Monday, January 07, 2008

Nime-RIG, Muta do?

Excerpts of Richard's email to Kumekucha;

"Are you aware ECK is yet to release the final tally to Kenyans? The 1 million votes that gave Kibaki the final figure are yet to be broken down. The Meru and Central Kenya 90% turnout was never carried by the press..."

Kumekucha's comment: They're probably still cooking.


I urge Kenyans to read the first few comments to my previous post.

Inaonekana niliamsha nyuki mpaka akatapika ukweli (It looks like I provoked a bee until it vomitted the hidden truth.

I am referring to the comment by one Kimi Raikkonen.

At one point Bwama Kimi says;

I am very, very glad that Kibaki did what he he had to do to stop that demon called Raila from bringing back KANU looters to continue from where they left off, and also blocked what would have been an effort to bring back unwarranted British and Arab influence in our daily lives.

I don't need to add anything, that is the genesis of the problem in Kenya.

Lastly I leave you with a question;

Since when was it possible for a mere opposition party to rig elections?

Please give me a precedent of where else in the world it has happened?

The truth is that the government stuffed votes in Raila's strongholds so as to give the impression that it was not totally responsible for the rigging. And my did it work like a dream? Anybody in doubt, just read Bwana Kimi's full comment which I reproduce in full, below his post, incase he tries to delete it. The message is to Kenyans is clear. It is; "Yes, I have rigged what will you do about it." or in sheng; "Nime-rig. Muta-do?"

If the opposition had any power to rig, why didn't they just rig the whole election and win?

I am convinced that the way to save lives in Kenya now and in the future is to speak the truth and nohing but the TRUTH. This blog does not support ODM or Raila, we support TRUTH, JUSTICE and DEMOCRACY. The majority of Kenyans voted against the illegal government now in State House and any fool can see that from the parliamentary results. That is the truth.

The minute I am convinced that the majority of Kenyans voted PNU and Kibaki, then I will change accordingly.

This nonsense of denial is what has cost as so many lives and this crisis.

Why new elections is the best way forward by Ralph Murage

Kimi Raikkonen said...
This is typical of the breathless ignorance of a large number of Kenyans who think that having their views endorsed by equally ignorant Western Newspaper Journalists amounts to being awarded a medal of honour. The Economist and their supporters can shout until the cows come home, but Kibaki is a reality in State house that will not go away anytime soon. Instead of perpetuating jealous and infantile hatred while pretending to be a paragon of political wisdom, i suggest you educate yourself and other ODM supporters that the elections are now behind us, that both sides rigged massively in their strongholds, and that the more powerful group, using the power of incumbency, ended up trumps.

Your insane and obstinate intolerance of Kibaki and prejudiced view of Kikuyus in General will not change the reality that Kikuyus are Kenya citizens by rights. Kikuyus will not succumb to a wicked horde of spiteful and murderous bigots in the name of ODM, no matter how often you demonise them as having stolen Kenya's wealth. This of course, is the genesis of all the trouble we are now experiencing in Kenya. ODM succesfully ganged up other Kenya tribes against Kikuyus in the misplaced perception that Kikuyus had eaten enough, and that if you remove Kibaki from power you will also get rich. What utter rubbish! If any of the Kikuyu are wealthy, and very many are, it is because they earned it, not because you and ODM did them any favours. They have made their wealth inspite of hostility and primitive jealousy from people like you and will continue to do so, upende msipende, and if you don't like it you can go jump off a cliff.

I am very, very glad that Kibaki did what he he had to do to stop that demon called Raila from bringing back KANU looters to continue from where they left off, and also blocked what would have been an effort to bring back unwarranted British and Arab influence in our daily lives. Our very independence was at stake. Bravo Kibaki for protecting our freedom and independence.

9:58 PM


  1. “Great minds talk about ideas; Average minds talk about events; Small minds talk about people.” — Eleanor Roosevelt.

    I will keep on shouting,The day black people unite is the day we will excel. Till then, I hold my head in disgust.
    Disgusted Me!!!!!

  2. Shut up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes it was rigged by both Raila and Kibaki but the latter did it better because he was on power and used all resources at his disposal (police,CJ,etc) to get to power.

    If you were Kibaki what would you do? Just what he is doing!!!! Keep on being the president as you buy time on negotiotion,dialogues, peace building etc. Soon Kenyas will accept you. That is it.

    Who says Raila will win in a re-run without rigging in Nyanza?

  3. Not to sound condescending, but what is mind-boggling is that the 'leadership' did not see this coming. For pete's sake, there's enough research in the social-sciences to indicate how fragile young multi-ethnic democracies can be. Hope and pray the new leadership, whoever it is, can bring fresh perspectives. The challenges are probably enormous, but Kenyans are a bright lot. Encourage your leaders to meet the 'reasonablenesses' test.

  4. Some obvious facts are now emerging after the chaos that engulfed our country. After Raila's botched "people's coup" not forgetting the botched 'his '82coup attempt, Kenya will surely emerge stronger after this.

    First, we as a nation are deeply divided in ethnic terms.

    Second, it's the poor who suffered most for their blind loyalty to politicians and allowing themselves to be misused.

    Third, it's almost impossible to rule Kenya without the support of 4 million GEMA votes and their close Kamba cousins.

    Even if the presidential elections were repeated wich is highly unlikely, Kabaki would add 800,000 Kalonzo votes in his basket and totally humiliate Odinga.

    Kambas were targeted by ODM goons and would thus seek sweet revenge.

