Thursday, October 30, 2008

Witnessing The Funeral Of ODM And PNU?

Flipping through TV channels this evening was fascinating for those Kenyans who are in Kenya or able to gain access to Kenyan TV stations.

On NTV constitutional law guru Prof Yash Pal Ghai praised the Waki report (as a lawyer and expert). While on KTN Budalangi legislator, Ababu Namwamba who is also a lawyer defended the ODM position in joining PNU in rubbishing the Waki report.

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The most fascinating thing here is the reaction of the majority of Kenyans mainly as could easily be gauged from sampling those who called in. It was clear that there is great anger against those who are rejecting the Waki report and by extension saying YES to impunity and its’ survival in the country’s political landscape. One caller put it very clearly when they said that it was unfair for the political class to reject the Waki report to protect their own when many ordinary Kenyans are still languishing in jail as suspected participators in the post election mayhem. So is this the justice that the political class are promoting in rejecting the Waki report?

Take note fellow Kenyans in all this sordid affair of the reaction of the political class to the Waki report, something has happened. A clear shift has taken place in the political stratosphere. This is the beginning of the end of old politics in Kenya. This is the end of ODM. This is the end of PNU. And most of all this is the end of impunity. Let us wait and see what will happen.

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  1. Dear Patriotic Kenyans:

    It is time a warrant of arrest was issued for the apprehension of Judge Waki for treasonable and theft offenses. He conspired with others (some of them foreigners) to sabotage the national constitution. He has also stolen state property (the "envelope") and handed it (possibly sold) to a foreigner (Annan). It very urgent that he be arrested before he can further cause untold harm to our Republic.

    Patriotic citizens should be encouraged to effect an immediate arrest without waiting for the police. Waki should be considered a flight risk and an all-points bulletin should be issued to all border crossings and airport.

    With Judge Waki a free man, Kenya's sovereignity is at risk and our national healing process will be aborted.

    Let us arrest him at once!

  2. I wish this opens the eyes of Kenyans to see that on both sides (ODM and PNU), the citizens are being taken for a ride. When the report initially came out, the praise was almost unanimous. Then their lawyers took a closer look and the implicated politicians like Ruto and Uhuru made threats to their party leaders and the tune changed.

    This could be a pivotal moment in Kenyan politics. I think Kenyans overwhelmingly want justice for the atrocities following election 07. I suggest that people take note of the MPs against the report and throw them out in 2012.

    What do the politician mean by "flawed" what parts of the reports are flawed? Why are they not specifying so that those sections can even be expunged so that we can deal with the larger issue of persecuting those who led to the rape, murder and maiming.


  3. Anon 1:35PM

    Judge Waki is certainly in the cross-hairs of these politician and you seem to enjoy adding fuel to the fire. Shame on you.

  4. Chris,

    Thanks indeed for capturing the mood of Kenyans. Its now official there is "wenye nchi" na "wananchi". Our politicals are mongrels, ruffians, chameleons, scoundrels etc. 1500 died in post election violence, to them that does not matter. You are right Chris this is defining moment for Kenyans - they now know those who pretend to be leaders but inwardly " they are just that selfish politicians, nothing more - nothing less. Raila is not as good as Kibaki, Kibaki is not as good as Raila, Namwaba - young, energetic whom we thought has a political future is an empty debe, central MPS are Marebe. My hero is Karua, Oburu, Orengo, Yash pal ghai - and all those at this hour of need want to see a less violent society.

    What is better? Killing 3000 in 2012 - or taking 10 to the hague and doing away in our generation with impunity? Which is the least risky?

    ODM by announcing they have nothing to do with Waki report have confirmed - tehy were just old wine in new skins. They are all product of KANU. Three of those in ODM have even held senior positions in KANU ( Rao, Mudavadi, Ruto). They shelved akiwumi, they have now shelved Waki - What message are they putting across?


    In Dec 27, the Kenyan courts could not be trusted to deliver justice. 10 months later - the scoundrels in ODM and PNU are singing praise to teh same courts - What a contradiction?


    Dear friends - if we dont come with an alternative leadership sooner than later, Kenya as a country will be doomed. Kibaki, Raila, Ruto, Uhuru - will take us nowhere. Are we cursed as a people? What happened to the men and women who sired leaders? Whya re we having pretenders to leadership?

