Monday, June 25, 2007

Where Is Kumekucha?


My sincere and humble apologies to all my regular readers who have missed me since Friday. Sorry for any anxieties caused and let me assure you that I am fine and now truly back and at your service as always.

When I flew into Nairobi shortly before lunchtime (Kenyan time) last Friday, it was the first time I had been to the so-called city in the sun for over 3 years. I then ventured deep into the beautiful Rift Valley where I have been missing from, for even a longer stretch of time. Alas, I was not able to pause at the place called "View Point" to take in the magnificent floor of the Rift Valley because there was fog that was so thick that even Matatu drivers were not overtaking (can you believe that!! A matatu failing to overtake a slow moving vehicle ahead of it!!)

Part of my mission in the Rift Valley was to witness a young man from the Akamba community all the way from Machakos negotiating vigorously for a Kikuyu beauty to be his life partner. Truly there is hope for Kenya. One day love amongst all Kenyans will be completely blind of tribe. The man succeeded but not before some anxious moments including one dramatic point in the negotiations when the Kikuyu elders demanded a hefty five-figure fine because the man who had eloped with their daughter had taken too long to come and inform them of what was happening.

I cannot of course fail to mention the high point of the whole ceremony which was when the master of ceremonies asked both parties (at first a little nervous of each other) to sing the same song but in each other's language. That is the Kamba sang in Kikuyu and the Kikuyu sang in Kamba. Of course the Kikuyu find the Kamba language melodically amusing while the Kamba's sometimes have a problem with the heavy Kikuyu R's instead of the L's that they are more used to. Still it worked and it broke the ice. My only regret is that I did not have a video camera to capture the whole thing.

Sadly that is about the only good news I have to report from my trip. The rest is all bad news. Kenya is indeed on fire and all my worst fears regularly expressed here proved to be uncannily accurate. It became very clear to me that as we hurtle towards the rapidly approaching general elections, there is need for those who believe in prayer to double their efforts in asking for divine intervention to take our great but badly limping nation through a very difficult time.

I was fortunate enough to be chauffeured around very comfortably most of the time by people who had to make some sacrifices to make the whole thing possible (and for that I am very grateful to them). Still I did manage to enter a matatu or two (the best place to feel the pulse of Kenya, first-hand). I could not help noticing the desperate faces. The lack of smiles that I at least occasionally saw the last time I was here.

Hopefully the tree we planted deep in the heart of the great rift and for which you my dear readers had to sacrifice by persevering my absence for the whole weekend, will one day make its' small, tiny, contribution to the healing of Kenya.

Father and son seduced by the same woman called "death."

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Vote for a fellow Kenyan today because when he wins, Kenya wins


  1. You bloody stay in the R.Valley and don't post any more shyt on here till you acknowledge Kenya is a much better country under President Kibaki!!

  2. Who do you think you are to insult people. This forum has been going on with contributions without your insults. What are you going to achieve?

    For whatever reason, calling what is written here shit gives you no basis in life. If you feel it is shit, a word that you cannot spell properly, kindly start your own. I will not visit it for any reason.

    If at this rate, i am being forced to direct salvos at an imbecile who calls people 'shyt' then this world is doomed. If you feel that you can register a blog that does not write any 'shyt', then well go ahead, but at this rate, I strongly believe that you are one of those unfortunate cockroaches that succumbed to an insectcide, or the parabolic seed that fell on thorns and was chocked. If you cannot write sense here, I believe you dont have any in your brains, then keep off and shut up. LOSER.

  3. Save your salvos for better targets!

  4. Very true Mr. Anonymouus, Derek MUST save his salvos to better targets worth his wisdom and NOT you by any chance. You are a disgrace and benefitting your pea-sized brain with a reply is a reward you don't deserve. Have a good and honest look at yourself, rack your empty shell for brains and report back to here with the predictable one liners.

    Please Mr. OAF argue and stop shouting. You don't have the burden above your shouders to decorate your anatomy. Makke no mistake, you evoke no trace of emotions just dry scoulding, silly intelllectual parasite give us a break you faceless numskull.

  5. tut!tut!tut!

  6. Guys,

    No need to give satisfaction to an idiot by stooping to his level.
    On another note... how many of you regular commentators are actually in Kenya? Don't know why, but i had all along assumed Chris was in writing from Kenya!

  7. On the contrary Mr. Joe and Co. the only idiots here are the authors of the blog and the fawning cretins who comment regularly.

    An anti-Kenyan government blog masquerading as serious political, socio-economic and cultural punditry is simply unacceptable.

    It is worse than the highly arrogant, imperialistic attitudes towards our country of the international media a la BBC.

    Your little charade here is the epitomy of what is wrong with some Kenyans, too much of pointing out what is wrog at the expense of productive actions.

    Happy mourning and see you at the polls.

  8. Anon,

    Kenya was in such as a bad shape, anybody could have turned it around. Perhaps the biggest threat to the country right now is corruption and tribalism. Kibaki had a chance to do something about it in 2002.. he squandered it. The coming polls will just be business as usual.. same old politicians, same old lies. Talking of doing something.., what exactly are you doing other than insulting people?

  9. Chris, I can bet all $$$ that you post your comments in Kenya. "Flying into Nairobi" does not mean someone is travelling from outside Kenya. Flights land in JKIA from all over - and many of them are from Mombasa, Kisumu, Lamu, Maasai Mara, Malindi, Lokichoggio, etc, etc.

    I think Chris is trying very hard to throw cyber spy agents off track. You never know who will be tracking IP addresses. Chris has made obvious enemies, using cyber cafes for his daily Kumekucha posts. Better safe than sorry, huh? We know how powerful enemies of this blog are. As a local blogger I really thank God for wi-fi. Its not easy to estbalish exact locations (eg dial ups) maybe just localities - I dont know.

    I know you have a family Chris. BUT I encourage you not to fear NSIS and special branch. Quotatable quotes to give you strength (especially in the coming months to the general elections):

    The most destructive element in the human mind is fear. Fear creates aggressiveness. (Dorothy Thompson)

    (Veer Sharma)

  10. Phil you amaze me. With all due respect, i dont expect u to live in Kenya for three years and fail to set foot in Nairobi. And just to let u know, Maasai mara and Lokichoggio are in R valley which Chris has been supposedly out of for a longer period.

    Let us not fool ourselves. This guy, just like most of u pple live in the US or the UK.

    Let us not start the now common self denial

  11. As Phil says, Chris is slowly becoming a fugitive. There’s an urgent need to move with lightening speed to bamboozle the men with instructions from Othaya. By election time, Chris’ reading companion will most likely be “The life and times of Carlos the Jackal” (the abridged edition)

    For safety sake, we will understand if you ‘Kamothorize’ your postings going forward…. you know nowadays it’s no longer a blind folded trip to Karura forest; in Kibakis’ time, it’s the relief of the burden on your shoulders (as Taabu puts it).

    That being said, I’m confident that you will stand strong and confident in the face of adversity just like Raila at the Nyati House basement …staring at a set of pliers.

    In any event, does your will and testament mention the ownership transition of this blog?

  12. This anonymous nonentity should not be given more attention than is necessary. This blog is a forum for serious deliberation and not where we “flake” our precious minutes in uncalled-for bandying! Remember, Anonymous: In promulgating you esoteric cogitations and articulating superficial, sentimental and psychological observations beware of platitudinous ponderosity. Let your extempore decantations have rodomontade veracious veracity. Sedulously, avoid all pusillanimous vacuity, pestiferous profanity and similar transgressions! Ne, c’est pas?


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.