The reason is not too difficult to guess. Many Africans who believe that they are civilized usually look down on the Masai tribe and dismiss them as primitive, uneducated and backward. They therefore have no need to understand this unique African tribe's culture. So finding out what many women in the west have discovered about the Masai tribe is virtually impossible for them.
What you are about to read will shock you. And most of all this information will answer a burning question that has arisen in recent
In one widely publicized case in Britain, not too long ago, the rather odd couple soon got into such serious financial problems that the woman was forced to sell "her story" to the notorious British tabloid, The News Of The World. Basically what readers wanted to be told in great detail was what kind of lover from black Africa would cause an intelligent, sophisticated white woman to forget herself. The woman had abandoned her teenage children and puzzled British husband for her young "stupid looking" Masai lover. One even wondered what they discussed—if they were able to have a discussion of any length that is. Sadly the British public did not even get to hear half the story. Well, here is it is just for you with all the gory details.
Firstly it is important to note that Masais are very secretive and will hardly ever openly reveal some of these secrets you are about to read. That is why puzzled tourists have often arrived in Africa and asked locals certain questions, only to receive blank looks in response. They just don't know anything about the Masai.
SEE ALSO: African Tribe Secrets: Bizarre Masai Sex Traditions
To start with the Masai are probably the most promiscuous tribe in East Africa and beyond. Their culture allows them to have any woman in the village as a lover, as long as she is married to their age mate or a person of the same age. In other words a man they were circumcised on the same day with. All you need to do is bury your spear at the entrance of the "bedroom" (usually low mud huts that the Masai live in that resemble Eskimo igloos). So if the man of the house happens to come back home at the end of a long hard day looking forward to some quality time with his new wife but finds a spear buried in the ground outside his house, what do you think they do? They take a walk. I kid you not. They are forced by circumstances to go in search of some other agemates' house where they can bury their spear for the night (literally). The Masai have been practicing this weird custom for centuries, but things do sometimes go terribly wrong. (Read this amazing story of how this custom sometimes leads to murder).
All Masai women circumcise (the brutal practice of FGM—female genital mutilation) and it is unthinkable for any woman not to. But the Masai have a way of arousing their circumcised women. This is accomplished in the way they circumcise their men. They will usually leave some heavy skin hanging downwards around the most sensitive part of the penis. This accomplishes two important objectives, it prolongs lovemaking tremendously (premature ejaculation is probably unheard of amongst the Masai, but more importantly it allows for much more "friction" (and in the right places) which tremendously arouses even a woman whose clitoris has been butchered. This is the Masai secret that makes this African tribe so exceptional in lovemaking. It is the real reason why white tourist women who make love to a Masai completely go crazy and stop thinking straight.
There are some other minor additional factors that further enhance the attractiveness of Masai warriors as lovers, like the fact that the Masai are well endowed. Size does matter. This is partly because they do not wear trousers all their life. Masai warriors literally move around in the nude with only a flimsy bright red cloth covering the front and back. By standing strategically so as to get a side view anybody will be able to see and inspect a Masai warrior's member dangling bravely in the African savannah wind. Secondly in a world that is increasingly full of wimps pretending to be men, the Masai are real men. Part of their initiation into manhood usually involves them in the killing of a full-grown lion in the wild. This is definitely not something for the faint hearted (see other article on the Masai tribe for details). Many men are not aware of the fact that the biggest turn off for a woman is a man who is really just a wimp. Which means that a real man who has killed a lion and fears nothing can be a real turn on.
Interestingly some beach boys in Mombasa who have noted the tourists' preference for Masai lovers have taken the trouble to change their appearance so as to pass for Masai's to the eager white women tourists who have no problem paying handsomely for services rendered. Only that these "fake Masais" are not "genuine merchandise" and any woman who has had a Masai before will be able to tell immediately that it is not the "real thing."
It is time that Kenyans woke up to exactly what is happening on their tourist circuit in their very own country so as to make the decision if we really want to continue attracting these sort of tourists.
Be Warned; Masai folks and other Africans are usually furious when their deepest secrets are revealed to foreigners. Hence some of the hostile comments below. The author would like to assure all readers that this article is factual and very well researched and there is even plenty of evidence to support the amazing claims made here.
