Thursday, February 28, 2008

Breaking News: Deal at Last

Kofi Annan has just announced a POWER SHARING DEAL signed by Kibaki and Raila. Annan however failed to give further details on the same. Nonetheless he said he was confident enough to declare a DEAL. This may be the FIRE EXTINGUISHER Kenya needed after all the destructive inferno. Well, as we wait for details and the beef the bone is already there to keep teeth busy.

I won't be the one to spoil the party. But being Kenyan has taught me to be armed with tons of salt on any political deal. Putting pen to paper is one thing and having the ink dry is quiet another. Hope is good for a grieving soul but reality can also shred HOPE. Kibaki still has both the yam and the knife and whatever he does with both is for us and the world to see.

Real power sharing needs constitution amendments that requires two-third in parliament. Consequently ODM's fate is still at the mercy of GOODWILL from other MPs. Knowing Kenyans for what they are, well your guess is as good as mine. I just hope Annan is not being bid bye in style to escape a killing field, GOD FORBID. The precedence is there and once bitten, severally shy. Half loaf yes, but will it be snatched from our lips? Only time will tell.


  1. Details, details wapi?

  2. kumekucha, i do not see comments here!! am sure people must have commented!!

    who is doing the snail-paced moderation? tell me?!

  3. Thank you God!!!!

  4. Salute to Kofi Annan and all those involved in the talks. We shall always be thankful. God bless.

  5. Good news; but yes, let's wait for the details.

  6. Kumekucha, would you guys be willing to remove moderation for a few hours so we can share real-time views with each other on this blog? I know a lot of crap gets posted, but we do need a forum to hold constructive talks. You could moderate comments by removing inappropriate ones. Thanks!

    Now, back to the power-sharing. I am very curious to know how much power the PM will have, whether this will be a transitional government to pave way for new elections (or are they gonna wait out the 5 years?) and finally I can't wait for parliament to get together and start trashing that old constitution.

    I'm very skeptical about the ability of Kibaki to stick with the deal and can't help but wonder when he'll decide to trash it. I have a feeling that even if this works for the short term, the land reform issue will be very sticky once it's tabled.

    All in all, I hope that's it. No more bloodshed of innocent Kenyans. And they need to seriously do something about the police force. At the very minimum, Ali and Kiraithe must go.


  7. TIP-TIP; Amani Kenya,
    Thats all what need.

  8. Taabu. I think even you agree that the agreement is invalid simply because of Kibaki's signature. The man is not a gentleman and he will never honor anything on paper.

    The reality is that this signed agreement is the only way of providing Kofi a respectable exit from the country. Kofi is telling Kenyans, "I know you want to fight but please let me out of your nasty country before you begin your bloody squabbles".

    Kenyans should only cheer when anything agreed is legal and constitutional. Trusting Kibaki is like leaving your chickens under the care of Mr. Fisi.

  9. I do agree with you Kalamari, it is not over until the fat lady sings. Unless whatever they have agreed on is entrenched in the constitution, Im sorry I am not going to sing and dance, not yet.

    My hopes have been toyed with over the last few weeks with thaws and freezes that have only made me a sceptic. The only deal I will recognise is one laid out in black and white - inside the constitution.

  10. Kalamari.... what I witnessed a few minutes ago was real. Kibaki had no choice and he will have no room to back out. Celebrate cause we have a solid deal. If you don't believe it read it when it gets released.

  11. I concur. Until I read something like Prime Minister Raila has said this and that, I shall never trust Kibaki. Lucky Dube said that agreements from oppressors were oftenly signed and put in shelves but the same inequality persisted. Let us wait and see if Kibaki is trying to apply this.

  12. ODM has the majority in parliament. The moment parliament is convened, ODM can pass all the amendments it needs. Raila knows what he is doing........

  13. Wow! I'm the happiest chic in the whole world. I love my people of Kenya. Let's dwell in unity, peace and love ....Amen....

