Tuesday, June 24, 2008

PNU’s Tower of Babel Fate with Reality

Political events in the recent past and new future may expose the vulnerability of many top shots. Ford-K has just REDISCOVERED itself and promptly ditched PNU following hot in the heels of Narc Kenya and remnants of Kanu. So what will be fate and face of PNU as a party?

Uniting singularly from fear of the opponent is a hollow premise that is not sustainable in the long run. The truth is PNU was and is not a political party in the strict sense of the word. Instead it is a conglomeration (nay patch work) of selfish and scared political entities whose common denominator was fear of the unknown. The chickens are coming home to roost and the typical DECEPTIVE Kenyan brand of politics is eventually crawling out of the word works. Poor Gabriel Kombo! He chairs a party with MPs who consider themselves more valuable than him. Muskari had even to resort to his stock in trade of political black mail, threats and canvassing to get nominated to parliament.

But the real fireworks kick off this weekend in Naivasha when Kibaki succession in disguise takes centre stage at the Narc-K convention. The iron lady is leaving nothing to chance and already has the professor of mathematics boxed into a political corner. But not so fast because you only write off the George at you own peril. Prof Kiarie Kinuthia already has feelers in DP as a fall back position just incase things turn out nasty. The professor of topology can ill afford a rematch reminiscent of the Kasarani drama of the (in) famous KIMYA PROFESA and THERE COMES A TIME……..
Facade of unity
We are already into the season of political positioning and realignment. The casualties will predictably reactivate numerous moribund 100+ parties to sustain the nauseating Kenyan political circus. Forget about the so-called the government of grand coalition which was a detour in the political ego trip. The race has just begun pitting Martha, George and UK. All have their eyes on the ultimate price. The facade of unity and hard ball politics exhibited so far will soon melt into oblivion as each pursues his/her individual trophy.

PNU supporters will soon pay the ultimate price of owning a shell as the elements scatter into the four wings of the world. Well, the truism that the easiest way of uniting people is to create a common enemy (real or perceived) couldn’t have been more apt. The tragedy comes when the elements eventually split away from that enemy in pursuit of individual glory/goals. By then you have got no reason to be together until you start looking at each other by which time you start again looking for another enemy within your ranks. And the circular motion continues.


  1. Sad, isn't it? From terror to terror. Here, AP reports what the Kenyan military to children in the name of fighting SDLF http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080625/ap_on_re_af/kenya_children_in_crossfire.

  2. Taabu

    first i digree with due apology but found this article and was just amazed


    first terrorized by militia, then the so called peace enforcers, what kind of animals do we have running our police and army? where are the soldiers we used to enjoy their company at those famous beer dens, very upright solid citizens always quick to come to the aid of another kenyan?

    I just cant beleive these are teh same guys being given such high praise in foreign peace keeping missions. something is badly wrong

    that PNU bandwagon was/is an amazing work of tailoring, with different virakas of amazing dimensions "glued" together to form a suit for kibaki to wear to as presidential gown last year. that it has held together so far at least from the front doesnt tell you much about the back but we assume its also holding. for how long, and what the rains will do to it we are yet to find out. some of the pieces that fell off are being slapped back on (tuju, kombo, sijui nani) with the same glue but there are some who find it quite fashionable, lets hear what they have to say.


  3. poor taabu,

    seems like your handle, you have been in trouble all your life. now even PNU's unity is part of your trouble. PNU is not complaining, in fact they seem more in power than the 'mighty' ODM colleagues. See, ODM (read Raila) with all the 'executive' powers cannot release their militia from prison.

    so after praising Raila, now its PNU bashing....ha ha ha ha ha. talk of rocking chairs, then tomorrow we praise Raila, ODM or any of the cry babies.


