Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Make Serious Money Using Blogs Or Generate Plenty Of Traffic For Your Site

Let me save you precious time. The people who will benefit from reading this article are ONLY those seeking to do the following 2 things;

1) You are looking to make money online using the World Wide Web (The writer of this article regularly receives cheques in the mail generated from his blog).

2) Your web site hardly gets visitors and you would love to find a way to generate a constant flow of targeted visitors to your site. (The writer of this article has several sites that attract an average of over 1,000 unique visitors daily)

If you do not fall into these two categories save yourself time and move on. If you can identify yourself with at least one of the two problems, read on, today is your lucky day. By the way you can also do both the 2 things with one single blog (hit two birds with one stone, so to speak).

This a genuine golden opportunity for Kenyans and many people from other African countries to cash in using the World Wide Web and it does not matter what remote part of the country they are living in. Allow me to explain.

If you are looking for some information to solve a certain problem you are facing, where do you usually go? Say you wanted to purchase a new mobile phone and you wanted to first see what kind of prices shops are charging for your favorite Nokia models? Increasingly people in Africa are joining the trend in the rest of the world and are using the Internet. To be more specific, the Google search engine. You go to Google and type the words "mobile phone prices in Nairobi" or "cell phone prices Kenya." These days you may not need to type in Kenya, you just go to the Kenyan Google at

You will get some results and you will then go to specific sites to seek answers to your questions or solutions to your problems.

Now here is the big opportunity you should cash in on. Most times people who search for information on Kenya online end up disappointed or dissatisfied and these are people looking to spend money. Recently I have been helping out a client who has set up a Kenyan Online directory and we constructed a simple page on budget accommodation in Kenya. We have been receiving a huge number of direct email enquiries from mostly the United Kingdom of tourists planning to visit Kenya looking for budget hotels. Most of these budget hotels do not even have sites and where they do, they are impossible to find on Google because in the first place their sites are not even indexed by Google. (indexed means that Google has not recognized their existence). Emails to them take days and even weeks to be answered. People are really asleep, these are customers looking to spend money!!

This is sad because there is a very easy way to correct the problem. You do not need a lot of money to get an online presence. You can easily launch a blog and include everything you ever wanted anybody to know about your business including photographs of your product.

You can use the same blogs to write about any subject of your choice and make money (more on that later).

The bottom line is that these days you really can't make money online without blogs. It is no longer a secret that blogs are by far the highest traffic generating mediums ever created on the World Wide Web. Numerous folks are also using blogs to directly make a bundle from a few selected affiliate programs.

Check out any high traffic, well-known site you know of and they are bound to have a blog. Blogs, because of their characteristics, thrive on lots of content and their ability to generate links in the blogosphere almost effortlessly and will usually be easily indexed and will rank a lot higher in search engine results than ordinary sites. This means that they will almost always generate a lot more traffic than web sites from people making searches at Google.

Maybe you do not know this, but the highest earning cash generating affiliate programs which are also the easiest to earn revenue from online, like Adsense from Google and Kontera only work where there is lots of content, like is usually the case with blogs.

It is not too difficult to set up a cash generating blog of your own or one to generate traffic for your business product or to refer to your existing web site. But even better, you can get an expert to set up your blog for you so that it is indexed and optimized with search engines. Meaning that somebody searching for your service using a search engine will easily find you.

The search engine statistics cannot be ignored. Sample this, the search industry market leader Google reports that a staggering 64 million people use Google search daily to seek for information (2005 figures, meaning that today it is even higher).

This is truly a golden opportunity for you. There are customers out there right now looking for your products and services and cheques are waiting to be signed and sent to your post office box regularly.

Find some help in setting up your blog NOW

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Chris for your good post on blogging. I may consider your offer later, when I get into serious blogging.


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