    Hellen(Shaddy) Okello

  14. i am all eyes waiting with baited breath what will happen

  15. i guess divine intervention worked!! thank goodness!!

    my pessimistic instincts still tell me to wait and see...i need to see the deal implemented!! signed means nothing to kibaki!!

    i want to see Raila speaking as the executive prime minister for me to believe this!

    all odmers enjoy your 'victory'!!

    Raila Odinga and pentagon hope you get what you want....


    God Bless Kenya!

  16. Happy Chic-Hellen Shaddy Okello, if I recall correctly, you called for the toppling of the Legitimate presidency of Kibaki, your husband Sam Okello prophesied that Kibaki's govt. will not last for 3 days, now it will last for 5 years.
    And the Work to go on!


  18. moderation snail-paced people!!

    i want to see more comments!!

  19. cant wait to attend the swearing in ceremony of prime minister raila odinga amolo

  20. As a pessimist,
    I have to take the walk of shame for today. However, this in Kenya and bickering will start as soon as Anan flies out.
    Unless he visits every week to monitor stuff. Continue reading this blog and you will see.
    However, blood shed averted for now, and maybe forever. Now can we change the constitution and Folks some of you should plan to run for 2012 in any elective capacity so that you can move talk to action
    Thanks Anan,

  21. This is a real deal as you will see from Reuters

    Kudos to the international pressure

    ".....'NATIONAL UNITY'

    "As a nation there are more issues that unite than divide us. WE'VE BEEN REMINDED we MUST do all in our power TO SAFEGUARD the peace that is the foundation of our national unity ... Kenya has room for all of us(DONT WORRY, MY HARDLINERS,WE HAD NO OTHER CHOICE)," Kibaki said in his speech afterward.

    A beaming Odinga said: "We have opened a new chapter in our history, from the era of confrontation to the beginning of cooperation."

    "We should begin to ensure that Kenyans begin to celebrate and love each other, that we destroy the monster that is called ethnicity," he said.

    In his opposition stronghold of Kisumu on the shores of Lake Victoria in Kenya's west, residents took to the streets celebrating and ululating over the deal, witnesses said.


  22. I agree with Kalamari, let's celebrate cautiously. This is not legal yet and Kibaki can turn around and dishonor the deal. One has to wonder why these two didn't meet a month ago in the first place. It only took them a day to sign a deal, yet we've been having a merry-go-round the past month. Better late than never, ama?


  23. Anon @ 7:36, what are you talking about? Please tell me those Rambo cops are not out tear gassing people


  24. I hear celebrations in Kisumu, Eldoret, Mombasa and Kakamega are off the chain!

  25. Kumekucha reckons it is a little early to pop the champaign. He's in the chat room right now. Meet him there for a hot discussion.

    Simply put a screen name of your choice in the small box headed "Userplane webchat" that is either on the right side of this page or at the bottom and you will find urself in the chat room. No registration required.

    Kumekucha is waiting for you now.


  26. This may only be a lull in the storm. Next contest will be trying to amend the constitution. I am sure PNU/ODMK will be strongly opposed. Ultimately the agreement may be worthless.

    We also need to considerer Kibaki's record in honouring promises/agreement. He has consistently not honoured any. Will he honour this one. You guess is as good as mine. But I am not waiting with bated breadth.

  27. Do anyone know where Karua is in the 'pecking order' now ... after throwing her 'non-existent weight' around the mediation table for more than a month?

  28. we need detail before we celebrate, Remember we also signed an MOU sometimes back. We demand The prime Minister to address us and Give his blue print.

  29. Anon @ 7:34

    Dont you know when to stop? Why cant you for once just try to be happy and not attack others on account of what they wrote a few days back? Attacking Helen Okellos previous statements is useless and counterproductive right now, errr just to help point you in the right direction, what you should probably tell us right now is what you feel about this new deal.

