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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Jeff Koinange "Love Letters" With Date Rape Victim Now Posted On The Net


I have just learnt that a blog publishing intimate emails exchanged between well know Kenyan journalist Jeff Koinange and his date rape victim has been published.

Many people did not quite believe the saga (published exclusively here) and this latest development may serve to dispel any doubts as the date rape victim seeks to publish each intimate email exchanged between her and Koinga upto the time the date rape inciodent occurred at a London hotel

You can read the explosive new site for yourself HERE

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  1. Another brilliant idea - if only no one could see through the lies!
    How come these lies only appear on blogs? In this day, even reputable companies are hiring interns to just blog. A blog is a blog is a blog is a blog is a blog!Is a BLOG!

    PS: This date rape victim is looks vastly different from the old Briner I saw on TV at the Ouko inquiry.

  2. Kumekucha,

    You started all these crap. If you are trully a journalist, why tarnish Jeff's name and why should be used by what Mutula Kilonzo referred to as a 'cabinet prostitute' to achieve such ends.
    It is bad!

  3. If none of this is true, where's Jeff today?
    In libel law, truth is the absolute defence. This jamaa is public and can come out fighting if need be. Silence in many walks of life is equal to guilt.

  4. Tell it all and as it is Chris. You owe us no apologies. Don't get distracted because you are nobody's gatekeeper. By the way a blog is just that, a blog, the modern day diary and you have no moral ground criticising entries in anybody's diary should he give you the privilage to read it.

    Marianne is so many things to different people but one thing you can't take away from her is her bravery and uniqueness. She has opted to avoid the smooth beaten path and soil her hand. Like her hate her, this lady is no ordinary woman, her propensity to hang her pants notwitshstanding.

    Jeff is a public figue and he is only paying for his sins of being athletic and liberal around the waist. He can bake his cake and gobble it. And you cannot afford to abrogate yourself the responsibility of sanititizing his shame. Bring it on Chris and let the faint hearted scream themselves hoarse under plastic patriotism and comradeship.

  5. This has got to be brought to a stop now. Chris i will tell u for free that this has to be the lowest u can get.
    Just after coming up with all sorts of political lies, distortions of truth and baseless political propaganda, u do not seem to ever have it enough at all. U go ahead and character assasinate well respected persons. This is not the way to look for fame dude. You are a grown man and u should stop behaving like a standard six girl. That kind of gossip should be left to teenage girls but not to men who profess ivy league education.

    I am calling upon any reader of this blog who has a little bit of respect for himself and others to condemn this with the strongest words in the dictionary. Taabu I respect u, if not for anything else for your big words. But I am afraid the difference between u and those korogocho women is very minimal if this is the way u want to follow. I am not looking for an opportunity to start bandying words with u but th truth has to be told, U and Chris are such a shame, such a disgrace and a terrible embarassment. The two of u (With all due respect for each one of u)_need to ask yourselves who really has nothing between their ears? In my very humble opinion it is U.

    When Taabu implies that if it was not true Jeff would have come out fighting, do u seriously think u are some of those people Jeff needs to respond to? Jeff doesnt have the time nor the inclination to get this petty.And assuming it were true, so what? U cannot pretend to be helping that whore by engaging in this lowest grade of gossip, U need to report that shit to the police or any other arm that is mandated to deal with human right issues. How more parochial can we get guys?

    Once again i am calling on u guys not to take offence in what I am saying but u need to ask yourselves what kind of stress you are subjecting Jeff's young family to. imagine these kinds of lies being peddled against you and your character? I am puzzled, really puzzled. What do u stand to gain by writing all this crap? Who the fucking hell is Marianne brinner? She must be laughing herself crazy when she reads all this nonsense. U are the laughing stock of the world and I actually dont care how u feel when someone tells u the truth.

    I think it is time u grew and styled up. Come on Chris and get a life.

  6. How about we all stop responding to 'Chris's diaries' and give him the satisfaction that he has won. Or better, how about all the critics stop reading the blog, then he has people singing Chris ni baba na mama?
    Hopefully, the lies will mutate into truths as only his tribes-mates read the stuff. Another entry might read like this: I have this information from a credible source (another blog Kumekucha started) that says that JK is reading my blog. Lets run the polls again...

    a) True
    b) false

    Please give your opinion, thanks!

