Monday, June 25, 2007

Late Extra


I have just received word that there was a young jobless man at the Hilton Bus Stop, Nairobi, this afternoon urging Kenyans to reject ALL current MPs in the forthcoming elections for pocketing Kshs 850,000 every month for the last 5 years while 85 per cent of Kenyans starved.

I am thinking of launching just such a campaign in this blog. What do you guys think?

Father and son seduced by the same woman called "death."

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Vote for a fellow Kenyan today because when he wins, Kenya wins


  1. Chris, great idea. You may also want to incorporate something similar to the shame campaign in Italy some years back (Google for the right terminology, dates and maybe country).

    This is how it worked; Any MP/politician (and their families) accused of corruption/embezzlement or any crime was simply booed and heckled everywhere they were spotted; at schools, supermarkets, malls etc. Whenever an accused MP drove down the streets, citizens would block the car and simply spend hours booing and heckling. This was televised and soon it became an extremely popular pastime among Italians. In some cases, an MPs address would be provided online/TV and any citizen driving by the house would honk their horns continually; day and night. Can you imagine booing Michukis’ or Karumes’ sons….. at least the ones without gun permits.
    The shame campaign worked miracles as many of the accused MPs chose to resign rather than face the public humiliation round the clock. The psychological effects of such a campaign are phenomenal. Mans mind is feeble.

    Constant 24 hour booing is what I prescribe.

  2. Do u guys realize that the campaign would have to include ALL MPs? Even Kalonzo and Raila have been receiving the 850K.

    The whole lot should be included.


  3. Chris I thought you said you lived in Kenya. Remember that cyber cafe? You have spent a lot of energy telling us how you are interracting with the common man on the ground. You will now agree with me bro that the standard is your 'very reliable' informer.

    Nothing against you though. I just wanted to remind you that it is proper to enlist the right citations.

    Need to thank God if you still have your head sitting on ya shoulders. my car was broken into and they stole ma ipod, the car radio and the speakers. I am spending the whole day in the hse today, i would call ma boss a bitch if i had to work.

    Back to today's menu. First Kalamari, MPs' pension scheme just like any other is contributory. You qualify if:
    1.You are enrolled and have been submitting your contributions
    2.You have served a minimum of two terms
    3.You have attained the age of 55 years
    4.You are currently out of parliament.

    It is not actually 80%. An MP who has served say two terms is entitled to a lumpsum of 10M and a recurrent 80000 til the day he and his spouse die. I am not defending them, they dont deserve a penny as pension. On that particular one I am totally with most kenyans who think that is unfair.

    Now Chris tell me what other reason you and the kencom young man have to support your campaign against MPs apart from jealousy? that is crazy money but would you punish MP for taking a salary that was determined by a government comission? The campaign we need to embark on is mobilising the masses and we do a 30 day sit-in at Amos Wako's, Francis Muthaura's and Mwai Kibaki's offices. This is the only way we can get them to come up with another commission led by a credible guy like Pat lumumba. The research can be stage mnaged with the aim of coming up with a maximum of Kshs 400000 for mps.This can be effected in Jan 2008 but the new terms can be made public before the campaigns start so that you have an idea about what you are about to get yourself into.

    Kalamari Italian Mps are still the highest paid in the world. They pocket a cool 23000 US$. Ofcourse their economy is miles bigger than ours but you can be sure both theirs and ours are unjustifiable.

    And by the way, we dont have to be very loud about the Mps salaries, I also habour political ambitions you know? We can share the money when and if i make it.

  4. Benji alias Anonymous you are dumb. We are not spreading selective hate talk here. Of course we know better than you that Kalonzo and Raila are MPs and we know they earn as much as all the other mps. Did you think they share their money with us or what? I find you very narrow minded bro or is it siz?

