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Monday, September 30, 2013

Heads to roll over Westgate already earmarked plus new terrifying terrorist alert in Kenya

Taking into consideration the anger of Kenyans at the moment President Uhuru Kenyatta's handlers must know that heads will have to roll to complete the Westgate political damage control exercise. In my latest raw notes I reveal the names of the high and mighty whose heads have already been earmarked for the chopping block.

This is a good thing only that the list has omitted the most culpable and only has sacrificial lambs or people who were NOT the most responsible for allowing Westgate to happen despite receiving credible information on the looming horror complete with the exact date when it was going to happen.

To make matters worse, the government's damage control tactics have very little if any traces of remorse in them. It is clear that the same people who were making decisions in December and January 2008 are the very same people who have the president's ear now. Tactics include revising the death toll downwards in a desperate effort to downplay the true horror of the attack. The official government death toll of the post election troubles of 2007/2008 is still about 1,000 people which is laughable if we were not talking about such a serious tragic event. The number of people who lost their lives at Westgate on black Saturday cannot be below 200, experts say. Not 67 as the government keeps on emphasizing. You can imagine the distress of affected families who know that their kin are dead but the official position is that their whereabouts are unknown since no bodies have been found in the rabble at Westgate.

The other Kibaki tactic being used by Uhuru is to muzzle and bully the press and keep information away from the public under the pretext that Kenyans cannot handle the truth. Government spin doctors are even selling the idea that Kenya and KDF were victorious in the whole thing. Victory is hardly the word anybody would want to use over the Westgate tragedy. More so when it is clear that a large group of the terrorists escaped right under the noses of the KDF and Israeli commandos.


Keeping information from the public does not change the facts on the ground. Credible and experienced American intelligence reports indicate that yet another terrorist attack is imminent in Kenya. In fact these sources have reason to believe that terrorists have already been dispatched to four different locations and will reign terror at any moment. Well we went through the weekend safely but the attacks are still expected. And so fear will have to reign in the banana republic for sometime to come. Leisurely supermarket shopping for instance will be difficult. 

The US embassy in Kenya has advised their citizens to be alert and avoid crowded places as much as possible. They have also indicated that the attacks could come in the form of kidnappings of Americans and other westerners. The objective of blood thirsty Godane (ruthless leader of the al Shabab) is to cripple economic activity in Kenya and cause widespread fear as much as possible.

It is difficult to understand how the minds of Somali terrorists work. It is a well known fact that al Shabab militia come to Kenya on holiday. Money from piracy in the high seas landed and was spent in Kenya in sack-loads at the height of that activity helping to strengthen the Kenyan shilling substantially against major currencies of the world.
Reports indicate that even Godane himself has used a Kenyan passport a few times to travel overseas including to see his wife and kids based in the United Arab Emirates (see my special report
Horror at Westgate). Common thieves and criminals never do their thing where they live or holiday, but I guess terrorists are very different in this respect.

The recent actions of the terror group is creating a situation where there is massive hatred and suspicion directed at the Somali community in Kenya. As you read this it is extremely difficult for Somali nationals to gain entry into Kenya even by going round and coming in through Uganda (a favourite route for really dangerous terrorists who want to avoid detection at all costs). So how will they operate in future? I guess they will always find a way but by shutting down Kenya as their major conduit and playground their operations will be slowed down considerably. 

Mercifully there is a strong push within government to create a new Homeland security docket which will most probably happen and makes a lot of sense.

The Westgate attack and the fact that the government had prior information is the kind of thing that has brought governments down in the past. So what will happen in the Kenyan case and what is the true political impact going forward?
All the answers are in my latest raw notes published a few minutes ago. And some of those answers are surprising to say the least.

Read my special report Horror at Westgate which reveals great details on those behind the bloody attack on Westgate and previously unpublished info on the terror that went down.

Read shocking report; 6 Westgate attackers were Americans
I am giving away the special report Horror at Westgate for FREE. Get details now.

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

America in denial as a major breeding ground for terrorists

By Kumekucha reader
That has been my real beef with some of my so called distant relatives twice-removed who are base in the United States.

They have done everything to fault and deny any remarks that point out the fact about the majority of media outlets within their various fifty-something states - the equivalent of our little counties -continue to report 24/7 about Kenya Mall Attack without alluding nor acknowledging the reports that 6 Americans were involved in the said Westgate attack.

I wonder why the media outlets have found it notoriously difficult to explain it to their viewers and educate them more about the potential dangers of a segment of a lost generation of American born young adults.

Burying their heads in the sands of denial will not do them any good at the moment as well as in the future. 

Read my special report Horror at Westgate which reveals great details on those behind the bloody attack on Westgate and previously unpublished info on the terror that went down.

Read shocking report; 6 Westgate attackers were Americans
I am giving away the special report Horror at Westgate for FREE. Get details now.

Kumekucha tips you can use;

The most enjoyable short weekend holiday ya kumaliza stress that I have ever had and it is shockingly affordable. Just a weekend and you are back fresh in the office on Monday. I highly recommend this Affordable Kenya Holiday

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