  4. i wonder why the Presidency is of consequence at yet the constitutional review is intended to create a parliamentary system. i think this conjecture is premature unless of course the review is headed to the grave and thats another issue altogether

  5. opande write to zim generals

  6. Ivy @8:27 you mean the name IVY is just too Irresistible that you just have to impersonate it...Any way don't worry we can share it....The main difference between me and you is that i dont laugh so loudly, I try as much as possible to apply decorum in everything that i do. Have a good day "IVY"

    Back to the post...Urxlnc has siad it well and their is nothing more to add...Once a short has been pigwad kiraka mob, it comes a time when the kiraka or the patches can't hold it anymore...Kwanza kiraka ya simba (ford-K) itself they wanted a coup...Musikari must go...By the way who does he represent anyway?
    UK was ousted by one Gideon Moi so where does that leave him...I guess he is the only one who will remain in PNU...The architect of PANUA (Noah Wekesa) where does he belong?
    So viraka zikishapsuka, where does that leave you, you must buy a new short...there is no choice or you walk exposed which i dont think is such a good idea.

    You see PNU is like a house built on sand....Its fate was already known even before it was formed....Their main objectives was what?


  7. Who is this pathetic fellow impersonating Ivy imagining that we will not notice? PNU has always been a non-entity and is destined for the bins. It's obvious for all to see.

  8. The writer of this article is either ignorant or living in self denial. Taabu, don't mistake me. I am not opening a new war-front with you. But you know as well as I do that political parties mean nothing in Kenya. Come 2012, they'll cobble up something, say, DAPU (Democratic Alliance Party of Unity), go ahead and steal elections then break up and wait for 2017. PNU was a conglomeration of parties and individuals who had only one thing in common; Kibaki's re-election (and their own re-election to Parliament by hanging on Kinaki's tail). No wonder they were so much for the 3 piece voting system and when Kibaki did not endorse the same, most of them fell by the wayside to the likes of SAFINA. Taabu, even if Kibaki had won the election (Of course he did not win), PNU would still have collapsed. As some of you have put it, it was a house built on sand, a cloth with so many patches.

    I do not want to dwell so much on PNU coz to me, it's a non-entity, a non-starter. What is bringing UK, Martha, Kalooser, Kinuthia and so many "PNU" hawks together is one denominator called Kibaki. Once Kibaki is out of the way, it will be everyone for himself. That's why everyone is trying to cut a niche for himself/herself.

    Now to ODM, who told you that it will last long? From the looks of things, Ruto's name will definitely be on the ballot come 2012. Once this comes out in the open, be sure you'll see posts here how Ruto is undermining the PM, how Ruto did this, did that! I am an ODM supporter but I still maintain that RAO made a mistake. And that's Ruto's catch. Once the "Freedom fighters" are out of prison, Ruto will drift away. Right now he needs Raila. But at the same time, he's leading RAO to the rope. Raila is going to hang himself and he'll have no one to blame. Raila made a mistake. You don't get into a pact to share the meat with someone who steals your cow. He'll poison that same meat that he gives to you!!!

    Anyway, can Kumekucha write something about today's headline in the Nairobi Star. I found it funny and very interesting.

    Always Chief Dr. Al Hajj, M.A. (Minus Opportunity) Nanga, MP.

  9. "Water Minister Charity Ngilu accused some Government officials of applying selective justice. "Why is it that those who stole the election are free while the youths are languishing in custody?" she asked.

    PNU, ODM in secret talks over amnesty

    Published on June 25, 2008, 12:00 am

    By Standard Team

    Key parties in the Coalition Government are holding secret talks over the unending amnesty debate.

    PNU and ODM representatives are engaged in a series of meetings over the continued confinement of youths linked to post-election violence.

    And so urgent is the matter that it has been listed as priority in the next Cabinet meeting, The Standard has learnt.

    The secret discussions are focussed on whether the suspects of post-election violence should be granted a blanket amnesty and those already charged in court pardoned.

    As this emerged, some politicians lobbying for the blanket amnesty told the police to account for all the missing youths.

    A spotlight was focussed on the police, who are adamant that they do not know the whereabouts of some youths and gave disputed statistics of the suspects they are holding in custody.