  5. Chris, hapana, you landed from where? Last week, not three years ago, you were, as Vikii says, eavesdropping to a lady conversing in a language very common in Kenya, and where we have more cybercafes in Kenya than any other place. Anyway, benefit of doubt that you did not 'cook' that one.
    Chris, if we were to borrow a leaf from Kalamari's idea, then we should have a truck to carry the dead bodies that will be strewn all over Nairobi and the environs. No, you should not do that. You should ask yourself, what has Odhiambo Omamba done, Adhu Awiti done, Gor Sungu done, William Omomndi done and many more, including Mirugi Kariuki's son, then you spare those who make visible change, or Kalembe Ndile who claimed he was being under-utilised. He buys three newspapers and spends the whole day flicking through all the pages.
    There are others who have made a big difference, while others dont deserve it.
    And with guns only available to the selected few as a blogger has just written, you should remember that a certain influential bank proprietor once shot a man in Nairobi West and went scot free a few years ago.
    Anyway, all the best in that bid, though it will be futile from the start. You might be arrested of being a threat to national security, framed for anything from traficking to being a Mungiki member and anything that the police commish will think of.
    All in all, booing is the best. But they are thick-skinned. What do you call people who can connive to draft an Anglo-Leasing project while Justice Bosire is hearing Goldenberg. Best of luck.

  6. Chris, just to prick some emotions, I have just gone through a posting and someone says that by opining we are 'silly guys with silly opinions'. I for once dont know any of most people here second names. I cannot be bought to make opinion. After all it is a personal thing that cannot be implanted in me. The rate at which people are enjoying the liberty of the public sphere and shamelessly classifying people with deragatory remarks they cannot substantiate is worrying. Whoever the moron who calls us 'silly' should cover his face, not by being anonymous but with SHAME

  7. Insults gal me especially of the unprovoked or unwarranted type. Reading or hearing one abuse others is the only time I allow myself to hit the roof and give rationale leave without apologies.

    What would Benji and co. gain by being so petty to an extent of collectivelly labeling everybody here silly? Call me the moral polics and I won't mind only after you undertake a thorough examination of the anterior structure burdening your shouders and particularly the quality of the grey matter resident between your ears.

    An honest evaluation will leave the flaps between your nose and chin permanently zipped. Failure to do so you are welcomed brother (ladies are more civilized than you) to broadcast your 'VILLAGERISM' - thank God for working some miracles to take you out of the village. Speak of soiling (shitting) the very plate you are served on! For lack of better word brother, you are an unchallenged OAF. Stop it.

  8. Well said taabu. We will from today leave these blokes to you. Deal with them on our behalf.

  9. i have been reading this blog and got hooked since early this year, but a statement from the author, or was it a slip of the pen?, has got my attention. For him to state he has been out for three years and all along he has been making us believe ako na sisi hapa hapa, makes me feel stupid, because i have been swallowing all the stories hook line and sinker. All the same i think it has been good reading, what does it matter if all the stories are regurgitated but for heavens sake do not insult our intelligence, because from now i will take all the posts with a heavy pinch, nay, fistful, of salt.

    More to the story, i find it foolhardy to shout at or indeed vote out the current MPs because we are only going to vote in their bros sisters or relatives who will repeat the same or make their perks even fatter. So my solution is for a radical change and i suggest we remove our parliamentary system and instead have a governing council, to run for a period of ten years and they should only be paid mileage to and fro wherever they will be assembling once a month. Our ministries are best run by the PS if our current ministers are anything to go by. Ndile the wag, confirmed it when he said his boss left a junior officer inchrge of this key ministry while he (ndile) wss still around!

    For those who has the misfortune of thinking that the country breaths Raila and Kalonzo, wake up for your day dream.

