Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Monday, December 30, 2013

Chilling 2014 predictions

The big question in Kenyan politics right now is what will happen next? And this question applies to many current issues;

* Tribal appointments in the JUBILEE government have raised a serious storm that is a very real threat to the coalition ship. Whichever way you look at it something will have to give sooner rather than later. However the prediction here is rather surprising.

* Will URP remain in JUBILEE or do you hold the same school of thought as those analysts who are now saying that it is NOT a question of if they will leave but WHEN. However is this practical under the new constitution? Can Uhuru survive as president alone and without Ruto? Read the prediction for yourself.

* 2013 was the year Al Shabaab terrorists rocked the nation with a vicious and bloody attack on Westgate shopping mall. What is going on right now in the Al Shabab hideouts in rural Somalia points to what this creatively evil terrorists are planning next and it may come before the end of 2013 or early in 2014.

* Political assassinations of prominent Kenyans? You've got to be joking Kumekucha!!!

"Chris Kumelucha may have his faults and has been criticized for many things over the years since May 2005 when the Kumekucha brand was launched. HOWEVER nobody can argue with his record on predictions. Statistically it is 91% (according to him). True he has been sensationally wrong a few times but he has also been sensationally right way too many times. You can never ignore the guy.
- Kumekucha critic and fan depending on the post of the day. Wrote this shortly after I predicted in early 2013 that Uhuru would narrowly win in the first round leading to a run off-

Now I have compiled predictions on what 2014 holds for Kenyan politics. My brand new book does not hold anything back. I have used my own analysis, what experts in various fields are saying and also what genuine men of God with a track record of correct prophesies are prophesying. There are sections that are pretty sensitive (like the chilling one about the assassination of a very prominent Kenyan) and there is even a section for entrepreneurs that details opportunities that will emerge from the chaos. After all, all great fortunes throughout history have been made during serious economic storms and crisis (e.g. the Great depression produced a record number of self made millionaires in the United States in the 1930s).

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Your smartphone battery can last much longer

Kumekucha Weekend Special

Have you ever been in a situation where you want to send an urgent email or make a call and you suddenly realize that you smartphone is switching itself off because your battery charge has run out? And you are in the middle of nowhere with no electricity for miles around.

As convenient as these gadgets are, battery life is still an issue that can be pretty annoying. But have no worries. Here experts give you some great tips on how you can extend battery life considerably. Very useful the next time you go on safari.

Read the tips here

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