Why doctors believe that Wanjiru was murdered
Dr Emily Rogena says:
“Taking into consideration the history and the postmortem finding death is attributed to head injuries, secondary to blunt force trauma to the back of the head.
“The body demonstrates a dual pattern of injuries with features consistent with conscious landing on fours (the hands and knees) and fatal injury at the back of the head.”
Chief Government pathologist Dr Moses Njue said:
“He landed on his legs and supported himself with his hands. Where did the injury on the back come from?
“We could turn into fools if we don’t ask ourselves this question."

Preliminary findings from a postmortem done on the body of the late marathon star Samuel Wanjiru (pictured above) indicate that the injury that caused his death is not consistent with eyewitness reports of how the multi-millionaire died. It has been established that the injury that caused death could have come from a blunt object and not from a fall from a balcony that was only 14 feet high. Read more in this Daily Nation story.
You may murder and give a story believing that dead men tell no tales, but usually the truth comes out in the end. Chances are that we are headed for a murder trial or at the very least a manslaughter charge of sorts. Thus yet another controversial chapter in the life of Wanjiru and yet more proof of the chilling words I wrote in my last post and I quote; “It is deadly to be a poor judge of character. It can cost you your life and more.” It is one thing to make a lot of money and it is quite another to have the wisdom to protect yourself from the wolves that will inevitable surround your house made of straw looking for a way to get in and devour you.
Another bizarre murder in Masailand
First things first: Chris, I'm glad you have heeded our call and started posting articles regularly. Keep it up.
ReplyDeleteA quote from the first paragraph of your article really caught my attention - it is a very accurate description of the majority of us Kenyans. It is also a pointer as to why our Kenyan society is so sick:
"We live in a society of gold diggers and worshipers of the almighty shilling. Individuals with no conscience and who will stop at nothing to get what they want. People who will tell lies in broad daylight and conceal the truth without batting an eye lid."
ReplyDeleteThere's a lot of rumour doing rounds concerning this mysterious death of this great Kenyan athlete. Some of it could be true while some could be just fairy tale. In between lies the truth.
Ask yourself why the police were very quick to conclude Wanjiru had committed suicide just a few hours after his death and before any investigation.
Ask yourself why Wanjiru's mother "hates" Triza who happens to be Wanjiru's "wife" although they are not officially married.
Ask yourself why Wanjiru's mother claims there was lots of blood inside the bedroom that was mysteriously wiped out by Triza.
Is Wanjiru's mother mad enough to make such wild claims, is she a lunatic when she has recorded a statement with these serious allegations which she knows can come back to haunt her?
If indeed Wanjiru fell off the balcony and was hurt on his fore arms and fore legs, how comes the serious injury was at the back of the head from a "blunt object" according to the pathologist?
Lastly Bwana Chris, what are these allegations that Triza- Wanjiru's "wife" is very "close" yaani closer than close- to a certain police boss in Nyahururu?
So you asked whether Wanjiru was murdered. My answer is time will tell. Truth, no matter how long it takes, finally comes out. I'm asking Kenyans to hope for the best but prepare for the worst!
when i saw the height of the balcony and tried to imagine 'the fall', i assumed a Kenyan champion would not just die that easy. Hope the truth is uncovered in due time.
ReplyDeleteThe truth is certain ethnic groups in this country are prone to such suspicious wealth related deaths which supposedly "puzzle" the investigative abilities of our law enforcement agencies such as the police, CID, NSIA etc
ReplyDeleteInvestigations into such wealth related ethnically inclined deaths can never be exhaustively concluded because they are not exclusively the jurisdiction of the Cops. They require fundamental far-reaching changes into the culture of such an ethnic group to make them aware that money is not more precious than human life and the same way they value wealth is the same way human life should equally be valued
At last a post to honour or is it speculation on Wanjiru's death !
Wanjiru was killed by mambo jambo aka witchcraft. Look at all the circumstances sorrunding his death and prior accident in January. The stage was already set and it was a matter of when the death will occur.
