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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Who Would Want Gideon Moi Dead And Why?

Assuming that the Standard story is true, which this blogger is convinced it is, the first question we would need to ask is who would want Gideon Moi dead and why?

One possible scenario would be to finish politically, certain individuals in the opposition. Let me explain.

Back in the late seventies or early 80s during a fight for a certain political seat somewhere in Western Kenya a certain politician had one of his main campaign managers murdered by his own people. Do you think that the public would be convinced that it is not his political rival who murdered the person? Who would believe that the guys killed their own? Needless to say that politician who murdered his own campaign manager won those elections by a landslide.

The same would be the case with a Gideon Moi assassination. Just think carefully, where would all the fingers point? The ODM high command of course. Interestingly keen observers will have noted that soon after this Artur brothers business started, Gideon Moi appears to have joined ODM-Kenya and has even addressed some rallies. Yet everybody knows that Gideon would never defy the wishes of his father in 100 years. That's precisely why he is so loved. Does it not make sense to assume that he was simply protecting himself. By being linked closely to ODM, it dramatically changes the positions of the pieces on the chess board and makes the assassination unviable.

If this was true then it would explain Gideon Moi's strange membership to ODM-Kenya which his dad seems to support. Yet we know that the senior Moi is rabidly anti-ODM.

This would mean that the so-called senior minister in the Kibaki government would be trying to play CIA-like games for political gain. Hiring foreign assassins makes perfect sense in this case because they would simply have flown out of the country and that would have been it, the mystery would never have been solved and certain prominent politicians in ODM would have remained accused and condemned. Actually such a strategy would be based on trying to learn from the mistakes of previous political hits, like that of Robert Ouko and even JM Kariuki. It seems that when involving locals, the truth will always end up leaking out one day.

However this perfect plan ran into trouble when one Wangui Mwai, a pawn in the whole saga, it would seem, came into the picture. She deeply complicates everything because she is linked to the highest office in the land. If it were somebody else, then ruthlessly getting rid of her would have solved the problem. Of course who ever hired the assassins did not bargain with the fact that they would end up being so clever in gaining some "insurance" for themselves incase something went wrong (as it often does in these kind of sordid business.)

Another piece of evidence that would seem to support this thesis is the fact that Moi started reaching out to Kibaki in earnest after the Standard raid and exposure of the Artur brothers and their real mission in Kenya.

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  1. I hate to imagine that some illiterate foreigners are creating problems in kenya. What a shame that the arturs are getting such publicity in our country. Can they write a book? Are thay that intelligent to cobble words? First, they said that they were associates of Raila Odinga, then Kalonzo, then Raila owed them money, they one wants to marry Winnie, then one wants to kill Gideon Moi and so many things. Why all these. If they are genuine, and it is being said they were part of the group that dismantled the Standard newspaper print. Why the publicity. The Standard are at fault in their own ways.
    can they stop this rubbish, even if it means seeking sympathy. It is CAD!

  2. My question is this. Why target what is fast proving to be a gutter press publication and ignore "Nation, the truth"?


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