    Fourth, no one in his right mind would dare invest in Kisumu. My uncle's petrol station and shop were razed to the ground even though he had employed 15 locals in his business.

    Fifth, anyone who watched NTV news yesterday at 9pm would have seen it's now time for Luos and Kalenjins to be evicted from Central province. Thousands of Luos who worked in tea and coffee plantations are now camping at Tigoni police Station. What goes round surely comes around.

    Sixth, lets hope and pray for peace hoping ODM will not make unreasonable demands to Kibaki. They well ought to be aware and sensitive when making their power sharing demands. Let's hope our hardliners in PNU like Martha Karua, Danson Mungatana and Michuki will look out for our (PNU's) interests.

    Long live Kenya.

  5. The root cause my fellow Kenyans. The root cause. This is what we need to sort out.

    I beg to be informed. Is it true, for example, that Kenyatta gave loans for purchase of land in the rift valley and subsequently wrote them off? Is the recent writing off of coffee loans a repeat of the same? I do not know if any sugar cane related loans were written off for example.

    I expect some fishermen to have taken loans. Were these written off? Doesn't it make sense, for example, to give loans to fishermen at the coast so that thy can compete with those boats from Europe?

  6. this is why we need have another election. way too much problems with the just concluded one.

    I am not for this idea of sweeping things under the carpet and moving on.
    when people like Hon Nyamwea ( PNU campaign manager) says that elections are behind us lets move on and forget about it i feel disturbed.

    of course they know they are in office illegally.

    it is this idea of carrying on with life and forgetting past injustices that has got kenya to the sad situation is in.
    things just exploded unbelievably

    Kibaki did not act alone in this. there was way too much at stake there were power brokers who had to see Kibaki back in power by all means. they had mega billion dollar business pending, kick back commission deals still pending, Safaricom IPO etc.

    way too much for Kibaki to just give up power so easily



    People In Luoland See Nobody Except Raila!

    Oh dear, time to wait for another 5years with akina Githongo, and not even sure whether there's a guarantee!

  8. Yeye.........Acha kuregarega..

    Did u rig or not? That is not Raila asking. It is a kenyan question.

    Kibaki is a gentle man but Muchuki,Karua and Mla mamba forced him to RIG!

    There days are numbers and that is why they are mum. Tsunami will sweep them.

  9. I beg to be informed. Is it true, for example, that Kenyatta gave loans for purchase of land in the rift valley and subsequently wrote them off? Is the recent writing off of coffee loans a repeat of the same? I do not know if any sugar cane related loans were written off for example.

    I expect some fishermen to have taken loans. Were these written off? Doesn't it make sense, for example, to give loans to fishermen at the coast so that thy can compete with those boats from Europe?

    These are the questions we should be asking. This is what will cause civil strife.





  11. The moment you remove your fundamentalist Pro-Raila blinkers is the day you will set yourself free. You really are no different from Osama bin Laden and his Al-qaeda fanatics or the wahhabi zealots in Saudi Arabia who sentenced a rape victim to prison for being outside her house!
    Unless and until you accept and RESPECT Kikuyus as fellow and equal Kenyan citizens who deserve to go about their daily business without being abused and demonised, you will be forever captive to the nihilist demagoguery of losers like Raila and Ruto.
    Let me just propose something. Suppose they call another General Election[i wish they would], in maybe a years time since the constitution would have to be first overhauled anyway, and after Raila's 'exemplary' post election antics, do you seriously think many people will vote for him again? This post election period has brought out the true character of Raila i.e a bloodthirsty megalomaniacal beast who will do anything and everything to get AND retain power. It has also brought out the insane fundamentalist zealotry of his most ardent supporters as exemplified by most Luos. How many people do you think would give such characters a chance at power? And suppose Kibaki does not even stand but Uhuru does, do you think Raila could beat Uhuru?
    I have told you and i will tell you again, i am very, very glad Raila is not in State house, and
    in my view, he never will be. This was his best chance ever, but he blew it from the day 3 years ago he called Kikuyus adui, and has lost it never to recover. Halleluya! Kweli Mungu yuko!

  12. Kimi or whatever your name is..

    It is because of the likes of you that we are currently in problems. The majority of Kenyans are tired of being treated like second class citizens. Voices of reason in this blog have pointed out that this is not even about Raila. It is bigger than that. Do not deceive yourself that Kenyans will take this lying down.

    Over the years, terrible injustices have been visited on the Kenyan people. Sample this.

    Is it true, for example, that Kenyatta gave loans for purchase of land in the rift valley and subsequently wrote them off? Is the recent writing off of coffee loans a repeat of the same? I do not know if any sugar cane related loans were written off for example.

    I expect some fishermen to have taken loans. Were these written off? Doesn't it make sense, for example, to give loans to fishermen at the coast so that thy can compete with those boats from Europe?

    Kibaki stole from the people of Kenya. The people will not allow this to continue. More than 1000 kenyans have died. I do not know how Kibaki is able to sleep at night.

  13. Kenyans are in for an interesting time. Funny thing is that ordinary poor Kyuks would have benefitted more from Raila than Kibakis Mafia. Kenyans have woken up now and now and cant be put back to sleep.

