Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Kenyan Prostitutes Flood London


The young Kenyan woman looked extremely respectable and with the sort of looks that trurns heads in the streets. She was using yahoo chat in the crowded cyber. I ignored her and quickly checked my email. It was one of those days and I was already running late for my next appointment. That’s the reason why I was a little annoyed when she tapped me gently on the shoulder requesting for my assistance.

As I helped her I couldn’t help noticing the last few lines of the online conversation she had been having with a person who could have been anywhere in the world. I could not believe my eyes and she giggled a little when she sensed my shock. The guy on the other side was saying that he was really looked forward to putting a certain part of his anatomy you know where. The “nice” lady said that she looked forward to seeing what it looked like and if the size was really what the man said it was. It was complete with all the four letter words.

I hurriedly looked away fairly embarrassed. You see I come from the old generation where even indulgers would usually hypocritically frown on exhibitionism where these matters are concerned.

I asked a friend of mine who owns a Cyber In Mombasa and what he told me shocked me. The biggest business for the cybers down there and I am told in Nairobi as well is from young women and men looking for companions abroad as their ticket out of the poverty and hopelessness that is the Kenya of today. My friend tells me that this amazing phenomenon has been fuelled by a number of success stories.

For a young man the idea here is to get some lonely old woman in the Western romantically interested. She arranges for him to fly there and he instantly gets residence status after marrying her. His options then increase dramatically after that.

For a young Kenyan lady like the one I met, the ides is to hook up with some nerd or old man lonely and looking for an energetic athletic young African to put back the spark into their twilight years. In return they provide residence status and a good life to their African bride.

But sadly what happens on the other end is more often than not very different. Many young Kenyans for instance end up joining prostitute rings without knowing it. As Kenyans living in London will tell you, there has been a marked increase of African prostitutes in many big European cities, more so London, and an alarming percentage of these girls are Kenyans.

Usually when you meet a Kenyan out there, the feeling is usually ecstatic, it kind of soothes your homesickness. However the site of a young Kenyan girl lost and destroyed forever in this trade is not something that would give me a good feeling, ever.

Many readers of this blog with comfortable lives usually feel that I am too negative and pessimistic about life in Kenya. But I only reflect the true state of affairs in our so called growing economy. The next government must very urgently address this hopelessness in our people.

Woman reveals nasty men habits nobody wants to talk about

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A Real Life Masai Story From Kenya: What To Do When Your Neighbor Falls Madly In Love With Your Wife

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The surprising real reason why more and more Kenyans are having steamy extra-marital affairs

Woman Murders Her Best Friend To Steal Her Husband As Science Proves That It Is Deadly For Women To Have Casual Sex



  2. My father has just been diagnosed HIV positive as a result of encounters with Kenyan prostitutes. He is old and lonely, a widower. He cannot accept that his 'girlfriend' is a prostitute despite the evidence. He has AIDS psychosis and will die, yet insists that he wants to be on Kenya. I have been robbed of my father.

  3. I think we are educating our people and they don't need a sympathy but an opportunity.


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