    According to our sources, both ODM and PNU want to come up with an acceptable solution based on information gathered from the ground.

    The parties are agreed that the continued incarceration of the suspects was creating tension across the country.

    The source said: "When all the information is gathered, analysed and the nature of crime committed by each suspect categorised, it will be forwarded to President Kibaki to either implement it in total or order that the due process of the law is followed."

    He said the two sides, with the help of a special team of officers, were collecting information on the whereabouts of the missing persons, those in custody and those who have not been able to pay fines imposed by courts.

    ODM has insisted that the youths be released unconditionally while PNU, led by Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister Martha Karua, says serious crimes against humanity must not be forgiven.

    "The next Cabinet meeting will have the amnesty issue top on the agenda, and with progress this time because we do not want to stick on an issue that is causing tension across the country," said one of the ministers who talked to The Standard on condition that he was not named.

    The two sides have agreed to have the information from the ground, through police stations and CID offices.

    "From there, they will be able to agree on who should be released and who should not. The issue of the missing persons is also emerging as a serious one," the minister said.

    This comes in the wake of a statement released by the police giving figures on those in their custody.

    Agriculture Minister William Ruto, whose Uasin Gishu District was among the most affected regions, however, told the police they owe Kenyans an explanation over the unaccounted for youths.

    Ruto said it amounted to belittling other Kenyans for the police to claim they do not have the correct figures of suspects in their custody.

    On Monday, police spokesman Eric Kiraithe talked of missing youths and announced the establishment of a special team to sift through the maze of post-election crimes.

    Water Minister Charity Ngilu accused some Government officials of applying selective justice. "Why is it that those who stole the election are free while the youths are languishing in custody?" she asked.

    Three MPs from Western Province said some youths arrested in the region over post-election violence were still in police custody.

    Ben Washiali (Mumias), David Were (Matungu), and Manyala Keya (Lurambi) said the youths should be released since they were fighting for democracy.

  10. Hehehehehe Ivy, I see you have an admirer. Dont worry about it, the problem with some people from certain political camps is that they cannot do anything right, you saw how foolishly they stole the elections, apply that same principle here and you see where they are coming from. It was so obvious that, that was not you. I saw Taabu had the same problem last week. Poleni.

  11. Mcheku/Nyakamlago...Precisely, rather than stealing a name...What is in a name anyway?
    They are also trying to "DIVIDE AND RULE".....It is all vanity

    Give us more news on the mad man Robert Gabriel, what is he upto? Kombo is just disappointed that he wasn't given a flag....Kwani even him apewe nomination na pia bendera...I have realized that Mudavadi is one principled man...Refused nomination and built a name for himself, how i wish Kombo kombo would have done the same thing si kwanza that seat was taken away from a woman and given to him ...Shame, shame on him when he started sulking, blackmailing and threatening Kibs that he would pull out from PNU...By the way how many MPS did Ford-K have?


  12. Now that someone has decided to steal my name, i have decided henceforth to use my maiden name Akinyi. Hope no one will try to grab this one too.
    Kindly take note loving Kumekucha fraternity.


  13. Ei yawa.....From being a samia girl from funyula massive to a luo girl... from where again? But do i say? It is a pleasure. I have been waiting for such an opportunity all my life!!!!

    Ivy@1:08 then why the heck are you still signing Ivy.....I thought you were supposed to be Akinyi

    P.S....Dont always assume that all RAO fans are luos. The only difference between me and RAO is that you dont steal from me and walk scot free!!! Kibaki did so dont count on that buddy?


  14. Blogger ikumba said...
    i wonder why the Presidency is of consequence at yet the constitutional review is intended to create a parliamentary system. i think this conjecture is premature unless of course the review is headed to the grave and thats another issue altogether
    8:36 PM

    Precisely Ikumba. It is unlikely that the review process will ever see light of day. As it is, whereas the ODM and civil society is pushing for the adoption and review of the Bomas draft, your know-it-all Justice Minister insists that the moribund Wako draft must also be included. You and I know the Wako draft was outrightly rejected in the 2005 referendum and it is the height of mischief to try and sneak it back through the back dooer of the coalition accord. Besides, it is an insult to the intelligence of the people of this country.