    Kenyans wait and see what the anger of a people can do to its leadership. The voice of teh people is the voice of God. methinks its not matter of how but when - The kenyan leadership is all a lie - its me, myself and i kind of politics. I hate them na wanyongwe na ugali wakimeza!!

    Mzee wa Kijiji

  5. Chris,

    One thing is clear: Hague Expres is stalled in the mud of ethnic and self-interest politics of Kenya. Even if it does not carry the criminals to Hague it might turn into a useful matatu for carrying PNU and ODM to Lang'ata cemetery for their final rites.

    In the post-PNU/ODM world the GNU of Mwangi Kiunjuri and UDM of Rift Valley might play crucial roles.

    A few days ago I reported here that there had been some approaches to GNU by Ruto's envoys. But nothing concrete was reached because the RV guys were playing their cards close to their chests wanted help with the Waki report without offering anything in return. Just to appear to agree on something they supported introduction of the parliamentary system.

    It now appears that the Nyanza wing of ODM hasn't been sleeping either. Ngilu's attendance of the GNU fundraiser was not out of the blue skies. Even her new effort to redistribute the blame for the PE-violence to the top three instead of Kibaki alone was just tactical. The glue (hatred for the Kikuyus) that held the ODM fraternity seems to be coming apart in the face of Waki report and plans for 2012.

  6. Is kenya a failed state?

    A man who claims to be a president, appoints a lawyer to lead a commision to investigate his failure in maintaining peace. He then says, we should forget the past.

    What should all other politicians say? Whoever is for Waki must charge the president first.

    Most of Kenyans are for this idea. But will the president's tribe accept this?

    In order to reach Ruto, the president must be imprisoned for 30years, then Michuki 15 yrs, then Karume 10 yrs, Uhuru 8 yrs, Kabando 7 yrs, etc. The court proccedings would take 5 yrs. After this Ruto, etc would be tried and sentenced, if at all there is a charge against them. Remember, it is only the gov which has the power to protect all Kenyans and maintain peace. All those who were in the gov and were in charge of security should be charged first.

    Fellow Kenyans, you know as well as I do that this will not happen because a Kenyan president, whether elected or hurriedly installed is above the law.

    We can sing songs of Hague as loud as we want, but the chorus will at last diminish like those of Anglo-leasing, Goldenberg, Ouko, Mboya, JM,Kaiser, etc.

    KK talks of funeral of ODM and PNU. But I want to ask again, is Kenya a failed state?

    Ngugi wa Ngumi

  7. Chris:

    Power really intoxicates men's hearts.

    How soon did Raila forget that RV is co-owner of ODM with Nyanza. He tried to co-opt a flower girl (Mudavadi) to use the Waki report to neuter the RV boys.

    General Ruto reminded Raila that Raila may be officially the party leader but the general in charge of the troops is the indomitable Ruto. Even his foot soldiers from Nyanza were shaken to the core by round one of the Raila-Ruto slagfest. It was not funny for Orengo to have to withdraw some remarks and apologize to the RV leadership in the ODM parliamentary group meeting. Raila and his supporters were in full retreat.

    If Raila does not take this lesson seriously, the pliers Ruto has been wielding will be used to castrate him, for real.

    Round two of the slagfest is dubbed "Nyundo versus Pliers." Stay tuned.

  8. This is liberties. You wonder why some of us have no desire to live in Kenya.
    Kenya justice system is rotten to the core, it's punishes poor and the real criminals walk free.
    But I can assure you, God is watching and those who perpetrated crimes against humanity WILL face justice. So long as the secret list remains in the hands of Kofi Annan, the culprits will be prosecuted. They will be hunted down like Sloban Milosevic and taken to Hague by force.
    Mark those words.

  9. Wakenya, you have all witnessed first hand what kind of dirty politics we play in Kenya.

    1500 people died because of these fools. As Ngilu so rightly put it, the buck stops at Kibaki's, Raila's and Kalonzo's table. If anyone killed, he did it for them....

    Now all have joined in trashing the report, and stupid Kenyans will again soon fight because Orange has been denied. Me thinks denying Orange power as painful as it was for Kenya, it was the right thing to do. I think if Orange was controlling the executive, the legislature and by extension the judiciary, we will not be any better off.