  14. Chris, what happened to eliminating comments like his ( the Kimi)... Isn't this incitement?

  15. Anonymous or whatever your name is...

    I disagree with you.It is actually because of Kenyans LIKE YOU that we are in the situation we are in. Please do not preach democracy to me because Raila and ODM DO NOT PRACTICE IT in the first place. INSTEAD THEY PRACTICE SHAMELESS TRIBALISM AND CALL IT DEMOCRACY, and then hope nobody sees them for what they really are.
    EVERYTHINKINGBODY knows that ODM is a tribal congress of elites from various tribes using the numbers from their respective communities to counter perceived Kikuyu hegemony, when in actual fact what they really want is access to State resources to CONTINUE LOOTING AS THEY DID DURING MOI's time. The tribal congress that is ODM cannot claim to be democratic when they couldn't hold FREE AND FAIR nominations in their own house! Why should i believe that they are democratic now? when did the conversion occur?
    I repeat, what holds ODM and their supporters together is a common antipathy towards Kikuyus and unless you address that fact honestly and soberly, your arguments are going nowhere and you are merely deluding yourself.

    You are complaining about Kenyatta having given loans to Kikuyus, yet the total acreage of all the shambas COMBINED that the land buying companies of the 1970's bought in the RV PALES in comparison to the TOTAL ACREAGE held by no more than 100 MZUNGU SETTLERS. Yet nobody complains!! NOT Raila, NOT Ruto, NOT Kosgei!! WHY?!! Is it because it is easier to bully Kikuyus? Or is it just malice and spite? Why hasn't Kosgei or Ruto approached those Mzungus to buy the land and settle their people? Or is it easier to con Nandi peasants off their rightful share as Kosgei was so eloquently shown to have done on CNN?
    I repeat, liberate yourself from the tribalistic shackles and you will be truly free.

  16. Kimi Raikkonen,

    Kenyatta gave loans to Kikuyus, And wrote those loans off. Same way coffee loans were written off recently. How come we do not hear of fishermen loans, Pastoralist loans, sugar cane loans being written off?

    You accuse Raila of tribalism? Look who is talking. Did you watch the results on TV as they were coming in? If you did, you would know who voted for Raila.

    It is because of people like you who choose to bury their head in the sand as democracy and justice is being raped that we are in the position we are in.


  17. Kimi Raikkonen,

    How much money was used to revive the Milk, and coffee sector since 2002?

    In contrast, how much money was used to revive the sugar, cashew nut, coconut, livestock sector combined?

    Did you hear how much was allocated for Water projects in Nyeri? How about North Eastern?


  18. Anonymous @ 1.03AM.

    Can you point out, step by step, blow by blow, where i have incited anybody? I have merely exposed the pretentious and arrogant hypocrisy, in my view, from the ODMers and Kumekucha.
    I will not relent in letting you know the truth that Raila is not infallible, and that like of all us, he is a human being capable of making huge mistakes, wrong judgement calls and very wrong decisions, and that it is about time he was brought down from his artificial pedestal.

  19. Kimi,

    You refuse to see this in the wider context of the Kenyan nation, and choose to see it as a Raila problem. That is just shallow.Anon@2:07 and 2:13 have raised some valid issues. Instead of responding to those, you go ballistic about Raila.

    For the umpteenth time, this is not a Raila Issue. It is about the will of the Kenyan people. Raila is an insignificant pawn here. Grow up.

  20. For the first time in our history, we Kikuyus are united thanks to ODM's threats of Majimbo.

    I'm telling you and promising you that we (Kikuyus) may fight and steal among ourselves as in Mungiki case but when we are threatened as a community, we shake the world and make the burn the ground under your feet.

    Blind hate only makes us stronger and more united. We are akin to the Jews. Call us Jews of Africa. We are the most successful and richest community in Africa through hard work, sweat and tears and I won't even talk about Equity and it's affordable loans!

    Our sons and daughters remit over 40 billion dollars to us from the diaspora which we invest with precision.

    Keep hating and never stop. As Oprah keeps saying, hate is a heavy baggage on the hater. Come 2012 and we shall call the shots on who the next president will be and (you guessed it right) it's not Raila or any of the dreaded Pentagoons.

    So far we like and admire Kalonzo. He's a family man and deeply committed christian. Our success and security will be safe under his leadership. It's dawning on us that the next president will not be from Nyumba but Kalonzo looks like a safe pair of hands!

  21. Please brace yourself for Friday. This story has just gotten worse. Any silly or educated kenyan ought to know that demands from both sides will not be palatable, driven by hard-stands. What will follow?

    Personally, I hope one of them gets a heart attack before Friday, the probabilities speak aloud.

  22. It's common sense! ODM and PNU will not agree on anything. Don't raise your hopes too high folks.

    The only thing our politicians agree on is when hiking their huge pay rise. Maybe PNU should kick out hardliners like Karua Martha and bring in king of horse trading bwana Musikari Kombo to do their bargaining.

    Macharia Gaitho hits the nail on the head when he writes that true revoulution in Kenya will come when we dump Kibaki and Raila and embrace new leadership..he writes....

    "SO WHAT WILL HAPPEN WHEN THE poor realise they are nothing more than pawns and cannon fodder on the giant chessboard or monopoly set by which the rich and wealthy amuse themselves?

    That will be the time when Kenya will be ripe for revolution. Here it will not be the revolution that sweeps President Kibaki out of State House and installs Raila Odinga. Not at all. It will be the revolution that dumps both members of the political elite into the dustbin....."

    How sweet? But I don't think the poor will agree soon on those wise sentiments! Wake up dear Kenyans!

  23. Anon @ 2.07,

    I can see what your agenda is, to prove that Kibaki favoured Kikuyu farmers over others, which is at variance with the facts.