  10. Habari ya Masiku Chris, if you may remember, I have been telling those who care to listen that a comprehensive review of our constitution will not only level the playing ground for all citizens, but also be the first step towards reducing the gross inequality that is evident in this country. Make these MPs accountable, and they will start earning their salaries. Make access to opportunities equal for all citizens and you will begin to see what Kibaki loves to call a working nation. At the moment, nothing is the same for everyone. Not women, not for youth, not even for young university graduates or for hawkers. Even if another parliament and president was to be elected today, it would still perform the same, if not worse, than the current one under the prevailing circumstances. In other words Chris, let Kibaki first fulfill his pre-election pledges in full. That alone will facilitate great benefits for a great nation.

    About the blokes posting insults here, Chris if you cant delete them, lets just ignore them and proceeed with healthy debate. eg. Like the one we were proposing for Adhis, Mrs Kumekucha and all other members of the fair sex to support Raila as his vision promises a 50/50 sharing of public appointments between men and women. This is a brainchild of Raila, that has unfortunately been hijacked by Kibaki yesterday when launching the Women's Fund. Question is, if he failed to keep all those other pre-election pledges, will he keep this one for women, or he just wants their votes, while stealing ideas from Raila? The answer is an emphatic NO!

  11. Hi Chris et al.
    Interesting subject we have here - MP salaries.
    First, let me provide comparative global MP salaries in Kenya shillings so that the sordid subject can become clearer. Source -

    Countries | salaries | Per capita incomes | Budgets

    Kenya 877,500/- 3,200/- 271 billion
    Tanzania 116,666/- 2,060/- 163 billion
    Uganda 180,000/- 1,700/- 135 billion
    Nigeria 61,666/- 3,400/- 939 billion
    SA 246,642/- 30,170/- 4,811 billion
    India 75,938/- 4,380/- 8,191 billion
    UK 1,816,200/- 225,600/ - 64,342 billion
    USA 1,018,733/- 266,085/ - 154,687 billion
    Norway 542,000/- 357,540/ - 5,184 billion
    From the above table, our MPs are obviously some of the best paid in the world despite the fact that our per capita income is among the lowest in the world.

    Frankly speaking, whether they are working hard or not, they certainly don't deserve these salaries until such a time our average incomes start making sense.

    As voters, we can attempt to do something about this unacceptable situation. We can start a massive email/verbal campaign urging Kenyan voters to apply pressure on aspiring and sitting MPs to reduce these salaries by 50%.

    Voters must give the candidates a simple yet clear message whenever they meet during this year's campaigns. Here's the message.

    “My vote will only go to a parliamentary candidate who publicly vows that once elected, he or she will do everything in their power to have MPs salaries reduced by 50% during the first session of Parliament in 2008. If for some reason this fails, then he or she will immediately proceed to use 50% of their own salary to create an education fund in the constituency, for poor and deserving children.”

    If I was running for parliament, this would be one of my campaign platforms.

  12. Phil you are right I also noticed Kibaki borrowed Raila's visions of sharing 50/50 appointments for men and women during the launch of women's fund, its good to borrow good ideas but keeping the promise is another thing and we cannot rely on liars and should vote out all liars. Once beaten twice shy.

  13. Hello Councillor, are legislative demographics in Kenya the same as those in the countries you list? And can you please clarify does one pay salaries on the basis of how wealthy one is or on the basis of how much out-put you are getting from your workers, or both or other? Apart from suggesting paycuts, what other proposals, if any, can you make part of the campaign to ensure public funds are utilised equitably and responsibly? Take our recent budget as an example; it has earned the name "election budget" in the local and internatinal press. We've got not mechanism in place that places us in strict control of public budgeting and/or expenditure. Nor is the Finance Minister or MPs who pass the vote personally liable to be answerable in the event there are "failures" in this budget.

    My take is that the campaign is something Chris can start today, but am afraid that even if it succeeds and going by what our politics is all about, it will just end up giving birth to other corruption avenues unless accountability and transparency become the hallmarks of our beloved country. What do you think?

    PS.: Adis, Let Kibaki come up with his own ideas instead of borrowing (read stealing) heavily from ODM. He's had five years. We never voted for a GNU, but its been thrust upon us!