    Remember, when Orange was campaigning the promises...its almost one year, what have they done. The principle has got cold on Mau forest, taxation of MPs, detribalizing appointments etc etc. The BIG thing that he is quite about is the constitution, he has gone mum.

    2012 will come and we will not see much CHANGE. I think Kibaki should leave a legacy by diluting the presidency seriously, in a new constitution....BUT those are just my wishes......I hate to even think this can happen coz I don't like getting heart broken.

    Wakenya arise. We need to look for alternative leadership. Just as the US election will be won by a son of a non native American, Kenya needs to be freed by a person from the diaspora.

    These are my thoughts.

  10. Anon at 3.21

    I can't even believe you are shouting yourself horse in trying to praise Ruto.

    I have never written anything in praise of Ruto, I cant. The guy is a thug. His thuggery has now gone a notch higher and he has been propped as a leader of RV?? What crap.

    Kalenjins should realize this, we can easily overlook them and still get to State house. As hard as it may seem, see Kenyans of right thinking minds know what is happening and the faster Agwambo distances himself from Ruto the better.

    Ruto belongs to Kamiti maximum for:
    1. In cohorts with Jirongo in 1992, they eroded the Kenyan shilling and in the event Kenyans faced very serious inflation.
    2. While in Kanu he used to sing MOI baba even as MOI muzzled and plotted killings of so many Kenyans.
    3. As a minister in Kanu he used his position to acquire huge parcels of government land which he later sold back to the same government at exorbitant prices.
    4. The 2007 post-election skirmishes. I see his hand in this.

    But trust Kenyan politics, rotten to the core, to treat this thug as a HERO.

  11. Chris,
    Apt barometer. Never again but are we BRAVE enough to walk the talk as a nation? You guess right.

    And then people SHAMELESSLY blame Judge Waki for selling Kenya's sovereignity. Well that is such a tired line it could only sell last millennium. The mood of Kenyans is so foul they are rubbing their hands for political mass murder.

    We are a country of very opinionated citizens. What we fail miserably in is our penchant to LIVE LIES. Waki saw through us and handed the envelope to Annan well aware of the perils of doing otherwise.

    With Kibaki's stand on amnesty it is no brainer to imagine what he would do with the list. The collective national lie we are suffocating is that Hague Expres is STALLED IN THE MUD OF ACIDIC ETHNICITY. To get Ruto you have to slay UK and by extention Kibaki having the axe raised above his head.

    The tunnel is dark and we are groping headless in circles. Ours is the pain and ultimate price of LEADERLESSNESS. Call it waht you wish without blinkers and see the rot from the top. Ole wetu.

  12. Papi

    u forgot also to list molasses association with moi from 97

    1. he sold ndp for a cabinet position.
    2. he illegally acquired molasses plant
    3.he supported moi politics of impunity muzzling democracy
    4. he impoverished kibera
    5.he brainwashed his luo kinsmen into believing he is a deity

  13. As usual Taabu tactically avoids blaming molasses...

    what a silly little4 midget masquarading as a reporter. you need serious mental normalisation from molasses worship to normality.

    see our own Dr. murinho dimwit taabu!!!

  14. cant believe am reading this in both dailies

    ODM defies Raila and rejects Waki report

    ODM defies Raila and rejects Waki report

    ODM defies Raila and rejects Waki report

    sure molasses is a lonely hyena ina a pack of lions. he has his uncut tail between his legs...

    bwa ha ha ha aaaaa

  15. You Kenyans,
    now what do you want? you sent the DOG to guard the meat!he's back licking his lips food gone stupid?

    Chris who does the buck stop with?In hindsight the 2 commissions(Wakriegler) were nothing but either guns for hire or puppet shows due process to be seen taking course-in short entertainment at our expense(EATE)
    Now let us stop all lofty-sounding calls for Hague express-they have EATEn and full let McCavity cat vomit all over your shoes stupid

    Proponents of "Kenya will never be the same" philosophy please that is empty rhetoric tell me something i don't know-Kenya has "never been the same" since 1963 when we got independence, what has changed
    Chris this is the Funeral of our future-if something is not done now it might be too late forever. very few real men left in this country

  16. E-cop, thats a genious piece of analysis...

    forget the chris/phil/taabu/ivy/kalamali axis of raila worship..

    well said...

