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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Expansionist Museveni Walks to Fourth Term

While loudmouthed Dr. Kizza Besigye is shamelessly urging Ugandans to walk to work, the hard working revolutionist Yoweri Kaguta Miseveni hasjust been installed as the President for a fourth term in office. Kizza may have been Museveni's personal physician but he is no match to the real Sebo. No wonder his eyes were sprayed with deadly pepper and had to run to Nairobi for treatment.

Uganda needs Museveni more than Kaguta needs her. After JUST 26 years Ugandans seem to have forgotten that they owe everything to Yoweri. He deserves to stay in power until the natural equalizer beckons. If anything Leader Colonel Gaddafi himself told Museveni that revolutionists don't QUIT they soldier on and lord it over their subjects until the limbs fail.

The world can make all the noise they want but Museveni and Uganda are the same thing. All he needed at his inauguration ceremony are his TRUSTED neighbours and colleagues. With Mugabe, Moi and Kibaki around, Sebo is in good company.

Charity begins at home and already Museveni has shown the way and leading by example in uniting Africa. After expanding Uganda into Lake Victoria by adding Migingo, he has lately acquired Ugingo and we Kibaki must thank him on our behalf for his unmatched statesmanship and enterprising expansionist qualities.

As our own KK resident virtual economists will tell you for free all the West's eyes are singularly trained on Uganda's new-found oil. You need a strongman and battle hardened leader like Museveni to milk that wealth. Others must learn to wait for knock-down effects.

Congratulations are due to Kaguta. Twenty six years and counting. With First lady as minister, son leading the presidential guard and daughter as private secretary you are in safe hands.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Osama Head Prized Trophy, No Tears for Killer

They got him and he is dead. At long last Osama met his match and the hitherto tough-talking mass murderer was shot hiding behind his screaming wife whom he shamelessly turned into a human shield. What a royal coward? The lesson is clear. Behind the tough talk from fugitives resides the soft underbelly that epitomizes superlative cowardice. Professor Laurent Gbagbo hid behind his wife Simone before capture and now Osama tried to use his wife as a human shield. He may have lived large and sounded tough but that bravado melted when the time of reckoning came. Conspiracy theorists will be working overdrive flogging the tired lines of imperialism and Osama being the handiwork of US itself. But the bottom line for those Kenyans who have bored the raw brunt of his his murderous rage is he met his match. Live by the sword, die by the very blade. That Osama successfully played hide-and-seek for close to two decades evading capture does not subtract the fact that he was the ultimate evil. And back home one genociduer Felician Kabuga will be left scratching his head before he is smoked. He can run but cannot hide forever. No amount of fraud will buy his eternal freedom from corrupt Kenyans. Osama is down and out and that leaves the world without one devil incarnate. At the risk of sounding sadistic, kudos to the executioners.