ReplyDeleteSadly, people do not believe this stuff but it's is VERY REAL and ALIVE in Kenya today!
All things considered, it ends up being location, location, location, location and the company that one decides to keep or entertain for whatever reasons.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell was he doing at that particular nightspot and allowing himself himself be in the company that may have been part of a team or gang that was targetting him whatever it was that they assumed he had at the time, moments just before death came calling?
That's one of the reasons why I am still very very angry at Wanjiru and other professional athletes who have contributed to their untimely and early demise due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The question that's going to linger in the minds of many people is whether he, Wanjiru, was murdered by opportunists or whether he was rushed to the alter of death by his own doing.
Hindsight is always 20/20 or should it be put at 50/50, therefore if I were a person of means chances are that I will not put myself in harms way nor having intimate associations with questionable individuals or undesirable elements from a neighbourhood pub, restaurant, hair saloon, open air market, large scale farm, police station, chief's camp, brothel, etc.
Oh yes, the dead should be left to rest in piece because they can longer afford to explain themselves nor come to thei own defense.
However, Wanjiru did violate a lot of social, professional and security precautions that pertains to a high profile person in his position and that's what may have contributed to his untimely demise.
There is a lot that doesn't up from what is claimed by those who know him, that he had to return home urgently in order to deal with pressing personal matters, be it domestic or otherwise, only to end up in a local beerhive drowning himself in a pool of beer, wine, and hard liquor for a professional athlete of his calbre, who was supposed to be in a training camp?
What if, what if some of the very same people assumed to be his killers had some lesser sinister motives and slipped some pills in his drink or forbiden substances that are on the doping drugs list? What if, what if?
What else I can add other than You may think you are pretty smart to have gotten what it is you have that others want but don't think you are too smart because it could cost you cost you your life in same way it has cost or derailed or wasted the lives many others out there.
Let him rest in peace, but I am still very angry with him for putting himself in harms way on more than several occasions.
Anon 2:47 AM,
ReplyDeleteYou stated:
The truth is, certain ethnic groups in this country are prone to such suspicious wealth related deaths ... They require fundamental far-reaching changes into the culture of such an ethnic group to make them aware that money is not more precious than human life and the same way they value wealth is the same way human life should equally be valued
I agree with you 100%. This ethnic group (yes, "that particular one" that all of us Kenyans are aware of) Worships money more that God. They believe in getting money by any means possible... FRAUD, DECEPTION, THEFT e.t.c. Morals and ethics have no place in their quest for money. Theft is their way of life and they have no sense of shame about this.
Shame on you anonymous who said: "Theft is their way of life and they have no sense of shame about this."
ReplyDeleteSuch generalisations should not be permitted to see the light of day in this day and age! Period!
he wasnt murdered. because if so, then the other 'cctv cameras could have shown somethinng by now. thi is BS
ReplyDeletepeculiar kenyan
Richard @ 5:21 AM,
ReplyDeleteSorry to disappoint you, it is true, very true. It seems that the truth has really, really RATTLED you. Pole sana. The truth will always be and remain the truth. It never rots. It always remains the same: THE TRUTH!!!
"Theft is their way of life and they have no sense of shame about this." You can take that to the bank.
They feel no sense of shame about it. In fact they regard this kind of behavior as being "smart." What a load of b**l s**t!!!
Richard and Anon5:05am
ReplyDeleteCultural heritage has alot to do with the attitude of an individual from whatever ethnic group towards money.
Alot of ethnic groupings and cultures in Africa can attest to the fact that one of the main reasons why wealth is squandered and not built on especially in Africa is because money is equated to mean more than the value of human life. This in turn leads to bad economies not just because of low GDP figures but because everyone from the common man on the streets to the public servants in government have a dangerous view on the worthlessness of human life in comparison to the value of filthy lucre
Ahaa! Thanks Chris.
ReplyDeleteAt long last there's a post dedicated to the late Olympic champion, Wanjiru, whereas the likes of Mwara Ngethe and company were so busy policing their world economic forum posts 24/7 and deleting any hint of side bar comments or reviews that attempted to digress toward the death of Wanjiru.