  17. About time we flushed these guyz out including Raila.

  18. Dear Leader, bumpkin molasses of bondo, cut down to size by razor Ruto. Teeheehee-he-he.
    Said he. Implement the Waki report. Fully. Evict poor peasants from the Mau. In October. Domo. Domo. Domo. Bure kabisa!

    The bumpkin should just shut his trap and resume the photo-ops with his foreign masters and if anything just order his grovelling subjects to fish and farm with zeal the way he ordered them to mass surgery.

    Meanhwile for as long as this so-proclaimed shoddy Waki report does not mention the incitement to murder by prime ODM thug #1 the bumpkin and his sycophantic acolytes Orengo and Nyongo, a major injustice would be done in implementing it. Fully.

  19. No comment.I want to ask the whole KK fraternity to do some serious soul searching and think back on all they have posted here in the 2007 elections aftermath for or against whom and ask themselves whether it was worth the effort





  21. Wonder the lie that bumpkin will use to explain his change of mind....let me guess..
    1) some deep soul searching?
    2) new evidence of the Waki list?
    3) party position showing 'democracy'?

    the theatre of absurdity that molasses will treat us to and his faithful audience or is it worshippers? likes of taabu,phil,ivy,kalamali...will alwayss hold him in awe even when Ruto holds him by the balls and tells him to apologise....te he he he eeee
    and this moron expects to be the ODM ticket bearer in 2012? let akina phil continue blowing the smouldering flame....his political oblivion has been written and cast in stone.
    best place to retreat..Kisumu with his hummer and get heros reception. that will do something to his bashed bumpkin ego..

    te he he he heeeee

    Taabu's Mistress

  22. Am disappointed!we dont have leaders,all are vultures cum hyenas!only God can help us,blood is crying out for justice...

  23. After supporting Raila and ODM in the last elections, I can now comfortably say that I am officially withdrawing my support for this phony party. This saga has confirmed that ODM does not have the think-tanks nor the capacity to offer effective leadership.... Can you imagine what could happened to Kenya if ODM won the elections?.... What happened to all the promises Raila and Kibaki made to fight corruption and end the culture of impunity? Why waste the tax payers money by appointing a commission if you're not willing to respect or act on it's findings?

    This is truly a sad day for the Kenyan people. It is clear that these incompetent, selfish leaders have ignored the wishes of the Kenyan people.... It's a shame to see the USA and the German ambassadors come to the rescue of the Kenyan people in pushing for implementation of the report while the elected leaders who are paid by the people are doing nothing but opposing it. If Waki report is not implemented, I foresee a lot of trouble for Raila and Kibaki.

    Parliament needs to send a strong signal to ODM by passing a vote of no confidence against the prime minister Raila. RAILA MUST GO

  24. i dont get why the heat is being turned on raila.

    this is not the time to score points against kibaki, raila or kalonzo, uhuru, ruto and any other "prominent" (idol or demon) figure.

    this is a time when we as kenyans pressure the political elite to listen to stop reacting to the whims of a few and make effort to meet the will of the people who want justice to be done.

    we all know that the inept leadership at the top is hostage to their second, third fourth etc in commands and wannabes forming the 200+ MPs our focus should be to stop more tin-gods mushrooming and declare that we will not allow kenya to go to the dogs.

    people please think beyond the present leaders and for once focus on the future of the country.

  25. @Urxlnc,

    didn't molasses promise a new dawn? a tsunami of sort sweeping corruption, impunity and the whole baggage of crap he shouted from the roof top?
    so you still wonder why the heat is on the bumpkin?
    what happened to 2nd liberation?
    molasses is now dancing the Kanu tune of taking Kenyans for a of rocking chairs....
    leave molasses praise to phil/ivy/taabu axis of dimwits bro!!!