    On the other hand, the Bomas draft was a product of a very comprehensive and representative process where all interest groups were involved. It was passed at the Bomas conference according to LAW and it is what should have been tabled for the referendum. The fact is, no other constitutional process has ever been as deep and as extensive as the Kenyan process that brought the Bomas draft which took nearly a decade to prepare and that which cost the Kenyan tax payer several billions of shillings (plus the life one Dr. Mbai).

    So I can easily see that unless Kibaki wakes up from his slumber and over rules Martha Karua, the reform process will FAIL again and Kenyans will be left with a outdated consitution that gives us a imperial presidency and has been the cause of 99% of all problems since independence!

    What is alarming is that, although the GCG is trying to portray a picture of UNITY, things are quite different behind the scenes; cabinet ministers are being summoned to meetings in secret. Kalonzo is trying to mobilise his group, Kibaki is organising his forces while Raila has been left to market Kenya internationally and attend public gathering locally. This is what has forced Raila to summon a pentagon meeting in the last two weeks (read below)

    Blogger Chief Dr. Al Hajj, M.A. (Minus Opportunity) Nanga, MP.
    @11:46 PM Said....

    Now to ODM, who told you that it will last long? From the looks of things, Ruto's name will definitely be on the ballot come 2012. Once this comes out in the open, be sure you'll see posts here how Ruto is undermining the PM, how Ruto did this, did that! I am an ODM supporter but I still maintain that RAO made a mistake. And that's Ruto's catch. Once the "Freedom fighters" are out of prison, Ruto will drift away. Right now he needs Raila. But at the same time, he's leading RAO to the rope. Raila is going to hang himself and he'll have no one to blame. Raila made a mistake. You don't get into a pact to share the meat with someone who steals your cow. He'll poison that same meat that he gives to you!!!

    I disagree with your view Chief. The ODM has always stated that it is on a journey and the grand coalition was just but a brief stop-over. The destination is of course the total achievement of the ODM manifesto...new constitution, better life for all Kenyans, etc, etc.

    Chief, You also are making a fatal assumption that voters in the Rift Valley will blindly follow William Ruto to whichever other political party he goes to! Just before Ruto, the same was said of Moi. What you forget that the Kenyan voter knows exactly what he wants. He wants a better life for himself and his children. There is only ONE single political party in this country that has shown the will to deliver what Kenyans want. This party is ODM. I am sure you agree with me, the time for blindly following individuals for ethnic reasons is long gone.

    I will confide in you that there have been spirited attempts both Kibaki (PNU) and Moi (KANU) to break-up the ODM. The Kalonzo/Uhuru (ODM-K) axis has also been trying very hard to woo Ruto to their side. As late as last week, prior to Raila trip to the USA, there was a pentagon meeting at Pentagon house. This meeting was called specifically to discuss the Kones/Larboso acident and also political strategy. Apparently Mudavadi has been approached with a Chairmanship of a certain political party (read- KANU) and a possible short at the presidency in 2012. Apparently there is a group of Kenyans who are wise enough to know at this early stage the ONE of THEM shall never be elected president again - if the experience of 2007 is anything to go by. Meanwhile, William Ruto has been approached on numerous occassions to defect with ODM MPs with the promise of a future Prime Minister's post and cabinet appointments for his people. Ruto has also been promised an amnesty for his imaginary role in the post election violence in Rift Valley. The person making this promise is desperate to curve a national outlook for himself and his sorry political party!

    So far, only Nyagah, Ngilu and Raila have not been approached!

    The ODM Pentagon emerged from the meeting as strong as ever and if you have any reason to doubt this; please listen to the speeches of Mudavadi,Ruto and Ngilu during Lorna's funeral! The youth must be released unconditionally. If not, then let us all be arrested and charged for calling MASS ACTION. This is not negotiable and Kibaki knows it. The same speeches were expected to replayed at the funeral of Kones' but the PNU side quickly agreed to re-visit the issue of releasing ODM youth and discuss it at cabinet and party level as No. 1 priority.