He will always be remembered for making us proud and for lifting our nation's flag high above others on the international stage.
Thank You So Much
Rest In Eternal Peace.
Anon 5:05 AM & 5:47 AM
ReplyDeleteHow about you take a ride on a less traveled road and maybe you will get a chance to take a very good look through any ethnic mirror under the sun's rays near you.
Oh yes, take a good second look, through that particular one, yes that mirror on the main wall of your very own ethnicity, race, nationality and you will clearly see what others have seen or many still refuse to or accept since they reached the age of reason.
Why? DENIAL is their favourite drug of choice, a self defensive mechanism that is worse than having a sevre addiction to opium, crack cocaine, heroine, meth or the other prescription medications.
Please drop your favourite cushion of ethnic generalisation and try healing thyself for a change.
We are who we are and that's why soem of us will alawys celebrate the deaths of those who seemed to do better in life than the average person.
ReplyDeleteSome people left their villages decades ago but so far they have yet to realise their European, Australian, Canadian, American or Middle Eastern 'Dream'.
These are the very people who still live in dingy apartments on the wrong side of the town, city, county, province or state.
And they just can't bare it nor accept one obvious fact of life, that we now have Kenyans who have done very well for themselves and continue to do so by living in better conditions than some of the haters can only dream of.
What a better way of resorting to name calling and painting a whole ethnicity with brushes of their vitriolic enamel paint when all has not been fulfilled after all the years.
ReplyDeleteThis being Kumekucha wild west its no surprise that a sad and serious matter such as the death of the late olympic champion Wanjiru has been turned into a tribalism issue.
Be that as it may, the man deserves to rest in peace, his memory is already being torn to shreds by his living relatives and there is no need for us at KK to join further in the debacle
No. The doc is a gold digger in this case. Mama Wanjiru comes up with another woman she claims to be the one she recognises as her son's wife! While the son has always lived with another wife!
ReplyDeleteIsn't Mama wanjiru the Grandest Gold digger here? This "new" son's wife is a "wife on hire" so that mama can get all her son's benefits and pay this cheat Kindu kinini! All for mbeca! Crocodile tears I see being shade here.
Kikuyus love mbeca so much they will do anything. And before you call me a tribalist, this is coming from an enlighted Kikuyu woman who is literally embarrassed by fellow kinsmen and women.
ReplyDeleteBut what a spitting image of his father, Elijah Chebon, if at all he is the real biological father.
ReplyDeleteWhat did you know that we as in some or many of us didn't really know about Harun Mwau, the man (MP) from Kilome?
Sadly, Kenya has now graduated 'magna cum laude' into the world trade of drug cartels and their deadly business on our watch.
We have made it to the top of the list as far as Africa is concerned, and especially when a seating member of parliament, who happens to be a former police officer gets implicated among the ranks of who is who in the deadly worldwide trade of narcotics.
So, many of us should not be surprised at all when we get extra scrutiny or selected for targeted searches at some of the international airports regardless of the type of passports we may be carrying and the adopted nationality we claim to be at any point of entry and exit this summer or during the end year holidays.
The question is, will the legislator decide to step down on his own accord or will he be asked to step aside by the powers that be or will it be business as usual for him in parliament, Kenyan style?
Where there's smoke, there's fire.
Ahaa! Thanks Chris.
ReplyDeleteAt long last there's a post dedicated to the late Olympic champion, Wanjiru, whereas the likes of Mwara Ngethe and company were so busy policing their world economic forum posts 24/7 and deleting any hint of side bar comments or reviews that attempted to digress toward the death of Wanjiru.
If we had anything USEFUL to say, or add about Wanjiru's death, we would have done that.
And, by the way, what is ENLIGHTENING about your comment?
More so, if you had a functioning brain, you would have seen this formula for WEALTH, we have written/discussed for ages:
(a) a man desires/wants,
(b) he LABOURS,
(c) from that labour, he acquires that which he desires, i.e. wealth.
