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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Who Is The Hidden Hand Exposing All This About The Artur's?

In my earlier post I explained how the whole Standard Artur revelations were so well choreographed and in what appears to be a carefully orchestrated expose with a clear political motive. The question that comes to mind is who is behind the exposure of the Artur's and what is their objective?

One thing we can be sure of is that the objective is political. The next clue as to the identity of the hidden hand is in asking a simple question. Who owns the Standard? The shortest answer to that question is one name… Daniel Moi.

What is so fascinating about this Artur saga, is the fact that we still do not know why the Kibaki government raided the Standard newspapers. All we have been told is that it was a matter touching on the security of the State. Which leads us to another question. These revelations the Standard is now coming out with, is it what caused the raid in the first place? Was a certain Minister in the Kibaki government afraid that the newspaper would go public with the facts the way they now have? I assure you that it is only a matter of time before the truth come out, and let me warn you in advance, it is the kind of information that you can't handle, let alone digest.

But let us come back to the political front.

Until now it has been assumed that Moi and Kibaki are fighting from the same corner and will remain the "inseparable twins" in the forthcoming polls. That fact contradicts everything that has happened at the Standard over the last few days. Indeed there have been rumours circulating In Nairobi and even put in print to the effect that Moi has fallen out with Kibaki. A gutter press publication The Weekly Citizen (no relation to the Citizen TV and media house), this week told it's readers that Moi has abandoned Kibaki and is busy working on a third force to challenge him after isolating Raila Odinga.

My investigation has unearthed evidence that this is what we call in this game "a planted story." Designed to create a certain impression in the public. We all know that Moi distancing himself from Kibaki will make him and his projects extremely popular overnight to the Mwananchi. If you doubted this for a moment then the scene at Mama Wahu Kenyatta's funeral last week is a clear illustration of it. While Kibaki quietly walked to his car and was ignored by the public (in a Kikuyu constituency) Moi was wildly cheered by the crowd that had gathered who enthusiastically waved the one finger Kanu salute. It is clear that the old man is missed. Sadly the ordinary Kenyan is not bale to figure out the fact that Moi is the worst thing that ever happened to Kenya. All they know is that the price foodstuffs has gone up crazily during the watch of this president who simply "locked himself" in State house and is not capable of giving any speech that makes sense to them. Moi in contrast speaks their language and his days now look like the good old days to them.

The plan appears to be for Moi to distance himself from Kibaki, and campaign vigorously for a Kanu candidate nationally (that candidate will most likely be William Ruto, or alternatively Uhuru Kenyatta with Gideon Moi as the running mate. Some of my informants say it could be Kalonzo Musyoka). Then at the 11th hour, Moi will throw in his lot with Kibaki. President Kibaki and his handlers trust Moi completely when it comes to playing these political games and everything that is happening currently smells very much of the old Moi who outmaneuvered the opposition, including a super power for most of his 24 years at the helm.

Now here is the clincher. The fact that a certain cabinet minister in the Kibaki government is going ballistic over the reports in the Standard could be that it has been decided to sacrifice that particular minister. Kenyans should not assume that the Presient is fully backing his every move, including that of having all senior editors at the Standard arrested and harassed.

We can be sure that all this has to do with elections 2007. And to think that the first time I said that Moi would be a major player in these polls, many readers wrote me off as a dreamer and some even declared that they would never read me again.

Take a tip from seasoned political analyst Kumekucha. You are going to hear a lot of ridiculous-sounding bizarre things over the next couple of months and most if it will be true. Never write off something at face value—that is extremely dangerous. I am tempted to tell the story of how a guard lost his life because he let looks deceive him and judged things at face value.

In the days when there was a Baroda Bank on Tom Mboya street opposite the Tom Mboya Street Post office and not far from the Fire station, a guard gave a shabbily dressed man who turned up in the morning a very hard time. He was new to the post and did not realize that guy who looked like something that the cat dragged in was a major account holder at the bank. He sold Mboga on wholesale basis at Marikiti market hence his shabby look, but the guy was actually a millionaire many times over.

A few minutes later some very smart-looking impeccably dressed gentlemen approached the bank entrance and the guard immediately swung the doors open for them, assuming that they must be having some major business to transact with the bank. And in a way he was right, because the gentlemen were actually bank robbers. In the ensuing robbery that ended in the thugs escaping after a shootout with the police, that guard lost his life.

Look carefully and think hard before shooting your mouth or mind in judgment. Let me assure you that things are not always what they seem.

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  1. This is either a power struggle or a sign of very deep divisions within the ruling elite. Worse, it is a scary portrayal that there are unofficial chains of command within the security apparatus. The Police Commissioner seems to be a straight forward gut doing his job, but he obviously stepped on sensitive toes when he attempted to sack the then CID director because of the whole arturs incident but it wasnt to be.

    Someone has to advise the president to undertake a comprehensive overhaul of security in government. We, as wananchi, have to appreciate not every detail of the arturs saga must be exposed in the press - and our national security cannot be compromised and must always come before politics. Unfortunately chris, you are mixing the ODM/NARK-K politics with an issue that has clearly threated national security. Kibaki must be already aware the same mafias who cost him a referendum defeat and anglo leasing scandal are still alive and kicking within his own government and it is upon him to take decisive action now before they bring his entire government down! Otherwise we shall assume he is an accomplice....

  2. For the first time thumbs up for Phil. This is a fucking serious thing. we are caught between a rock and a hard place. Should we go Kibaki, our own security, Moi or the ever talking raila? In my opinion our security is up for sale here and the merchant is none other than the ruling class. We may not realize it but this will bring untold suffering and disgrace to the great people of Kenya. We had a good session at K1 in October and I told my frens that the biggest gorvernance goof in independent Kenya was the Artur saga. All of my frens differed with me and some of them cited goldenberg,others Angloleasing and others JM's murder. But if we look at this more poignantly, it will not escape us that Kenyans are a lot more enlightened bunch than they were in the 70s and the 90s, this is a typical case of injustice done to kenyans done by russian descendants who have never had time for Kenya, at least the British built schools for us but all these dudes have done is to kiss our own Adhyambo Odera and make sure it is in KTN bulletin.
    Let us wake up and shun all these power games. Integrity should be the benchmark for good leadership. Tribalism is not going to take us anywhere. kenyans have a last chance to redeem themselves from these shenanigans. Vote wisely, vote integrity.

  3. VIKII has done the above post. I was DRUNK (Hiyo ni kawaa) and i used my room mate's id kevo. Haters can hit back if they wish.


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