    You see guys, what I have heard but I am yet to confirm is that Kombo and FORD-K are sending feelers to ODM. FORD-K is feeling the heat from two sides. ODM and KADDU. The recent by-election in Emuhaya was a clear manifestation that FORD-K is finished in Western province. The co-operation request from Kombo was first sent through Hon. Eugene Wamalwa during Raila's thanksgiving in Bondo. It is a little belated in my opinion because ODM has already taken over FORD-K strong hold of Bungoma and Kitale. Unless FORD-K disolves and joins ODM the time for ethnic chiefs like Kombo is long gone. He can try as much as possible to look for political relevance but the people of Bungoma have moved on

  15. Taabu,

    PNU is not like ODM. There is no comparison.

    I said the other day; ODM is a party of tackiness as par excellence. In plain English it’s a party of cheapness at its best.
    ODM was born out of ‘NO’ vote following the rejection of proposed constitution in 2005 while PNU was created just before the Dec election to promote peace and unity with a coalition of several parties, including: KANU, Narc-Kenya, Ford-Kenya, Ford-People, Democratic Party, Shirikisho among others.

    As for Kibaki succession, I, for one would like to see the constitution change so that Kibaki can run for the third term. If that’s not possible I would like to see Chirau Mwakwere or Danson Mungatana succeeds president Kibaki. If that’s still not possible I would vote resoundly for Kalonzo Musyoka as the next president.

    I don’t even mind Martha Karua.

  16. Okay were we comparing ODM and PNu? Unless i saw something else. You see jamaas dont fail exams coz they are fools it is just coz we dont answer the question as it is asked...We formulate our own questions and answer.
    Some one is still trying to say PNU is an amalgamation of parties whereas Taabu is saying that the parties that formed PANUA are all moving out of the PNU..Yes the virakas zinajipanga.
    A minister who can't run his own ministry.....How do we entrust him with a whole nation considering that a place like Langata has slums all over? Ask Atwoli i didn't say that.


  17. Kwale, dream on. Your assessment of ODM and PNU is grossly off the mark.

    Comparing ODM and "the panua party" is like comparing a Brand new ferrari and an old (1971) delapidated VW beetle. Simply no comparison! "the panua party" is the party of the mediocre past while ODM is the party of the bright future. This future would have come much earlier if only "the panua party" had not STOLEN THE ELECTIONS of Dec '07

  18. kwale simply cannot lick enough ass

  19. Kwale,
    I hear you bro except I would kindly advice you to do what you know best-offering BUS 100 classes and peddling two PPs and crowning it with CELLULITE-free beau. Otherwise you sound like a politician scorned. You are trying too hard to identify with people to qualify your handle. Man the linguistic and bravado DNA gives you out. Poor Kwale, leta ingine.

  20. Phil,
    Having read your comments in general I can confidently say that you are a sensible person; objective to some extent- hence my need to engage you in 'alternative thought'.

    "The ODM has always stated that it is on a journey and the grand coalition was just but a brief stop-over. The destination is of course the total achievement of the ODM manifesto...new constitution, better life for all Kenyans, etc, etc.

    Chief, You also are making a fatal assumption that voters in the Rift Valley will blindly follow William Ruto to whichever other political party he goes to! Just before Ruto, the same was said of Moi. What you forget that the Kenyan voter knows exactly what he wants. He wants a better life for himself and his children. There is only ONE single political party in this country that has shown the will to deliver what Kenyans want. This party is ODM. I am sure you agree with me, the time for blindly following individuals for ethnic reasons is long gone"

    Politicians by nature are self serving. For the country to benefit, there needs to be congruence between the needs of the political class as well as the needs of the common mwananchi. With this in mind, I believe that neither the ODM nor the PNU can deliver a 'people-driven' constitution. In fact, the major stumbling block to the attainance of a 'mwananchi' constitution has been the very same politicians! It is obvious that competing interests in the political class want to use the constitutional review process to either gain or consolidate power.