More about the Masai Tribe
A Real Life Masai Story From Kenya: What To Do When Your Neighbor Falls Madly In Love With Your Wife
African Tribes Secret Strikes Again and Sweeps German Widow Off her Feet on Safari As She Finds True Love
African Tribe Secrets: Bizarre Masai Sex Traditions
Read other amazing story about Masai secrets
To start with the Masai are probably the most promiscuous tribe in East Africa and beyond. Their culture allows them to have any woman in the village as a lover, as long as she is married to their age mate or a person of the same age. In other words a man they were circumcised on the same day with. All you need to do is bury your spear at the entrance of the "bedroom" (usually low mud huts that the Masai live in that resemble Eskimo igloos). So if the man of the house happens to come back home at the end of a long hard day looking forward to some quality time with his new wife but finds a spear buried in the ground outside his house, what do you think they do? They take a walk. I kid you not. They are forced by circumstances to go in search of some other agemates' house where they can bury their spear for the night (literally). The Masai have been practicing this weird custom for centuries, but things do sometimes go terribly wrong. (Read this amazing story of how this custom sometimes leads to murder).
All Masai women circumcise (the brutal practice of FGM—female genital mutilation) and it is unthinkable for any woman not to. But the Masai have a way of arousing their circumcised women. This is accomplished in the way they circumcise their men. They will usually leave some heavy skin hanging downwards around the most sensitive part of the penis. This accomplishes two important objectives, it prolongs lovemaking tremendously (premature ejaculation is probably unheard of amongst the Masai, but more importantly it allows for much more "friction" (and in the right places) which tremendously arouses even a woman whose clitoris has been butchered. This is the Masai secret that makes this African tribe so exceptional in lovemaking. It is the real reason why white tourist women who make love to a Masai completely go crazy and stop thinking straight.
There are some other minor additional factors that further enhance the attractiveness of Masai warriors as lovers, like the fact that the Masai are well endowed. Size does matter. This is partly because they do not wear trousers all their life. Masai warriors literally move around in the nude with only a flimsy bright red cloth covering the front and back. By standing strategically so as to get a side view anybody will be able to see and inspect a Masai warrior's member dangling bravely in the African savannah wind. Secondly in a world that is increasingly full of wimps pretending to be men, the Masai are real men. Part of their initiation into manhood usually involves them in the killing of a full-grown lion in the wild. This is definitely not something for the faint hearted (see other article on the Masai tribe for details). Many men are not aware of the fact that the biggest turn off for a woman is a man who is really just a wimp. Which means that a real man who has killed a lion and fears nothing can be a real turn on.
Interestingly some beach boys in Mombasa who have noted the tourists' preference for Masai lovers have taken the trouble to change their appearance so as to pass for Masai's to the eager white women tourists who have no problem paying handsomely for services rendered. Only that these "fake Masais" are not "genuine merchandise" and any woman who has had a Masai before will be able to tell immediately that it is not the "real thing."
It is time that Kenyans woke up to exactly what is happening on their tourist circuit in their very own country so as to make the decision if we really want to continue attracting these sort of tourists.
Be Warned; Masai folks and other Africans are usually furious when their deepest secrets are revealed to foreigners. Hence some of the hostile comments below. The author would like to assure all readers that this article is factual and very well researched and there is even plenty of evidence to support the amazing claims made here.
More about the Masai Tribe
A Real Life Masai Story From Kenya: What To Do When Your Neighbor Falls Madly In Love With Your Wife
African Tribes Secret Strikes Again and Sweeps German Widow Off her Feet on Safari As She Finds True Love
African Tribe Secrets: Bizarre Masai Sex Traditions
Read other amazing story about Masai secrets
I was laughing when reading your "evaluation" of the Massais. Sorry, but I have to make some corrections:
ReplyDeleteit is not just that piece left during their circumsision - that would be too simple. You should go more into the background of these women who fall in love with them. The German Television has shown some reports regarding this. It is clear that the majority of them are middle-class women who have been neglected by their career-minded husbands for quite some time and who now feel - after their children have left the house - that they should "recover" some of the things they have been missing during their marriage. And since the freedom of choice has also reached the women here - a freedom men always took for granted to be their exclusive right - they found this with these young men at the Coast (by the way, not only in Kenya - so the praise of the Massai is not quite correct). You will find the same in some other countries like Thailand, the Bahamas and other African countries. The reason is not these locals are better lovers - the reasons given are always the same: these women have for the first time in their life found somebody who is dedicating his time (day and night) exclusively to them something their husbands have never done .............
