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Friday, May 18, 2007

Have You Ever Been Raped?


Most men and even some women visiting this site are making some extremely insensitive remarks about the Jeff Koinange date-rape saga. The comments are insensitive to women and these days even to men because men do get raped, even in Kenya.

Sometimes last year a man his wife and their young children were carjacked somewhere in Nairobi. In the horrifying encounter the thugs raped the man’s wife and then the man too in the presence of the children. Not in New York, folks. In Nairobi, Kenya.

So some of you may be making your comments a little prematurely and assuming that you are very safe. In fact if truth be told (because Kumekucha is not scared to discuss anything) most men have a rapist’s mentality. Just ask wives out there what happens when they are tired and not in the mood?

Rape is the worst possible crime that can be committed against anybody. Many communities prefer death and there are those who commit suicide after rape. In the case of the Jeff Koinange saga, it was date rape, but this is still rape. Having sex with a woman against her will and without her consent.
If you've not read the explosive and explicit new blog that details a bizarre exchange of email between Jeff Koinage and the woman who ended up being his date rape victim, you can see it for yourself NOW, HERE NB: Scroll down and start reading from the bottom coming up.
Interestingly some readers have even managed to somehow how bring in Raila Odinga’s name. I don’t understand what it has to do with this date rape saga. It seems like very soon Kenya will be burning down and instead of people getting pails of water to put off the flames, they will still be talking about Raila Odinga. Talk of Kenyans who are obsessed.

I find it fascinating that in the same way some of our Kenyan brothers are defending thieves of public funds and even known murders as the best candidates for the presidency, there are those who are blindly defending Jeff Koinange without knowing what they are doing or what exactly happened.

There are even those who still believe that Kumekucha or Mariane Brinner sat down and dreamt up this story to mess up Jeff Koinange’s reputation. Even when all the signs are there that something is definitely wrong (Jeff has not been on CNN for sometime now. Although he has just gotten back to Johannesburg and could go back on air any time soon).

What would you do if you found out that your friend is a carjacker? Would you shut up and look the other way? Or do you have a conscience that would somehow force you to do the right thing. I have said here before that Jeff is my friend and he knows my identity even as I publish this. But what he did in London was wrong. I sincerely believe that the man needs proessional help and I believe that by referring readers here to the rather explicit blog that has been published of his relationship with an older woman that led to rape, I am helping him by giving him a wake up call so that he seeks help before it is too late.

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  1. Reality and the truth are both very ugly. Only those with the guts to avoid blinkers can stare them in the face. Faint hearts resort to herd mentality where insecurity reigns supreme. Thank God for small mercies in those who live and stand by the truth. It will set you free, thank you.

  2. "In fact if truth be told (because Kumekucha is not scared to discuss anything) most men have a rapist’s mentality"

    this is just plain dumb..

  3. It might come as a surprise to many, but there are some women who maintain a humongous urge to be raped. Some veil this deviant behavior by espousing sexual bondage and what you may call rough sex with multiple partners. If in the US, listen to Howard Stern once in a while. Some have even gone as far as making cult movies.
    That being said, what JK did is despicable. Chris, please do not equate Date Rape with the common violent carjack rape ordeal in Githurai or Dandora. Date Rape is in fact more brutal and more prone to destabilizing a victim’s brain and thoughts in far more devastating ways. It’s one thing to be violated by a stranger…it’s another to be violated by a “best friend’ or the chap at the pub. Whereas the “mungiki type” rape will leave a woman (or man) scared, feeling unsafe, unclean, violated and totally worthless, Date rape worsens the complex by adding profound feelings of self-blame, naivety, mistrust and extremely poor judgment. Any woman raped by a father, uncle, brother or someone previously “in trust” will attest to the fact that it is possibly the most painful event one can be expected to overcome.
    Let no one belittle Jeff Koinange’s crime. The man should be in jail. Chastising Marriane Brinner for being raped is almost the same as saying she deserved it or that she led on Jeff to the act. It’s the same mungiki mentality that leads those jackasses into raping women wearing pants, mini skirts or those that are uncircumcised.
    If Jeff is innocent, then Marriane should be burnt at the stake, however, based on the information at hand, we cannot imagine that this old woman would invite the stigma of raped upon herself. She has no reason to make this up, further Jeff does not make enough money to attract extortionist.
    Now, if Chris/Kumekucha is just settling a score, then he should be frog matched to the abyss of hell.
    And to all men, whom we’ve been informed have a salient appetite for rape, pray for cancer to that part of your brain.

