Ruto jitters: Is Raila really back? | Kenya news

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Why The Kibaki Administration Is Insisting On New Constituencies


At an unguarded moment recently Justice Minister Martha Karua let it slip that new constituencies "are a must". The clear implication was unlike the minimum reforms being pushed for by the opposition, the Kibaki administration is keen, nay desperate to have the number of MPs increased.

And true to her word, that bill has already been published and is now awaiting debate.

The big question is why is the Kibaki administration so keen on new constituencies just now and why is it so urgent?

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Used computers in Mombasa

New SMS campaign technique for Parliamentary and presidential elections in Kenya

Why Chris Murungaru Should Be Re-Appointed To The Cabinet Immediately


WARNING: This is a tongue-in-the-cheek post

Dear Kumekucha,

Allow me some space in your blog which is losing readership, contrary to what your hit counter is showing, but where I am pleased to note that people like Luke have acknowledged that the economy is growing so much so that they are constantly admiring its' upward swing.

I suspect that you will not publish this post because yours is clearly Raila Odinga's 3rd campaign site. The first is, the second is and Kumekucha is the third.

However I am no idiot and I have my own strategy to ensure that you publish this important patriotic post. I am reliably informed that you never read posts contributed by others and only use the spell checker to find certain words and phrases to hurriedly post them. I hereby include those words to be found by your spell checker so that you duly publish this post. Here are the magic words; Raila, Raila Odinga, Tom Mboya, JM Kariuki, Robert Ouko.

Now let me get to my point and the whole reason for writing this. I have watched with interest and I must say lots of delight and overwhelming joy as certain cabinet ministers linked to the scandal that never was, called Anglo Leasing have been re-appointed to the cabinet...

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New SMS campaign technique for Parliamentary and presidential elections in Kenya

Why a free ad in the Kenya Online Directory will be so effective