Wednesday, July 04, 2007

John Githongo Rumours: Could They Be True?


Those who have been following this blog for sometime will be accustomed to the usual trend. I report something here which everybody initially dismisses with words like “rubbish” “bar talk” etc.(by the way I don’t drink and I have not entered a bar in 20 years). Weeks and sometimes months later, my information proves to be 1000% correct.

Interestingly many of you readers rush to make comments before reading the post properly. I always choose my words very carefully. If it is a rumour, I will call it that, if it is info from a trusted source I will call it that.

Now, there is some very interesting chain of events that have happened over the last 10 days or so. Let me present them and let you make your own judgment.

Event No 1;
Rumours have been circulating for sometime now that John Githongo is about to return to Kenya and enter politics. Just rumours, which I ignored (as I usually ignore dozens of rumours and info from people I don’t know hurled at me from all directions every day, including Sundays).

Event No 2
I received an interesting email from somebody I had never heard from before drawing my attention to an incredible story published in the Daily Nation (which the editor later apologized about). I hereby reproduce that email;

I would like to 'anonymously' bring to your attention an issue you will find interesting.

On June 22nd, the Nation published the following article:
Kibaki to win, says UK paper

This article claims to be based on a Financial Times story, although it was twisted greatly while some parts of the story were never even mentioned in the FT:,dwp_uuid=21418c9e-175a-11dc-86d1-000b5df10621.html


This was a particularly odd story coming from the NMG. Despite their internal issues as highlighted in the recent 'sex for promotions' campaign, the NMG is particularly careful about their sources and integrity of their stories. Whereas they often slant a story (just as they have done with this one), they tend to get the facts correct for legal reasons. This is why the Standard keeps running into trouble by not checking their facts in full. So, the insertion of outright falsehoods such as John Githongo briefing foreign govts is very strange indeed.

This story got past certain people who would have never allowed it to go out. Upon realising what happened and after a formal complaint and notice to sue, an apology was published on page 2 on Tue 26th (although it did not appear online):

"On 22 June 2007, we published an article alleging that it had been reported in the Financial Times of London that Mr John Githongo has been regularly briefing the British government on matters relating to corruption in Kenya, and that by doing so, he has contributed to tensions between 'Nairobi and London'.
We have established conclusively that the report was inaccurate, and that the Financial Times made no such assertion, expressly or implicitly. We take this opportunity to unreservedly apologise to Mr Githongo."

That this story was published in the Nation of all newspapers is very significant. I shall leave you to draw your conclusions but I can point out 2 things here. The first is that the sex for hire campaign that was happening earlier this year targeted persons who did not fit that bill. And with those persons neutralized, such stories will be common as will be the killing of any corruption exposures (notice the Nation's silence on the promissory notes?)

The second pointer is the determination to paint John Githongo as a British spy. It is not just about threatening him to stay silent. It is a desperate attempt to keep him from his rumored entry onto the local scene.

I trust we shall have a chance to discuss other issues as we fight to save our country from a very sad ending.

Keep well.

Event No 3
Today, a very trusted source of mine close to the Raila camp (he is NOT a Luo) sends me the following URGENT message;

We are looking at the possibility of a Githongo-Raila joint candidature.
I will give you details later. Dawa ya moto ni moto. Let us fry the pork with its own fat.

My dear readers. Kindly draw your own conclusions. Please note that this time instead of analyzing anything. I have simply put the facts before you. You analyze them and let today’s post be in the comments you all make on this issue. But before you make a comment please read the second post for today, below (This is very important and you will understand why after you have done so.) Make your comment like your life depended on it. Many of you don't realize it but you are already serving your country here and making a bigger impact than you will ever realize.

Horror of Kenyan with female sex organ sharing cell with men at Kamiti Prison

Are you a Kenyan? Do You love your country? Join in this noble campaign to change things. Do something instead of just complaining.

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  1. Chris you must be having a metre thick skin given bullets fired in your direction targeting your soul. Sojourn on brother becasue faint hearts never won any battle leave alone war.

    An honest audit of posts hhere wil reveal plentty of moles bandying skewed facts to mislead others into a pre-determined direct so as to make you look out of tune. How wrong, most bloggers can smell propaganda miles away and these chaps masquarading as insider authorities can take their 'gems' of info to R. Road bars.

