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Thursday, September 08, 2011

There Is A Mzungu At Wako's Office

By Mwarangethe

To the ardent Kumekucha readers, our well articulated opposition to the so called new constitution is well known. For instance, we have consistently maintained that, the devolution deal was a farce which will only increase taxation on the poor Kenyans. Many did not understand our stand, but, we are about to be vindicated. Sample this. On 16th August, 2011, it was reported in the Standard that, “Kibaki, Raila fail to resolve county funding row.”
The issue is (a) whether counties should share only the money collected by the KRA, or, (b) counties should share all revenues irrespective of the source. Musalia and his friends are in (b) while Mr Kenyatta and his friends are in (a). Just know that, this a good and bad cop play, i.e. a charade.

Before we embark on our main issue, we only observe that, Kenyans attitude toward devolution reveals something very disturbing. For instance, we are taught by the historians that, as the Athenians got mired in their DECADENCE, having destroyed its FREE LABOUR/MIDDLE CLASS with SERVILE LABOUR, there arose a communistic view that, the State’s revenue existed only to be divided. Dear reader, we are there. Leaving aside our decadent ideas on devolution, today, we are interested in this statement:

“Another source close to one of the principals said more suspicion emerged from the meeting after it was revealed Attorney General Amos Wako’s office was already harmonising the Bills. "I understand there is a mzungu (white man) drafter in his office who is to harmonise the two Bills," said the source. He revealed that the drafter had sent a copy of the working draft to the task force, which was currently scrutinising it. "Why somebody was quietly working on the Bills in Wako’s office while the ministers bicker, nobody knows.” Source:

We also, urge the reader to read these two stories: “Stop postponing difficult decisions to make county governments reality,” by Jaidi Kisero of the DN at and, “Lobbies: Ministries frustrating devolution” at

If you ask the high priests about this mysterious Mzungu, you will be told that, he is part of the donor led technical assistance in the implementation of the new Constitution. We add, all this, at your expense. However, this is a lie. The question then is, what does the presence of this Mzungu at the Attorney General’s office at this hour tell us? And, more so, is, there something analysts like Jaidi Kisero are missing in their analysis?

This is the deal. Since the American Revolution, it has been asserted that, a democracy cannot wage war or run successful foreign policy/an empire if it has to compete with other centralised and non - Democratic nations. In support of this view, it has been argued that it is not possible to entrust the legislative branch with sensitive foreign policy negotiations as well as military commitments which require great secrecy and objectivity. As such, it has been maintained that, the foreign policy issues must be left to the executive branches which alone are endowed with Solomon like wisdom.

The implications of this is that, if imperial nations like the USA, UK, Germany, Japan, etc were to become real democracies, they must forego their foreign policy and military commitments. In other words, all imperial nations have a choice to make. Either, their global strategy must become inward looking and isolationist, or, they must centralise their political structures in relation to foreign policy and military engagements.

This centralised political structure in respect to foreign policy and military commitments does not just exclude the legislative branch. It also, excludes the judicial arm from foreign policy and military engagements whether legal or illegal. It is from this perspective, the USA's courts and lawyers as usual, playing their hidden role in Empire construction gave birth to a weird doctrine called Act of State Doctrine. The fact is that, this doctrine is not founded in the American Constitution or the law of nations does not matter to these honourable courts. So much for the so called courts of justice. Under this doctrine, should foreign policy acts of the executive be challenged in the American courts, the executive has the veto whether such a case should go ahead or not. To cite just one recent example, the USA Emperor, Nero Hoover Obama, went to war in Libya in clear and blatant violation of Article 1, s. 8, Clause 11 of the USA Constitution which requires the Congress to declare war and nothing can be done about it. Talk of impunity!

Now, when we come to the so called 3rd world, we find these nations to have no foreign policy of any shape or colour. And, if they appear to have one, it is just being a hand boy for the imperial nations. However, when it comes to their domestic policies, all we find are very centralised sterile bureaucratic political systems. Dear reader, contrary to the clap trap you hear about who dismantled the Lancaster Constitution to create an imperial presidency, the truth is this.

The imperial nations using their centralised foreign policy and military commitments, i.e. covert and overt missions in 3rd world, ensure the creation of centralised, i.e. imperial presidencies in the 3rd world. As such, any move towards genuine decentralisation of power must be sabotaged. It is in this light, you must therefore, understand: (a) the emergence of an imperial presidency under Kenyatta/Mboya State and (b) the current role of the Mzungu who is “harmonising” the two bills in the Attorney General’s office. In other words, as they distract you with the ICC nonsense, they are fastening a dictatorship on you and your children’s head.