  4. I never thought I would say this, but, the issue of rape is real even to ordinary women in the average relationship. My boyfriend wanted sex so badly one night that he forced himself on me and refused to let go (never mind that it was after a difficult and emotional day for me and besides that, he didn't have a condom). Even though he eventually stopped when I started screaming and crying, I felt my trust was violated. I broke up with him. It could have been worse.
    That said, on Jeff's case, he joins a long list of men who haven't reconciled their place in society and their primitive approach towards women. It just seems that our dear African men still treat women as toys and/or trophies. This needs to change. Most of us want a strong, successful African male but it seems like for most, that's a ticket to reducing every woman to a sexual object. One known Kenyan I dated once told me that a "woman needs to be pinched in the buttocks once in a while to be laini-shwad and once you have bought her a house, a car, and given her two children, and a couple of gold jewelry pieces, she should hold her peace". But I digress.
    Back to Jeff, (and I don't mean to be sensationalist) Miriam once wrote that she is at least happy she didn't catch HIV. she may have caught Herpes. an acquaintance of mine is said to have caught Herpes from him a long time ago when they dated. It can't be cured. Ms. Brinner should have it checked.
    Lastly, we should stay away from exenorating pple from moral obligations just because they're famous and successful. Rape is rape whether it's by a famous person or some Dick in the village. To be fair though, we need to hear Jeff's side of the story.

  5. "women having a humongous" urge to be raped.

    What world are you living in???????

  6. Thank you guys for saying 'it as it is'. I must tell you though that i am a man and i dont have a rapist mentality. there are so many of those too willing women and i dont exactly catch why i should take the trouble of persuading or forcing anyone into the act. What i dont like is this cheap stuff where people conmpose stories for the sake of announcing their existence.

    I still mantain that based on the lies so far published in this blog, i am convinced that this is just another one in the series. THIS IS ANOTHER ONE OF THE MANY LIES PUBLISHED HERE.

    To those men who write small stories here calling themselves women who have been rapd, i have one message 4 ya. Next time it'll b ya mother, galfren or sister who will swallow the xperience.

    About raIA Odinga and rape, well i am afraid u misread the whole implication. Raila seems to be ya mother, father, girlfren, wife and god. he is a nobody and so i dont have any obsession with him. just another one of the 210 fellas in the house who absolutely make no sense neither to me nor 2 ma life. He means nothing more than an ugly idiot to me.

  7. I think we are talking of a woman who by being white thinks she can lay any man with a black skin and famous. Brinner says that she was Moi's girlfriend. before that, she was Njoroge Mungai's, before that, she had tried it out with other Kenyans, including Dr Robert Ouko, though she never laid him.
    And she said that one on Raila's trusted friends David Musila used to matchplay and take her around to conceal the affair with Moi. Musila was shaken by the claim.
    Later, she says that she knows how Dr Robert Ouko was killed and brings about a BAK theory. I have seen the BAK documents and no place is written that Ouko died because of it. Then Brinner should tell us who killed Dr Ouko.
    Is she not a shameless woman, paedophile, who years after sleeping with people close Jeff's relation, she could even afford to sweet talk the younger Koinange.
    It is low for Brinner and low that Kumekucha has these damaging documents exclusively. Third rate, I should say. But at what cost? Jeff is a celebrity and can afford to pull any bird he likes. Brinner to me, is any other white slut or whore as they are called in america and deserves nothing more than that from me.
    If she is genuine, why not report to the police. and why settle a rape case out of court. she is only bitter that she came to know that Jeff had a wife, if indeed she slept with him.
    To Jeff surely, is there no beautiful girl who can cry rape? Why Brinner???

  8. No I have never been raped. Even if I published a book and convinced my friend to promote it by claiming in his blogs that I have been raped by a celebrity, I still won't have been raped.

  9. Brinner didnt say she was raped. she just said it was rough! and considering Jeff had already promised her that am surprised that she is now complaining. this whore was sore just because she didnt hear from jeff after the deed. huh! ati she is even bleeding but she was yet to go to hospital. i see an attempt at blackmail here. and considering her associations before, i would have considered jeff to be one of the most civil she ever met! we shouldnt waste so much of our time on this kubaff woman!

  10. No I have never been raped- and if it happened (God forbid!) my first stop would be the police station not a BLOG!! What does this brainless woman think she is going to achieve-in a blog? JUSTICE?????????? I must say I am utterly surprised by the number of people who have believed this nonsense!! Those emails could have been written by anyone!!! I don’t know Jeff personally (though a few years ago my friends and i used to go mushy mushy over his voice-we were teenagers then..) whatever he does in private is his bizness…which is what y’all should do- mind your own biznesses!!

  11. This woman was not raped by jeff, she is an old dog who wants to spoil jeff's name and work.
    she should f*** of and leaveour kenyan mens alone, she wanted to try the deed with an african man and she got it.


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