    Stop peddling false rumours that Kenyatta gave free loans,that is a lie, and if you have proof otherwise, table it.

    The coffee loans were written off because they were taken by coffee cooperatives which were being used in the Moi era as conduits to siphon off public funds, yet peasant coffee farmers were the ones being made to bear the burden of paying off the money.

    I do not know how much money was used to revive the milk sector, but i do know that Kalenjin dairy farmers in the RV and their Central province colleagues are very happy with the prices they are paid, unlike in the KANU era.

    Who doesn't know the sugar and livestock sectors have been revived, unless your rabid tribalism whispers to the contrary in your mind? Farmers are paid COD unlike before when they had to wait for up to 18 months.

    A coconut development Authority has just been set up at the coast, and there are plans to revive cashewnut farming. What are local leaders doing to get their people working to take advantage, apart from the endless politicking on how Kikuyus are eating and they are not?

    It is up to local leaders to mobilise Coastal fishermen and their colleagues in Lake Victoria into viable cooperatives so that they can deal with the Govt. The last time a fisheries cooperative was formed at the coast was in Lamu, but it was looted by the very same officials who the fishermen had elected, and surprise, surprise, they were not Kikuyu.
    It is up to loudmouths like Balala and Kajwang to educate and mobilise their people into viable fishing cooperatives. They do not even need to wait for Govt to get financed. I can assure you that they would get financing from overseas buyers, fish being a very lucrative export. Why have the leaders not bothered to do so? I will tell you, ignorance and a know it all attitude, as is characteristic of the ODM.

    I will repeat, no amount of demonising Kikuyus will get you out of grinding poverty. You would do better to seek cooperation and friendship with them and learn what they do, instead of wallowing in useless jealousy. Jealousy will not help you except give you high blood pressure and ulcers.

  24. Hmmmh.....I think its time for my two cents worth as well. To some extent i agree with kimi, that essentially, the rest of the kenyans seem united(perceived by their votes for Agwambo). This perception then leads to a greater fallacy, that since they voted for raila, then other tribes e.g. Kalez, Jengs, Luhyas etc are not tribalistic. Conversely, most of the votes cast for Kibaki came from GEMA, therefore they are tribalists.

    Truth be told, the above conclusions are a deliberate attempt by the political elite to evoke passion, which would then ensure that you, the Voter, turn out in large numbers during elections. It is very unfortunate that Raila chose to form a political juggernaut based on antipathy towards Gema. Hate it or love it, from a purely academic standpoint, that was a brilliant strategy. ODM was able to garner majority of parliament as well as at least 40% of the votes cast in the presidential race.

    However, the consequences of those deliberate actions will be felt for many days to come. GEMA is now as united as ever, and due to the killings in North Rift, even the moderates have now seen the neccessity of a militia AKA Mungiki. I can promise you that they will be revived, and as opposed to previously, they have widespread support.

    Furthermore, the luos, the kalez, the luhyas etc cannot be blamed for this. It is their political elite who planned and orchestrated this, straight from Dick Morris' handbook on the Orange revolution. It is extremely shocking to discover that militia were being trained in the burnt forest area about a month before elections, with the past occurences in mind. I fail to fathom how people in their right mind, claiming to be working for the greater good, can perpetrate such actions. How then would you expect me to support such an individual for public office?

    It is the height of naivety to assume that Gema is totally blameless. In my opinion, the Gema political elite are thorougly incompetent. They want to use their masses to shield themselves from attack and consequently, the antipathy to Kikuyu dominance. It is high time that the people of Kenya examine the truth as it is, not as told by your leaders. Unless we face this bitter truth, then what we shall have is a situation of a lull before the storm.

  25. I am not in grinding poverty, and i learned long ago to work for myself. It is however not true that there are no enterprising people in Kendu bay, Lamu or Msambweni. The sugar and cashewnuts issues are well known to all Kenyans. Just look at the levies put on sugar for example.

    Livestock sector? How far is KMC from Samburu, Wajir? Which is easier? KMC transporting meat from Wajir or peasants transporting live animals to Athi River? Between these people and the people of Nyeri, who needs water more?

    People do not want tokenism We want real reforms, and respect of every kenyan irrespective of where they come from.

    More importantly, the will of the Kenyan people should be respected, from the lazy Ouma to the entrepreneur Mwachofi. They are Kenyans too!

  26. whats ur point?

  27. Kimi, what has Saudi to do with your elections? If you can't solve your own problems don't drag others to it. A question here, "did you steal the election? yes or no.

  28. What Kibaki and his cronies have done only went further to legitimize the perception that Kikuyus have begun succession plots in earnest. Many overwhelming Thanks to our brother from Mt. Kenyan region, Kenyans now know that Kikuyus will support their own even when they know clearly that he is in office illegally. From this alone you can tell where Kenya is headed in the years to come if the talks fail.

    The late Karisa Maitha, once said that Kukuyus were having the fun for the last time as far as presidency is concerned- (huu ndio wakati wa mwisho kwa wakikuyu kutawala hii nchi!). Well, we may as well say his words were prophetic. The man was perturbed by the utter and reckless show of oligarchy he was witnessing first hand in Kibaki's government. I foresee a trend in future where it will take alot more just word of mouth for any Member of this community to convince any other Kenyan that they can be trusted. Mistrust and suspicion just went a notch higher. With this in mind it is still my wonderment as to how PNU,ODM-K and ODM will together in the same government-hasn't this been tried before?;and won't that mean the death of opposition?

