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Thursday, December 15, 2005

Is Kibaki Normal?

Newspaper headlines are an excellent way to read the public mood.

A tabloid-like weekly newspaper, The Weekly Citizen” splashed an interesting headline this week that is selling like hot cakes.

The headline;

"Is Kibaki Normal?"

Just goes to show you what’s on the minds of the wananchi.

Today’s email comment from our Nairobi political correspondent;

“According to Billow Kerrow (KANU shadow finance minister) the government will need 5 billion to cater for the new ministries created to appease Ngilu & Kombo.

I now agree with the Weekly Citizen headline: Is Kibaki normal?

Vendors are telling me:"… imeuza sana!"
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Saturday, December 10, 2005

Has Mutahi Kagwe Replaced Murungaru As The Man Closest To The President’s Ear?

The relatively inexperienced MP has achieved that enviable task of never serving as an assistant minister before being elevated to a full cabinet minister. (see earlier posts in this blog predicting his rise to the cabinet)

It is obvious that the President is making an effort to distance himself from his older “wazee” advisors who seem to have completely lost touch with the new realities of Kenyan politics. Kagwe found himself at the right place at the right time.

It was not lost on observers that after the swearing in ceremony at State House this week, the quotes that made the press were those of Chirau Mwakwere and Mutahi Kagwe who said the refusal to join the Cabinet by some MPs would not affect the Government.

Kagwe is quite intelligent and it must help that he is the son-in-law to powerful minister Michuki, but the crisis facing the Kibaki administration will be quite a challenge for him and the new cabinet his inexperience not withstanding.