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Thursday, May 24, 2007

New Twist In Rape Saga As Medical Concerns Kick In


If you have been reading the daily entries in the now extremely popular blog Distant Lovers. You will know that a member of the still powerful Koinange family (there was a time in Kenya when that name would make most full grown men pass urine in their trousers) has this week gotten in touch with the publisher of the explicit blog. She begged the author and date rape victim to stop publishing the blog, more so the damaging family secrets involving who is not talking to who etc. You can read the details for yourself at the blog.

But the really shocking development today is medical in nature. The rape victims’ doctors called her yesterday out of the blue and seem to either disbelieve the test results they got or there appears to have been some mix up that has caused them to ask for new blood samples. The victim has a terrible hunch, she says at the blog, based on the reaction nurses had towards her as they took new samples. They must have looked at her the way a person looks at a condemned person. Personally my view is that whatever the doctors are not saying, they will have to say in the end and although it is a terrible wait for the final verdict, one can only act on confirmed reports and scientific data.

But the whole point I want to raise today is just how terrible the consequences of rape are on a woman. Not only does she have to live with the nightmares, but she also has to pay for the medical tests and then pay for treatment too and in some cases live with a disease until the end of their days. A sexually transmitted disease like Herpes for example has no cure. If it is a date rape incident like it is in this case, then that would be the high price of admiring some guy and thinking in your mind, maybe.

Mercifully some rapists these days use condoms (like in some horrifying bus and matatu rapes in Kenya in recent times) but that in my book makes only a small difference. It is a known fact that the virus that causes Aids can easily penetrate a condom, let alone the frequent “punctures” that tend to occur.

Spare a though today for the women that are our sisters, daughters and so on, who go through so much, silently and mostly without complaining. Spare a though too for Ms Brinner and put yourself in her shoes for a minute. She will have to wait, worried, scared and wondering what the verdict will be. And that wait could be weeks. It is a matter of life and death now. Include her in your prayers.

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  1. You wrote: “””The rape victims’ doctors called her yesterday out of the blue and seem to either disbelieve the test results they got or there appears to have been some mix up that has caused them to ask for new blood samples.”””” Is it possible that the doctors have discovered that none of the blood samples tested previulsly belong to JK??

    ‘’’’’’They must have looked at her the way a person looks at a condemned person.’’’’’’ Were the nurses staring her in this way because they believe she had contracted something like HIV or because they are of the opinion that she’s just about to be condemned (as in hanged until dead) for lying and conspiring to bring down JK?

    Y’all have a great Memorial weekend.

  2. Chris, I have said it before and I repeat. Rape does not take three months to investigate in Europe. IT starts immediately and the man is arrested. Do you remember the Billy Konchella case. He was arrested on the day of the claim and stayed in jail for one and a half years, until after it was adjudged that she never raped the woman and set free.
    Brinner is out to tarrnish Jeff's name and I was called unprofessional the other day for spewing vitroil on the same.
    Kindly stop being a cionduit for this diatribe.
    Will it make you blog better? No. If you are competiting, then Jeff plays in a differenmt league as a journalist. This twice.
    I said Brinner is a slut who slept with one of Jeff's relations colleague (Njoroge Mungai). She admitted it in London.
    What is the age difference. Then she is a paedophile. She was not raped. She is simply trying to make a name. SLUT.
    Anyway, some of us have worked with Jeff in the States and we know the man we are talking about. And how would you like to hear what people say about you, the blog, spelling mistake and hypothetical wild claims that you make. They are worse to a given degree. Someone at San Fransisco Times wondered this week what you have against Jeff. he said "The man is so unprofessional. That is Kenyan and African journalists for you. Everone digs another one's grave".
    Lakini Chris, know that MCHIMBA KABURI HUINGIA MWENYEWE!

  3. Paedophile Mr. Professional? Well, by inference JK was of underdeveloped faculties and you are his FIDA equivalent. Smells youth wingerish. Stop the balderdash about states. You are living in the last millennium brother and stop making a fool of yourself pointing fingers. If you are in JK's pocket then stay there and don't pop the cheap defence here, please save us the heckling.

  4. How come alienda kwa daktari na hakuproceed kwa polisi au vice versa? She comes off as a very knowledgeable champion of human and rights-except her own! I'm surprised so many of you are at her beck and call. Whats the catch? Beware, you might be next in line, men!!How old is she now?
    To cut a short story even shorter, lies are just lies (JK's, hers or yours, she and JK know the truth in their hearts, and that truth will never change, not even if the world believed the other person's version), no matter how many "now very popular" blogs or books filled with sex scenes with the rich and famous of Kenya you all attempt to publish. I wonder if Kenyans buy books simply because theres sex in them? You all need to try it on the American market, sex SELLS. Not sex as in sex, but anything that can be associated with it, hence the 'sexy' shoes, cars and everything. BTW how has the book (remind me the title??) been selling since you thought of promoting it through blackmail?

