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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Michuki Standard Raid Happens All Over Again As Artur Brothers Mystery Deepens

After yesterday's story in the Standard newspaper which we linked to in our edition here yesterday, senior editors at the newspaper were picked up by the CID and were in police custody late into the night yesterday. They were released after 10 long hours of police interrogation and only after pressure from the likes of former legislator Martin Shikuku and Raila Odinga keeping vigil outside the CID headquarters, Nairobi where the interrogation was taking place.
Also published in Kumekucha daily today

Who would want Gideon Moi dead and why?

Who is the hidden hand exposing all this about the Artur's?

Goodbye Tanzania
Actually this police harassment and detention of senior editors was the Standard being raided all over again.

Interestingly Internal security Minister John Michuki uncharacteristicingly read out a lengthy statement (he usually prefers to make his comments off the cuff with his long stares at the press in silence as he pauses for effect) castigating the report in the Standard and labeling it absurd.

What caused trouble for the editors at the oldest newspaper in the region was the publishing of allegations that were already in the public domain, to the effect that the Artur brothers were hired to kidnap and assassinate certain leading opposition politicians. But there was an earth-shattering new twist added to this information in the Standard story yesterday. And that was the fact that right at the top of the hit list was one Gideon Moi.

This is one of those revelations that common sense tells you is to bizarre to be fiction and it is the reason why John "rattle a snake will be bitten" Michuki couldn't take it any more. But the minister does not see one thing, arresting and harassing journalists is the wrong move to make. Very wrong move, as will become clear shortly. He is actually playing right into the hands of those behind the Standard story. (more on that later).

But what really had political analysts scrambling for an explanation last night and this morning were the rumours on the ground that these developments were linked to the forthcoming general elections.

That fact seems to have been confirmed by something that this blogger found very illuminating. Gideon Moi himself backed the Standard story and admitted that people within the country's security forces had warned him at the time, when the so-called brothers were still in the country, that the Arturs were assassins and that they were targeting him. Personally I am not aware of any MP with the kind of security that Gideon Moi has (maybe apart from Nicholas Biwott).

The fact that this bombshell came only a day after the same newspaper reported that Margayan had said that he would put details of the Standard raid in the book he claims he is working on is very telling. And the day before that, the same newspaper had published photographs of Wangui Mwai with her hands all over Margayan at a holiday destination the paper said was Sri Lanka. You got it right; it all looks like a carefully orchestrated plan. But what is the objective?

Today Kumekucha brings you an in-depth analysis into this puzzling Kenyan mystery with an International flavor to it.

Woman reveals nasty men habits nobody wants to talk about

The surprising real reason why more and more Kenyans are having steamy extra-marital affairs

Woman Murders Her Best Friend To Steal Her Husband As Science Proves That It Is Deadly For Women To Have Casual Sex

How Kenyans can now easily start a lucrative Internet business from any remote part of Kenya for only Kshs 100/-


  1. They were not picked up. they were requested to report to the CID.
    Secondly, the allegations that appeared on the Standard were serious. The assasination of a legislator anywhere in the world cannot be condoned in any country. It was a serious story, and when the informant says that they were acting on a cabinet minister's instructions, they are grave.
    I would not like other people to comment wildly on this, but it is bad, given that Gideon Moi is a major shareholder in the Standard Group.

  2. I am not privy to who owns what amount of stock in what company and that is why i never like commmenting on these matters. However, me thinks Atur's outbursts some of which are grossly off the mark are a sign of a deal gone sour somewhere. Why didnt the damned brother tell us all this shit when he was last home? Why go to "Sri Lanka" and contact the standard instead of the more credible Nation? This could be the usual self bravado of the dude or a sub issue brought to snatch the focus from the minimum review talks. I favour the latter when it comes to reading and interpretting these unfoldings. I believe the John Michuki led government is trying to treat us like puppets on the string. U guys ever heard of the kitanda nenda,kitanda rudi thing? That is what uncle John is doing to ya minds, as in just a minute, did u say something about a 5o % score for the winning presidential candidate? How about Margaryan wedding Mary Wambui's daughter? And there u go.
    I must however point out that we are the laughing stock of the world. My frens from states tell me we are special if we can stand individuals brandishiong guns at our international airport. And mark you these are not kenyans, they are some Eastern european dudes who just bumped into money the other day and they now think they have the world in their hands. The Kibaki government is one huge laughing stock. I have always hated the man but he had me almost changing my mind due to his performance but no, i say no, anybody subjecting my motherland to ridicule may as well go to hell. I mean, he should have allowed this to happen if some other bloke was involved, but his family is at the centre of things here.
    I gut two options left now, effect regime change through any means in my hands or come to Kenya to seek leadership when the time is ripe.


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