There is another point which made me smile: The "spear" subject - but also here you are not quite correct. You should read Kenyatta's book "Facing Mount Kenya". He explains here the same custom amongst the Kikuyus. A woman was allowed to have another man (here also the spear comes into action telling the husband "I am occupied". This is simple since according to the Kikuyu rules the wives had their own hut or house which the husband is visiting but not living in permanently. Kenyatta also describes the rules for this: never in front of the children and never in another secret place. Any child coming out of such a relationship is recognized by the husband as his........... I would propose that you read Facing Mount Kenya and you will find all this and much more.
You see - not only the Massai have been that "advanced" - it was also an old Kikuyu-tradition which as I was told has been practiced successfully for centuries.
-Mzungu woman who used to live in Mombasa.
the issue of circumcision its for gikuyu men and its known as ngwati and being a woman who have such in my custody its the best you will get of a man. If its true about the masai then white women realy have fun. coz if you meet a man who do not have the kind of cut the union feels so flat. So those who had that cut they are real men in bed.
ReplyDeleteAnd just think, they never brush their teeth, yum!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd white women always wonder why black women DO NOT LIKE OR WANT BLACK MEN WHO DATE WHITE WOMEN!! Everytime we look around we see one of you heifa's sniffin' around black men. Now black men are wondering why black women are dating out of their ethnic group! He pays more attention to a white women than the good black woman he has. Shoot everytime I look around white women think their stuff is gold. Fool's gold is more like it!
ReplyDeleteI think the article was well written and informative. Despite the negative comments written by a few people. I dont think the author intended to use promiscuity to lure in readers at all. Infact the mystical world of the Masais will always be a mystery and whether tourist flock in to see them in flesh or not it is a booster to the country's tourism. Interracial dating/marriage is no longer a subject of debate, though certain quarters prefered to stay orthordox and deemed it as blasphemous.
ReplyDeleteLet us be careful not to assume because we do not have a personal experience, then it is not true. I take offence because I usually do lots of serious research before I sit to write. Just sample these comments at another respected site that was discussing this article from people who know and are not relying on their Tanzanian-born wives;
ReplyDeletethis has been ongoing for a long time. This used to be a GERman women's domain. I guess the rest of the white women found out ...........
I used to see this swiss woman in Nanyuki that was walking around barefoot. She was married to a Maasai watchman. Yes they are right. She was zoned out completely. She would sit outside the building until the maasai got off the job. She was obscessed. I guess he was skilled in the bedroom. He was rather fat and had buck teeth. He must have unlocked her sex genie.
Leaving some roughly cut skin around the penis tip ("ngwati") for sexual pleasure is done by every Kikuyu circumciser worth his salt. There are no secrets to sexual pleasure white women talk about. The men are in it for money and the foolish believe in superiority of white women pussy.
The links is; http://kenya.rcbowen.com/talk/viewtopic.php?id=6564
Thanks Chris,
ReplyDeleteThat was cute. I have been to Tanzania a number of time, it is a most beautiful country. And yes, I have seen the Masai people.
I believe that it`s true that having sex with the hanging piece of the penis is more pleasurable.this because I am cicumcised the same way and I know it.Hencde we Masais are just blessed
ReplyDeleteI'm not really sure how a piece of skin is so sexually pleasing? I just don't get it, sorry.
Deletebeing a white woman who has had sex numerous times with a few maasai men, let me tell you that maasai come in all shapes and sizes too they do not always have huge dicks i do not find the extra skin adds any extra pleasure. i have had sex that has lasted a few seconds to an hour. maasai men do not devote their entire existence to you, rather they spend a lot of time either annoying you or ignoring you. it is not in their culture to devote themselves to a woman.
