Ruto jitters: Is Raila really back? | Kenya news

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Richard Branson Of Virgin Fame Is In Kenya

Sir Richard Branson of the Virgin group (it's not just the airline, theer are lots of products, even a Virgin Cola) is in the country to speed up arrangements that will see the launch of his Virgin airline in Kenya later this year (which will be a real threat to KQ's dominance in the region).

Branson is an example of an entrepreneur who built up a huge business from nothing. Exactly the sort of inspiration that Kenyans with an enterprising spirit must now draw from. Branson is proof that it can be done. As he said in an interview with the local press yesterday, the line between success and failure is very thin and there are many times when he would easily have permanently ended up on the other side.

The guy is surprisingly humble for the billionaire that he is t have talked like that. But what he said was the truth.

One of the potentially lucrative areas Kenyans can explore for business success is the Internet economy. The World Wide Web has amazingly put Africa and every previously downtrodden person on the same level with the privileged in the western world in terms of opportunities.

Interestingly Branson's first business at the age of 16 years was a mail order venture for popular music where he sold music through the mail. This was a huge success because popular music had just started exploding then, fuelled by the widespread playing of music on radio. There are those who view the Internet as an advanced version of the mail order business that revolutionized business for many decades. Many (including this blogger) are convinced that what radio did for popular music and the music business, the Internet will do (and is already doing) for many businesses and industries. (Read Kumekucha's article on how simple it is to launch an online money making venture).

Regular violent wife rape by a dutiful husband.


  1. Thank you Sir Branson, its about time someone showed KQ how to treat passengers and run an international airline.

    Believe it or not, it has become quite normal for KQ to leave out passengers with confirmed tickets, delay flights for up to more than three hours and as always charge exorbitantly on local routes owing to their dominance and monopoly.

    We look forward to this new breath of fresh air.

  2. I agree with anon...

    i once used KQ from Lon-Nbo and was disgusted by the service: the stewards were outright rude and unkempt!!!! I swore never to use them again... i've since kept that promise... so much for the "pride of africa".

    Karibu Virginatlantic!!!

  3. I flew KQ nbi-Amsterdam-London-Atlanta. I must admit it's not all that rosy. but i dont owe this to monopoly coz Qatar and emirates have for as long as I can remember kept them on their toes. And even if their service was top class we would still welcome evry other airlines with open arms coz variety is the spice of life. Wajeee. Wakujeeee.

  4. I like Public Relations experts. Can you imagine that the Red the dancers were wearing matches with that of Virgin Airlines. It is like shooting a model without paying for the service or you pay by other means. I love PR people
    UF, Gainesville, USA


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