    Taabus Mistress

  26. Hate to say it but WE TOLD YOU SO. You cannot and you should NEVER put your faith in and responsibility for your future in Kenyan politicians, otherwise YOU DIE a dogs death. Only you individually ARE responsible for yourself, NOBODY else.
    Ngilu now has the temerity and arrogance to put the blame on Kibaki,Raila and Kalonzo because she and others were only "fighting for them." Really? Is she therefore saying that she bears no personal responsibility? Who told her to fight for them and why did she agree to fight for them? Didn't she know what they are like? How about fighting for herself and the principles she believes in? Does it then follow that the people who killed and maimed did so in Kibaki, Raila, and Kalonzo's names and should therefore not bear any responsibility for raping and sodomizing a two year old girl in Eldoret for instance?
    Ngilu is only posturing because she can smell blood and would like to pretend that she is now ready to take over from the three in "fighting for the people", but all she has proved is that she is no different from them and that she is out of touch with the mood of Kenyans who are totally fed up with politicians.

  27. taabus mistress, kimi

    we have opportunity and capacity to be above this.

    looking at the bottom of the rung to identify under-achievers and stragglers is not going to get the solutions, its up to those of us that are able to rise above this to chart the way forward.

  28. Guys,

    Much more sadder is the fact that a majority of Kenyans in Nyanza prefer Waki report to be shelved. 99% of call-ins to Ramogi FM said as much.

  29. Guys,

    Lets take this opportunity to shed of tribalism from our attitudes and mentality. Lest unite, us as the wananchi against them the "wenye inchi". They have united and are fighting for themselves. We also need to unite and fight for ourselves. We where all affected by the post election violence either directly or indirectly no matter what tribe you are.

  30. Prosecute all or none at all. If the leaders can't be tried then even the stone throwers and all the others still in police custody be released ASAP.

  31. anon 11:42,

    in Nyanza, molasses word is law..biblical truth...the callers are just echoing molasses...

    if today he says prosecute, all the callers will say the same..reminds me of sheep analogy..

    how did human beings agree to bed this low? come on Luo's cant u for once think for uaselves????

  32. Hehehe.... I'd like to read Phil's point of view now that RAO has truly displayed his true nature. Liberator my foot, there is no difference between RAO, The Baks, Ruto, Uk etc... It seems the views i share with Kimi have come to be revealed for everyone to see.

    Clearly, the political elite is attempting to shaft the kenyan people. Who will lead the people's revolution? Who will stand in the gap on behalf of all Kenyans seeking Justice?? Who??

    Anyone out there ready to step up??

  33. Anon 11.42

    You do not understand English or you were busy shagging your mum when you read my contribution.

    Callers in Ramogi differed with Rao. MPs from Nyanza differed with RAO.

  34. @Taabu,

    Last week i told you there is only two sides MURDERERS and KENYANS.You chose to engage in pointless intellectual discourse.Well i guess now you are saying the bullshit we are been served by these MURDERERS masquerading as leaders.Yes question is are you brave enough to walk the talk???

    Guess you are happy that the MURDERERS side has won and the TRUTH is been buried for now,but remember that whether dead or alive all those with blood on their hands will pay1And you can take that to the bank!

    Now that your "hero" cum "messiah" has picked the MURDERERS side what say you??I notice you are deathly quiet.It must be traumatizing to see your messiah unravel to a mere Kenyan unreliable politician!

    @All Kenyans,
    Now that the political class have united to protect the MURDERERS,what do we do?can we open our eyes to the LIES and do something about it??

  35. it was pathetic last night on newsline to hear Namwamba( or is it Mamba now)use the same line we heard from wetangula at KICC earlier this year "it is un-constitutional" to discredit Waki's report. This fellows who go to parliament and become very clever and not interested in what kenyans really want are not getting us anywhere. The constitution is only usefull when it comes to their defence, the same constitution we campaigned for them against is the one they want to use against our wishes.
    People of the middle class should stop coasting in their comfort zone and start campaigning to root them out and educate them on which way we want our country to go

  36. I think what Robert Michelle called oligarchy is too real in kenya. its all about bureaucracy.the bureacrats are out to protect themselves and their positions.they will go to any is time that kenyans showed these fools that they r indeed empowered. there is power in a people.only if the people r ready to use it!





  38. in central, kikuyu's word is law..biblical truth...the callers are just echoing the senile kibaki thug...

    if today he says prosecute, all the callers will say the same..reminds me of sheep analogy..

    how did human beings agree to bed this low? come on kikuyu's cant u for once think for uselves????