  14. Kibaki cannot borrow anything from Raila. Kibaki is in power and has the resources to implement them.

    Raila's powerlessness can be reflected by the inability to make any move after running around demolishing buildings only to be stopped in his tracks. Mark you, that time he was a minister and what about the vision?

    His vision, can include the things that Kibaki can implement at the stroke of a pen.

    By the way, this was a UNDP (UN) backed project forum that he used to make the announcement.

    Simple Raila cannot and Kibaki as president can implement visions. That is the big difference. That is why were the Luo Nyanza MPs begging with bent knees two weeks ago when Kibaki was in Gem. They should have known better.

    MOU, this thing and I repeat was a sham and not binding. If ODM cannot agree on a presidential candidate, after so many hours and months of discussion, what make you people think that the MOU could have sailed through had it not been the anxiety to get Moi out. Get realistic.

    At the time of the MOU, some parties and I quote LDP was being run by people who had not even been elected, or tell me when Kamotho was elected LDP SEcretary in 2002 and the venue and contestants for other posts. Then , period, it was not binding.

    Kibaki, as the constitution allows him, as above the law, can invite anybody he deems fit to help him run the government and why not the trusted MWANANICHI, who will give him all the support. If it is not allowed, the someone would tell us then, why have rebel tribal party chiefs in the cabinet.

    Last, has the government not performed? Was Raila not in the last Kanu government that run down Kenya? and Was he and a clutch of others not offered cabinet posts in the Kibaki government?.

    Get real.....

  15. derek, you talk as if you've just landed from planet mars. Resources to implement women's fund and not fight anglo-leasing? Above the law you say; organise a night raid on a free press because a snake has been rattled? Resources to implement, but not knowing which is the ruling political party in Kenya today as if the voters of 2002 were voting for goats? Are you aware of the history of land in Kenya, and particularly, how road reserves and public land ended up in private hands, and why the Ndungu Land Commission is collecting dust at the OP? Or how Nyachae, as current Minister for Public Works, is having an easy time with contractors because Raila got rid of the cowboys before he took over? And that your Kibaki was a KANU hawk / cabinet minister / vice president longer than Ruto, Raila or Mudavadi, and that he was part and parcel of the KANU regime that run-down this country in the 1980s. Please comment on facts and not mere hear say / propaganda. As the incumbent, Kibaki can use the state resources at his disposal to woo voters, true. But in all honesty, when did you, Derek, first hear about free secondary school education (if not during Kalonzo's vision launch) or when did you here about 50/50 gender public appointment (if not Raila's vision launch). How can we trust a man who goes as far as hijacking the VIJANA TUGUTUKE campaign and renaming it VIJANA (TUGUTUKE) NA KIBAKI football tournament? Running scared of the disenchanted youth I bet! Doesnt he or his campaign team have any capacity to conceive their own ideas? Or he can only go as far as UKWELI WA MAMBO campaigns using public money? MOU is something we forgot about along time ago. What we are saying, is that Kibaki had a list of about 15 pre-election pledges, not counting the MOU ( I hope you heard about them in Mars) and he specifically asked we keep this list for 2007. I kept mine and I can confidently say that he has so far delivered very little if any of these pledges. No need harping on economic growth if inflation is wiping out the benefits and actually making life more difficult than it was for the common man during the Moi days...thanks but the answer is still NO to Kibaki.

  16. derek you should know that Raila was not in Kanu and Kibaki government long enough to implement any changes in these governments. It is a fact that the magnitude of corruption in Kibaki government of 5 years is greater than 24 years of Kanu rule and I wonder what it would have been if it continues for another 5 years at this rate.

    Yes Kibaki is in power, has the resources but should not misuse them, the resources are from pockets of mwanainchi and not from his pocket so everyone should gain from the resources regardless of his tribe.

