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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Which Political Grouping Will Win The Most Parliamentary Seats?


I usually don’t give too many predictions but here is one for you. The current political situation will change dramatically before we go to the polls. I will not go further to be as arrogant as some commentators here who are fond of adding statements like; you can take that to the bank.

This time round, it is the electorate who will set the agenda and you can be sure that corruption will be very high on the list of issues that will dominate this election with the Kroll report and other reports that have not yet been released dominating center stage.

Ultimately these will be the elections where Kenyans will vote strongly against corruption.

However the current reality on the ground is that the same party whose presidential candidate seems to be leading in polls, are also currently set to win the highest number of parliamentary seats if the polls were to take place today (but please don’t get too excited, I told you that things are bound to change.)

The issue of predicting which political party will win the majority of parliamentary seats is fairly simple in Kenya. You just need to look at...

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The world flocks in to get hold of the finally published in full Marianne Briner/Jeff Koinange no-holds-barred steamy emails.

All you need To Make Big Money Online while still in Kenya is an email address and a mobile phone

The Dirty Game Of Politics


This is a rather fascinating photograph taken in the late 60s shortly before the assassination of Tom Mboya.

The photograph tells a very long complex story. Let me start by introducing the “players” in this “game”. Far left is former president Daniel arap Moi, then Vice President. Next to him is Tom Mboya and the person next to Mboya who seems to be the one who has delivered the joke is one Mbiyu Koinange (grand father to former CNN correspondent Jeff Koinange—this photograph does not show the uncanny resemblance the two have, especially in their eyes and facial features). Far right is Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, founding father and the first president of Tanzania.

At the time this photograph was taken President Kenyatta’s kitchen cabinet were finalizing plans to sort out the “Mboya problem” once and for all. Mboya on the other hand had just completed a clinical operation that had wiped out Jaramogi Oginga Odinga from the political scene into oblivion and irrelevance. The efficiency with which it had been carried out caused the Kenyatta cabinet to fear TJ even more. The three major players in that kitchen cabinet were...

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The world flocks in to get hold of the finally published in full Marianne Briner/Jeff Koinange no-holds-barred steamy emails.

All you need To Make Big Money Online while still in Kenya is an email address and a mobile phone