ReplyDeleteMy closest friend is a Maasai who has been circumcised there is a heavy skin hanging downwards around the most sensitive part of the penis, and three woman that i know very well have had sex with him and they've all told me that they truelly enjoyed every moment. I truely concur with chris research that it accomplishes the most important objectives, lovemaking.
ReplyDeleteYour article is somewhat inaccurate… However I must agree that it’s pleasing to read if one’s looking for a Zorro story (fictional myth). Here is why;
ReplyDelete6th paragraph…"All Masai women circumcise (the brutal practice of FGM—female genital mutilation) and it is unthinkable for any woman not to. But the Masai have a way of arousing their circumcised women. This is accomplished in the way they circumcise their men. They will usually leave some heavy skin hanging downwards around the most sensitive part of the penis. This accomplishes two important objectives, it prolongs lovemaking tremendously (premature ejaculation is probably unheard of amongst the Masai, but more importantly it allows for much more "friction" (and in the right places) which tremendously arouses even a woman whose clitoris has been butchered. This is the Masai secret that makes this African tribe so exceptional in lovemaking. It is the real reason why white tourist women who make love to a Masai completely go crazy and stop thinking straight."
• Female stimulation can be achieved in so many other ways other than through clitoris stimulation. Clitoris stimulation just happens to be the easiest avenue to physically stimulate a woman. Now keep in mind that I state "physically"… because women can be aroused mentally and even through smell. So your thought that the Masai have other secret ways of arousal woman is misleading. They are basically better informed about the woman anatomy.
• There are a few other cultures in Kenya that circumcise men in the same way as Masai's… with "heavy skin hanging down"....i.e. Kalenjin.
I totally disagree with your explanation of why this is done.
1. There is no scientific evidence to shows/ suggests that this procedure helps prolong intercourse nor does it prevent premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation is linked to psychological and environmental factors. Premature ejaculation could also be simply caused by extreme arousal. I'm pretty sure the Masai aren't exempt to this.
2. On your point about the: hanging skin" helping with friction, slight friction can only be caused with certain positions i.e. doggy style. Note that a woman's G spot is in the upper walls of the virginal cavity. Hence only certain positions that allow the hanging skin (which is in the downside of the male penis) to touch / add friction to simulating areas i.e. the G spot
3. The circumcision procedure does help restructure the penis to point upward during arousal and aid in easy access to the G spot. The traditional purpose of is to aid increased arousal for the male man and procreation raison d'être.
On your point “There are some other minor additional factors that further enhance the attractiveness of Masai warriors as lovers, like the fact that the Masai are well endowed. Size does matter. This is partly because they do not wear trousers all their life.” How do you explain about big size men who where underwear and trouser? You’re absolutely wrong to even suggest that not wearing trousers contributes to size. In fact research shows that black men a generally bigger in size that any other group.
Having said all this, experience and knowledge of the female anatomy point to the reason why women prefer Masai men. Keep in mind the warrior, strong manly aspect of the Masai men deeply appeal to women.
So are there any African women looking for American males or dating outside their ethnic group?
ReplyDeleteI sense alot of jealous guys out here. Im a Jamaican, living in America. I don't have the special cut but women seem to love black stuff whether its massai, rastafari or athlete. White women love sex with black men in my own experience. Sorry whiteboys, no reason to get all scientific about it like the itsy bitsy scientist above talking about "THERE IS NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE" Dude get a life or a pump or both. Ask any white girl who has had a real black man and you will see why they don't come back. THAT IS WHY WHITE MEN FEAR AND PERSECUTE BLACK MEN, D-ENVY : )
Man, you real got your opinions ups-turvey, and I suggest you research some more before you make any more wild allegations on what you little understand.
ReplyDeleteI come from a Maasai-Kikuyu-Rabai mix, and I can tell you lots.
When I was to become a 'Man, I was taken to be the Maasai way, and got a long hanging skin under my penis, which I lived with from 15 to 35 or so. I can genuinely tell you it adds nothing to a man's sexual prowess, nor to a woman's enjoyment of same. You see buddy, sex is in the mind, not the organs, and you please by being an artist, not pounding till kingdom come.
2, I could come in minutes, or stay for long, depending.