    We are tired of being showered of goodies during election year, this should start immediately one gets into power. More than 40 years after independence majority of Kenyans are very poor and the infrustructure is worse.

    Don't support Kibaki blindly because you are from his tribe who have gained a lot from his favouritism but support him if he has changed the lives of the common man.

  17. Phil thanx for that. Kibaki has made changes.

    Okay, What did Raila do as chairman of the Constitution Review, what is not having the same problems in ODM today. Okoth Owiro sacked, and numerous backstabbing?

    What did he do as Minister for Energy? Odino-Mirui Project? No, it has been in the pipieline since 1966 and you need not be reminded that Raila's dad made the difference.

    Can you tell us something about the Rural Electrification project during his time in Kanu? Then compare that to GUsiiland in the last few years that Nyachae has been there.

    Roads, the Kendu-Homa Bay Road has not been completed since 1962, if the records at the National Bureau of Statistics are right (I hope they are) what time did the project stall? After 1966.

    The UN meeting was planned more than a year before Raila unleashed the vision. So, Kibaki's (written) statement was bound to have it.

    Kalonzo's vision or daydream, was calculated to counter Kibaki's but where is he going to implement that from? As part of the CDF funding Mwingi or what.

    Phil, at least you engage in sober arguments, A Bad in hand is worth two in the bush, and better the devil you know, who has made the economy rampant and quality of l improve to the level of owning a Hummer and riding on dilapidated roads that you could not fix.

    For anon, where is the corruption when Sony Sugar, East African Portland Cement, Kenya Meat Commission, and even Cereals Board is returning profits? Honestly, where is the corruption and every state corporation, including National Bank (rumoured to have loaned Raila's Spectre) are running black prints at the end of the annual statements.

    What is more than corruption if the Ndungu report says that KIsumu Molasses Plant was an underhand dealing.

    Over to you guys...

  18. Derek, Derek, Derek. I repeat, please, please comment with facts. You havent answered or commented on any of my questions on the first post. I will try yours..

    As Chairman of Parlimentary Review Committee, the Constitutional Review Commission was formed with Yash Pal Ghai as Chairman and PLO Lumumba (Lumush) as Secretary. This eventually culminated to the Bomas Constitutional Conference and bomas draft was produced. Unfortunately KIbaki and his chronies messed this draft and luckily Kenyans rejected their Wako draft in the referendum. Since then, both Muite's and Nyachae's tenure of the same committee have not bourne any fruit worth talking about. (Missing Raila already?)

    Raila was minister for Energy for less than a year. During his tenure, the ministry budget was already passed in the budget preceding his appointment. I cannot really expect a minister to make any visible projects within just a few months. Do you? Kisii was developed during Kenyatta / Moi's rule. Certainly not Kibakis as you claim. Remember one Lawrence Sagini and late Zachariah Onyonka? Those are the individuals whose credit you are trying to give to Kibaki now. They were only cabinet colleagues with Kibaki.

    Kibaki's gender policy, indeed the government of Kenya policy on affirmative action, is 30% posts for women, and the balance for men. Raila gets full credit for 50% affirmative action.

    Karachuonyo residents are lucky to have that murram road from Kendu - Homa Bay. All fishing cold rooms and fish landing beaches are dead that were there in the seventees. Indeed, Kendu Bay town itself no longer exists and not even matatus go there. Maybe, and just maybe, boda boda will take you to Kendu-Bay ship pier. Even KR ferries never go there. Do you still want to blame the former eight-months serving minister for roads for killing Kendu Bay town? Why did Barclays close down their Homa BAy branch recently? Do you blame Raila for that?

