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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Progressive or New Activist Draft Constitution?

A look at the proposed new draft constitution leaves you wondering whether you are listening to an NGO seminar presentation. While the draft captures the heart of most of the salient issues like devolution and judicial overhaul, the finer prints smacks of activism devoid of any trace of tunnel vision to anchor national foundation and values.

The return of two chambers may appear to rewinding the clock to 1960s but at least it is an honest reflection to help us retrace our steps towards disabusing the godfathers of impunity like Jomo and his STUDENTS who patented Kenya for themselves. The senate will ensure no region feels marginalized by either default or design as we re-invent ourselves into a modern state.

Hopefully the provincial governments will comprehensively tackle the regional militias presently roaming and BEHEADING fellow Kenyans. At least the regional authorities will be knowledgeable and armed with experience to stop the murderers at their doorsteps.

Perhaps the most progressive suggestion in the draft constitution is the provision of dual citizenship. Kenya has been blind to her Diaspora despite their enormous contribution to the economy. This development is a step towards disabusing the old guards of their primitive nostalgia and contempt towards modernism. The ball will squarely fall on the Diaspora’s court to walk their lofty talk should the dual citizenship proposal pass muster.

Saving ourselves
But predictably, the draft does not fail to inject a bitter taste onto the lips with its academic legislation on gender. While NGOs win donors with their gender campaigns, legislating that no gender should occupy two-thirds of the seats in the National Assembly turns the whole theme of equity on its own head.

On the whole the so-called committee of experts has correctly diagnosed our collective ailment. Their prescription may not be the best but at least it will keep us alive to either accept reality and reform or revert to our destructive pettiness that will only see us perish collectively.

It is incumbent upon us to rise to the occasion and save ourselves from stewing in our won blood, shall we?

Monday, November 09, 2009

Blink Again, Another Smart Typo at Treasury

Their creativity is so amazing and they won't stop. After the BUDGET typo now comes CMC's 2003 loan being paid in style via Volkswagen Passat cars.

Competitive bidding must have been a preface in syllabus of yore. Value for theft is only guaranteed via sour be single sourcing. And at KES 3.7m per VW unit, don't ask the difference from KES 1.8m from the truly industrious lot.

You see we have to retrospectively finance the hither phantom 6% growth that was exclusively anchored on deceit. In addition to paying the previous debts, the kitty must be replenished for 2012.

Make no mistake, the fraudsters are not naive. They packaged the fraud so smartly the public was left asking for more. Denouncing fuel guzzlers must have been a superlative PR while the scoundrels scouted for next prey. And the game goes on and on..........