    Truth has one unique trait, consistency. Have you noticed how some blokes have been commenting as residents in the diapora but while their next post claims to reflect feeling on the ground where they ahve been for eons? Try harder chaps, we are smarter than that.

    Back to your post, rumours come in different shapes. Sometimes what is tagged rumours is the truth prematurely released. In such circumstances it is said rumours have their foundation in truth. On the other hand, rumour can be used as a smokescreen to create a facade and make your enemy show his hand. That is called strategic rumours. Either of this aspects are associated with elite rumours that must not be confused with bar or street talk.

    You only ignore anything Githogo and your personal and politcal peril. The has shown what he is made of and capable of doing. Politics remain a game of the possible and those shouting the loudest to dismiss this before hand may never know what hit them when the time of reckoning comes.

    On your security you better than any of us to remain 'anonymous'. Kenyan ruling elite have the appetite to eliminate any irritant on their path. You are a small fry trying to make his small difference and compared to the departed heroes you better watch your back bro. Apologists to the regime will dismiss you as 'baby crying' or seeking cheap publicity. But why not cheap is eventually expensive and cowards die several times and live longer to tell the story. Tell it-as-it-is.

  2. Wishful thinking, if Githongo is to be seen in the political ring. I dont think, for once, that Githongo is cut for politics. If George Saitoti could transform from a lecturer to a bank executive and later to a top-drawer politician, then it can be possible.

    Times change and John Githongo might as well gathered enough bravery over time (Political). I agree he is a good commentator, a bourgoisie type, different from a physical politician that Kenyans know.

    If he were to that, then the move will be the greatest happening in Kenya since Kenneth Matiba returned home to join the presidential race in 1992. I wish him well. But Chris, the bloke has never identified with ODM at any given time or having berated the current regime from London is supposed to mean that he is in the opposition, and ODM in that matter.

    On the rumour part of the article, you are spot on, and i support the trepidation you treat such stories as either called for and genuine, considering that 'Dr Gikonyo told someone about President Kibaki's health'

  3. Who is John Githongo? That name sounds farmiliar to me. He is the guy who took over the anglo leasing crusade after it was exposed to the public by Maoka Maore. Oh yeah, I now know who u are talking about. One question, which constituency is he running? Does he intend to try his luck in the presidency as well? He is most welcome to give kenyan politics a try if the desire burns. They rock bottom is always deeper than u thought and John Githongo will soon attest to that assuming those friends of yours do not know the way to "R. Road bars".

    Nobody is here to take lectures from anybody and anybody who thinks he's gonna set the tone of the debate is cheating himself. I will call a spade a spade and its time people were told that those of us now under the banner of "misleading blokes" do not care that much if u come to think of it. I will play critic as u play side kick, the only important thing is to make sure u play your role well.

  4. just taking time out from my active duty of admiring economic growth to say i would vote for Githongo. i would vote for someone like him who tried to stand up against what is wrong, as opposed to someone who is wrong standing up because he is opposed-hey, i heard the war on graft is alive and kicking...ahh, here comes the anti-corruption czar-apparently he is limited by the Actions Act to deal with the Goldenberg
    this pumbavu asks...why would i want to vote again for people who can't even attempt to try fight corruption?
    i'd vote for Githongo...and anyone else who dares stand for justice
    excuse me, the economy is growing again-must go back and admire it

  5. LUKE! your commentaries are very funny i like the bit the economy is growing you got to be excused to admire it? ha ha ha. makes it sound like its a fire burning.
    On githongo teaming up with Raila it would be great calculated move but what position would he get then wont kibakist proclaim his graft war was a Raila agenda?
    What makes me sad is when pple say they are scared of Raila presidency because he would turn on the corrupt, tribalist and overturn the status quo so i wonder what kind of a leader do kenyans want?

  6. John Maina u must be living in a different world from the one I am living. Whch people have said they are "scared" of Raila presidency? I for one cannot be scared of an imaginary residency and I am telling u here and now that Raila Odinga will be the last one to throw a stone knowing fully well he lives in a glass house. all the presidential candidates (Including William Ruto) have promised to turn on the corrupt and the tribalists. Never mind their names are in the first pages of the Goldenberg report, the Ndung'u report and many others. You are invited to vote in a presidential candidate of your choice just like each one of us, was just correcting the assumption that anybody is scared.