    I wish you would publish balance sheets for these state corporations you are talking about. And while doing that also ask yourself what happened to Kenya Bus Services, Uchumi Supermarkets, Muhoroni Sugar Company, Miwani Sugar Company, etc, etc. I will tell you all these companies are under receivership. I wonder why they havent been bailed out like NBK, Uchumi, KMC and the rest. Who deserves what I may ask? Which industry supports more people for example between Uchumi and Muhoroni? It goes without saying Muhoroni directly employed about 3000 people
    on its payroll and thousand more peasant farmers in its sugarcane zone. Not to mention indirect benefitiaries like suppliers, tranporters, etc. It ran several schools, hospitals, football teams, etc and provided free electricity for local communities and road maintenance for rural access for a radius of 50 - 100 kms from the factory, just like Mumias Sugar Co is doing now. Tell me please, does Uchumi or Kenya Meat Commission or even Safaricom do that?

    This Molasses issue is now a song. Government does not sell land. KCB, as the receiver-managers, sold this plant in a public auction to recover its loans. Incidentally the factory collapsed during Kibaki's tenure in the finance ministry.Were the new owners expected to buy and operate the factory in the air, or on the land it was built? Moi, as president, saw sense and allocated the land to the new investors. Whats corrupt about that? Derek, please answer my questions on those two posts and stop propagating meaningless Kibakinomics to us.

  19. Why collect money from people and turn it into a family business? What is the logic.

    In Karachuonyo, with all the professors and academicians abroad, Kendu Bay has never developed. Why? Okiki Amayo was being frustrated by Jaramogi Oginga Odinga at the expense of Pheobe Asiyo. An old man says that Odinga could make a point of ensuring that Amayo was not elected. And what about Pamela Mboya's dad in Asembo (the late Odede). And this is he carry on from the old man to the fresh blood, blocking people at the expense of the other cronies.

    In latter days, it has happened with Ochuodho, Tuju, Orengo and many others. IN fact Tuju awaits his armagadeon. That is why Miguna Miguna was bragging to us the other day in a pub in Toronto that he has already ordered for a swearing suit as the next Constitutional Affairs minister. Half-baked Odhiambo Omamba, Ayiecho Olweny and Gor Sungu. Reason, being close to Raila Odinga.

    Thesalia? Who transfered people from their farms to allocate sugarcane land to the big factories. One family. What about Luo Thrift Company?

    On the named factories, yes, they were supporting thousands, but who sold Miwani to Somaia, not Moi? What about Muhoroni to Madhvani? I was also forgetting, these are private businesses and not government parastatals.

    When was the last time you heard the Kenyan shilling gowing stronger to the foreign currencies? In 1991 before the Bretton Woods cabal of extortionists hit Kenya with unspecified conditions. Now, it is thriving!!

    And now, why is Raphael Tuju being fought. In real sense Tuju has brought more development to a division in Nyanza, more than any leader in the last 40 years, since the Bondo Teachers College and the Tom Mboya Labour College.

    Anyway, Phil na wengineo, wacha Kibaki abaki... In East Africa, it is usually two five-year terms, by the time he leaves, ODM will have sorted out their civil war they are involved in, lost an election, Kalonzo back to Kanu, LDP in the opposition and Uhuru Kenyatta preparing to stand in 2012 as president of the Republic of Kenya.

    Godspeed ODM, Tinga, Hummer, LDP

  20. I am a hundred and one percent with Derek on this one. And please let nobody take offence, we are just saying the way things are, at least in our opinions.

    Derek you have always talked about the confusion about which is the ruling party. Since u also like dwelling on the past, I will take you right back there. You cannot solve a problem without examining its genesis. Raila Odinga, in 2000 , just like Simeon Nyachae today, joined government despite having been rejected by the people in 1997. Phil, just like all Raila Odinga supporters trooped into KANU. According to these self styled lecturers, it was perfectly in order for Moi to practise an illegitimacy, but unfathomable for Kibaki to do the same. Justification?____The beneficiary was after all Raila.