    (Case in point-the executive. RAO was pushing for an executive PM model- basically Westminister model while The Baks pushed for the Presidency model. The rationale for the Westminister model is acceptable to most. However, the contentious issue is direct elections(or lack thereof) of the Head of Government. How can the MP of say, Wajir East have the same say(in electing the PM) as of Embakasi??? The difference in population is significant enough to cause a major distortion, especially since the constituency boundaries were systematically re-drawn to Baba Moi's(and by extension KANU) advantage. Ideally, an MP should represent say 140,000 people for this system to work. However, methinks RAO's insistence in the Bomas draft as it were was a means of consolidating power by taming the Kikuyu vote. The Baks also watered down the Bomas Draft significantly to ensure an Imperial presidency, therefore attempting to bastardize a once noble process so as to hold on to power.)

    In an ideal world, the political class should be consulted from time to time regarding the constitutional making process, more or less in the same way other stakeholders e.g. the youth, religious bodies etc are consulted. In no uncertain terms should they be the ones to LEAD the process as they are currently proposing. THIS CAN ONLY LEAD TO DOOM!!

    It is also very naive of you to imagine that the era of tribal politics in Kenya has ended. As the recent Kilgoris by election has shown, even bitter rivals are willing to unite(Baba Dennis,Konchellah and Nkaissery) to ensure that one of their own was elected MP. Currently, Ruto is the King pin of the Kalenjin, and that is why the kalenjin are in ODM, not because they believe in the manifesto- because their interests are being met. Therefore, wherever Ruto goes,the kalenjin masses will follow. That is the TRUTH.

  21. Taabu,
    If you want a CELLULITE-free beau I can sure help you find one. No problems mate.
    Just drop me an email with your specifications.

  22. Blogger Ngunyi Ngunjiri 6.28am

    Thank you Sir, now we are talking serious debate. How I wish some of these diaspora characters would reason like you do Ndugu Ngunyi! (Taabu could you please move this thread to the top?)

    Firstly, you need to acknowledge that members of parliament were DELEGATES at the Bomas conference and not POLITICIANS. Members of Parliament are elected by the people and therefore are true representatives of the people. Unless, of course you mean the impossibility, that by a people’s-driven’ constitution, all 30million Kenyans should converge at a mega-Kasarani stadium as equal delegates to deliberate and come up with a constitution! In other words WHICH other better way can a country nominate genuine people’s representatives to critical conference if NOT members of parliament elected by the people themselves?

    Secondly, you misunderstood what RAO has been pushing for I will be glad to clarify it for you.

    We in ODM are for a parliamentary system of government. It does not necessarily mean that we want RAO to be the Prime Minister. The ODM favours this system of governance because, among other things, government accountability is brought to the floor of the national assembly, where again, the true peoples’ representatives – MPs - , can question and put to task the Prime Minister on a daily basis during parliamentary sessions. On the other hand, for well documented reasons, the PNU favours (imperial) presidential system that consolidates state power into the hands of one man and his cronies. You will never see President Kibaki in parliament answering questions from MPs. Instead he will be at State House shooting down motions which MPs have already passed by not accenting to them! (How Moi used to love that) There is also lack of accountability and transparency in the PNU system and even worse this system makes the executive much more powerful than the legislature which in all sense and purpose DEMOCRACY (ie, FOR the people and OF the people and BY the people!) Incidentally, it is DEMOCRATIC to say that the executive prime minister should also be the leader of the party with a majority of MPs in the national assembly. Again here, I re-emphasize MPs are elected by the people at the grassroots. How does it feel now that the President is leader of a minority party with powers to appoint cabinet ministers, judges, and many others yet he has fewer representatives from his party in parliament? Daylight robbery if you ask me! If he has to do this, let parliament VET all presidential appointments/actions. Parliament is the people!