  7. Chris, As has been reported elsewhere and confirmed by Tinga himself, this year's general election will be a two horse race between himself and the incumbent one Emilio Mwai Kibaki. I can assure you Chris, Raila's campaign in the last quarter of this year will be something that has not been seen in this part of the world before. Fighting opponents who are in power requires massive investment and huge sacrifices.
    While handing over the national flag to the Kenyan all-africa games team, Kibaki himself was quoted as saying we are all Kenyans (sic) and it is just that the training pitches (read political parties) are different. He actually said, "jameni....sio vita, tafadhalini naomba wana siasa, sisi wote ni wakenya, na haijalishi ni nani atakaye shinda!!!" If this are not the words of a coward whose gotten wind of an on-coming political TSUNAMI, then what are they, Vikii?

    You can bet that you will see defections from Government side to Raila's camp. You will see also see endorsements from very very unlikely quarters and the Raila candidature will receive moral support from within, far and wide. What you saw at Raila's vision launch was just a tip of the iceberg. Even foreign (sitting and retired) presidents and heads of government have endorsed Tinga as the next Head of State of Kenya, but for dimplomatic protocol are unable to declare so openly. For us Tinga supporters, it is just a matter of time and we have nothing to fear. Only those who have plundered this country and killed innocent civilians have something to fear. Infact, watchers of the political scene can already sense the deep fear within ODM when Tinga demands for a delegates nomination exercise.

    Therefore Chris, Githongo's imminent return should not suprise you as Raila has a lot more prominent support coming his way in Kenya as well as outside Kenya. Githongo will just but endorsing the man who will change this country for the better, forever!

  8. Maina, just to suport what Vikii is saying Raila Odinga is not scaring anybody. The point is that he is equally mentioned in the Ndungu report that reads like the who-is-who in the Kenyan corruption-land grabbers-public property looters-name any public crime.

    Nobody has said for once that they are scared of Raila. People thought that Kibaki would persecute people or turn personal when he took over the reins in 2002, but that was not the case, just like Nelson Mandela in South Africa in the 1990s, it does not need immediate ramifications on the part of the losers. Justice is usually given a chance and that is what can happen, if Raila's dream/vision comes real.

    Anyway, the only people who are challenging Raila's ascendency to the presifdency are the same people he ran around with during the 2005 Referendum, that wastermed as mid-term elections in Kenya.

    Another thing what sin has any of the current regime committed? Anglo Leasing? I dont think so. These dealings were initiated during the dawn years of the Moi regime and like any other leader, Kibaki administration ascended to power and found them there.

    If you turn to Goldenberg, then we have a cache of suspects there that go back to 1993, starting with Ford-Kenya, Musalia Mudavadi, down to Rutto and the YK92 and those leaders who remained quite in the Moi era, only to surface after the Anglo Leasing scam seemed to be a reason to cover Kibaki with murk.

    Leaders cannot be scared of Raila and if the electorate decide, and KSN Matiba always said, then the leaders are powerless. They have to abide.

  9. I understand and empathise with those that over-react, become suicidal, insultive, confused, tribal and most of all defensive whenever Raila name is mentioned
    i also 101% agree that the economy has started to recover albeit for the minority bourgoisie.
    however, i would not use moi nor kenyatta and least of all neighbouring countries as the yardstick to judge the incumbent performance. Rather the inauguration speech, my, family and colleagues hopes and expectations of a better kenya and most of all fight over corruption, tribalism, promotion of democracy, devolution of power, resources and services, security, constitutionalism.

    The incumbent has failed on these instead promoted tokenism and therefore should be voted out if not jailed.
    For Raila it is evident that he can be an effective, influential,decisive leader, as we all have both weaknesses and strengths, Railas weaknesses are actually his strengths hence is a good leader.

  10. Come on John Maina. was Raila not in the cabinet in 2003. Two days later, Raila's lapdog Otieno Kajwang was in the news that they had been shortchanged. Later, the same day, Raila was to say that it was a storm in a cup of tea.

    Days went into two years and during this time there was the worst case of accountability, irresponsibility, and backstabbing displayed, with some section of the LDP legislation always talking about cabinet (one the country's) supreme organs decisions in press conferences.

    First they do not attend cabinet meeting, second, they are loudspeakers of a certain person and third, they are sychophants who more than bootlick. They bow!

