Ruto jitters: Is Raila really back? | Kenya news

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Car Bombs Arrive In Kenya

A businessman in Karen goes into a local to have a drink one evening. He comes back to his parked car a few hours later and gets in to drive himself home. But before he can start the car, there is a loud bang. The front wheel flies off and the car is extensively damaged.

Miraculously, the man escapes unscathed (was it the sturdy body of the old Mercedes Benz car that saved his life or was the bomb planted by an amateur who didn't do his calculations right?) but the blast is heard for miles around and flying debris causes damage to windows in the vicinity.

The businessman, Simon Ngatunyi says that he has a petty god idea as to who may want him dead. It emerges that there is a serious dispute over land that he owns and some of the people on his list of suspects are politicians who have been inciting traders in the area to rebuild demolished kiosks on his land.

But the really scary thing is that the nasty car bomb seems to have arrived in Kenya. So which is worse, getting gunned down, execution style or having your car planted with a bomb?

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Shocking Breaking News: Kumekucha Threatened

An interesting exchange has been developing in this blog over this issue of Tanzanians and Kenyans, even as yet another controversy (over the Sunday Nation cartoon that portrayed the Tanzanian press as worshipping the President instead of reporting objectively) brews.

This heated discussion has culminated in a thinly veiled threat against this blogger today. Use the link below to get to the page and see for yourself.

Read comment number 12 for yourself. Read 13 also.
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