  7. this is very interesting. really it should not concern anyone what Jeff does with his life.

  8. Come on guys accept the truth, you have been hit where it hurts most. Matters inside the pant are emotive and explosive and I can understand why you are baying for Chris' and Taabu's blood. Just as Wolfowitz.

    Public figures like JK have no private life and to say otherwise is to live a lie, are you? Ati young family my foot! Was JK that sensitive to his 'infant family' when he chose to be liberal with his libido and pants?

    You guys are just being typical Kenyans from without: see, talk, think no evil. You high moral grounds is maculately build on quick sand. Common smell the coffee and let the guy defend himself instead of you chaps being his youthwingers. If he is too busy to respond then we know that is a latent yes. You can't be too busy for your reputation, or can you Vikii and co?

  9. You cannot mr Anonymous. But the last time i checked the purpose of criticism wass to improve. What are we improving here? We are just being petty and i think it makes more sense for Chris to put all his efforts in Raila Odinga's campaigns. They already have enough enemies and surely dont need more, do they?

  10. This Vikii lady is probably the dimmest light bulb on the Christmas tree. Her desire to come out defending anything Kikuyu is foolhardy. Should Kenyans respect Jeff just because he works for CNN? Remember he’s just doing a job (not any more though). Further all humans are fallible and as said, Jeff is a public figure open to all cheap shots. You also term Marianne Briner a whore. The fact that there’s no doubt Jeff tasted the whoring fruit therefore make the man a double whore. Let us not defend this guy simply because he’s Kikuyu.

  11. Vikii- do you have any evidence that this story is not true? You seem quite hurt. Do you know JK personally? As a possible woman (you know these days), you should in fact be condeming the bastards behaviors. If the guy dates such old bags he's got no style. I'm just a 32 year accountant and haven't slept with a woman whose over 24 years old. How old are you Vikii?

  12. And Mulwaa, Please leave Raila out of this.

    Presidential candidates ARE allowed to launch their visions more than once prior to General Elections.

  13. Nothing prsonal guys and spare Vikii the vitrol. He (he is male, lest he underwent a tranplant recently) only backing his horse, and who won't anyway? It has nothing to do with his tribe and for your information Vikii is not what you tag him to be. Points corrected.

    Thanks brother Vikii for the unprovocked bile directed at me and equating me to my other beloved country ladies of Gorogocho. That denigration betrayed your often camouphlaged objectivity. Similarly, I take your wise counsel, nothing personal. At the end of the day we all (including Chris) share the skies and geographical accident we call Kenya. Long live Gorogocho and all other average Kenyans.

    This JK story has taken a very predictable turn, albeit unfortunate. Everybody is spoiling for a fight protecting his political (read tribal) turf. How doublefaces guys? When our cabinet ministers are caught browsing K street we condemn. Interestingly, when one JK, a global public figure with Kenya attached to it, goes losen his zip we climb the tribal moral high ground to preach 'none of your business' balderdash.

    No amount of partisan support would save even Wolfowitz. You lose your private lifeonce you become a public figure. And JK is Kenyan (our common roof), the more reason we have every right to condemn his emotional belliegerence (sorry pal Vikii, I couldn't avoid it bro). It take two to tango and branding Brimmer a whore doesn't sanitize the filth from Jeff.

    A typical Kenyan mouths platitudes and lives none of it. That we criticize uncontructively. Well, that may be true but before you help recontruct the damaged zip the owner must accept responsibility, ama? That is not demanding too much, or is it? I hold no brief for armorous Marianne but she is not everybody's sexual doormat. She is living her principle of not letting the mighty tramp on the low.

    Let us not read politics and tribe where none exists. It is typical Kenyan to tilt any discourse into tribal defense (spare Vikii that). Stick to issues please and Bw. Mulwaa please heed Phil's request, won't you? No grudge Vikii and for the records I carry no body's bag. As for the quality of what resides in between my ears, you nremain the least qualified to give a verdict. I rest my case and let us continue head on with issues, long live Kenyans.

