Sunday, June 10, 2007

Mainstream Media Quotes Kumekucha


Today is a milestone in the history of this blog. For the first time an article in the local mainstream media has quoted and attributed a story to this blog. No less than the Sunday Nation.

What makes this even more interesting is the fact that a very senior executive at that sex-scandal-hit newspaper has on several occasions warned members of staff not to read this blog.

Before the Sunday Nation story, dozens of newspapers and hundreds of websites and blogs across America, Europe and Africa had already quoted and even linked to this blog.

Now in a few hours a major feature will be published in the New York Post asking searching questions about the involvement of CNN in the Niger Delta scandal. JK has already admitted in writing (via the Brinner emails) that he paid off people at the Niger delta to stage manage his story. He has also said in the same emails that his employers were aware. I will not go into this blogger’s role in getting that story published in the Post but what I can say for now is that I have always been deeply suspicious of what actually happened at the Niger Delta earlier this year. My instincts always told me that that was where the big story was and not in the sex. Hopefully the truth shall soon come out.

If you think this blogger is bragging, you are dead wrong, that’s not what this post is about. This is more of a post to record a major milestone in the life of this popular blog site and that is why I move on to the black mark on the people of Kenya that has clearly emerged for all the world to see mainly through the comments left behind here.

The JK saga is clear proof that most Kenyans are mostly corrupt deep inside and have double standards. While it is okay to expose retired president Moi, and folks like Nicholas Biwott, it is not okay to write anything negative on the likes of JK. And while some people are not interested in hearing the other side of the story when it comes to the Moi’s and Biwotts, they wonder why JK’s side of the story is nowhere in this blog. Incidentally just like CNN’s side of the story concerning the Niger Delta is nowhere here or in the other numerous blogs that have covered the story. You see both have refused to comment. So the question on our minds should be why don’t they want to give their side of the story? Instead of why is Kumekucha not carrying their side of the story?

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  1. The trumpet is yours bro, blow it harder. No amount of bile can bottle the truth and it will have to run its course wapende wasipende. By the way I thought Nation was Africa's NYT-equivalent and not some 'tabloid'. Moreover, the columnist (Mwende, PhD) is credible in her own right being a member of Kibaki's Economic Policy Committee so do we not relegate both paper and contents or we revert to selective amnesia as usual? Well, we are watching as the drama unfolds, ole wao 'youthwingers' from without.

  2. congrats - but just know fame cuts both ways. you got ur story out but your blog and you will be subject tp criticsim especially some of the primitive ideas you have printed before

  3. That was nt brainwash. Good though. Now, move a step further and give us the Nation one. Or you fear they will hack into your system. Congrats

  4. As far am concerned, mainstream media in Kenya is not at all fair in their reporting of political events. Some seem to favour the government while others seem to favour opposition. Other independent media even behave like state broadcasters.

    Chris has brought a breath of fresh air by publishing topical issues, and not only is he reporting it fairly, he is also soberly analysing the news, and readers have a chance to post their own unedited comments. Anon, before you call other people's ideas primitive, please show us which modern ideas you've got. I can personally attest that mainstream media poach information from this blog. People in higher echelon of government also read and adopt ideas from this blog.

    Congrats Chris, and please consider copy righting your articles - they are subject to intellectual property rights.

  5. hi chris! i am not a regular commentator on your blog but i am a keen reader of your writeups!! however as we await your authoritative reports on the explosion that rocked the nairobi city this morning i would like to take you back to your archive dated Wednesday, December 20, 2006. indeed as mainstream media quotes you it is a reflection of how thorough your predictions seem to be!! it is 6 months down the line since this article was posted on the mungiki and how true can it get! by now am sure you have the answers to your 7 questions. so my simple request is to enlighten us on the truths about the mungiki sect and the aledged suicide bonbing in nairobi this morning. at the same time let us know if there is any connection because it is diffucult for any kenyan to believe there is no connection whatsoever!!!



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