    Kenya has changed for good, GEMA will until the matter is reversed and solved amicably live a secluded life. They will be alien in their own nation.

    The police(uniformed mungiki) are shooting even infants in my hometown, Kisumu. Perhaps it is time they were informed that if they continue with that trend, we will now arm our people accordingly to deal with their deadly fire. It will either be liberty of death!

    The law says that you arrest a suspect and charge him a court of law and not declared death sentence on unarmed people.

    If looting is the excuse they give for killing those harmless civilians, then maybe it is also time they also did the same to Kibaki who looted his way to power.

  29. Precisely, Mr Ngunjiri!

    Unless all sides accept that RABID TRIBALISM is religiously practised AS A WAY OF LIFE by both sides of the political divide, unless we are willing to confront this demon and deal with it DECISIVELY, unless we are willing to STRONGLY condemn and criticize those who practice it especially among the elite from Michuki, Karume, Kibaki and Raila, Kalonzo, Kajwang to the kamaus, otienos, kiprops and wekesas in the streets and the slums, WE ARE GOING NOWHERE AS A NATION. Demonising Kikuyus exclusively as the practitioners of tribalism is to skirt the problem and to bury your head in the sand, hence you solve nothing, and life continues as before, for better or worse.

  30. Now those people advocating for fresh elections, have they considered that close to 300,000 Kenyans have nowhere to vote? Or will the disgraced ECK make arrangements for them to vote from Churches, Police stations and show grounds? I'm sure a lot of people have also probably lost their documents in the confusion that has become Kenya.

    And your blog is degenerating into an avenue for people to trade insults some of which are not necessarily towards a solution. When the History of Kenya is finally written, do you want Kumekucha to be given an unfavourable slot? Take this opportunity and be part of the solution and Kenya will judge you kindly.


    There is no coherent political direction from the ODM. First Raila Odinga declares he’s the ‘people’s president’ (shades of Blair’s ‘people’s princess’ speech – the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce, some might say – and says he is going to arrange to be inaugurated. What happened?

    Then he says that he is not willing to meet with Kibaki, then says he will meet provided there is an international mediator. He says he will form his own government, and then takes that no further.

    Then he calls for a million person march into Nairobi, and when faced with a banning order and massive police attacks, backs down and calls for another demonstration the following day.

    But what is this demonstration seeking to achieve? Such events are usually a means of showing the size of popular support: but ODM has already demonstrated its popular support in the stolen elections. There are no coherent political demands for this event that would bring the support of the many who, though they may not have voted for ODM, would feel that they would nevertheless want to express their support. There is no real strategy for enabling PNU’s own political base to be won over.

    The election results were rigged, sure. But the failure to demand that an independent judicial inquiry be established to investigate only leads to suspicions that even the ODM were not keen to have the results investigated.

  32. Let us get the facts right:
    1. Rigging took place in ODM and PNU strongholds
    2. Kibaki is legally the President of Kenya
    3. ODM and Odinga do not have faith in the institutions of government (judiciary and ECK)
    4. Violence was in Nyanza and RVP
    5. The violence in RVP was organised and not reactional
    6. The Kenyan constitution does not provide for a presidential election so what Raila is asking for in unconstitutional
    7. If Raila is serious about the rigging, he can fail to show up in 15th Jan at 14.30 for the swearing in at the house of Parliament
    8. ECK Chairman was reappointed with Raila and ODM's insistence
    9. Kibaki has corrupt elements within his administration and so does Raila
    10. Kiabki aoutsmarted the ODM, if they really thought Kibaki was going to rig as they kept telling us, why didn't the just boycott the election
    11. ODM nominations show how well they too are capable of rigging...

  33. Chris, Phil, and whoever is posting these absurd articles. You are not doing any justice by posting bogus comments from unjustified sources. Neither, are you contribuiting to the course of justice. Infact, you are exactly doing the opposite, inflaming the situation even more than it already is.
    Ofcourse we understand that KUMEKUCHA is pro- ODM, but are the calls of peace and the rivers of our peoples blood enough to trigger the common sense within this editorial?
    I don't expect to change at all, infact keep on posting them. This ODM propaganda will be seen for what it is....immature behaviour from editors needing to make a name for themselves!!!!!. you have no place and effect in journalism.

  34. Youth call for police chief dismissal

  35. Chris,

    Whichever way one tries to distort the facts, the bottom line remains Kibaki did not win the elections. Ask Kivuitu, the five commissioners, election observers etc, LSK, including the voters on the ground (i have results for Bomachoge and North Mugirango Borabu as announced on the ground while ECK inflated Kibaki's by over 75%).

    If Kibaki with Kalonzo support is so confident of another win, why cant he agree for a re-run so that he can legitimize his presidency?

    We should get to the root cause of the current turmoil instead of trying to sweep things under the carpet. There cant be peace without justice

  36. morara>>>How can you even talk about a re-run after a bloody election. The formalities of a re-run under the current climate are not ideal if you understand where I am coming from.
    It sis not in our best interest to have a re-run until the current situation is under control. ODM'ers! don't go ahead of yourselves, think and then act!

  37. morara>>> that's a common term with ODM "can't be peace". I am a kenyan and a proud one. Any kenyan crying out for war after so many people have died and many more suffering in as inhumane as it can get. Rome was not build in one day. Clear the land then harvest it when the situation to plant seeds are ideal my friend.