  30. My only prayers are:

    1. The Annan deal will be implemented
    2. The ODM will take up their assignments knowing it's Kenyans who have put them where they are.
    3. That the coalition will be steady enough for a new constitution to be implemented.
    4. That the coalition will hold until 2012 when fresh general elections will be called.
    5. By 2012 Kenyan economy will be registering 10% growth, poverty levels significantly lowered, inequality significantly narrowed.
    6. Kenyans embrace themselves irrespective of tribe.
    7. Majimbo, if agreed upon.

    GOD bless Kenya

  31. Hi kumekucha, I cannot get into the chat room

  32. The deal has been struck. We in PNU feel shortchanged but haidhuru! It's all for the nation. There comes a time when the country is greater than one individual.

    Did you guys watch Raila grab the pen to sign even before sitting down! "Wow, that was fast..." I thought!

    Anyway, hope the deal sticks and Kenya moves on in the right direction. However we still need to address LONG TERM ISSUES like poverty and inequality. There must be lots of hustling in Orange House as guys jostle for cabinet positions from Raila.

    God Bless Kenya. Shame on you all prophets of Doom. You know who you are!

    ---PNU insyder.

  33. It is ironical that it is Taabu who is breaking this good news!! Taabu has been very pessimistic and negative in his comments concerning these talks. Infact his national anthem has been tic toc tic toc towards armageddon. I wish it was Ritch who broke the news. It would have come with pleasantness and a God-has-answered-our-prayers aura about it.
    That aside, allow me to say HOOOORRRRRAAAAAYYYYY! Not necessarily because we have crossed the Red Sea and entered Canaan. We still have the whole desert(5 years to the next election) and Mt Sinai (entrenchment of the agreement in the constitution) ahead of us. But at least tonight I will sleep with some little peace of mind. It has been 2 months of tension, uncertainty, fears, hate-mongering, tribal animosity and all other negative connotations.

    Now the journey begins. Kibaki and Raila have spoken like true Kenyan patriots. Both the words and the body language said the same thing for once. The smiles were genuine and the promises were sincere. Please Chris, let us now discuss as Kenyans, soberly and with patriotism, how we can move on from here. Let us forgive one another (including Marriane and the Okellos). Let us forget our tribes and prejudices and just identify ourselves as Kenyans. Let us stop competition but embark on teamwork.

    Voice of Reason.

  34. Excellent news!! Now let us start the serious healing process. All those involved in the violence should be brought to court bila chuki wala upendeleo. Everybody has a part of play, and if anybody utters the words Kyuk or Jango in my vicinity haki ya mungu I will slap him lucy style. This is a great day for kenya. Long Live PEACE and UNITY in Kenya.

  35. Wewe Chris toa moderation. Some computers are not enabled to chat!!!
    Today is a day of freedom, dont curtail these rights to us. we have the right to talk, meet and talk. We also ahve the right for self determination


  36. chris

    agreed, this is not time to celebrate, we've been duped 100 times

  37. Chris, stop chatting at DOMO and give us freedom of speech which you are now enjoying.

    We demand the end of moderation NOW

  38. And guess what?!!!! The paper you love so much i.e The Standard chooses to have KCSE results as breaking news!!!! WTF!!!!! Whats more important? The long awaited peace agreement or knowing which school/student topped KCSE? Someone ought to have their heads examined. Or were they really not for peace?

  39. The Fear That Must Bind Kenyans

    The signing of the fake agreement is akin to watching a train wreck in slow motion. The red eyed monster that we have collectively fed with generous amounts of hate and violence has requested permission to feast on the deep fried heads of Kenyan babies. By expeditiously arming our tribal militias with all manner of artillery, we Kenyans are in preparation to refill the chalice that quenches the thirst of the monster with the blood of our beautiful toddlers. We have raised millions to purchase thousands of machine guns, poisoned arrows and razor-sharp pangas as ordered by the fire breathing monster. Yes folks, we have happily agreed to follow the murderous dictates of the horned monsters. Ha! Ha! Ha! Don’t tremble like leaves on a windy day; the monster promises to render shaky Kenyans lifeless. Oh yes, my dear brothers and sisters, unmarked mass graves filled with pieces of Kenyan bodies from all walks of life will add flavor to our internationally acclaimed savanna landscape.