  14. If Vikii is a man, then he's gay. The name is quite NOT manly. All the same equal rights for all...even Kyuks.

  15. u have no concrete evidence to support these claims heresay and what could be fabricated emails should not be the basis of such serious accusations....................................SO LENGA THAT VIBE!

  16. OK guys i have no intention at all to discredit any of u, i just have a few corrections and answers to give:

    One, guys, i am not a girl, i am a guy. I must also point out that i am a straight male. my friend says he's 32 and he's not dated anybody over 24. Well, I am 25 years old, I have dated girls between 17 and 38. That is not the best level of debate we should be in but u asked for it. my name is Victor and all ma frens call me Vikkii, It is not static and it is something i can always change. I can call myself Victor if any of u will get hyper happy.

    About the issue at hand, i am sorry i have no apollogies to make. We should not be soiling anybody's name and i will be saying exactly that in the next 100 years. My point is that we should respect people (And Jeff is a person) if we expect people to respect us.

    An answer to that guy who says i an defending Jeff coz he's kiuk, well, i am a pure kamba.We are one of those few communities taking the kiuks head on. I dont know Jeff personally and i am not dying to know him. He is one of those people who dont really matter to me. My point is that we should respect ourselves. I am not kikuyu but i am one of those guys who are not about to start compromising their principles just to please4 afew nbrothers from 'that area' of the country.

    Taabu, thanks for ya very sobre response to ma article. I must repeat for the umpteenth time that i respect u. U are a knowledgeable guy and kudos. I am happy that u didnt misunderstand me and more importantly u noted ma poit.

    To those guys who think i am easily intimidated. I am not. u should be told that i am past that level where people like u can scare me with ya small little opinions. u just cant.

    One question, how come all those baying for ma blood are all anonymous. I am just curious, u know?

    I am drunk and excuse ma spelling errors. Al be better prepared 4 u guys 2morrow.

  17. This stinks of a setup. Think about his damning stories across the continent and what government has ousted him from even reporting from that country. He has even been threathened by these governments.

  18. You dimwits, stop the silly argument, the facts seem to say he did it, he foolishly did it and yes he did it with that old hag and no amount of defernse changes that...and of ocurse its our business coz you don't know how many of our daughters and sons would like to be like him. No apologies for saying this, but he has sank kenya so low!

  19. What happened to the other side of the story? Koinange has not been heard, and we all seem to condemn the man. I dont care for Koinange (I do not know the guy other than from TV)but justice calls for just. Do not crossify the guy and you have only heard from this politician go getter lady. If Jeff is guilty, he should face the law, but do not forget probably the reason MB did not go to the police, a lot would come out to her discredit. KUMEKUCHA is very biased and only leans on the side of this woman. She is no fool, she has a lot of experience especialy with the mighty Kenyans - she is no fool. Koinange is the FOOL here.

  20. Kenyans are on fire on this blog. Why do we always seem to dwell on other people's downfalls like this? Is it because it makes us feel better about our failures and weaknesses. Do not celebrate because a Kenyan who was doing well with himself slipped and fell... and keep in mind everybody is innocent of such charges until proven guilty in a court of law. Let us see if Briner will bring charges against Jeff and see where it goes from there before we get so quick in judging and throwing stones at Jeff. I am a lady and not by any means defending the allegations against Jeff, the man has not had a chance to defend himself and until we hear his side of the story, we have no right to judge him. As for those who think his silence is an admission of guilt.... grow the hell up. As for 32 yr old man with no older than 24 yr old ladies, pedophilia or at one time you were one is all I can say to you. Is Kenya lacking mama's from your age group or are you a 24yr old stuck in a 32 yr old man's body. From what you said I belive the latter is true, because I don't remember this spot discussing age and dating.... mature up dude or keep to accounting, because that is what you seem to know best, Jinga.

  21. Nganga... looks like we were thinking of the same thing at the same time... I agree with you completely.

  22. You go Vikii !! Tell it as it is!

  23. A blog is a blog en will be a blog.

  24. I agree with you guys. Esspecially taboo


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