  38. The so called politically elite are often blamed wrongly. Whenever a sector of Kenyans raises controversial issues (which is more often than not THE INCONVENIENT TRUTH) they are said to have been incited. It is time the chauvinists - from whichever side respected the truth that average Kenyans do have opinions. This would have been clear if the results of 2007 elections with over 70% turnout were not corrupted.

    Furthermore in this age, average Kenyans have more avenues for voicing their real concerns e.g on this blog - they don not have to be politically elite with access to the press, political rallies and other communication platforms to express their discomfort.

    I look forward to what an impartial TRUTH, RECONCILIATION AND JUSTICE Commission would report on the alleged undue advantage that the so called founding fathers (Kenyatta and his lieutenants) gave to our beloved people of Central Kenya. In short what are the odds that all Kenyans are lazy if they do not have economic roots in Central?

    Consider Donald Rothchild's article 'Ethnic Inequalities in Kenya' Published in 1969 (The Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 7, No. 4 (Dec., 1969), pp. 689-711). The Commission should consider the impact of Kibaki/Kenyatta's sessional paper no.65 of the 1960s also. Very soon, and perhaps we already have a clash of cultures between the young aggressive and successful Kenyans and the young rich who grew up in neverland, enjoying the spoils of our 44year old public looting.

  39. Raila preached anti-kikuyu all along, a very unfair approach he used. I voted Kibaki in protest to this.
    Many other Kiuks did the same. Moi Ruled Kenya for 24 years. But Kikuyu dominance has only emerged in 5yrs of Kibaki's administration. The Kiuk issue is more of a perception than a fact. And facts will prevail. Tufanyeni Kazi bwana, tuache kupiga domo, domo, domo.

  40. Look at the pictures on this website, and tell me Kenyans, what's the point of all this hate? Please Kenyans of all political persuasions who have had the benefit of an education, put your parochialisms aside and work towards a new understanding of how you can live in peace with your neighbour - the key has to be some equitable manner to develop the country. Don't leave Nyanza or any other region out of the development process. Share your resources and power more equitably.


    S/he is obviously a hate-filled, ethnically prejudiced individual who only wishes to perpetuate divisions and violence amongst Kenyans.


  42. Anon @ 6.27: where is your sense of history? Before Moi there was Kenyatta and that is when Kikuyu dominance loans, coporate loans, political power etc. to those of the "right" ethnic group.

  43. What Rubbish!

    >>Let us get the facts right:
    1. Rigging took place in ODM and PNU strongholds<<

    Are you saying the government with all that machinery allowed the opposition to rig? Isn't that laxity why we want a new government?

    >>2. Kibaki is legally the President of Kenya<<

    Agreed but after correctly pointing out that he rigged himself in by hijacking all the constitutional instruments.

    >>3. ODM and Odinga do not have faith in the institutions of government (judiciary and ECK)<<

    Who except Kibaki, PNU, you and his appontees, can.

    >>4. Violence was in Nyanza and RVP<<

    Just because you stuck with KBC CITIZEN & NTV, does not mean that those were the only places violence occurred.

    You very poor at convincing people.

    >>5. The violence in RVP was organised and not reactional<<

    Does Kumekucha look like a police station to you?

    >>6. The Kenyan constitution does not provide for a presidential election so what Raila is asking for in unconstitutional<<

    If you have any talent and power to read and comprehend whatever you read then you'd know that Raila's genius proposed a transitional government whose purpose amongst other will be to amend the constitution to provide for such an exercise.

    >>7. If Raila is serious about the rigging, he can fail to show up in 15th Jan at 14.30 for the swearing in at the house of Parliament<<

    Raila was elected MP for Langata and that why he will accept to be sworn in as an MP,and I repeat, MP

    It was the Presidential vote-tallying that we are heavily disputing

    >>8. ECK Chairman was reappointed with Raila and ODM's insistence<<

    Thank you for noting the conspicuousness of that issue, but then again I did not hear Raila and ODM insisting that Kivuitu should aid Kibaki to get the presidency.

    >>9. Kibaki has corrupt elements within his administration and so does Raila<<

    PNU, ODM & ODM-K were all hyenas. The issue is, we were going to get a hyena that eats with manners and considers us for hefty left- overs.

    >>10. Kiabki aoutsmarted the ODM, if they really thought Kibaki was going to rig as they kept telling us, why didn't the just boycott the election<<

    Is reckless thievery what you call outsmarting. Even Moi rigged but I must admit the Old was far much subtle than Kibaki.

    >>11. ODM nominations show how well they too are capable of rigging...<<

    We owned-up to our faults in the nominations, initiated a healing process and moved ahead peacefully to the chagrin of PNU who wrongfully thought that it would weaken us. Kibaki and PNU did not own-up for nomination fiasco (which saw them give 100 direct nominations) and has not owned-up for stealing the elections. Thats the difference between ODM and (P)iga (N)yang'nya (U)ibe .

    These were not facts the normal PNU rubbish that lack tact.

    You got any more rubbish?


  45. Teejay: there was also violence in Coast and Western Province.

    Kimi: take your ethnic prejudice elsewhere. You are the sort of POISON Kenyans do not need.

  46. Kimi there is nothing wrong with Kenya's ethnic diversity. We shall have to find a way to live together and GET OUR DEMOCRACY TO WORK.

    If multi-ethnic coalitions help to get us to genuine democracy then so be it.