  39. cant believe am reading this in both dailies

    PNU (Uhuru & thugs)defies kibaki's call for Amnesty and rejects Waki report

    PNU (Uhuru & thugs) defies kibaki call for amnesty and rejects Waki report

    PNU (Uhuru & thugs) defies kibaki's call for amnesty and rejects Waki report

    PNU (Uhuru & thugs)defies kibaki's call for Amnesty and rejects Waki report

    PNU (Uhuru & thugs) defies kibaki call for amnesty and rejects Waki report

    PNU (Uhuru & thugs) defies kibaki's call for amnesty and rejects Waki report

    PNU (Uhuru & thugs)defies kibaki's call for Amnesty and rejects Waki report

    PNU (Uhuru & thugs) defies kibaki call for amnesty and rejects Waki report

    PNU (Uhuru & thugs) defies kibaki's call for amnesty and rejects Waki report

    PNU (Uhuru & thugs)defies kibaki's call for Amnesty and rejects Waki report

    PNU (Uhuru & thugs) defies kibaki call for amnesty and rejects Waki report

    PNU (Uhuru & thugs) defies kibaki's call for amnesty and rejects Waki report

    PNU (Uhuru & thugs)defies kibaki's call for Amnesty and rejects Waki report

    PNU (Uhuru & thugs) defies kibaki call for amnesty and rejects Waki report

    PNU (Uhuru & thugs) defies kibaki's call for amnesty and rejects Waki report

    PNU (Uhuru & thugs)defies kibaki's call for Amnesty and rejects Waki report

    PNU (Uhuru & thugs) defies kibaki call for amnesty and rejects Waki report

    PNU (Uhuru & thugs) defies kibaki's call for amnesty and rejects Waki report

    PNU (Uhuru & thugs)defies kibaki's call for Amnesty and rejects Waki report

    PNU (Uhuru & thugs) defies kibaki call for amnesty and rejects Waki report

    PNU (Uhuru & thugs) defies kibaki's call for amnesty and rejects Waki report

    sure Kibaki is a lonely hyena ina a pack of lions. he has his uncut tail between his legs...

    bwa ha ha ha aaaaa bwa ha ha ha aaaaa bwa ha ha ha aaaaa

  40. ODM is now saying that there is no need to send the perpetrators to the hague as we have established courts that are capable of investigating and prosecute oh!!! now they recognise the kenyan judicial system what about after the elections didn't they say that they cannot go to the courts why because it's inefficient,kenyans this is the kind of leaders you have.

  41. with all due respect, majority of the kenyans ni kama kondo, they will only scream and shout their kondo mouths as well as raise their tails into the arenas of public, regional and tribal opinion, and then follow the usual current of doing nothing kama kawaida plus wearing their business as usual hats.

    never trust a kenyan to rise up against the establishment or status quo. they never get into trenches for a protracted struggle for justice and what is right for the nation.

    it's not going to happen and it will never happen. they are not into habit of fighting for justice until the just man is left standing for the rest of the nation.

    they missed their opportunity after january 2008, or there after. all they are good at is going wild and taking it out on their neighbours from different ethnic backgrounds.

    or worse, they will engage into a few demonstrations here and there so that the local and international media can fill their little daily paragraphs on "what happens in africa remains hidden in the back pages of our nespapers, unless it is bigger than the mayhem ("fireworks")that took place in rwanda".

    we are who we vote for, and that has become our tradition since independence. hence if "our politicians are mongrels, thugs, tribalists, robbers, killers, suffians, chameleons, scoundrals, rattle-snakes, hyenas, skunks, lizards, ngiri" etc. then it's a real reflection of who the voters are as a people of the decaying republic.

    there is nothing as "wenye nchi" na "wananchi". all there is in kenya of today is "wenye tumbo" na "wanavipofu and wanavisiwi".

    vipofu and visiwi are those millions of kenyans who have fallen into the habit of waiting for their tribal politicians to hand-out some bottle of beer, half-kilo of meat or sugar, unga, chang'aa, and empty promises that are dished out during the every election year.

    political and economic promises dating way back when during the 1980s and 1990s have yet to be delivered.

