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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Distant Lovers Burns Hit Counter


Knowing full well that many will use this post to confirm that I am on a ‘witch hunt’ I just thought that I should report that the blog Distant Lovers has broken all records and yesterday registered close to 1,000 unique visitors. For a blog that is barely a week old, that is a record. It took Kumekucha over one and half years to reach that mark in consistent daily traffic.

Congratulations Mariiane. I believe you when you say that you are doing it for all those frightened women out there who were not able to fight back.

What does this mean? It means that people from all over the world are visisting this blog. It means that the captivating love story being told in this blog (for the literature students) is attracting all sorts of people

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  1. The authenticity of the rape story notwithstanding, you deserve congratulations for staying the course. Very few can sustain such an emotive fight with barbs and hearts flying all over. Brimmer seems determined too for a course and no amount detraction will suceed in diverting her eyes off the trophy. By the way you can throw all nasty words at her but this old lady is no ordinary Njoki and she is neither naive. She must have knowm what she was jumping onto. So the heckling and 'youthwinging' can continue unabated. But all the frog's wails won't stop cows from drinking. We are all eyes and ears, let them come. All the moral policemen can scream themselves hoarse for all they care, it is a free world.

  2. "For a blog that is barely a week old...."
    Yanni you'd barely started it when you told us about it?


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