    We have repeatedly taunted each other and consistently threatened our perceived enemies with death and dire consequences. Deep in our hearts we are anxious and excitedly waiting to see our hapless neighbors being hacked to tit bits. In fact, we cannot wait for Kofi Annan's one way flight to Ghana so we can begin the monster's good work unabated. We have conjured up incredulous types of motives in attempts to justify the slashing of necks and flattening of heads. Our popular one-tribe-only pubs are filled with infectious laughter when patrons describe bloodcurdling methods of killing our neighbors. The noisy high pitched chatter in our beauty salons is mostly about the worthlessness of our neighbor's children and the best meal to prepare for our men for war. Oh yes, we want them to be strong enough to kill many and eventually be killed in great honor. The only person pissed about the impending civil war is the coffin maker. He knows coffins will soon be a luxury. In case you did not know, in times of war, the dead are mostly buried as found. No new clothes or sponge and silk lined coffins.

    A Namibian Friend once described civil war as the 'hells' hell'. Yaani, when God banishes you to hell and you are too evil even for the demon prefects to handle, Lucifer himself will in turn banish you to a country in civil war. You get the drift? If you do, why do you still insist on inching closer to the fire? Why do we continue to support those antagonizing the peace talks? Are we so blind that we cannot see the awoken monster?

  40. So is it Executive Premiership or not? If not, what next? Where's Phil and Chris when you need them? Ebu tell us. Is this thing going to be entrenched in the current constitution……before Kofi leaves? Is the arrangement on a transitional basis?

    And what is this nonsense of Kibaki appointing Raila? Can he also fire him?

    PS. I'm not a naysayer per se, I just want to make sure Kibaki has not retreated to his world-class conmanship persona.

  41. You see, if this agreement is fake, the first people to scream will be the ODM…thereby looking bad internationally and loosing face all over. As I read, the international community has already accepted. PNU will be vindicated. This is a trick.

  42. You see, if this agreement is fake, the first people to scream will be the ODM…thereby looking bad internationally and loosing face all over. As I read, the international community has already accepted. PNU will be vindicated. This is a trick.

  43. Karua and Bila Chuki

    How will this work?.Raila being the boss of Karua and Michuki?. Beggars belief.It is the 8th wonder of the world.

    That was agenda 3. QED

    Agenda 4- also very hard.Ask Uhuru Kenyatta and how the family owes the Kikuyus land in Central province

    May Arap Mibei (Rila) live to his known self as a champion of the voiceless in Kenya.
    Raila is a man who has been fought and badly feared by the powers in Kenya since the late !980s.,

    Up to this moment that Kibaki and co had to be "Reminded" the need for Justice and Peace. well done the international community.

    Reminded means ordered by the international community.

    Arap mibei's life in parliament is only 15 years against such of Kibaki's half century.

    There must be something good for Kenya from Raila.

    Also, dont lose focus on the role played by young Leaders ( not Rulers) such as the TZ president and Ruto.
    Like Ruto or not, but he is great. Ask Moi

    This might be the most defining time for unity and prosperity in Kenya. Kenya does not belong to what JM stated-10 millonaires against millions of paupers.
    Let the reforms in the Kenyan political and social body start. For the Best of all Kenyans

  44. In my genuis ways I have found the full text of the agreement

  45. Is the coalition between PNU and ODM……or also with KANU/ODM-K?

    "Sharing power according to party strength in parliament"… does that mean "bye bye Kalonzo?". Will PNU agree to share their 50% allocation with ODM-K?