Well, after an accident (Bicycle), I lost the damn skin in surgery, and I guess I am same lover, as no one complains, nor do I last less longer either! So, you theory is utter Nonsense with capital all!
About agegroups and wife sharing, don't you dare it! It is sacred, NOT every agemate is allowed, and yes, you can be killed for it!
You want to know more' Post your query here, and I will not tire to educate you.
I would like to know in details about the sacred wife sharing of the massai..
I wonder what the rate of AIDS infection is among this tribe? AIDS is spreading all over Africa like wildfire, and I doubt that the Massai are any exception to the norm.
ReplyDeleteI'm a White woman - a natural Blonde to boot - and I've had intimate relationships with Black men. Yes, I must admit that there's a certain thrill or turn-on aspect I've experienced before, during, and after sex with them. And I also must admit that the sex is generally ( sometimes significantly ) better than with White men in terms of stamina, stimulation, psychological excitement ( probably due to higher testosterone levels and pherimones ). So I could understand why White women might consider visiting Africa for the purpose of a sexual fling ( IF the danger of lethal STD's wasn't ever present !! ). But considering the AIDS issue, I can't see any modern-minded and reasonably aware White woman actually going through with such an activity.
I also feel that many of the negative comments left in response to this post are very valid. They seem to bring up good points.
I'm all for love, kindness, tenderness, and sensual/sexual fulfillment between people regardless of race, but not at the expense of health and life.
Love to all of you!
to the anonymous jamaican loser
ReplyDeleteIm sorry guy, we white women DONT like black boys, at least in general speaking.. so you are maybe talking about the trash that nobody wants... 95% of all ww that ive known in my life would never go black
so your dreams of "white women love sex with black men" are stupid, cuz just a little minority are like that
its like me saying that black boys love sex with goats
same logic
Hey there White People with all funny comments I am a Black Guy in Africa. What is different between a Black man and a White man, doesnt a white mans shit stinks? Doesnt a white woman wear Pads and go to Periods? We are the same just that our continent of Africa is a bit backwards that doesnt means we are not human. So Grow up if a white lady marries a Black man is ok rather than you who sleeps with Black man in the Dark and make out that nothing has happened.
ReplyDeleteWhat a White man has we also do and ours is even bigger and better that those little sausages u get every night from Home. So stop it we are also Better in our own way, thats why your husband's sleep with Black woman in secret, i know it and has studied it as a fact. So Shut up
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Interesting point of view cos of very plausible arguments
Not ALL white or asian men have tiny penises and not all black men have large ones, but it is a fact that the average size of African men is larger, but the average size of an african american for instance is about the same as a white man according to studies done the average size being less than an inch in difference..
ReplyDeleteA lot of people are far more attracted to people of races other than their own, while many can't imagine ever having a relationship outside of their own ethnic group. This has always been the case and I don't think there is any sort of "craze" where white women are all suddenly attracted to Maasai men, solely for a flap of penis skin.
There has always been a lot of white women who are more attracted to asian or african men, and a lot of asian and african women who aren't very interested in their own ethnic groups either.
As for special cuts enhancing pleasure, that's what french ticklers are for!
A lot of women do need/crave larger penises, but these women often need it because their vaginas are so lose that average sized men not only can't please them, but gain no pleasure from it themselves. Looser women will always need to trade up in size..
There is nothing particularly special about the Maasai that other African men don't have, the flap of skin does seem to make a difference according to people I have talked to about it who've had personal experience, but not a massive one.
This article is blowing things out of proportion. interracial couples have always existed, there is an attraction in the exotic. There isn't much more to it than that.
Some of these women obviously do it as a form of escapism from a boring and unhappy life, but if it makes them happy, then it's a good thing.
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It's really stupid how many of the comments just trashtalks about other "races". None are better because of their skin color or origin and writting such comments only prove how ignorent you yourself are.
ReplyDeleteYou who commented on how the majority of "you" white women DONT like black men ( and thats its the same as comparing that black men like to have sex with goats?!) is one of the most ignorent and racist comments of all. What, because you dont like black men you can speak for nearly all white women also? And comparing it with zoophilia/beastialty? (thats animal sex, just so you know) what is wrong with your mind? Beastiality has nothing to do with a certain ethnic group, its something that happens everywhere by all colors so dont be so judgmental about something you dont even know just because you want to say something smart.
