Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Friday, December 27, 2013

Female lecturer at Maseno University commits suicide

Why do people end up killing themselves? That is a question that many Kenyans at Maseno University are pondering over after the discovery of the body of a female lecturer yesterday together with an elaborate suicide note she had left behind citing marriage problems.

Mrs Pamela Jaoko K’Ouko, 50, (pictured above) a senior lecturer in  Zoology at Maseno University, had been missing for a week before her decomposed body was found yesterday floating in a river.

Interesentingly her husband, Dr Evan K’Ouko, a radiologist and a former lecturer at Maseno, however, denied the couple had any domestic problems, and even added that they had breakfast together on the last morning he saw his wife alive.

A few years back an interesting study was done in Japan where incidentally about thirty thousand people commit suicide every year (one person every 17 minutes).

The study involved a very sickly chimpanzee called Leo who was still somewhat cheerful and grateful for the small pleasures he got out of life even in his sorry state. The conclusion was that because Leo did not have the sense of envy, grudge, or misery, he was not depressed or despaired thinking about his past or future. He was not envious, resentful, or jealous on others who had complete freedom of their bodies. He did not fill his imagination with negative thoughts.

Human imagination, being the cause of despair, is also the producer of hope. Human beings should realize that the difference between hope and despair is only in their brains.

The Maseno case no doubt has more to it than meets the eye because others have contradicted the claim by the husband of the deceased that all was well in their marriage.

Read the story in full.

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Monday, December 23, 2013

Has JUBILEE Clinched Major Defections From CORD?

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Dalmas Otieno and Dorothy Atieno Okello married last week
SERIAL BRIDEGROOM: Dalmas Otieno married his third wife in July this year in a low key traditional marriage ceremony. The 30 year old lass who is the latest Mrs Dalmas is Dorothy Atieno Okello (pictured here). Dalmas holds views on the ICC cases that contradict the official position of his party. What is going on?The CORD coalition is NOT speaking with one voice about the ICC cases. There is no doubt now that there are a sizeable number of prominent politcians who are with JUBILEE on many issues and in the process are contradicting their own party's official position.

Dalmas Otieno a very close aide of former Prime Minister Raila Odinga over the weekend during a function in Migori attended by Deputy President William Ruto called for an end to the Kenyan cases at the ICC. So did Migori governor Zachary Obado. Both are in ODM and the CORD coalition.

What is really going on here?

Apart from the ICC cases, we know for a fact that Nairobi governor Evans Kidero is much more cosy with President Uhuru Kenyatta of JUBILEE than he is with his own party leader Raila Odinga.

But the clincher are reports coming in from Machakos indicating that the county is very likely to vote JUBILEE in 2017 courtesy of Governor Alfred Mutua who has build a huge following in the county and beyond. The governor of Machakos is another prominent CORD character who is way too cosy with JUBILEE.

Where does genuine co-operation stop and betrayal start?

Who is financing South Sudan troubles
It is obvious who the biggest loser of the ongoing troubles in South Sudan will be. It is Kenya. Above everything else the country has lost a major market for its' products and work force at a time when the economy is headed south. Very hard times ahead for already struggling Kenyans.

In my latest intelligence reports I reveal and break it down for you. Analysts are now asking if the country stepped into shoes that were a wee bit too big for her. How do you declare a country many times more prosperous than you your enemy and expect everything to be okay?

GET the collection of articles Kumekucha feared to publish and you will have FREE access to the Kumekucha Raw notes and read the rest of this explosive story above. OR my Intelligence reports and discover what is really going down in South Sudan and how it is all likely to end. Read on for details.

Read the crazy crazy list of articles that even Kumekucha was terrified to publish and some of them are about Kalonzo Musyoka's little known sins. Mind boggling information on Kenyan politicians and politics. Get it in your email inbox in seconds.