    "Coalition will collapse at the end of the current parliament"….. So when is the 'end' exactly? Five years? Where's the two year transitional period?


  46. Kenyans is class,not tribal

    Salim Lone talks on Aljezeera

    Kenya is not an ethnic society.
    he said

    "2002. Two Kikuyus (thives-Uhuru and Kibaki) contested the presidency. nobody complained.
    Then, Raila said Kibaki Tosha.......ODM will bring change in Kenya .Kenyans want it"

    ???????????????????. But Agenda 4. Uhuru and co owes kikuyus their land!

  47. Mwai Kibaki remains the leader of both government and state. He is the country's Chief Executive Officer. In other words, Raila has finally agreed what we have been telling him, that we have a President that he needs to not only recognize but also respect. As the Inspector of Ministries, we expect effeciency at the very minimum. Failure to that, he will be fired. This will happen after nasty reminders from both Ngilu and Martha (You remember 2004?) that he should be an engineer of roads (read coordination) and not rumours and gossip. Ngilu will remind him that the last thing she fancies is an argument with 'half-men', sorry boys.

  48. 9:53....

  49. "The prime minister will be an elected member of parliament and the parliamentary leader of the largest party in the national assembly or of a coalition if the largest party does not command a majority,"…….what happens if lets say more ODM MPs are killed like Were? Will it not mean that a leader from the larger coalition (PNU/ODM-K, KANU etc) has to assume the premiership?
    "...the prime minister "could only be removed if the national assembly passes a motion of no confidence with a majority vote"….does ODM control over 50% right now?

  50. Raila is the head of government and head of legislative branch. Kibaki cannot undo this.

  51. Anon@ 9.27am.

    I suppose you meant to write "lose" face rather than loose face.

    It looks to me that the stage is already set for the next disputes. It is easy to say 50/50 sharing of cabinet posts. The hard part is really which ministries go to which coalition partner. PNU will try to cling to all key ministries i.e Finance, Roads, Internal security, Education. leaving ODM with sports, gender, etc

  52. Raila is th leader of government and all ministries will be under him.

    That is more important than sitting in State house

    Kyuks why do u always have to be so divisive and hateful.Cant u see this agreement as an opportunity for a better Kenya?Why do u want to take us back to square one?

  53. Kenya’s political rivals signed a long-anticipated peace deal after power-sharing talks to end mayhem over disputed Dec. 27 elections that has killed 1,000 people. The agreement followed tortuous talks mediated by former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan and pressure from home and abroad on President Mwai Kibaki and opposition leader Raila Odinga to make compromises to avert severe damage to East Africa’s biggest economy.

    Have your say on the terms of the power-sharing deal, the prospect for a quick return to normality in Kenya or on what it would take to secure the peace accord.

    Here is the full text of the agreement:

    The crisis triggered by the 2007 disputed presidential election has brought to the surface deep-seated and long-standing divisions within Kenyan society. If left unaddressed, these divisions threaten the very existence of Kenya as a unified country. The Kenyan people are now looking to their leaders to ensure that their country will not be lost.
    Given the current situation, neither side can realistically govern the country without the other. There must be real power-sharing to move the country forward and begin the healing and reconciliation process.
    With this agreement, we are stepping forward together, as political leaders, to overcome the current crisis and to set the country on a new path. As partners in a coalition government, we commit ourselves to work together in good faith as true partners, through constant consultation and willingness to compromise.
    This agreement is designed to create an environment conducive to such a partnership and to build mutual trust and confidence. It is not about creating positions that reward individuals. It seeks to enable Kenya’s political leaders to look beyond partisan considerations with a view to promoting the greater interests of the nation as a whole. It provides the means to implement a coherent and far-reaching reform agenda, to address the fundamental root causes of recurrent conflict, and to create a better, more secure, more prosperous Kenya for all.
    To resolve the political crisis, and in the spirit of coalition and partnership, we have agreed to enact the National Accord and Reconciliation Act 2008, whose provisions have been agreed upon in their entirety by the parties hereto and a draft copy is appended hereto.