    The reason I will not vote for Kibaki is not because the man served KANU longer than Raila or Kalonzo. It is because he has refused to take to jail confirmed thieves. phil is talking about the Ndung'u commission report and I am fully in agreement that the Ndung'u recommendations ahould have been implemented. One of the prime suspects, as far as Ndung'u is concerned is Raila Odinga. This individual and others with itchy fingers like him should be rotting in jail.

    About Kibaki borrowing any idea from Raila, well, I am sure even those alleging that know it can never happen. The only thing Mwai Kibaki can borrow from Raila is rumour mongering. Great idea are born by great minds and Raila will come out as severely intellectually challenged when you compare him to Kibaki. Granted, nobody knows it all, but dont you believe Kibaki has enough intellectually gifted ministers and PS's whom he can borrow from? Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka, Julia Ojiambo or anybody else for that matter can write what they feel like in their visions but they can never run away from the truth. It is a known fact, and please let us not argue about it that more than three quarters of Luo Nyanza mps are appointees of Raila who would never come anywhere near parliament if the common man had his way. Why hasnt he 'appointed', 'annointed' or 'done whatever else he does' ladies. We should be having more than 7 lady mps from nyanza if Raila had at least a rough idea about walking his talk.

    My biggest beef with Kibaki is unwillingness to prosecute his friends who have been implicated in corrupt deals. But for Annonymous or anybody else for that matter to say corruption under Kibaki's watch is more rampant than under Moi's, is not only wild, it is queer. Derek has borne the burden of collecting examples of revived corporations, atleast to get you appreciate the truth. I will harp on that and ask you why we are able to fund government operations,when we had actually been reduced to perpetual beggars. Why is the economy improving without any input from donors?

    I dont mean to be personal with anyone but people like this anonymous being are the true tribalists. Accusing anyone who defends the truth of doing so because he is kiuk only serves to confirm what we have always suspected. That the only reason you support Raila Odinga is because he comes from ya tribe.

    And by the way, can you guys quote one economic or political crime directly associated with Kibaki even during "his many years in KANU?" Just do that and I will quote double the number the number u come up with about real crimes associated with Raila during his 2 years in KANU.

  21. Sorry, the first word in the second paragraph is Phil. I am addressing Phil there... Apologies to Derek.

  22. Time out guys, Phil and Derek are slowly drifting apart and slidding into ego fights or is it turf wars. You are some of the sober chaps we cannot afford to loose to fruitless attacks neighbouring vendetta. Make no mistake brothers, I am not faulting any of you guys. But you have spread yourself too thin addressing the detracting trees forgeting the comfort of the forest. Ama Vikii what do you think? As always I tend to play the e-cop role, no offense and apologies in advance.

  23. Taabu i am with u. I heeded ya advice and I am now a changed young man.Feel free to correct me any time i slip.

    These are brothers proving to each other how each of them keeps better company than the other. nNothing much

  24. Joe said...


    Enough said already. At this rate, i have a problem differentiating us from the politicians.

    There was a proposal by some churches and NGOs to have prospective MPs sighn a pact promising to halve their salaries. Is this still in place?

    Now, instead of arguing about who did what, how about we do something for the 17million poor Kenyans? Somebody, please check whether is authentic. Seems to be by the Adopt A light lady. I would like to do something, but i don't want to b conned.

  25. Hi guys quite a nys read here @ kumekucha!!! av bn reading the blog 4 smtym now n must say av bn enjooying the going so far only detest the view that whoever differs from the others view is a tribalist!! I do hope that ol of us r different n each has smthing they want from politians read othes want maendeleo,politicking bt all nid good governance n thats why thre is diff opinions n political parties!!! nway gud work chris n continue the gud work!!!
    Jst to ans Phil on a post smtym back abt reading kumekucha from mobile GPRS boy its posssible n thats exactly wat I do.n kno wat smtyms its fast thn the cybers Chris uses to post the wakenya endeeleeni kuombea nchi n 4 a change why dont we try Pstor muiru LOL

    call me Tony


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