    Contrary to what you purport that RAO is only in this for personal gain or for taming the GEMA vote, RAO is only pushing for what I believe majority of Kenyans desire (remember to emphatic NO vote in 2005?).

    The Kilgoris by-elections exposed yet again some of the historical injustices that ODM has been trying to push for a resolution. Maasai’s fear that they are systematically being pushed from what they call their historical land, and they assume that this normally begins with having leaders from a ‘visiting’ tribe elected as MPs or councilors. This is just but an old fashioned perception that we must fight among all our people. You heard Raila himself say that he would bring Kibaki to Kisumu and Bondo. Althought the crowd was not receptive to these remarks (I understand the bitterness), it takes time to change attitudes and for leaders to be accepted. Afterall, no other province gave more votes (%) than Nyanza in 2002 when Kibaki was first elected after being a perennial failure in the presidential race, right?

    I also wish to point out that in Luo Nyanza for instance, Kisumu has now an MP of Indian origin on ODM ticket – a truly remarkable achievement for a constituency outside Nairobi and in what is called an ODM strong hold of Luo Nyanza. In addition, for the last 5 years, the Mayor of Migori in Nyanza has not been an indigenous Luo but a muslim councilor originating from the North Eastern Province. The fact that these two individuals were elected in areas where they stand NIL chance if ethnic considerations were to be taken speaks volumes about the orange Democratic Movement and the people of Nyanza Province!

    Many factors contribute to a people in one area not wanting to accommodate a different community in their neighbourhoods. ODM is fighting this and believe you me, ODM will be the next party after FORD-K, to have MPs elected from all the 8 provinces of Kenya. As it is, I remind you RAO got a majority in six provinces while MK and KM were languishing their ethnic cocoons. That is the message Kenyans were sending to the old order politicians. Whereas Ruto is just cutting his teeth as a leader of the Kalenjins, he still has a long way to go before he can scale the heights which Moi had done when he was president. Moreover, with the current constitution, the Kalenjin know that one of their own is still has a long way to go before they can be elected president – even Moi managed the fete ONLY by dividing the opposition votes and putting the likes of Martin Shikuku in his pocket!

    Au sio ndugu Ngunyi?

    (excuse the typos)

  23. True to his character,Kagame has no time/regard for the DULY Elected ......

    "On arrival President Kibaki was received by Rwandese Prime Minister Rt Hon. Bernard Makuza, the Minister for East African Community Hon Amason Jeffa Kingi and Kenya's ambassador to Rwanda Mr. Alex Ketter and other mission staff of the Kenyan Embassy."

    President arrives in Kigali for EAC Summit
    Written By:PPS , Posted: Wed, Jun 25, 2008

    President Mwai Kibaki has arrived in Kigali Wednesday to attend the 9th Ordinary Summit of the East African Community -EAC- Heads of State.

    The plane carrying President Kibaki and his entourage touched down at the Kayibanda International Airport, Kigali shortly before 3 pm.

    On arrival President Kibaki was received by Rwandese Prime Minister Rt Hon. Bernard Makuza, the Minister for East African Community Hon Amason Jeffa Kingi and Kenya's ambassador to Rwanda Mr. Alex Ketter and other mission staff of the Kenyan Embassy.

    Thereafter President Kibaki inspected a guard of hopnour mounted by a detachment of the Rwandan armed forces before being entertained by groups of traditional dancers.

    Accompanying the President were Transport Minister Hon. Chirau Ali Makwere, Permanent Secretary Foreign Affairs, Mr Thuita Mwangi and State House Comptroller, Mr Hyslop Ipu among other senior government officials.

    Later President Kibaki inspected a guard of troops in line mounted by Rwandese Ceremonial Guards and was also entertained by several groups of traditional dancers.

    President Kibaki is expected to address the official opening of 1st East African Investment Conference on Thursday, which is jointly organized, by the East African Community, the Government of Rwanda, the East African Business Council, the Commonwealth Business Council and the Investment Promotion Authorities of all the five EAC member states.

