Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Mystery Of Sleeping Arrangements In A Polygamous Home


It is amazing how small children can bring things into perspective with a few simple questions.

Here is a conversation that took place yesterday between a 6-year-old child and an adult. I listened in to it and was amazed.

Child: Is Lucy the president's wife?
Adult: Yes she is.
Child: How many wives does the president of the whole of Kenya have?
Adult: (Hesitantly) Two
Child: Why?
Adult: (Confused) I don't know
Child: But grown ups know everything
Adult: Nobody can know everything?
Child: Who is the real mummy of their children?

This whole fascinating conversation got me thinking. In all our efforts at constitution making it has never crossed anybody's mind to address marital law, even as our society clearly falls apart. Amazingly no Kenyan wants to link family stability, or rather the lack of it, to the current escalating crime wave. What would you expect bringing up a child in a conflict zone as is every polygamous home, more so where the wives live under one roof as is the case with many polygamous families across Kenya?

This is an issue that no politician can dare touch with a 20-foot pole because it can lose a candidate a lot of votes. So that means that we will forever avoid the hard choices that have to be made. Which means we are just postponing a problem, postponing a huge explosive disaster waiting to happen. Nay, one that is already happening before our very eyes.

The Kenyan constitution which was carbon copy of Westminister with a few alterations here and there, mostly from the American constitution allows for only one wife. But it deliberately leaves a loophole that allows a man to marry even 100 by customary law.

Not that our leaders have not led by example. Kenya's founding president Mzee Jomo Kenyatta had no less than 4 wives whom he lived with at different times of his long life. President Moi was even worse as a senior bachelor with no wife. His supporters would have us believe that he was hardly human and therefore did not have any of those feelings ordinary mortals have and was able to ignore the inevitable that happens when a powerful man has no spouse. And that is women tend to literally throw themselves at them.

Once in my life when I was down and out I lived in a Nairobi suburb with my then-growing family in a tiny mabati (corrugated iron sheets) house that had only three rooms. There were about 7 houses all squeezed into one small compound. The facilities (nothing more than a pit latrine) were naturally outside so woe unto you if you had a running stomach one night. My immediate neighbor had 3 wives, actually four, but he lived with 3 at a time in those cramped facilities. The fourth one lived in his rural home and took care of the tiny shamba. In fact all wives did shamba duty on a rotational basis. What would happen is that the wife who displeased the man of the house would be "disciplined" by being "exiled" upcountry where they would relive the one who was there who would happily head for the city and that tiny 3-roomed house.

The sleeping arrangement in that house was the subject of heated and sometimes hilarious discussion and debate in the whole neighborhood. It was known was that there was one large king-size bed in the man's bedroom and of course the children's double-decker where all their four children slept. The eldest was about 14 years old (a girl).

Some kinky friends of mine with some rather wild imagination were convinced that all wives slept in the king-size bed with "the king". This is not realistic and neither is it African. The much more likely scenario was that the "wife of the evening" slept with "the king." And the other wife slept on the sofa while the other squeezed in with the children.

But the even bigger question was the mode of "daily selection".

You can imagine the man reading the Nation in the sitting room and one of the wives approaching him meekly to ask him which of them it would be for the night. And then the man still behind his newspaper muttering a name: "mama so and so." Really hilarious stuff.

But the joke is not funny for the women who have to put up with it. I have absolutely no idea how they do it. Every woman wants some space in her own house to do things her way. And every woman has her own way of doing things. Recently I accommodated a relative and his wife and child in my house for a brief period and although the house is huge, there were fireworks because the man's wife is a cocky know-it-all young girl in her early twenties who attempted to over-step her mark and take over the household. I often wonder how Asians manage to all live under one roof and retain their sanity.

Now just imagine a situation where three women are living under one roof and they are all married to the same man.

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  1. Polygamous homes like the one you are talking about are very rare in modern times (though I know of some people from Western Kenya who still do). Many are still polygamous but they do it secretly, especially our politians and prominent men who will deny them when they come out in public. Some also don't show up until they die to take the first wife to court for a share of his wealth.

    Now to your question on the mode of daily selection in a house with three women under one roof, I would say if the man is from Western part of Kenya he would start with the first wife and end with the last one everynight. If not he would choose one every night the rest sleep in the other rooms.

    But being a principled lady I would not imagine sharing my husband with any woman anywhere especially under one roof! NO WAY.

  2. You clearly portray the perpetual anarchy within the wives; however, you disturbingly forget to spare a small thought for the oversexed husband. Believe me, the polygamous nyani is not a happy fellow. All men are insecure and are always contemplating on how they will react when they capture their wife in the act (i.e. with Margayan). Can you imagine multiplying that anxiety by four?
    As for the sleeping arrangement, I think they all must have slept on the one king size bed at the same time. I mean, with all the terrible and painful heartaches the nyani goes through, he should at least be allowed to rollover, on either side of his bed, and smoothly slide into the sweet holy of holies. I mean the guy pays the rent right!!
    As for selection, it must be biological, if you know what I mean. It’s a good thing there’s four weeks in a month. If all four get visitors at the same time of the month, the nyani has no choice but to sleep on the couch for a week. It’s the only way of avoiding the stress related punches and jabs in the war-chamber …. by that I mean bedroom.

  3. Adhis– you seem to have quite some confidence in the men from western Kenya. Believe me; handling three women in one night is no easy fete. I will never repeat it again.

  4. What a hilarious piece and equaly eye watering posts by both Adhis and Kalamari. Adhis has a point in swearing that she cannot (never) share the goodies under the same roof and she is right because that is the reality (randy) men have reckoned with and now they rent roofs (ndogo ndogo) elsewhere. Ashis can remain secure that she is the singular cockrel while the cock liberally samabazas seeds kwiningine.

    As for Kalamari he is laughing at a funeral and making the light side of it even more intoxicating. One his nyani tag correctly connotes the the beastly character. And for biological selection am not sure on which parameter this is premised, any clue brother Kalamari?

    Now on a serious note. Polygamy has no relevance in the present world and we must not revert to cheap defense under tradition. Soem tribes (eg Kales) had very clever qualification for polygamy - the first wife is involved from the word go and even attends negotiations. And the husband wont get the nod till he proves that he can replicate (not ddivide) his present possession like land etal. No 2 wouldonly come to a replica home to no1. And that is where our lot who are more driven by BEDMINGTOM and athletism around the waist miss the plot. Sex being the emotive subject leave alone act it is, you only court emotional Baghdad by having your other wifes being audience and witness to your athletism. Add onto that with a 20 something going poly and the broth is poisoned.

  5. Hey men lets not try to cheat ourselves about ati polygamy what what! Ladys beware and its very acurate that most men let me not say Kenyans are not satisfied with one woman syndrome.To be frank even Prezzo hako na ya kando.Better we keep them safely at home than waiting when we are dead ndio ati watoke! Ati huyu mtoi ni ya huyu etc,Makes it more absurd!So why do we try to cheat ati polygamy haina anything in the current world.Think of America where women claim to know their rights.Whts the rate of divoce there.Yes they taste here and there by not sticking to one woman.Its worse than being apolygamist if you look at it both socialy and economicaly to the family set up.The divoced woman will leave you financially cripled more than if she was kept as a 2nd third or forth wife.


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