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Saturday, February 23, 2013

What is the role of Gichangi and the NSIS In Elections 2013?

Why is it that the name of the head of the NSIS Michael Gichangi (pictured) keeps on coming up all the time as we head to the polls? What is the role of the NSIS in the looming general elections? It seems that it is much more than the gathering of information. Clearly it seems that the NSIS has a new mandate to influence things and take them in a certain direction. This mandate is NOT constitutional.

This is like going to watch a play where the actors abandon the script and you suddenly find that a minor part player has taken over as the lead actor in circumstances that cannot be quite explained.

Sample the following; The chief justice of the banana republic of Kenya is stopped at the airport and barred from leaving the country? Why? Because he has not received official clearance to travel out of the country. Now a clarification is in order here. The chief justice is not a clerk in some government office. This man heads an arm of government that is equal to the executive and the legislature. In other words he is on the same level as the president of the said banana republic in many respects. If the president needs clearance to leave the country then the CJ also needs clearance.

Before the dust in that drama settles the CJ receives a call on his cell. By this time he has arrived in neighboring Tanzania. Not from the PS in the office of the president BUT from the head of the NSIS Major General Michael Gichangi. And that is not all. Gichangi apologizes for the “small hiccup.” Any fool can see it is not small and rather than a hiccup is best described as a major earth tremor. Maybe the former Kenya airforce fighter jet pilot has seen so much combat that nothing can be major to him anymore. In which case the president being halted at the airport by some junior immigration official taking orders from the NSIS would be a very minor hiccup.

Barring the CJ from traveling to neighboring Tanzania is above everything else an insult. Tanzania is not Europe or the United States. You could cross to the United Republic on an old Black Mamba bicycle any time you want. It seems the message here was to tell the CJ not to forget who is really in charge. At least that is how I would interpret it myself.

When you read between the lines you will quickly realize that the call from Gichangi must have been part of a well choreographed script whose intentions can only be clear to those who understand what is really going on behind the scenes as we head towards the general elections in a matter of days.

I ask again why should the head of the NSIS call the CJ? For what??? Regular readers of my raw notes will of course not be surprised by these latest developments.

So now we know that the NSIS are major actors in this drama called general elections 2013. Which means that you should also know what to expect then don’t you?

P.S. I am sick of these “scientific” presidential opinion polls littering the media and taking up valuable airtime on prime time TV news. I feel like throwing up listening to all the so-called experts “analyzing” and explaining why Uhuru has so dramatically and suddenly overtaken Raila in the polls and is still traveling at very high speed. It is all rubbish and taking Kenyans for a ride. Kenyans are probably the most gullible people on earth where the face of a white man appears and the word “scientific” is used. Everybody pretends to look intelligent and anybody who disputes those “scientific” findings is a fool. Really??? The truth is that zombies do not mutate, at least not the CORD and Jubilee ones that I know so well. The Jubilee zombies have remained the same in number and so have the CORD ones. The margin of error is those who have passed on, on both sides of the divide mostly from an overdose of Changaa or bhang purchased with the new found wealth that a political campaign brings.

Let’s cut the cr** and reveal the naked truth here. These pollsters are simply adjusting their figures to reflect the reality I have been pointing out in this blog for weeks now. That is the tribal arithmetic which favors Jubilee but it is not enough for an outright win in the first round. Gentlemen, we are headed for a run off. Unless… well that info cannot be published here. Sorry.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Axis of evil rises against chief justice


Wed, Feb 20, 2013
I have learnt, like those who came before me, that when bad governance and autocratic leadership becomes the norm, then resistance becomes an unavoidable duty! I have, this forenoon, read the statement by the Chief Justice with shock and disbelief that the axis of evil is rising up like the violent tide.

Yes, I know that we must not seek out shadows in the future, in the guided understanding that oftentimes the sun of tomorrow will dispatch them. But such sun must be our vigilance and unveiled willingness to stand up not only for what is right, but for what is just. It is evident to me that the executive arm of government is no more propelled by the wings of sufficient goodwill, and that the skewed manner in which the affairs of the nation are being handled incessantly suffers disgrace to the fabric of our national being. In other circumstances what we witness today would mistakenly pass for hyperbole.

The attack and malicious attempt on the life and office of the Chief Justice is a dark ribbon of disgrace on the arm of liberty. The civil society and all we Kenyans of sound judgment and good will must therefore rise up and address the nation and secure the indispensable future and freedom of all Kenyans. The whole earth, I have learnt from Pericles, is the tomb of heroic men and their story is not given only on stone over their clay but abides everywhere without visible symbol woven into the stuff of other men’s lives. Let us stand up for the glory of good governance and liberty.


Yash Ghai.

Harun Mwau hit by Mutula Kilonzo popularity

CORD and Jubilee zombies prepare to flex muscles