  24. even a baby could have told you that PNU was a conglomeration, and wouldnt have survived until 2012. Even the supporters were aware that the common interest was not to have Raila as president. Now that he's prime minister, the alignments must change. And you shouldnt be surprised if ODM realigns itself again either

  25. Ndugu Phil,

    Im glad that we can engage in issues, not just rantings. I agree with your point of view to some extent, with a few exceptions:

    "Firstly, you need to acknowledge that members of parliament were DELEGATES at the Bomas conference and not POLITICIANS. Members of Parliament are elected by the people and therefore are true representatives of the people. Unless, of course you mean the impossibility, that by a people’s-driven’ constitution, all 30million Kenyans should converge at a mega-Kasarani stadium as equal delegates to deliberate and come up with a constitution! In other words WHICH other better way can a country nominate genuine people’s representatives to critical conference if NOT members of parliament elected by the people themselves?"

    I must agree that the MPs were at Bomas as delegates. Your argument that they are the true representatives of the people holds water as well. However, as i had previously stated, the constituency boundaries were skewed to Moi's favour severally(1992,1997). Therefore, the MP for Laisamis, with a population not of over 100,000 people is bestowed the same power to vote as the MP for Embakasi, with over 500,000 constituents. This is a loophole that can cause the minority to prevail over the majority. Furthermore, the other delegates at the Bomas conference were nominees, not necessarily 'truly' representative of the people.

    My proposition is to have the mediation team draft a memorandum containing the contentious issues-since we are all in agreement that 80% of the various drafts (Wako, Bomas) are acceptable to all. It is only 20% of the document that is contentious..Then, have a directly elected constituent assembly, where 30 million Kenyans choose say 500 delegates, deliberate on the so called 'contentious' issues. This assembly should be chaired by an eminent person, with a secretariat of nominated Legal experts.

    The outcome of this draft should then be taken back to parliament for ratification by 2/3 majority or a referendum of 75% acceptability-whichever is easier and cheaper. Either way, the competing political interests will have very few opportunities to corrupt this process in their own favour.

    "Many factors contribute to a people in one area not wanting to accommodate a different community in their neighbourhoods. ODM is fighting this and believe you me, ODM will be the next party after FORD-K, to have MPs elected from all the 8 provinces of Kenya...."

    I am not convinced that ODM is genuine in its fight against tribalism. I find it very hard to believe that the likes of Ruto, Bett, Kosgei, Ntimama e.t.c. are not tribalists. The aforementioned seem to only pay lip service, but their actions have,in the past and will be revealed in future, spoken louder than any utterances that they may have made. (Methinks/hopes RAO only went into a deal with such characters only to attain power and will ditch them ASAP)

    It is apparent that you geniunely believe in the ODM dream. I tend to be very sceptical when it comes to politicians in general. I admire RAO as a person but i believe that his true passion is not to have a better Kenya for everyone, it is to make a better Kenya for himself. My only hope is that a better Kenya for RAO will be a better Kenya for everyone.

    Or what do you think?

  26. Ngunyi

    You and Phil bring up some good points. My only concern is that Kenyans are permanently stuck in mode that is no longer relevant. i.e a killer or knockout punch to finish anything off. what i mean is as you correctly state there are parts of that bomas draft that have 100% agreement or consensus so why do we have to wait until all portions are agreed on? why not just publish/enact those and then make legislate or create a thorough and transparent process where ammendments can be made as needed after all there will always be ammendments with inclusions and exclusions as the global village broadens and geographic boundaries or limitations are no longer obstacles. The PM and peace accord serve as recent examples where constitutional amendments are made literally overnight with the stroke of a pen. This is good but also frightening because just as duly elected was sworn in at night, some neanderthal can take advantage of loopholes to push through constitutional changes without anyone knowing or able to stop him/her.

    Any my point is we should move away from the mentality of a single action to right multitude of wrongs and instead shift to well coordinated modular with concise but precise or well defined step advancement.



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