    in the meantime, kenya's national staple is made from the recipe of "a thousand sufurias of boiled ethnic and self-interests".

    what will be the people's choice in 2012: will it be another kabila 1 or kabila 2 for kenya's man at the helm. or will it be winds of change in the way museveni, kagema, kikwete, or mbeki rose to power?

    what about a man like nkunda? is kenya any exception, regardless of whether the brits or americans will come to its rescue? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. never rule out a nkunda equation by 2020, that is if the republic continues to decay.

    let's not forget what happened in georgia and how big brothers came to its when things fell apart. he he he he he he!

    injustice, poverty, slavery, ignorance - these may be cured by reform or revolution. but men do not live only by fighting evils. they live by positive goals, individual and collective, a vast variety of them, seldom predictable, at times incompatible

  42. its a struggle between the 'have' and 'have nots'..... Kenya we have come so far we have seen so much- my Kenya has suffered and been disgraced because of greed for power! I want change and a list 10 will not stop it!!!!

  43. Politicians doing what they do best? Talking from both sides of your mouth.....and covering their a**

    Kenya does not belong to chinkororo nor mungiki nor your community nor the Waki 10 nor the dissappointing big 2................. so none of you will hold Kenya back. Not with your lies,not with machetes.

    Haiya kumekucha!!!

  44. Its a shame for those trashing the Waki Report coz really,the enveloped culprits are innocent until proven guilty.Earlier on ODM refused to go to court in name of a compromised judiciary ,this time the ICC prosecutor is not ODM nor PNU.if the culprits really have nothing to hide then the Waki report,flawed as it may be will have a walk in the park in their defense,howerver the impunity culture must come to an end,shelving this report is mediocrity coz if we knew that the moment names would be mentioned we would call for the shooting of the messenger(read Justice waki)why did we bother with the whole reconciliation furore?????Who out there could have done a better job than what Waki did???theese politicians we are up in arms against each other for are so totally worthless if what has happened th the Finance bill is anything to go by,the greedy bastards!!!All in all let justice be seen to have been done,hooray waki report,anyhow if Kenya wont have done anything towards the report by March 2009,the ICC is taking over(legal fact)so pay day is coming mupende musipende

  45. PNU/ODM

    PNU/ODM,and the media bill. It saddens me to read the gross ignorance and often stupidity demonstrated by the PNU wing of the coalition government. ODM has clearly proved how slewed they can be in politics, yet the so called PNU leadership can not comprehend simple political facts. Their judgment is clouded by pitiable arrogance. ODM knows just as you should have known that the common man has the vote, not the Ten or so elderly arrogant business Mongols and brief case politicians, or the five politically correct CEO calling the shots.
    ODM MPs were in Parliament to pass this Media bill, but now they have left the PNU with the dead baby. Reasons are simple, SOON very soon ODM will quit these marriage but first they must make sure they hand you enough dead bodies.
    By the time the divorce takes effect PNU will be stinking to the high heavens and no one will vote for you.
    Only remember Kenya has seen enough of your arrogant politics of ignorance to die for you.
    What is so hard about talking to the media or the people??????? whats so hard about arresting this political rooters, What is so hard a bout defending the interests of the people.

  46. I thought the PNU leadership would learn from their dismal performances in 2004. As if this was not enough The referendum sounded the final warning to them that the VOTE s were with the people , the wanjikus and not the few guys carrying big briefcases of cash, not the few rooters of public coffers nor the few politically correct CEOs..
    What Kenyans and especially those in Central province did not know is that the Kibaki Group was a team of walking blinds whose eye sight was covered by ignorance and arrogance. Talking to their local wanjikus was not in their cards; their constituents were just a bunch of pawns that a few coins at Election time would draw to the booths.
    The Media and other Kenyans were none existent and thus TUTASHINDA TU. The results were a well calculated genocide against those thought to have cast votes for Kibaki.
    After this I thought PNU would learn something at last, but looking at things now there surely is no hope not with Kibaki as the president or with the likes of Saitoti Karumes, Michukis, or Awori.
    And what do I say, Kibaki must resign now and not tomorrow and Martha Karua, Muites must give the Central province new directions for the 21ST Century leadership. Enough is enough.


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