    PS: 'Chris', ever wondered why you wrote what you wrote about Brinner in your earlier posts,before you had time to reconfigure your thoughts and or pockets (thats another trendy thing over here)? You might consider deleting those as they reveal a different Brinner than the one whose sainthood you won't tire of singing of today.Spare me, at least (I'm not claiming any personally, in fact I only believe in the Lord's mercy to save me)

  5. Mr Professional said;

    "Someone at San Fransisco Times wondered this week what you have against Jeff. he said "The man is so unprofessional. That is Kenyan and African journalists for you. Everone digs another one's grave".

    Who cares what The San Francisco times has to say. Are you one of those brainwashed Africans who believes that the Mzungu is always right?

    By the way theirs is a very inaccurate view of African journalism because if there was enough of this kind of journalism maybe we wouldn't be in the mess we are in right now.

    Another thing, your chap at the San Francisco Times is so professional that he has no idea what Blogs are all about. To start with they are very different from "stiff shirts" like the newspaper you mention. This is citizens journalism.

    We are not looking to win some journalism awards here my friend, so quit trying to convert us. If Jeff is your friend why don't you start by asking him to deny everything we have written here and what Marianne has written in her blog, including thoise crazy emails? Of course he can't because it is the truth and it is you my friend who is digging your own grave by trying to supress the truth. I wonder what your real motive is. I wouldn't be too surprised if it is you Jeff Koinange yourself hiding behind the anonymous tag. You're the one who thrives on name dropping, friends in high places and contacts at BIG US newspapers.

    Long live the "unprofessional" truth even when it's written with typos.

    P.S. Readers please note that The professional has several typos on their comment, for instance the word "Everone" instead of "everyone" in the last sentence of the section I have quoted above. I guess professionals are allowed to make these mistakes but the rest of us are not.

    P.S. 2 I have nothing against Jeff Koinange. But I am upset about what happened to Marianne and the anguish she is going through right now. I am upset about the sort of image this portrays of the rest of us Kenyans.

  6. Clearly there is a vendetta here! Character assassination!! I still insist if I was raped (God forbid) I would not try to seek justice from a blog!!! Any real woman out there who has been raped knows where to seek justice from. Stop making a mockery of ‘rape’ it is a heinous crime and victims should seek recourse from the formal channels of justice. What does this Brainless..ugly old woman think she will achieve by posting such stuff on blogs? Ati now you have a new twist to the story…..the plot thickens…I can even fill in the next scene for you…the doki will tell the brainless woman ati she has contracted a deadly disease…..ha ha ha.
    How old is this Chris dude…I remember in some post he said he has been married for 20yrs so he could be in his late 40s to mid 50s…The point is, for an old zaks like you to be getting a kick over such a fabrication the reward must be very ‘fat’. If you have daughters Chris and they happened to get raped/date raped, would you exclusively report it in your blog without reporting to the police?

  7. The clash here is modernity vs our traditional mind frame. There is absolutely nothing wrong in Brimmer airing her sexual orgies to dry. You guys are in the old school mould and bettter shut up. Strkoing emotionals won't wash, argue and stop shouting. Chris, do what you know best and let the professionals heckle. As for Bereta, yours is a tired line that can only appeal to my grandma. Rape is rape is rape but that doesn't stop us from discussing it. This is not a church gal, smell the coffee and count your blessing that you haven't tasted rape.

  8. Chris/Kumekucha,

    Thanx for what you have said. I wish i knew your second name and we could be talking business.
    I had a word with a former colleague at the UON and I was told much. I dont dwell on that. lets not say anything about quality. It is not my wish to answer along lines that will make me fear meeting you in person. One day I will and we shall laugh. In one of your posts today, you told me that I am unprofessional (or rather you tried to belittle me for making a typographical error. EREONE and you even said that it should be EVERYONE. Thank you. But in the same reply, you made an error on the word thoise. Is it SIN that I made an error and you did not.
    In another post, you have in your 'headline' ORDOR and again ODOR in the body. No sin or mistake there: It is Kumekucha!
    The San Fransisco Times has nothing to do with brainwash. There is one journalist in New York (my former student) who visited the blog after the Jeff rumours and contacted me through email wondering why journalists from some parts of the world 'witch hunt' and that is the time I contacted a lecturer at the UON. Indeed he told me that a former lecturer at School of Journalism has tasted your broadside.
    This journo had a story about a West African working as an INTERN in their newspaper from the State UNI and always had journalists from his home town writing nasty things to the editors about him.
    In anycase, I am not even in San Fransisco I am lecturing in New York and I have been told you went to my old school; CHANGES, though no one knows your other name or full names.

  9. This is what i call foolishness. Some people are even out to correct some spelling mistakes. The only place i learned spelling was in high skool. If we were to start tabling the 'facts' about how good we are, then i would gladly drop out. I cant measure up guys.

    One thing i know is that there are terrible gossipers here. I dont know Jeff personally. I have so many people i am dying to meet and Jeff is not one of them. But there are obviously 'better' kind of propaganda we can engage in. Lakini vile wao husema, kila nyani na starehe zake.


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