our friends and liberators.

  4. I would like to thank Anonymous for taking the initiative to put in an alternative view to that expressed in the article. Challenging published facts can be of great benefit to all readers and will compel writers to me more rigorous in their research. However, the casual manner in which Anon tried to dismiss the allegations was disappointing and not helpful at all to readers. Statements like ‘I go to the same church’, ‘I know someone who knows him’ are hardly credible or the type of counter-opinion that would do Kalonzo any good. Anon, spend some time and give us a counter-opinion that would be worth our online time – as a Kenyan browsing on Telkom’s dial-up at home, I need quick, accurate, well researched, well argued points.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I can totally believe in what Chris has said. Even if you are a die hard supprter of a certain politician please lets analyse tham for the sake of Kenya now and in the future.

  7. This is what I call NONSENSE! How will a grown up spent his time and money peddling useless statements like these ones? Who paid you to stalk and "research" on Kalonzo? I presume you are someone else project! By the way I don't come from Mwingi but I have been there once! There are no "islands"! Check your lies stalker!
    How about Raila who visits a witch doctor in Kanyekila in Homa bay district very often! Shame on you!

  8. What are NONSENSE!
    Whom are fooling here.
    I tell you the truth, whatever you want to achieve you will NOT.

    Stop all these NONSENSE.

  9. its very interesting for some of you people who spend a lot of time claiming to be bloggers when all you can expose here is mere stupidity that doesn't add sense at all.If you want your story to be believed,come forward and tell us what your sources are.the blog sphere has become full of idlers who have nothing in between their ears other than spreading rumors that are highly unfounded.if you are courageous enough to back up your allegations,why dont you reveal your name so that we can also be able to share this seemingly exciting information.i would not rush into defence of any of the mentioned but I my follow up to your story has made me understand who you are.I would like to know your source of the information.following your writings,am highly convinced that you yourself are a drug junkie who is trying to spend your madness on the keyboard without providing any clarifications.Chris,whoever you are,I believe you are a lazy psychopath who doesn't have any objective idea.i suggest that people of your kind be taken to hospital for mental checkup and drug rehabilitation.if you are really sincere,i would like to see you express your ideas with reference to the source of the information.why would you want to drag the vice president into your desperate seem to be really out of your mind and all you write is purposeless and lack of friend please find something else to do if you have nothing to tell people.and if you wanna be a writer please seek some training..i have never had an opportunity to know any of the mentioned people but i believe i would only like to inform you that what i hear in form of rumors is opposite of yours..which i have never found time to write about but i don't document rumors,but for your benefit,those people who have happened to interact with some of these people you castigate will lynch you if they ever found you writing such seeing you even quoting what you knew about Hon.Mwau in 1970' old were you then?who told you that if you sell drugs you become successful.I know that after you being convinced that drugs brings wealth,you have tried several times to trade in bhang but I know by now you are giving up because you discovered you were time look for something worthy discussing other than working on tarnishing names of people.YOU JUNKIE who doesnt dare reveal his are a silly shallow minded tribalist without any serious or specific agenda on the blogsphere.Where does your hatred for Kombo come from?you think is of your level?he is not..ok?you seem to be an authority in most evils in our society and you must be a top sorcerer going by your writings.whatever your intentions are you must be on a very silly up my friend or else time will catch up on you as you struggle selling drugs thinking that it will bring you wealth..


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