Secrets of Ruto trip to the US and Gachagua rebellion | Kenya news

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Kumekucha Weekend Special: What If The Bridesmaids And Maid of Honour Turned Up Like This For Your Wedding?

No you have not arrived at the wrong blog. This is indeed the one and only Kumekucha. Just decided to take the weekend off from hard ball politics to try and discover what other Kenyans are up to?

Kenyans are indeed a creative lot and if you catch Citizen TVs' The Wedding Show you will know exactly what I mean. Although I find it rather odd that every man seems to propose when they are on one knee. (hizi ma-soaps zimezidi na influence on our people!!!!)

But these lasses were more than just creative at a recent Nairobi wedding. "Daring" is what I call it. A female friend calls it "njungu ya bridegroom", whatever that means.

I guess it is okay to be in denial but this is the new breed of Kenyans like them or hate them.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Karume is Dead: Grim Reaper Strikes Again

Former cabinet Minister Njenga Karume is dead.

The billionaire businessman and close political associate to President Kibaki passed on in the early hours of this morning (at 2:40am) at Karen hospital Nairobi aged 83 from complications associated with prostrate cancer which he has been battling for some time now.
A strange twist of fate has seen the country lose two very similar men who were both very close to president Kibaki in a space of only a few days. What is going on? What are the signs of the time telling us? What is the grim reaper up to?
Local TV stations that have been filling the airwaves with Michuki eulogies appeared "confused" this morning. Abandon Michuki or pull out all programming to eulogize two old men that represented what went terribly wrong with Kenya.

Past Kumekucha articles on Njenga Karume;

The late John Michuki (standing far left) in this 1952 photo of the Mangu High School 1st XI soccer team.
Anybody can make money if you have this valuable little known information. Making money for people who have never done business before is easier than you think, people are doing it all the time. To make serious money or even to succeed in business you will need to start by changing your entire thinking. And this is VERY IMPORTANT...
Ruto Uhuru Huge Government Deals Revelations: One year before the 2022 mysterious presidential elections, Billionaire Jimmi Wanjigi reveals some shocking information on a Citizen TV interview. We dig deeper to understand what he was really saying so that we can understand the bombshell information he released to Kenyans.
The Sudan inside story of how some super-organized very young Sudanese nationals changed the destiny of their nation and gained the admiration of the entire world. Will they rise again against the latest military coup?
Clearly retired President Uhuru Kenyatta has been provoked by the actions of the Ruto government against his family. So what is his response? What is the plan? A rather revealing candid interview with editors from leading media houses reveals too much with numerous surprises.
Magufuli Rise From Nowhere: Little is known of the background and early life of the man who was to later become President of Tanzania, John Pombe Magufuli. Indeed even how he became the CCM nominee for president from nowhere is a story many Tanzanians are unaware of. It is an amazing saga of political intrigue and high drama behind the scenes.
Even as Kenyans seem to have major issues with their President, now a foreign country has come out strongly not only to condemn President William Ruto but to also make some crazy allegations about his personal dealings concerning lucrative money deals and power-broking. A Sudanese army leader has accused Ruto of business dealings with an individual who is involved in the troubles in that country. And yet Ruto is supposed to be leading a mediation to end the current troubles there.
Kenyans, like ordinary citizens of any country of the world do not usually pay too much attention to news outside their country. But on Sunday a video went viral where a commander of the Sudan army in a press conference made some shocking allegations against Ruto. That man is General Yasir Alatta, the Assistant Commander-in-Chief of the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF).
The problem with the video for many Kenyans was that the man spoke in the language used in Sudan that the majority of Kenyans would not understand.

But here is the translation of what General Yasir Alatta said about Ruto (shocking);

What happened in Sudan is unprecedented and may have looked impossible just a few short weeks before it happened. President Omar al Bashir left power peaceful. The amazing inside story is bound to be an inspiration right across Africa and beyond.

Little known facts about the former President of Sudan, Omar al Bashir.

Everybody hates the copycat with a passion. Yet customers don't seem to care. Pepsi is an idea that was copied from Coke and as you read this customers are giving more money to Pepsi. Copycat? Who cares? Who wants to know? And so all you need to do is to find the idea that is already successful and copy it. I can show you exactly how to do that.

So, why don't we start with a real life example of a company that copied its' way to success. A copy cat multi-national today.

Here is the story of two companies you will recognize immediately because you use their products or at least know somebody who. The first company came up with the original and the second one simply copies their way to great success worldwide.

Read: copycat to business success article


One of the Top 10 billionaires In Kenya grew door to door sales to buying a bank: The amazing story of a creative Kenyan entrepreneur who achieved the "impossible" by turning a failed company into a very profitable enterprise. Includes details of exactly how he did it.
Here is one excellent example of a Make Money idea that will blow your mind and bank account. And you will be focusing on something people do not even want and in some instances they will even pay you to get rid of it.