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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sacked Judges Reflect Our Rotten National Values

The Judges and Magistrates Vetting Board has exposed the rot that most Kenyans would rather have under wraps. The decision to fire top judges who have been acting as gate keeepers of corrupt regimes and owners of Kenya should act as a sounding board that it is not business as usual. Times and Kenya have changed ahead of her citizens. The lack of bigots pointing fingers at Sharad Rao and his team is a clear testimony of the wider objectivity and acceptability of the execution of their mandate.

Previous acts of impunity are speedily catching up with their perveyors. No other institution is best placed to lead by example and from infront than the Judiciary. This is a profession steeped deep in tradition baggaged with heavy Englich language with no commensurate actions. Clinging on seniority while offering no ground-breaking progressive judments amounts to nothing but taking pride is a catalogue of previous mistakes packaging the as experience.

The Rao team had their eyes singularly trained on the forest and refused to be distracted by the thorny trees. The Goldenberg scam will remain a blot on the conscience of our leaders for years to come and by pinning both Nyamu and Bosire on the same was an indictment of their colleective and personal incopetence and judicial insensitivity. One is left shuddering if Riaga Omollo were to succeed in becoming the Chief Justice last year.

Whoever branded lawyers as legal scoundrels had massive brain wave of a genius. That our Judiciary lack philosophical depth need no gainsaying. Forget Nyamu's elementary attempt at poetry while protecting the corrupt. The Vetting Board has reawakened the hitherto lost national renewal of 2002. Those who butchered our national pride as the happiest people in the whole world must be ashamed of their brutal acts.

But all is not lost, we have an opportunity to engineer the change we want. If only we could seize the moment and walk the talk. But can we? Only time will tell. Over to you dear Kenyans.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How Prof Ole Kiyiapi Might Just Sneak in to State House

By Mpesa 
The elections are still a long way ahead yet we have these bizarre rituals, murder plots and other funny conspiracy theories being floated about by wild politicians as they go about sowing their political wild oats. By the time we hit August, Kenyans will be sick and tired of all the politicking going on. It will be hard for these tiresome politicians who are dancing themselves lame before the main event to keep that lead on opinion polls and this is where the "unknown unknowns" like Prof Ole Kiyiapi might just sneak in. 

I was watching this charismatic Kenyan being interviewed on live TV this morning (Citizen) and wondered why we Kenyans keep electing thieves, crooks, liars and cheats who happen to be tribal bigots in place of the likes of Ole Kiyiapi, the late Wangari Maathai among others. What's so fascinating about these overnight billionaires and crooks we keep on electing some who would idle around "jobless corner" outside Hilton just some few years back. 

Ole Kiyiapi was even candid enough to declare his wealth to all Kenyans, he's still renting in the city (lucky me at least I have a mortgage) and just bought a car the other day which he's still paying for among other interesting revelations. Now, just imagine someone like Saitoti declaring his wealth on live TV and telling us how he made all his billions! 

I think Kenyans are at a crossroads. We either elect someone like Ole Kiyiapi who means well for this nation or the usual crooks who are promising to unleash hell if they are not elected. Personally I'm not saying I will automatically vote Ole Kiyiapi, but I wish more honest guys like him would come forward so we can have a wide selection. I believe it's time for Kenyans to be very angry this year with the usual order of things and start thinking outside the box- and not what tribe so and so represents!