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Thursday, May 12, 2005

Will the real boss at State House please stand up?

Never has our beloved country sunk so low. What is currently happening makes the Moi days seem like golden years and Moi (with all the looting he and his henchmen did) seem like a hero.

While the family whose dog saved an abandoned child somewhere in Dagoretti are rescued by an impromptu funds drive by journalists (two days ago) who had gone to cover the pouring in of dog food donations for the heroic dog, valuable State house time and funds are being spent making a bizarre complaint to the media about the coverage of the first lady. The cash and time would have been much better spent trying to solve some of the pressing problems facing many of our fello countrymen right now.

The so-called media watch dog in Kenya, The Media Council has confirmed that it has received the official complaint from State House.

The Lucy Kibaki (oops) sorry, I meant the State House protest is mainly centered around the two recent night visits by the first lady that have raised so much interest worldwide and shame for Kenya. The first night visit which started it all was to protest the noise at the World Bank Country director’s farewell party. (One thing is for sure, Moktar Diop will not forget Kenya in a hurry. His mistake was that he got the real decision maker in the country all mixed up. More on that later.) The second night visit was to the Nation center home of the Nation Media House to protest media coverage over the first incident.

The media council will spend valuable funds talking to both parties, that is State House and editors at the two media houses. Money that would have been much better spent making donations to some of our starving fellow countrymen.

The one positive thing that has come out of this latest development is that the identity of the real decision-maker at State House has been confirmed beyond any doubt. Thank you State House, there were some people still arguing on this one and just a little confusion left. Thank you for clearing the air.

Politicians and anybody who wants a decision made please do not waste your time booking an appointment with anybody else but Lucy Kibaki. That is if you want to get anything done.

Ask Makhtar Diop.

1 comment:

  1. Mrs Kibaki's atavistic behavior has spoiled the good name of her husband and that of the country. Because the president has miserably failed to restrain her,he should be voted out. How would he have the courage to deal with corruption when he cannot deal with a roguish wife.


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