Ruto jitters: Is Raila really back? | Kenya news

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Taylor Shaved 50 Years, Ocampo4 Next Clients

Jailing Charles Taylor's for 50 years must surely have sent chills up the spines of the Ocampo4. Not that they are guilty but their heads must be have gone into spins permuting what ugly prospects waits them.

Muting the hitherto pompous BUTCHER of Liberia must have left the local untouchables seeing red. But again ICC had set the bar when Uhuru discovered he was equal to Joshua Sang before Ekatherina.

Of Mungiki and blood diamonds

Taylor has been found guilty for arming Sierra Leone rebels in return for blood diamonds. In addition he was found responsible for aiding and abetting some of the most heinous crimes in human history.

With Mungiki back in full swing decapitating heads, Uhuru and Muthaura must be saying some very moving silent prayers. The monster is back eating its offspring.

After Lubanga, the Ocampo4 takes center stage at The Hague. The movie is not only a thriller but 'iBelieve' a box office. This is The Hague Express. Stay tuned.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Political Prostitution, Urinating on Voters' Grave

The season of political laundering is here and the heat gets a notch higher with every passing day. And the gullible Kenyan electorate is enjoying the movie with its varied adaptations.

It is that time in our electoral cycle when a name is more than just a cluster of letters to simply spell an identity. No, your name must equate to an ethnic group and you earn both friends and foes in equal measure depending on your political horse.

The biggest casualty in this madness is rule of law. The way MPs and our leaders are tramping on the so-called new constitution can only leave one wondering if the new document was worth the paper and ink used to author it.

It appears in Kenya we make laws with the sole purpose to break it. Or to be more precise the law is made for the ordinary folks while the high and might can trash it at will no consequence. Just look at the rate of party hoping. In the space of a month, an MP will have pledged allegiance to as many as four to five parties.

What is more, they have the cheek to even contemplate amending the laws to legalize party prostitution. The fact that serial defections have been a characteristic of our political system since 1992 is a cheap argument.

Milk on Professor's whiskers.

Until all Kenyans become subjects of same law, we are collectively living the national lie dreaming of delusional progress. But not when we end up comparing and supporting who authored the most lucrative scandal against Kenyan.

Just as one would want to reprimand Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto to walk the talk of civilized leadership, the likes of Prof Anyang Nyong'o must be held to account for the sickening smell of corruption at NHIF.

We gain nothing either as a nation or individuals by identifying and supporting our tribal chieftains. No scandal is a small scandal. It is not amateurish to be caught with droplets of NHIF milk on your whiskers.

Until we make corruption very expensive and embrace honesty (no doublespeak), Kenya will continue sinking deeper in abyss knowing very well we have what it takes to our country shine.

Kenyans remain toxically political because almost every facet of their lives life is impacted by actions and inactions made by political leaders. We can only free ourselves of these leeches by demanding the very best of our leaders. But can we? Please keep your answer and there is no prize for guessing.