    Its key points are:
    * There will be a Prime Minister of the Government of Kenya, with authority to coordinate and supervise the execution of the functions and affairs of the Government of Kenya.
    * The Prime Minister will be an elected member of the National Assembly and the parliamentary leader of the largest party in the National Assembly, or of a coalition, if the largest party does not command a majority.
    * Each member of the coalition shall nominate one person from the National Assembly to be appointed a Deputy Prime Minister.
    * The Cabinet will consist of the President, the Vice-President, the Prime Minister, the two Deputy Prime Ministers and the other Ministers. The removal of any Minister of the coalition will be subject to consultation and concurrence in writing by the leaders.
    * The Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers can only be removed if the National Assembly passes a motion of no confidence with a majority vote.
    * The composition of the coalition government will at all times take into account the principle of portfolio balance and will reflect their relative parliamentary strength.
    * The coalition will be dissolved if the Tenth Parliament is dissolved; or if the parties agree in writing; or if one coalition partner withdraws from the coalition.
    * The National Accord and Reconciliation Act shall be entrenched in the Constitution.

    Having agreed on the critical issues above, we will now take this process to Parliament. It will be convened at the earliest moment to enact these agreements. This will be in the form of an Act of Parliament and the necessary amendment to the Constitution.
    We believe by these steps we can together in the spirit of partnership bring peace and prosperity back to the people of Kenya who so richly deserve it

  54. Anon 9:53AM and 10:03AM

    From ur attitude i dont even have to see u to know that ur kikuyu.

    Stop this stupidity and embrace other Kenyans.The days of spite and dominance over other Kenyans are gone.Why?The consequences are there for u to see.

  55. PNU And ODM will share powerful positions 50-50. Raila will also be appointing all the diplomats he...he...he...

  56. From Derek...This is the full draft and statement

    Kenya’s political rivals signed a long-anticipated peace deal after power-sharing talks to end mayhem over disputed Dec. 27 elections that has killed 1,000 people. The agreement followed tortuous talks mediated by former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan and pressure from home and abroad on President Mwai Kibaki and opposition leader Raila Odinga to make compromises to avert severe damage to East Africa’s biggest economy.

    Have your say on the terms of the power-sharing deal, the prospect for a quick return to normality in Kenya or on what it would take to secure the peace accord.

    Here is the full text of the agreement:

    The crisis triggered by the 2007 disputed presidential election has brought to the surface deep-seated and long-standing divisions within Kenyan society. If left unaddressed, these divisions threaten the very existence of Kenya as a unified country. The Kenyan people are now looking to their leaders to ensure that their country will not be lost.
    Given the current situation, neither side can realistically govern the country without the other. There must be real power-sharing to move the country forward and begin the healing and reconciliation process.
    With this agreement, we are stepping forward together, as political leaders, to overcome the current crisis and to set the country on a new path. As partners in a coalition government, we commit ourselves to work together in good faith as true partners, through constant consultation and willingness to compromise.
    This agreement is designed to create an environment conducive to such a partnership and to build mutual trust and confidence. It is not about creating positions that reward individuals. It seeks to enable Kenya’s political leaders to look beyond partisan considerations with a view to promoting the greater interests of the nation as a whole. It provides the means to implement a coherent and far-reaching reform agenda, to address the fundamental root causes of recurrent conflict, and to create a better, more secure, more prosperous Kenya for all.
    To resolve the political crisis, and in the spirit of coalition and partnership, we have agreed to enact the National Accord and Reconciliation Act 2008, whose provisions have been agreed upon in their entirety by the parties hereto and a draft copy is appended hereto.