Another comment that ticked me off was the one that claims white women "steals" black men from black women...
Please understand that if a man or woman leaves you/cheats on you for the opposite skin color.. He/she would have done it anyways. Dont be simple minded to think someone can "steal" someone from you, its that persons choice also.
And not dating someone cause they've been with a white or black... So that person doesn't care what color the person he's intrested in is. (SARCASM)Oh no he cant be trusted!!! (SARCASM)
Do you see have stupid that is?
Maybe you should pick your dating choices a little better or even take a look at yourself as a person.
As to the article itself I thought it was entertaining because it isn't really news since these things happens alot in several countries. Its just intresting cause its women doing it, who "should be home and cook clean and rise children" Women just like men can be unsatisfied in their relationships and they all handle it in various ways.
I read many years ago that the Massai are wonderful lovers. Was it Karen Blixen in her book "My Africa?"
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I find gory is the operation performed on women. This puts a blot on the sexuality of the Massai or anyone else who does this.
I would give anything to have big black lovers with big black cocks - as a gay, I have in fact had two - sublime!! - and if I could transform myself into a woman, and was rich, I'd take the next plane to Kenya,
Opposites attract. Italians like blonde European women. But these Massai sound like something special.
And why all this dreadful moralism to cover your tracks - gory, gruesome, disgusting etc. -akll this exists in the petiti bourgeois minds of the people who use them and not in the joys of sex.
I have been studying so-called' primitive tribes, and I found one in which the bride slept with five other men on the day before her wedding day and with the same five again after the wedding and had other men after that. This was to for the highly ethical principle of ensuring reproduction. And here they fuss if a man or woman makes one so-called 'mistake.' Who is sick here?
Hey i am suuper boy
ReplyDeletewhite men go to asia where the high IQ's are.. and white women go to kenya where the high aids rate is? You cant really compare the the sex tourism that men engage in to the one women engage in. The men actually marry their asian lovers by the 10000's. I've never heard of a white woman marrying a massai and bringing him to america. lol
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where to start? mister jamaican man.it goes both ways. I'm am caucasian. I'm engaged to a breathtaking black woman. We have been together for over two years. She told me one day she wanted to measure my manhood. That I was bigger and longer than any black man she had been with.11.8 inches long and 1.5 inches thick. I'm not trying to start a debate. You seem to have the wrong view or bad information about white men. The truth of the matter is that if you care more about your lovers needs than your owen You can satisfy her regardless of your size. I find it sad that so many people have turn this story into a size debate. Most women who seek a different race to date isn't because of their penis size. They most likely have been neglected by their own race or hurt, cheated on and so on. Some do it out of curiosity. I dated a white girl a while back . When we split up she dated a black friend of mine. after they split up she told me he wasn't half the size I was. That he couldn't even make her have an orgasm. So once you go black you do go back. I'm so tired of racism. When will people grow up and see that life is too short to be a bigot.
ReplyDeleteOMG!!!!!!!! Which Maasai community are you talking about???!! I am Maasai and most of the stuff you are saying here is your stupid lies! do you realize how it hurts to tarnish someone else culture like that??!! I was sharing this story with my folks at home, my mom and grandma were especially mad at what you are saying about wife sharing! While you write this stuff be very careful cuz those are our moms you are talking about! Before you go ahead and write about someone else culture do your proper research or just don't! write about your own if u have one! The spear story have been a controversy spread in Kenya for so long and it is a lie and that is what you are teling your readers then you say you did factual research? That wife sharing thing pieced me off sana sana! You are not an expert of my culture, only your own! The spear story, simply means you can go to an age group's house and be fed and given a place to sleep but DO NOT HAVE ANY RIGHT TO HAVE SEX WITH HIS WIFE!!! Also for you info not every woman is circumcised! Your research is wrong and VERY insulting for me as a Maasai!!!!
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This skin left hanging below the manhood during circumcision is not a Maasai custom only. Other African tribes such as Gikuyus from Kiambu circumcise their men that way and they call it Ngwati. I thought I was going to read a well researched article.
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