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Friday, June 03, 2011

Harun Mwau: Obama Causes Trouble For He Who Has Caused Much Trouble For Others In The Past

Obama Directs Crippling Sanctions Against The Honourable Member of Parlour-ment

John Harun Mwau: Member for Kilome

If truth be told, the Kumekucha blog has been a long lonely and very bumpy road for me since that ill-fated day in May 2005 when I decided to launch this site after the bitter disappointment of the second liberation that never was. Over the years, many times people have scoffed at the carefully researched information that I have published in this blog. But time and time again the truth has come out.

For instance when I first reported about the extra-judicial killings going on in Kenya, supervised by the then police commissioner Major Hussein Ali, several readers scoffed at the kind of numbers I quoted here. Many still don’t believe those figures but I am not worried because you can be sure that the trials at the Hague will soon produce some very nasty shocks for Kenyans.

The information on Ali and another controversial post about a major drug lord in Kenya caused me plenty of trouble and there was a time I had to flee for my dear life mainly because of these two posts. Occupational hazards, you might say.

Still, I have always carried out my work knowing one simple truth. That in the end, the truth always comes out. ALWAYS. You can never hide it forever and history has proved this time and again. This truism was vindicated yet again yesterday when nobody less than the president of the United States himself issued a statement that is yet another deadly nail on the coffin of impunity in Kenya. I dare add that it is rather ironic that just a few months ago Chris Okemo was busy in bunge clearing Charterhouse Bank (which was associated with fellow legislator Harun Mwau) of all wrong-doing and was lobbying (almost successfully) for it to be re-opened. Who would have guessed that a few short weeks down the road both individuals would be on a serious list of most wanted criminals?

I wrote extensively on the Charter House/Nakumatt saga and simplified the technical stuff (including what money laundering means) in 2006. See the article HERE. It is one of the articles I am most proud of in Kumekucha and now the icing on the cake is that finally some action has been taken on the contents of that piece of writing, albeit by the president of a nation that is far, far away from Kenya. But at least it is a beginning. The good book tells us not to despise the day of small beginnings and with good reason I can assure you.

By the way if you did not know exactly what the term "merry-go-round" means when it comes to impunity and protecting those above the law in Kenya, then you just need to sample the following;

- The CID accuses Wako of failure to act on criminal charges against directors of Charterhouse Bank
- BUT Wako in turn accuses CID of failure to prosecute the directors of the bank.
- The Solicitor General on the other hand accuses CBK for failure to prosecute anybody at the bank.
- Meanwhile Banking Fraud Unit are asking State Counsel what this is all about.
- At the same time PLO and his KACC are calling for investigations (by whom and when? Isn’t there more than enough evidence already?)

This is the stuff that hilarious rib-cracking comedy is made of, only that the joke in this case is on Kenya and Kenyans.

See also: Sharp Shooter Cop Who Suddenly Became A Billionaire

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Was Wanjiru Murdered?

Why doctors believe that Wanjiru was murdered

Dr Emily Rogena says:

“Taking into consideration the history and the postmortem finding death is attributed to head injuries, secondary to blunt force trauma to the back of the head.

“The body demonstrates a dual pattern of injuries with features consistent with conscious landing on fours (the hands and knees) and fatal injury at the back of the head.”

Chief Government pathologist Dr Moses Njue said:

“He landed on his legs and supported himself with his hands. Where did the injury on the back come from?

“We could turn into fools if we don’t ask ourselves this question."

If you are reading this and are a person of means chances are that you will feel a cold chill going up your spine. And with good reason. We live in a society of gold diggers and worshippers of the almighty shilling. Individuals with no conscience and who will stop at nothing to get what they want. People who will tell lies in broad daylight and conceal the truth without batting an eye lid. You have reason to be scared and very scared. You may think you are pretty smart to have gotten what it is you have that others want but don’t think you are too smart because it could cost you your life.

Preliminary findings from a postmortem done on the body of the late marathon star Samuel Wanjiru (pictured above) indicate that the injury that caused his death is not consistent with eyewitness reports of how the multi-millionaire died. It has been established that the injury that caused death could have come from a blunt object and not from a fall from a balcony that was only 14 feet high. Read more in this Daily Nation story.

You may murder and give a story believing that dead men tell no tales, but usually the truth comes out in the end. Chances are that we are headed for a murder trial or at the very least a manslaughter charge of sorts. Thus yet another controversial chapter in the life of Wanjiru and yet more proof of the chilling words I wrote in my last post and I quote; “It is deadly to be a poor judge of character. It can cost you your life and more.” It is one thing to make a lot of money and it is quite another to have the wisdom to protect yourself from the wolves that will inevitable surround your house made of straw looking for a way to get in and devour you.

Another bizarre murder in Masailand