Ruto jitters: Is Raila really back? | Kenya news

Friday, August 31, 2007

2007 General Elections Will Be Held Before Christmas


Several quarters have confirmed that the President has said that he would like Kenyans to enjoy their Christmas holidays this year without any approaching elections over their heads. In other words, he is looking for an election date before Christmas.

Analysts believe that it would have to be shortly after Jamuhuri day (independence day) which falls on December 12th. This makes our countdown a little complicated, (does it not, Bwana Luke?)

Since 1992 and the re-introduction of multi-party politics, the general elections have traditionally been held shortly after Christmas and before the New Year. Incidentally this kind of arrangement allows for maximum participation as most Kenyans are in their rural homes at that time. However holding the elections...

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Carjackings have Ended In Nairobi—Mutua


In his weekly press briefing this morning, government spin-doctor, Alfred Mutua said that carjackings were now a thing of the past in Nairobi and no longer exist. What???

While it is true that they have greatly reduced, making such a sweeping statement is surely premature and highly misleading from a government spokes person. More so when we all know that many other types of violent crime (hardly reported in the mainstream media, and we know why) continue just as before.

This is a cheap campaign gimmick.

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