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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Mutahi Kagwe's PR Outfit And The Real Ukweli Wa Mambo

It is reasonable to assume that this PR and poll madness invaded government through Communications minister Mutahi Kagwe who owns a local PR consultancy called Tell Em PR. This PR outfit was his bread and butter business for many years after the collapse of his media house in the late 90s.

Today things are so bad that politicians now channel their lies through a government spokesman. Alfred Mutua is also a PR practitioner and in fact lectured on that very subject at a university in Dubai before the government headhunted him for the job. At least Moi told his own fibs and at roadsides to boot.

The result is that even as the country is literally on fire with clashes all over the place and even as the price of basic foods have risen so much that ordinary folks cannot handle life anymore, our post office boxes are getting polluted with pamphlets claiming to tell us what we do not know. Ukweli wa mambo, we are told. We see the same Ukweli wa Mambo on TV and in our newspapers.

The real Ukweli wa mambo is that Kenyans need change badly and we need a total change of direction from the current government of grandpas taking us absolutely nowhere. President Kibaki is now close to 80, the VP is going to 81, by the time they finish their next term, if we elect them again, they will be 85 and 86 respectively. There is no way you can spin that to 58 and 56. Or can you?

But wait, here is a great idea. Why don't we get another poll to ask Kenyans whether they think the president and his deputy look old. I'll even save you the time. 65 percent say the VP looks younger than the president although in actual factor he is one year older than President Kibaki (maybe because of his preferred hair style these days) and 90 per cent say that the president is young and energetic enough to lead for another 5 years.

I can already hear the protests. What road accident? What stroke are you talking about? In what poll was that covered? Are you the president's doctor to know that he is ailing? What do you mean that an 80 year old who has had several strokes can't be fit for office? You must be a Raila supporter. What do you mean that Moi is in better health, are you saying that the Moi error should happen again?

That my friends, is Kenyan politics for you but I trust that you know which paragraphs and sentences in this story carry the real Ukweli wa Mambo.

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  1. Chris, I share your sentiments that the on going Ukweli Wa Mambo promotion is a complete load of crap. Upuzi mtupu. I also agree with you that Kenyans need change badly. It is said in swahili, kizuri cha jiuza na kibaya cha jitembeza. And this is exactly the diservice that Dr. Mutua is doing to government right now. He fails to realise that he will most certainly himself be out of employment this time next year because he is now a Kibaki campaign official as opposed to Communication Secretary. Why advertise a good thing? Especially one that is claimed to be of direct benefit to all Kenyans?

    Ive said it before and repeat it here again, Kibaki's much hyped economic growth and social development is all but a very big myth. The government is not only poor at identifying priorities, but it has also failed completely in fulfilling NARC pre-election pledges. Its foreign policy is a disaster, its public health policy wanting and its PR exercise is now turning into a circus of wasting public funds. The so called Government of National Unity is only but a FRAUD on the millions of voters who had faith in the rainbow dream in 2002. The president is on record of having insulted voters on several occasions. How unintelligent can we get?

    Chris, Why is it in a cabinet of more than 70 persons, there is no qualified heir apparent - say presidential material? ODM boasts of at least 10 persons who are qualified to be president of Kenya.

    Unlickily for Kibaki, even the so called rural Kenya voter who has always been assumed ignorant, has suddenly woken up and realised what a potent weapon he has in his voter's card. That same rural voter does not vote along tribal lines. Thanks to sustained civic education in the last 10 years! And thanks to LDP, ODM for keeping the fire burning for the last 4 and a half years!

  2. Well if you are an objective blogger that you claim to be, then we all would expect you to be stating facts. Lets revisit the age issue. You have gone all hysterical with your lies and allowed emotion to cloud your judgment as to why Kibaki is unfit to lead. For starters Kibaki was born in November, 1931. Now if you went to school and passed in your mathematics, such a person cannot be 80 years old, ama? So that makes him 75 turning 76 in November. (do your homework)

    Point two, I'm more than happy to vote a mature and capable old President than voting for an immature 62 year olds politicians who have no agenda for Kenya. And by the way Chris, I cant wait for January 2008, simply because that is the month your so called analysis will be brought to judgment. Woe unto you boy!

  3. Well Chris take heart and come Jan 2008 your house will not go down with any poltical floods. Age remains and issue in progressive thinking and you only ignore it at your intellectual peril.

    As for mathematics, I cannot manage to raise a better red herring. 76 or 80 is CLINICALLY STERILE aka poltical dinosaur. Buzzwords have no place to package lies into half truths. By the way experience is the sum total of accumulated mistakes in life. On the other hand inexperience is the guts to try something knew to shame the status quo and avoid being a slave to your past.

    We are suffering a collectiive and national fear of the unknown packaged in 'clever' stereotypes. Thank God for small mercies. We don't have our heads to merely separate the ears and we can see through all the 'informed' lies. Well, unfortunately they are only sustainable with more lies. Good riddance to ......(ujijazie Wakenya).

  4. U guys like catch words. Simply because Martin Luther and his peers told u they were challenging the status quo, u went helter skelter and now believe the status quo is always bad. As far as I am concerned i would do with kenya's status quo than a potentially bleak future under a 62 year old immature bastard


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