To fully appreciate this game, one must be aware of what foreign policy means to imperial nations. Foreign policy to the imperial nations such as the USA or the UK, is an extension of their domestic economic development and interests. For instance, British used their mercantilism as a strategy to promote domestic profits, hence sales and employment while thwarting foreign competitors at home and colonial markets. However, when the same Britain acquired its massive industrial capacity, it turned around and called for free trade. This time, its aim was to feed its British labourers and provide cheap grain and other raw materials to its industries. Using the reciprocity requirement, then, Britain forced all other nations to open their borders to its manufacturers which made it the “workshop of the world.”

In other words, the material prosperity and freedom in the industrial imperial nations to a greater extent is anchored on the centralised/imperial presidencies of 3rd world nations. As such, the 3rd world imperial presidencies are an imperial necessity to ensure maintenance of the status quo, i.e. crippling poverty which these empires require. This way, then, the purpose of imperial presidencies in 3rd world is:

(a) to enslave us with with debts for export infrastructure like the South Sudan-Lamu Railway which will facilitate export of cheap raw materials from South Sudan; (b), to ensure supply of servile labour for the labour intensive and cheap products from our Export Promotion Zones; (c) , to ensure availability of plantation products like rubber, cocoa, coffee etc; (d) to collect peonage debts incurred to build export infrastructure; and when this fails as is expected, (e) to alienate natural monopolies like Mombasa port, Kenya Telkom, Railways etc and thereby, enslave us again.

Thus, the centralised and corrupt governance systems in the ex - colonial nations you witness are not accidents as your teacher may have fooled you. What you have to know is this. If imperial nations allowed full and meaningful devolution, some regions would use innovative economic strategies to industrialise their regions. As would be expected, other regions and nations would copy. Such an example must never be allowed. It is in this light, the presence of a Mzungu at the Wako’s office at this hour must be understood. You may have removed Wako and put in Professor Githu Muigai, but, verily, verily we tell you, it is in vain.

The only saving grace now is this. You are now watching live how this deadly game is played. Enjoy it.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

ICC Kenyan Cases Analysis That Kumekucha Does Not Want To Make

I can still remember an incident that took place when I was barely 4 years old. It is still as clear as day to me, like it happened just yesterday. I think part of the reason is that my mother was involved. She was actually being beaten up.
I cringe when I think about all those youngsters who witnessed much worse. Their mothers being raped and then killed. You lie if you insist that they will quickly forget when they grow up. You lie when you claim that it all depends on how they are brought up and that if they find upbringing full of love, they will live in better times. You lie because I know how it feels.

This is one of the reasons why I have been listening to the ongoing confirmation hearings at the Hague with a lot of bitterness in my heart. And it is the reason why I have resisted making any commentary about them because my posts will almost certainly be biased. More so because of some of the information I have that is not in the public domain.

The situation is made worse by the line of defense that is being taken by the accused persons. This very serious matter is being reduced to an extension of the political battles currently going on ahead of 2012. That makes me want to throw up because it is happening at a time when some Kalenjin individuals are occupying land that does not belong to them. The land belongs to people whom some of them murdered and raped. The real owners of the land who survived are wandering around with no fixed abode in their own country. And yet no court in the land has prosecuted a single person in connection to this gross injustice. Naturally this is not the kind of thing to joke about or make light of. Or turn into some political game plan for 2012.

And that is the reason why this is a post to urge my readers to allow me to remain silent on what is unfolding at the ICC. I assure you all that there will be plenty of drama and shocking revelations so much so that my input in the matter will not be missed.

But before I pen off I would like to make three observations.

Firstly about the bombshell this past week where the prosecution has alleged that William Ruto recruited retired army commanders Augustine Cheruiyot and John Koech and former GSU boss Samson Cheramboss to plan and help execute attacks in the 2008 troubles.

This is consistent with previous so-called tribal clashes in the area. Kenyans with longer memories will understand that it was one retired President Daniel arap Moi who invented tribal clashes. This is the man who laid the ground for what happened in 2008 because tensions have always been high in the Rift Valley since the advent of multi-party democracy in 1991. Moi always used personalities from the military that he could trust to execute the attacks. I shall not mention names but there was a very famous army officer who was killed in the Rift Valley in the 1990s and it was simply a revenge attack by relatives of those he had organized to kill on behalf of Moi.

Secondly the line being taken by the defense lawyers to weaken the prosecution case by claiming that others are guiltier than the accused persons is bound to fail for one simple reason. Those at the Hague are the ones deemed most responsible and it is not the mandate of the ICC to round up all the people responsible.

Lastly William Ruto cell phone calls during the troubles of 2008 were intercepted by local spooks and the NSIS has conclusive evidence of his involvement. I doubt whether this material will ever be made available to the prosecutors at the Hague but am informed that some related evidence may come through in the course of the trial (assuming that the hearings proceed to a full trial).

Really interesting times ahead folks.