    When Kibaki unleashed the brutal cull that saw the LDP team leave, did it stop the government from running, No. Are there any improvements, Oh, yes and are we not in the fifth year after Moi, yes.

    Raila, might have his strong points yes, but he also has his weak points and these are what has currently stalled the ODM nomination at crossroads.

  11. Derek-i take it you would be smiling all the way if say you had an MOU with me or your bro or wife but we disregarded it. look deep in your soul on this also remember integrity, i dont think kajwang or anyone for that matter is a lapdog for support raila as you are not for supporting kibaki, having listened/read what LDP and DP and other minister were briefing the press about some was +ve and others -ve hope you not saying raila was all responsible, attending cabinet i dont have the facts, good you do, louderspeaking, sychophants, bootlick, bow? on these on the borderline of exeggerations and emotiveness and i have no clue what you on about.
    so raila has stalled ODM nominations? just heard from you but will not challenge your entitlement to that point of view i however hold a different view.

    To address the ODM nomination i belief it would be important to contextualise each candidates contributions to the well-being of kenya in terms of political, social, cultural, constitutional, democracy, economical empowerment.

  12. You are a psychophant when you react emotionally (laughing or gnashing) at the drop of a name. But hey, who said it is not chic to be a schooled Chotara? You are very entertaining guys to an extent of packaging old stuck-record info as facts (or is it news). Chris must be the richest host with all intelectual parasites benefiting and offering very little. But that is life, we are all ears and eyes, bring them on Kenyans.

  13. You guys give us a break on an mou that was never honoured. How come of all the people who were betrayed, only one keeps mouthing about it even to an extent of crying in public? It was only the late michael Wamalwa who got what he was personally promised. kaluki Ngilu, George saitoti, Kalonzo Musyoka and even moody awori were promised big seats which they never got. Now we do not hear them whining every time about it. John Maina u gotta read that MOU again (assuming u read it), If u do that u will understand it was never about one single individual. Adults get on with life if their wishes are not met. Babies and little boys keep crying.

  14. interesting views vikii but i wont get to your level this time.

  15. There's millions of John Maina's out there yearning for integrity, honesty and equal opporutinities for all. Not just to show where others before us failed, but to only place this great country and its people in its rightful category. Thanks John for your views that I have welcomed with open arms.

  16. John Maina did u say 'this time'? U've never been at my level dude and u'll never be. Ur views can be welcome with a hundred arms by those like u , but my point is that the small-child complex has to be gotten away with. I know it is hard for people like u guys to understand some of these things, but then that is why I am here---To try and make u get to make an attempt with reasoning with the other kenyans. Of course i do not expect you to be top notch in it but I am sure u can get close with concerted efforts.

  17. Back from hiatus. I was actually on my way to the gallows and for those who don’t believe me, try dating the outstandingly voluptuous ‘virgin’ daughter of a certain police chief. “Hell hath no fury….like that of a cop planning his daughters arranged marriage”. That, my dear brothers and sisters, is an understatement.

    Chris, the animated responses to the probability of Githongo running with Raila adds fire to my earlier post where, after consulting with “crystal-ball-Janet”, suggested that ‘this thing of ours’ may be determined by the choice of VP. It is now a fact that the real candidates; Kalonzo, Raila and Kibaki (whether he knows it or not) are extremely polarizing figures and thereby a liability to whichever party they end up running on. The question of whether Githongo will cut short his self exile only to loose at some constituency power fight does not take away from the importance of VP choice this time around. It is for the same reason that Moody is stocking on diary grade cows in anticipation of his impending retirement whereas Kalonzo is frantically talking to anybody who’ll listen and entertain becoming his subordinate. It is for the same reason that Raila is buying time by ‘becoming emotional’ behind closed doors…until he determines a running mate who will compliment (read soften) his perceived stature. Oh! and for those who failed to ‘understand the welling of tears’, how else do you convince a section of the public of your humbleness (which they’ve doubted since Onyato was stoned in Kisumu)? You better shed some of that salty stuff my brother.
    Back on point, some facts to ponder: Raila, Kalonzo and Kibaki are running for President, come rain or shine. If any of these chaps were to back down, they’d be lynched by their supporters. Of the three, the one with the carefully researched (all facts considered) VP will win this ‘thing of ours’.

  18. Vikii, BB here. Let it rest, you are inadvertently giving yourself away.


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