  47. Kenyans, do not be deceived by people like Kimi. We need to start reconciling and it will not happen if we are spewing hatred on each other as s/he is doing.

  48. Fresh news. New cabinet has just been announced. Let's change the topic..

  49. It is a fact that Kenya has not attained the equitable distribution of national resources dating back to the 1960s. This matter needs to be addressed.

  50. Kimi believes the Kikuyu are the only hardworking people in Kenya. All others are jealous and lazy. What a pity! If this is the attitude out there, then Kenya is doomed.

  51. Kenyans do not hate Kikuyu's Kimi:

    a) Tom Mboya and Oginga Odinga all supported Kenyatta before he stabbed them in the back.

    b) KADU ended up throwing its weight behind KANU in the sixties.

    c) Kibaki served as Moi's vice-president for more than a decade.


  52. I am aghast at the sort of BIGOTRY KIMI HAS SPREAD ON KUMEKUCHA.

    Kenyans of all creeds and ethnicities should condemn such bigotry.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. What Rubbish!

    >>Let us get the facts right:
    1. Rigging took place in ODM and PNU strongholds<<

    Are you saying the government with all that machinery allowed the opposition to rig? Isn't that laxity why we want a new government?

    >>2. Kibaki is legally the President of Kenya<<

    Agreed but after correctly pointing out that he rigged himself in by hijacking all the constitutional instruments.

    >>3. ODM and Odinga do not have faith in the institutions of government (judiciary and ECK)<<

    Who except Kibaki, PNU, you and his appontees, can.

    >>4. Violence was in Nyanza and RVP<<

    Just because you stuck with KBC CITIZEN & NTV, does not mean that those were the only places violence occurred.

    You very poor at convincing people.

    >>5. The violence in RVP was organised and not reactional<<

    Does Kumekucha look like a police station to you?

    >>6. The Kenyan constitution does not provide for a presidential election so what Raila is asking for in unconstitutional<<

    If you have any talent and power to read and comprehend whatever you read then you'd know that Raila's genius proposed a transitional government whose purpose amongst other will be to amend the constitution to provide for such an exercise.

    >>7. If Raila is serious about the rigging, he can fail to show up in 15th Jan at 14.30 for the swearing in at the house of Parliament<<

    Raila was elected MP for Langata and that why he will accept to be sworn in as an MP,and I repeat, MP

    It was the Presidential vote-tallying that we are heavily disputing

    >>8. ECK Chairman was reappointed with Raila and ODM's insistence<<

    Thank you for noting the conspicuousness of that issue, but then again I did not hear Raila and ODM insisting that Kivuitu should aid Kibaki to get the presidency.

    >>9. Kibaki has corrupt elements within his administration and so does Raila<<

    PNU, ODM & ODM-K were all hyenas. The issue is, we were going to get a hyena that eats with manners and considers us for hefty left- overs.

    >>10. Kiabki aoutsmarted the ODM, if they really thought Kibaki was going to rig as they kept telling us, why didn't the just boycott the election<<

    Is reckless thievery what you call outsmarting. Even Moi rigged but I must admit the Old was far much subtle than Kibaki.

    >>11. ODM nominations show how well they too are capable of rigging...<<

    We owned-up to our faults in the nominations, initiated a healing process and moved ahead peacefully to the chagrin of PNU who wrongfully thought that it would weaken us. Kibaki and PNU did not own-up for nomination fiasco (which saw them give 100 direct nominations) and has not owned-up for stealing the elections. Thats the difference between ODM and (P)iga (N)yang'nya (U)ibe .

    These were not facts the normal PNU rubbish that lack tact.

    You got any more rubbish?

  55. Teejay and Kimi: if you are not interested in reconcilation, peace and democracy. Do not Wast Our Time.

    Develop a blog of your own where you can spend space and time on unhelpful and distateful contributions.

  56. The thief has named a cabinet

    VP -Kalonzo
    Internal Security - Saitoti
    Education - Ongeri
    Local Gvt - Uhuru
    Defence - Haji.

  57. Joe, if Kibaki has named a cabinet as you say (and I do believe you are honest). Then he is not interested in reconciliation.

    What is the use of naming a cabinet before M.P.s are sworn in and most importantly before Kufuor jets into the country for mediation efforts?

  58. A cabinet? Why is Kibaki wasting Kufuor's time?

  59. I got this from the Nation website.

  60. >>Teejay and Kimi: if you are not interested in reconcilation, peace and democracy. Do not Wast Our Time.<<

    Between Peace and Piece which one are you talking about.

    >>Develop a blog of your own where you can spend space and time on unhelpful and distateful contributions.<<

    Kumekucha allows freedom of expression, I therefore find your inutile ranting as infantile. You should ignore me if you can or better still, you find your own blog.

  61. You people have said enough can't you guys come up with something concrete or closer to the solution of the mess we are all in. Look here guys,its in major towns and mostly populated with Luos that are fighting and muslims look at central where Kibaki comes from that is the only place that since new year things have been normal people went back to work. Look at Nairobi, Eldoret, Kisauni, Likoni list is endless. I feel for them since they are my fellow kenyans but guys lets give ideas that will help all kenyans regardless of their ethnic tribes. We are all one people 'Kenyans'

  62. There we go again...rushing to form a cabinet and brushing problems under the carpet.

    If we do not deal with the problems this election has created, 2012 will be a year we will all live to regret.

  63. Let us stop being insulting and divisive.

  64. Kenyans beware of those who entice you into dances of deceit and hatred.

    Those are the very same demons we ought to be fighting.