    Its key points are:
    * There will be a Prime Minister of the Government of Kenya, with authority to coordinate and supervise the execution of the functions and affairs of the Government of Kenya.
    * The Prime Minister will be an elected member of the National Assembly and the parliamentary leader of the largest party in the National Assembly, or of a coalition, if the largest party does not command a majority.
    * Each member of the coalition shall nominate one person from the National Assembly to be appointed a Deputy Prime Minister.
    * The Cabinet will consist of the President, the Vice-President, the Prime Minister, the two Deputy Prime Ministers and the other Ministers. The removal of any Minister of the coalition will be subject to consultation and concurrence in writing by the leaders.
    * The Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers can only be removed if the National Assembly passes a motion of no confidence with a majority vote.
    * The composition of the coalition government will at all times take into account the principle of portfolio balance and will reflect their relative parliamentary strength.
    * The coalition will be dissolved if the Tenth Parliament is dissolved; or if the parties agree in writing; or if one coalition partner withdraws from the coalition.
    * The National Accord and Reconciliation Act shall be entrenched in the Constitution.

    Having agreed on the critical issues above, we will now take this process to Parliament. It will be convened at the earliest moment to enact these agreements. This will be in the form of an Act of Parliament and the necessary amendment to the Constitution.
    We believe by these steps we can together in the spirit of partnership bring peace and prosperity back to the people of Kenya who so richly deserve it.


  57. Chris we will shout till you remove moderation!, Toa moderation, ama tulete mass akson!


  59. Anon @ 9:53am, I know, I know, its a bitter pill to swallow, need some water or a laxative...ha ha it or not Raila will eventually become PRESIDENT of THE REPUBLIC OF KENYA whether you like it or not. People have seen right through this Central MKM crap and will never ever fall for it..what do they say amongst your ilk..KAZI IANZE, TWENDE KAZI...

  60. We should be cautious indeed.

    If ordinary kyuks with nothing to lose feel so aggrieved at the loss of absolute power what about those who depend on it.

    By tomorrow u will start seeing them fighting back.The status quo fighting for its life.

  61. Who reaaly lost here? Who is the fool? I thought the election was about people becoming Presidents?

  62. So the Wako draft was not that bad? This draft would have made Raila PM (sorry Inspector-in-chief) three years ago. He is now three years late into the job.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. anon@11:22am
    I thought some people threw a fit at the thought of an executive prime minister.
    RAO will be president one day for he already won and then Ruto and then some
    Lets care for the homeless right now Ok?

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. odmers, ceremony ni lini?

    will it be at uhuru park? someone please confirm details!! have the police stopped barricading the park?

    i want to buy an orange kitenge and a nice manduli head-wrap!!

    anybody who can make that on short notice? kazi ianze sasa!!


  67. PNU goal posts keep shifting. I thought there would be no PM under the current constitution? That RAO would never be PM? I even heard the most would be a PS? Now that he's going to be PM he's merely an inspector general? (FYI, in legal terms that is a powerful position, so pick another word maybe) .That it was going to be a sadaka? Ha! The whole world witnessed this. Washington/EU has said it's not over and they will monitor its implementation. No clever tricks like conveniently killing ODM MPs over the weekend to retain that elusive majority. The world is watching! This is about Kenya!

  68. Oopsy doopsy! Meant to say "killing ODM MPs to allow the "popular" party to gain a majority NOT retain - they never had one.

  69. where was ruto DURING THE SIGning ceremony ?


  71. Our country has an agreement. Raila has signed the agreement, so his supporters should be pleased. Kibaki signed the same agreement, so his supporters should be pleased.

    Now, it is time for each one of us to sign an agreement with others in our country. Let us move forward, learn from the past, address the long term issues but most importantly focus on building bridges where bridges were burnt.

  72. Who the hell is Ruto?

  73. Ruto is the only man after Raila who thorougly floored Moi

  74. Yep Ruto ni Dawa ya Moi na Karua....LOL


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