If we accept Wanjiru was murdered for his wealth which he had LABOURED for, we have no doubt, unless you are brainless, you can see that, whoever murdered him for his wealth, did not want to LABOUR as stated in (b) above.
Therefore, his murder, if it is so, is a violation of eternal laws of TRUE economics.
So, how do you run away from the economics that we discuss 24 hours?
In other words, the mind of a SPECULATOR and a ROBBER are the same, or, spring from the same well, i.e. something for nothing.
Or, we may simplify all human laws into two simple laws:
(a) always, do what you promised, and (law of contract)
(b) do not interfere with other people's property or body (criminal law).
From this, you can see that, all volumes of contract law and criminal law are nothing, but, a call, or a teaching of the TRUE economics and the need to observe the same.
Anyway, as Sura Mbaya would sing, kifo hakina huruma:
ReplyDeleteSadly you are very right. Just imagine this same Harun Mwau aka drug kingpin was at one time the anti corruption head in Kenya. It makes you wonder whether Kenyans are really serious about who they allow to serve them in sensitive public positions
As to whether he will step down voluntarily or not I think his "appointing authority" has alot to answer for because how can you allow someone who is so corrupt to sit in office and serve "at your pleasure" when even the blindest person in the whole world can tell they have no business being in office due to their rotten track record
Today Obama has switched on the lights in the house and not only is the dust under the carpet exposed but also the carpet owner has been exposed as a fake used carpets dealer posing as a brand new retailer
Be Anxious For Nothing
ReplyDeletePhilippians 4:6–7
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
When faced with a challenge or crisis, our tendency is to get all anxious about it. But God does not want us to react this way. He does not want us to be anxious about anything. Instead, whatever the problem is, He wants us to go to Him in prayer and supplication, telling Him what we need and thanking Him for the answer. When we do that, His peace, which surpasses all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds from all worries, anxieties and fears.
Hold it! I am not the one who said, “Be anxious for nothing.” The apostle Paul said it. Yet, it was not him — he was prompted by the Holy Spirit. And when Paul wrote that, he was a prisoner under house arrest in Rome. He had been sent to Rome because he had appealed to Caesar regarding his death sentence. The Jews in Jerusalem wanted him to be put to death. (Acts 28:16–20)
Yet, under those trying conditions, he wrote these words: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.”
My friend, if you are anxious or worried about something, remember those words. Let’s say that you are anxious about a huge debt. Go to the Lord and pray, “Lord Jesus, I no longer want to be anxious about this problem. I hand it over to You and ask for supernatural cancellation of this debt. It is in Your care now. You are in charge. I thank You for taking care of it.”
God is true to His Word. As you pray this prayer and cast your care to Him, you will find His peace setting your heart and mind at rest. So be anxious for nothing — let the One with whom nothing is impossible take care of it for you!
A clear Yes. The Kenyan hero was murdered.
ReplyDeleteThe suspects are once more:
1)The wife
2)The sports' rivals locally
3)The sports' rivals internationally.
The best people to be questioned clearly are:
1) The wife
2) The prostitute he was with
3) The gate keeper
The matter is so simple. The outcome can be within one week.
Justice must be done. We can not keep on losing good politicians, sportsmen and intellectuals without someone taking responsibility.
This is the litmus paper for our new constituition.
If the police is corrupt PLO should come in.
I can't believe Kumekucha is only remebering Wanjiru now after almost 3 weeks after his death!
ReplyDeleteI remember when Wanjiru died, the news was instantly reported on our breakfast news and it was headline news in a national tabloid newspaper in a country that would never report anything from Africa (unless is war or famine)
Any potential takers or contesters for Kilome & Nambale in 2012? Chris Okemo is going down, so is Harun Mwau, and the countdown continuous as more seats are going to be vacated and many more will be lost after the next general elections.
ReplyDeleteAnon @4:08am
ReplyDeleteOkemo and Gichuru are going nowhere as far as extradition is concerned. however they may well lose their seats as you imply.
Simpson and Dogs