  65. 1. Internal Security – Prof George Saitoti

    2. Defence – Yusuf Hajji

    3. Special Programmes – Naomi Shaban

    4. Public Service - Asman Kamama

    5. Finance – Amos Kimunya

    6. Education – Prof Sam Ongeri

    7. Foreign Affairs – Moses Wetangula

    8. Local Government – Uhuru Kenyatta

    9. Information and Communications – Samuel Poghisio

    10. Water and Irrigation – John Munyes

    11. Energy – Kiraitu Murungi

    12. Roads and Public Works – John Michuki

    13. Science and Technology – Noah Wekesa

    14. Justice and Constitutional Affairs – Martha Karua

    15. East Africa Cooperation – Dr Wilfred Machage

    16. Transport – Chirau Ali Mwakwere

  66. Now, where are we really headed? What is the use of trying to talk to such an arrow-root head?

  67. I am waiting to see if there is one principled M.P. who will turn down Kibaki's cabinet post offer.

  68. Kibaki was never interested in reaching an agreement with ODM. Let us brace ourselves for 5 years of dictatorship.

  69. Anon @7:38.

    Don't hold your breath

  70. We really ought to have used this crisis to make genuine constitutional and institutional changes.

    We are now heading for 2012 with the very same institutions that caused problems intact including ECK.

  71. Joe, do you mean that we should ready ourselves for 5+ years of dictatorship?

  72. Kenya inarejea ngamani...

  73. I believe Joe was referring to waiting for a minister to turn down...

  74. Anonymous said...
    It is a fact that Kenya has not attained the equitable distribution of national resources dating back to the 1960s. This matter needs to be addressed. 6:55 AM

    Precisely. Can any true Kenyan (in th real sense of word) deny that? Nairobi is pretty much a city state. I imagine Central generates a large percentage of Kenya's GDP. That did not happen by accident. Central should not be so insecure about a Raila (or any other presidency). As has been observed elsewhere if progressive solutions don't come from those fortunate enough to have had an education, then responses will come from the 'contestations of the excluded'

    Kibaki needs to manage this situation with finesse. The ball is in his court has he has (IMO illegitimate) control. The cabinet appointments do not bode well AT ALL.

  75. When exactly is Prof Saitoti going to retire? The guy does not give up.

  76. Let me help this writer. I’m a mix of a Kale and Kikuyu but let me make this straight. When you go Rome do what the Romans do. The silly Kikuyus flocked Eldoret, Kisumu, Kakamega and all these places in Kenya. They have a certain stupidity that hits them every time they go to a particular city. They go against the local people and wants to be heard more than the locals. So when they voted for Kibaki against the elders’ plans and wishes which saw clearly that the community hasn’t benefited from the Kibaki government, everybody turned against them after Kibaki rigged the elections. Yes voting is everybody’s’ right but not when the community is suffering.; you hear me? Kibaki and the Kikuyus don’t realize that they are everywhere in the nation. So for Kibaki to rig himself into the presidency in front of all Kenyans, he didn’t give a shit about his people.

    So for this writer, the more you and Kibaki waggle with silly and boasting stupidity the more you subject your Kikuyu tribe mates to more killings. Nobody is jealous of your riches. Equitability of resources is the main concern. Far as I know, you and Kibaki will come back to your senses as soon as one your family member faces this tribulation.

  77. Kudos Kimi! Hit the nail on the head. The truth does hurt.
    Where were these oyher so-called tribes during the fight for kenya's freedom? they were busy collaborating with mzungu. is there any thruth in generational curses? Ask the Luhyas- walikuwa colabos.
    Tawala Kenya Kibaki. Those who thought you were a softie and said Kibaki 'tosa' are still reeling in their shock. Kazi inaendelea.

  78. Kudos Kimi. You make sense, something that ODMers are incapable of. When ODMers are confronted with sense, they resort to the same old insults and hatred. They cant handle facts and logic. They know that hatred is their only weapon. First it was anti-kikuyu, now its anti-kamba, anti-kisii, anti-somali and anti-luhya, simply because people in these communities voted for kibaki or kalonzo. If not checked, ODM inspired hatred will consume all of kenya.

  79. Your confined mind is revealed by the fact that you are using a white man's name to present yourself to Kenyans. What a shame! Dr Watson's theory might be true in your case.

    ECK was appointed by one person who refused to levelize the pitch. 5 commissioners have expressed themselves openly, Kivuitu has declared that Kibaki didnt win, Mr Lambsdorff watched with his eyes when the Molo returning officer said it was 50000 votes for Kibaki; at KICC the Molo votes turned to be 75000.

    What evidence do you need anymore... unless you are insane or terribly thick. An educated mind is above tribal inclination. I'm not.


  80. Isn’t it funny that naïve persons accuse the ODM of rigging an election? Where on earth do oppositions rig elections? Some crazy persons even suggest that the ODM has caused the killing of hundreds of Kikuyus in the recent skirmishes. The truth is the Kikuyus were killed because Kibaki, their son rigged the election. Period. I not only agree with this, but I also call for more action against these self loving thieves of our economy.

    I now understand why Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, Angola etc, happened. Anyone thinking it cannot happen is obviously misplaced. In fact, I’d prefer that than stand these Kikuyu chauvinist for another five years. Any one who is reading this should know, Kenya will never be the same again and Raila is the saviour we need to save Kenya. Forget the kikuyu, all they know is still and bloat their super-egos. We are tired!


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