Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Did Blogger die because of Shebesh/Sonko nude photos?

In politics perception is much more important than the truth and in most cases the facts don't really matter when perception has kicked in. And so to avoid complications with all those Kumekucha readers out there who are JUBILEE damu let's stick to perception for what I am about to say to introduce this very sad topic.

The JUBILEE government (2013-2017) is going to be remembered for causing the media plenty of grief. As to whether this is true or not, let's leave that discussion for another day. For now let's stick to the perception out there. Let me also leave out at this juncture all the info I have received about several bloggers fearing for their lives and the warnings I too have received over my own safety. By the way in-case you did not know bloggers have also been carefully targeted by several legislative moves from the government including the one insisting that all domain names are registered within Kenya (but that is a story for another day).

In view of this perception some facts about the recent death of a blogger who has become very famous very suddenly in recent months can easily be linked by wananchi to the JUBILEE agenda and policy of silencing any media voice that is not for them.

Kahodha Roy Ogolla (pictured above) was the blogger who released the shocking Sonko/Shebesh nude photos to a gaping Kenyan public. Now a few days ago he died in what was reported to have been a road accident. Fine. A lot of Kenyans die on the roads especially at this time of the year so nothing fishy there, ama?. Only that a prominent JUBILEE politician had promised to finish the late Ogolla only a few days earlier. But it gets even more interesting.

The autopsy report is inconsistent with the road accident theory. The post mortem report says he died of liver bleeding, but his body has no physical injury. And yet they say the car rolled several times and he was thrown out on impact. Young Ogolla was also reportedly with a lady in that car, no one knows where the lady is or who she was. 

In other words there were no eye witnesses to the said road accident on a public road, at least they have not come forward so far.

This smells of a cover up of sorts involving the usual "heavy stones that cannot be turned." Admittedly the young blogger was fairly careless in the way he went about things, even openly revealing the source of his stories. However it seems that he had some information that was way too sensitive.

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Alfred "JUBILEE horror movie" Keter

What is really going on with these URP guys. First of all it was Goovernor Isaac Ruto taking on the whole of JUBILEE over the percentage of national funds to be given to county governments (remember that saga?) Now just a few months later URP produce another anti-JUBILEE Monstor, more terrible and frightening than Isaac Ruto ever was. His name is of course Alfred Keter. That name alone sends cold chills down the spin of many in government. yet this is a youngster, fairly good looking and first-time legislator.

According to the Kenyan Daily Post, Keter is now telling Ruto not to waste his time and funds touring the Rift Valley (as planned for January) to rally waning support for JUBILEE. Keter says that it will be a waste of time just like the recent presidential trip to the same area.

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